Basic Laws of Electric Circuits Mesh Analysis Lesson 7 Basic Circuits Mesh Analysis: Basic Concepts: In formulating mesh analysis we assign a mesh current to each mesh. Mesh currents are sort of fictitious in that a particular mesh current does not define the current in each branch of the mesh to which it is assigned. I1 I2 I3 Basic Circuits Mesh Analysis: Basic Concepts: R1 + VA V1 R2 _ V2 _ + + _ + I1 VL1 _ Rx + I2 _ VB Figure 7.2: A circuit for illustrating mesh analysis. Around mesh 1: V1 VL1 V A where V1 I1 R1 ; VL1 I1 I 2 RX so, ( R1 RX ) I1 RX I 2 V A Eq 7.1 Basic Circuits Mesh Analysis: Basic Concepts: R1 + VA V1 R2 _ + V2 _ + + I1 _ VL1 _ Rx + I2 Around mesh 2 we have V L1 V2 V B with; V L1 ( I 2 I1 ) R X ; V2 I 2 R2 _ VB Eq 7.2 Eq 7.3 Substituting Eq 7.3 in 7.2 gives, R X I 1 ( R X R2 ) I 2 V B or R X I1 ( R X R2 ) I 2 V B Eq 7.4 Basic Circuits Mesh Analysis: Basic Concepts: We are left with 2 equations: From (7.1) and (7.4) we have, ( R1 RX ) I1 RX I 2 VA Eq 7.5 RX I1 ( RX R2 ) I 2 VB Eq 7.6 We can easily solve these equations for I1 and I2. Basic Circuits Mesh Analysis: Basic Concepts: The previous equations can be written in matrix form as: R X I1 V A ( R1 RX ) R ( RX R2 I 2 VB X or Eq (7.7) 1 RX V A I1 ( R1 RX ) I R ( RX R2 VB X 2 Eq (7.8) Basic Circuits Mesh Analysis: Example 7.1. Write the mesh equations and solve for the currents I1, and I2. 4 10V + _ 2 7 6 I1 2V +_ I2 _ + 20V Figure 7.2: Circuit for Example 7.1. Mesh 1 Mesh 2 4I1 + 6(I1 – I2) = 10 - 2 Eq (7.9) 6(I2 – I1) + 2I2 + 7I2 = 2 + 20 Eq (7.10) Basic Circuits Mesh Analysis: Example 7.1, continued. Simplifying Eq (7.9) and (7.10) gives, 10I1 – 6I2 = 8 Eq (7.11) -6I1 + 15I2 = 22 Eq (7.12) » % A MATLAB Solution » » R = [10 -6;-6 15]; » » V = [8;22]; » » I = inv(R)*V I= 2.2105 2.3509 I1 = 2.2105 I2 = 2.3509 Basic Circuits Mesh Analysis: Example 7.2 Solve for the mesh currents in the circuit below. 9 + 12V _ _+ 10 I3 6 20V 8V + _ 11 4 + __ I1 _ + 10V I2 3 Figure 7.3: Circuit for Example 7.2. The plan: Write KVL, clockwise, for each mesh. Look for a pattern in the final equations. Basic Circuits Mesh Analysis: Example 7.2 9 + 12V _ _+ 10 I3 6 20V 8V + _ 11 4 + __ I1 _ + 10V I2 3 Mesh 1: 6I1 + 10(I1 – I3) + 4(I1 – I2) = 20 + 10 Eq (7.13) Mesh 2: 4(I2 – I1) + 11(I2 – I3) + 3I2 = - 10 - 8 Eq (7.14) Mesh 3: 9I3 + 11(I3 – I2) + 10(I3 – I1) = 12 + 8 Eq (7.15) Basic Circuits Mesh Analysis: Example 7.2 Clearing Equations (7.13), (7.14) and (7.15) gives, Standard Equation form 20I1 – 4I2 – 10I3 = 30 -4I1 + 18I2 – 11I3 = -18 -10I1 – 11I2 + 30I3 = 20 In matrix form: 20 4 10 I1 30 4 18 11 I 18 2 10 11 30 I 3 20 WE NOW MAKE AN IMPORTANT OBSERVATION!! Basic Circuits Mesh Analysis: Standard form for mesh equations Consider the following: R11 R 21 R31 R12 R22 R32 R13 I1 emfs (1) R23 I 2 emfs ( 2) emfs ( 3) R33 I 3 R11 = of resistance around mesh 1, common to mesh 1 current I1. R22 = of resistance around mesh 2, common to mesh 2 current I2. R33 = of resistance around mesh 3, common to mesh 3 current I3. Basic Circuits Mesh Analysis: Standard form for mesh equations R12 = R21 = - resistance common between mesh 1 and 2 when I1 and I2 are opposite through R1,R2. R13 = R31 = - resistance common between mesh 1 and 3 when I1 and I3 are opposite through R1,R3. R23 = R32 = - resistance common between mesh 2 and 3 when I2 and I3 are opposite through R2,R3. emfs (1) = sum of emf around mesh 1 in the direction of I1. emfs ( 2) = sum of emf around mesh 2 in the direction of I2. emfs ( 3) = sum of emf around mesh 3 in the direction of I3. Basic Circuits Mesh Analysis: Example 7.3 - Direct method. Use the direct method to write the mesh equations for the following. 20 30 I1 I2 + _ 10V 8 _ 10 20V +_ 12 + 15V 10 I3 _ + 30V Figure 7.4: Circuit diagram for Example 7.3. 0 I1 10 30 10 10 50 10 I 25 2 0 10 30 I 3 15 Eq (7.13) Basic Circuits Mesh Analysis: With current sources in the circuit Example 7.4: Consider the following: 20V _ + 2 I3 10 10V +_ I1 5 20 I2 4A 15 Figure 7.5: Circuit diagram for Example 7.4. Use the direct method to write the mesh equations. Basic Circuits Mesh Analysis: With current sources in the circuit This case is explained by using an example. Example 7.4: Find the three mesh currents in the circuit below. 20V _ + 2 I3 10 10V +_ I1 5 20 I2 4A 15 Figure 7.5: Circuit for Example 7.4. When a current source is present, it will be directly related to one or more of the mesh current. In this case I2 = -4A. Basic Circuits Mesh Analysis: With current sources in the circuit Example 7.4: Continued. An easy way to handle this case is to remove the current source as shown below. Next, write the mesh equations for the remaining meshes. 20V _ + 2 I3 10 10V +_ I1 5 20 I2 15 Note that I 2 is retained for writing the equations through the 5 and 20 resistors. Basic Circuits Mesh Analysis: With current sources in the circuit Example 7.4: Continued. 20V _ + 2 I3 10 10V +_ 20 Equation for mesh 1: 10I1 + (I1-I2)5 = 10 I1 5 I2 15 Equations for mesh 2: 2I3 + (I3-I2)20 = 20 or - 20I2 + 22I3 = 20 or 15I1 – 5I2 = 10 Constraint Equation I2 = - 4A Basic Circuits Mesh Analysis: With current sources in the circuit Example 7.4: Continued. Express the previous equations in Matrix form: 15 5 0 I1 10 0 20 22 I 20 2 0 1 0 I 3 4 I1 = -0.667 A I2 = - 4 A I3 = - 2.73 A circuits End of Lesson 7 Mesh Analysis