
Name: ________________________
Hour: __________
Unit 7 Vocab: World War II
Define the following terms in your notebook! I will not accept your definitions if you do them
on this sheet of paper.
1. Failures of the Treaty of Versailles
2. Fascism
3. Nazism
4. Totalitarianism
5. Munich Conference
6. Appeasement
7. Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact
8. Neutrality Acts
9. “Four Freedoms” Speech
10. Lend-Lease Act
11. Pearl Harbor
12. Office of War Mobilization
13. Office of Price Administration
14. Deficit spending
15. WWII propaganda posters
16. Rationing in WW2
17. War bond drives in WW2
18. Rosie the Riveter
19. Double V Campaign
20. Executive Order 8802
21. Congress of Racial Equality
22. A. Philip Randolph
23. Tuskegee Airmen
24. Code talkers
25. 1943 repeal of the Chinese Exclusion Act
26. Zoot-Suit Riots of 1943
27. Japanese internment camps
28. Korematsu vs. the United States
29. Battle of the Atlantic
30. Battle of Stalingrad
31. North Africa Campaign
32. D-Day
33. Battle of Midway
34. Battle of Okinawa
35. Island hopping
36. Kamikaze pilots
37. Manhattan Project
38. The Big Three of WWII
39. Atlantic Charter
40. Casablanca Conference
41. Tehran Conference
42. Yalta Conference
43. Potsdam Conference
44. The Holocaust
45. Nuremberg Trials
46. General Dwight D. Eisenhower
47. Douglas MacArthur
48. Admiral Chester Nimitz
49. Harry S. Truman
50. United Nations