Homework: pg. 99 #s 2-25 2. Conditional: If Perry can paint the

Homework: pg. 99 #s 2-25
2. Conditional: If Perry can paint the entire living room, then he has enough paint
Converse: If Perry has enough paint, then he can paint the entire living room.
3. Conditional: If your medicine will be ready by 5pm, then you dropped your prescription off by 8am.
Converse: If you drop your prescription off by 8am, then your medicine will be ready by 5pm.
4. Converse: If a student is in the tenth grade, then the student is a sophomore.
Biconditional: A student is a sophomore iff the student is in the tenth grade.
5. Converse: if 2 segments are congruent, then they have the same length.
Biconditional: 2 segments have the same length iff they are congruent
6. True
7. False; a Triangle is a polygon, not a quadrilateral. The Conditional is true, the converse is false
8. 2 lines are parallel iff they are coplanar and never intersect.
9. An animal is a hummingbird iff it is a tiny, brightly colored bird with narrow wings, a slender billm and
a long tongue.
10. Conditional: if 3 points are coplanar, then they lie on the same plane
Converse: If 3 points lie on the same plane, then they are coplanar.
11. Conditional: If a parallelogram is a rectangle, then it has 4 right angles.
Converse: If a parallelogram has 4 right angles, then it is a rectangle
12. Conditional: If a lunar eclipse occurs, then Earth is between the Sun and the Moon.
Converse: If Earth is between the Sun and the Moon, then a lunar eclipse occurs.
13. Converse: If it is the weekend, then today is Saturday or Sunday.
Biconditional: Today is Saturday or Sunday iff it is the weekend.
14. Converse: If Greg wins the race, then he has the fastest time.
Biconditional: Greg has the fastest time iff he wins the race.
15. If a triangle is a right triangle, then it has a right angle.
Biconditional: A triangle has a right angle iff it is a right triangle.
16. False – Felipe can be a runner
17. True
18. A figure is a circle iff it is the set of all points that are a fixed distance from a given point.
19. A player is a catcher iff the player is positioned behind home plate and catches throws from the
20. Not possible. They gave us a conditional statement but the converse is false because an example:
a =3, and b = -3
21. Yes, Conditional and Converse are true
22. Not possible, y can be -8
23. Not possible, x can be -2
24. An equilateral triangle is a triangle with three congruent sides.
25. A square is a quadrilateral with 4 congruent sides and 4 right angles.