
Presentation to Internet2 Member Meeting
Spring 2003
Marriott Crystal Gateway
April 9, 2003
Richard desJardins (rdesjardins@arc.nasa.gov)
NASA Research and Education Network
Kenneth McDonald (ken.mcdonald@gsfc.nasa.gov)
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Yonsook Enloe (yonsook@harp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
SGT, Inc.
Allan Doyle (adoyle@intl-interfaces.com)
International Interfaces
April 2003
Summary of CEOS Grid Presentation &
Points of Contact (POCs)
CEOS, WGISS Background
– POC: Ken.McDonald@gsfc.nasa.gov
CEOS Grid Prototyping Project
– POC: Yonsook Enloe (yonsook@harp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
Network Team
– POC: Jeff.Smith@gsfc.nasa.gov
Tech Team
– POC: Allan Doyle (adoyle@intl-interfaces.com)
Main Issues
– POC: Yonsook Enloe (yonsook@harp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
April 2003
USGS Data Delivery – POC: Stu Doescher (doescher@usgs.gov)
NOAA NOMADS – POC: Glenn.Rutledge@noaa.gov
ESA Data Integration – POC: Pedro.Goncalves@esa.int
GSFC Advanced Data Grid – POC: Debbie.Ladwig@gsfc.nasa.gov
GSFC/GMU EOSDIS Data Pools – POC: Liping.Di@gsfc.nasa.gov
UAH Scientific Data Mining – POC: Sara Graves (sgraves@itsc.uah.edu)
Committee on Earth Observation Satellites
• Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) consists of world's
government agencies responsible for civil Earth observation (EO)
satellite programs, along with agencies that receive and process data
acquired remotely from space.
• Main goal of CEOS is to ensure that critical scientific questions related
to Earth observation and global change are covered, and that satellite
missions do not unnecessarily overlap each other.
• CEOS specific objectives:
– Cooperate in mission planning and in development of compatible data
products, services, applications, and policies.
– Provide focal point for international coordination of space-related EO
– Exchange policy and technical information to encourage complementarity
and compatibility of observation and data exchange systems.
• URL: www.ceos.org
• POC: Ken.Mcdonald@gsfc.nasa.gov
April 2003
CEOS Working Group on Information
Systems and Services (WGISS)
WGISS Goal: To stimulate and coordinate the development of member
agency systems and services which manage and supply the data and
information from participating agency Earth observation (EO) missions.
WGISS specific objectives:
– Assist EO data provider agencies to maximize the usefulness, easy access and
application of EO data they gather and provide to diverse users worldwide.
– Address needs of EO data and information users by aiding development of
services that provide simpler and wider access to EO resources.
– Emphasis is on using demonstration projects involving user groups to identify
and solve critical interoperability issues associated with achievement of global
April 2003
WGISS has developed tools, standards and services to assist access to and
use of EO data resources available online worldwide.
URL: wgiss.ceos.org
POC: Ken.Mcdonald@gsfc.nasa.gov
WGISS - New Structure
Current Tasks:
and Services
Current Tasks:
April 2003
International Directory
CEOS Interoperable Catalog
Data Services
EOGEO Workshop
Developing Countries CD-ROM
CEOS Information Infrastructure
WGISS Test Environment
Projects and
Current Tasks:
Global Datasets
Global Mapping Book
WTF Core Sites (WGCV)
CEOS Grid Prototyping Project
• Oct 2002-March 2003: Phase 1
Establish CEOS Grid Technology Core Testbed
– Objectives:
• Establish an immediate Grid capability base within participating
CEOS agencies:
Grid software
Access to existing Grids
Pilot applications
Knowledgeable people
• April 2003-Sept 2003: Phase 2
Demonstrate CEOS Grid-enabled Applications
– Objectives:
• Demonstrate Grid-enabled applications, each involving at least two
CEOS agency sites.
• Show proof of concept.
• Evaluate benefits.
• Obtain lessons learned from infusion of Grid technologies from the
Technology Core into real CEOS agency information systems and
April 2003
CEOS Grid Prototyping Project, Cont’d.
• Fall 2003: Presentation to WGISS for approval to
continue project into second year
– Objectives:
• Report to WGISS on accomplishments and "So what?" from first
• Present specific proposed project plan and get approval to continue to
second year.
• Oct 2003-Sept 2004: Phase 3
Create persistent CEOS Grid within WTFs
– Objectives:
• Infuse applicable Grid technologies into selected CEOS agency
information systems and WTFs, to create a persistent CEOS Grid that
would be available to support future CEOS agency initiatives.
April 2003
CEOS Grid Prototyping Project, Cont’d.
Techno logy C ore
Test Suite
April 2003
Data Delivery
Data Integration
Advanced Data Grid
Data Pools
Scientific Data Mining
Pilot Apps
Full Apps
Full Grid
CEOS Grid Prototyping Project, Cont’d.
April 2003
CEOS Grid Prototyping Project
Organization Chart
Technology and Services
Wyn Cudlip
Task Team (TT)
CEOS Grid Prototyping
Jeff Smith
Yonsook Enloe
negotiated relationships
network support
Engineering and
Allan Doyle
Stu Doescher
ESA Data
Glenn Rutledge
EOSDIS Data Pools
Liping Di
April 2003
Existing Grids
• Information Power Grid
• Earth Systems Grid
• EU Data Grid and Data TAG
Ivan Petiteville
GSFC Advanced
Data Grid
Debbie Ladwig
UAH Scientific
Data Mining
Sara Graves
CEOS Grid Prototyping Project
Network Team
• Led by Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), supported by Ames
Research Center (ARC) NASA Research and Education Network
• "Virtual" CEOS Grid Prototyping Network is actually made up of
connectivity from several High Performance Research and Education
Networks (HPRENs), e.g., NASA Research and Education Network
(NREN), Energy Science Network (ESnet), Internet2 Abilene, European
• Network team works to ensure adequate connectivity between testbed
– Identify connectivity requirements (testbed network map).
– Perform network performance testing.
– Work to solve specific network connectivity problems as needed.
• Developed CEOS Grid Firewall Best Common Practices (BCP)
– Working with USGS to implement, test and refine document.
• POCs: Jeff.Smith@gsfc.nasa.gov, Dave Hartzell
April 2003
CEOS Grid Prototyping Project
Tech Team
• Focus is on:
– Establishing CEOS Grid Technology Core Testbed, including
defining, establishing, extending and documenting a base level of
functionality at each participating testbed node and organization.
• Summary Technical Work Plan:
– Carry out regular technical coordination via weekly telecons,
information exchange Web site, and
"ceos-grid-tech@harp.gsfc.nasa.gov" email list.
– Learn from existing Grid contacts.
– Download free Grid software and install in testbed nodes.
– Define "template" for specifications and activities needed to
configure CEOS Grid core sites and partner sites.
– Connect testbed nodes into Initial CEOS Grid Virtual Organization
April 2003
CEOS Grid Prototyping Project
Tech Team
• Summary Technical Work Plan, Continued:
– Define and execute core technology interoperability test suite
(automated for regular testing and measurement).
– Provide CEOS Grid Virtual Organization certificates to participants
(certificates will be supplied by NASA Information Power Grid),
and help applications negotiate access agreements with existing
Grid VOs.
– Assist application team leads to interconnect and interoperate their
application sites with existing Grid VOs and CEOS partner sites.
– Identify representatives to attend:
• Global Grid Forum (GGF) Applications and Testbeds Research Group
• OGC EO WG and Architecture SIG (which is beginning to focus on
• APAN (Grid WG and Earth Monitoring WG)
April 2003
CEOS Grid Prototyping Project Main Issues
• POC: Yonsook Enloe (yonsook@harp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
• CEOS Grid issues:
– Six application projects with widely differing application areas.
– Many issues are common to all six projects.
– Project team is working together to gain insight into these common
• Issue 1: Lack of Grid software how-to install and use documents:
– Team is producing how-to documentation: Grid Cookbook pages.
– 1st cookbook page: How to install and configure Globus 2.2.
– 2nd cookbook page: How to install and configure GridFTP with multiple
hosts and multiple clients.
– 3rd cookbook page (in progress): How to put simple applications on the
• Issue 2: Lack of Grid expertise by participants:
– Grid Experts (IPG, . . .) are acting as consultants on various specialty
– Formed Tech Team to help each other and help later participants.
April 2003
Main Issues, Cont’d.
• Issue 3: Most agencies have firewalls. How to deal with these and how
to configure to allow access?
– Network Team is gathering requirements for firewalls and is drafting a
"CEOS Grid Firewall Best Practices" document.
– Technical POCs interested in this issue will review document with their
firewall administrators and will iterate on the document.
• Issue 4: Grid Monitoring:
– Network bandwidth performance testing and checkout of network routing
is being performed between testbed nodes.
– Several Grid Monitoring tools (Map Center, Ganglia, NWS) are being
studied and tried out.
– Map Center monitoring tool can monitor host machine ports and perform
process level monitoring.
– CEOS Grid application sites are linking to this tool to try it out (work in
April 2003
Main Issues, Cont’d.
Issue 5: Certificate Authority (CA): How should host and user certificates be
implemented in an international multi-agency consortium?
– Small tiger team formed to study issue with Grid expert.
– Procedure for CA has been drafted and is being reviewed.
– Planning to use certificates from multiple sources (work in progress).
Issue 6: Catalog Issues: Because EO data have huge volumes from many
sources, need a product catalog that is searchable and scalable. What kinds of
catalog components are available on the Grid and do these components have
the necessary capabilities for CEOS catalogs?
– Grid experts on SDSC SRB/MCAT and Globus MCS invited to give presentations
to entire team.
– Catalog Tiger team formed (small team to study and analyze catalog issues and
report back to the main team) (work in progress).
Issue 7: Putting EO applications on the Grid:
– Small tiger team formed to study this issue and prototype at least one approach.
– Prototyping OGC Web Map Server (WMS) and Web Coverage Server (WCS) on
the Grid.
– Will generate Cookbook page on putting WMS and WCS on the Grid.
April 2003
Application: USGS Data Delivery
• Led by USGS EROS Data Center (EDC) in Sioux Falls SD.
• Goal: Explore use of GRID technologies (primarily GridFTP and
Certificate Authority) for the delivery and reception of earth science
• Application focus:
– Delivery of earth science data from EDC to scientific user community.
– Receiving data into the archive from producer/reception sites.
• Explore how Grid technologies would replace current technologies
being used:
– Physical media (tape cartridges, CD/ROMs), primitive network protocols
(semi-anonymous FTP and limited FTP push).
– Security is major concern.
• URL: Web site under development.
• POC: Stu Doescher (doescher@usgs.gov)
April 2003
Application: NOAA NOMADS
• NOAA Operational Model Archive and Distribution System
(NOMADS) goals:
– Develop distributed Grid framework, promoting standards across
multiple institutions.
– Provide access to climate and numerical weather prediction (NWP)
models for analysis and intercomparison.
– Foster research within geoscience communities to study complex earth
systems using multiple collections of distributed data.
• Led by National Climatic Data Center (NCDC), with support from
National Center for Environmental Prediction (NCEP), Geophysical
Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL), and over a dozen other major
• Grid technologies: GridFTP, Grid Information Service (GIS),
• URL: www.ncdc.noaa.gov/oa/climate/nomads/nomads.html
• POC: Glenn.Rutledge@noaa.gov
April 2003
Application: ESA Data Integration
• Led by European Space Agency (ESA) European Space Research
Institute (ESRIN).
• Developing Grid Portal for Earth Science Applications Browser:
– Interfacing to EU DataGrid, DOE Earth System Grid, other data warehouses,
OpenGIS Consortium (OGC) Web Services (OWS).
• Interfaces CEOS interoperability technologies with Grid environments to
support on-demand user-driven data integration:
– Catalogue Interoperability Protocol (CIP), Web Map Server (WMS), Archive
Data Management, Selection and transfer of data, On-demand data product
generation, Data product visualization.
• HTML user interface implemented using client application with generic
functions developed in JavaScript.
• URL: giserver.esrin.esa.int
• POC: Pedro.Goncalves@esa.int
April 2003
Application: NASA GSFC Advanced Data
Grid (ADG)
Led by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC):
– Systems engineering, architecture and implementation support from Aerospace
Corporation and GST Inc.
– Grid support (Certificate Authority services and Grid resources and services) from
NASA Ames Research Center (ARC) Information Power Grid.
– Relationship with EOSDIS Data Pools Project.
Primary Goals:
– Assess scalability of Grid architecture/implementation for Earth Science Data
Segment data life cycle management and workflow (primary focus on Data Grid
issues, not Compute Grid issues).
– Demonstrate realistic science application of relevance to NPP mission
(www.jointmission.gsfc.nasa.gov) in fully Grid-enabled environment.
– Globus Toolkit
– Storage Resource Management: SDSC SRB/MCAT, LBNL SRM, Globus MCS,
related tools. \
– Grid monitoring tools as required (e.g., ganglia).
Data and Metadata:
– Primarily EOS Data (MODIS) from Terra and Aqua Satellites, ECS Metadata
April 2003
URL: Web site under development.
POC: Debbie.Ladwig@gsfc.nasa.gov
Data Pools
Led by NASA Earth Observing System (EOS) Data and Information System (DIS)
Project at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), with technology development
and testbed at George Mason University (GMU).
Goal is to demonstrate integration of Grid and OpenGIS Consortium (OGC) Web
Services (OWS):
April 2003
Provide interoperable, personalized, on-demand data access and services.
Initial focus is on the NASA/EOSDIS Data Pools environment at four EOS Distributed Active
Archive Centers (DAACs): Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), Langley Research Center
(LaRC), National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) at University of Colorado at Boulder,
EROS Data Center (EDC).
Technology development site is at GMU Laboratory for Advanced Information Technology and
Standards (LAITS).
Integrate NASA HDF-EOS (EOSDIS standard data format) Web GIS Software Suite
(NWGISS), which provides OGC web map, coverage and registries services, with Grid
technologies which provide security, resource access and management, Grid
information/monitoring, data access/transfer.
Work with Grid teams at Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) and NASA Ames Research
Center to make Globus geospatial enabled and OGC interface compatible.
URL: laits.gmu.edu
POC: Liping.Di@gsfc.nasa.gov
Application: UAH/NSSTC Scientific Data
Led by University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) Information Technology and
Systems Center (ITSC) data mining tools using Earth Science data from the National
Space Science and Technology Center (NSSTC) and other data centers
Explore use of Grid software tools and resources for compute-intensive data mining and
machine learning applications in the earth sciences:
April 2003
Investigate Grid-enabled data mining issues, e.g., Grid resource monitoring and intelligent
scheduling, to manage distributed data and compute resources in support of scientific data
Science focus is on developing supervised classifier of storm characteristics to identify
dangerous storms with potential for heavy lightning.
Leverage substantial UAH data mining expertise and software.
Leverage ITSC testbed for NSF Middleware Initiative (NMI), to provide visibility into NMI for
CEOS Grid developers, and to provide earth science and spatial data requirements and
feedback to NMI middleware development and support team.
Grid technologies: Globus Toolkit (Globus Packaging Technology (GPT), Grid
Resource Information Service (GRIS), GridResource Allocation Manager (GRAM),
GridFTP, Monitoring and Discovery System (MDS),Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)),
Network Weather Service (NWS), Condor-G.
URL: www.itsc.uah.edu/about.html
POC: Sara Graves (sgraves@itsc.uah.edu)