RUNNING HEAD: The Effects of Music on Perceived Stress Levels and Performance The Effects of Music on Perceived Stress Levels and Performance Lucas B. Kazman Western University 1 The Effects of Music on Perceived Stress Levels and Performance 2 Abstract The relationship between genre and tempo on stress levels was explored in a controlled experiment sampling Canadian university students (N = 46). Questionnaires measured selfreported performance and stress through the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory after exposure to a mild stressor, a logic-based test. Classical music (M = 42.96, SD = 5.85) was found to be no more effective than heavy metal music (M = 46.05, SD = 7.78) and tempo was also found to have no significant impact on the level of stress, as the sedative music group (M = 43.77, SD = 8.15) was similar to stimulative music (M = 44.79, SD = 5.53). ANOVA analysis showed no statistically significant correlation between musical characteristics and outcomes. The study contradicts past findings that showed significant impact from music type and tempo, suggesting further research into the effects of demographic characteristics on music preference and the effectiveness of music therapy. The Effects of Music on Perceived Stress Levels and Performance 3 The Effects of Music on Perceived Stress Levels and Performance Stress is the cause of a wide range of physical and psychological illnesses, ranging from emotional disorders to heart disease and high blood pressure (Jiang, Zhou, Rickson, & Jiang, 2013). More, stress has been shown to have an immediate effect on performance and cognitive functioning (Cabanac, Perlovsky, Bonniot-Cabanac, & Cabanac, 2013). The implications of long-term stress on health and job performance are of obvious concern, and there is clear need for effective psychological techniques for stress reduction. Research has demonstrated that perceived stress and state-anxiety are decreased in individuals who listen to music when exposed to high-stress tasks (Thoma et al., 2013). Studies to date have shown that listening to music produces positive cognitive, behavioral, physiological, and mental responses as an overall benefit for the individual experiencing acute stress. Prior research has shown that listening to calming music reduces participants’ subjective anxiety levels in a range of settings (Aldridge, 1993; Biley, 2000; Henry, 1995; Standley, 1992). Further studies have shown that various physical responses are achieved based on the type of music. However, few studies have explored the precise connection between the characteristics of the music and the psychological effects music has on an individual, as measured through their perceived stress. This study attempts to correct this gap in knowledge, focusing on the research question: how do different types of music change the physiological responses to stress? Neurobiology, specifically the study of the limbic system where both pain and positive emotions are stored in the amygdala, adds to this discussion. Music has been shown to elucidate pronounced emotional responses as shown by a PET Scan (Blood, Zatorre, Bermudez, & Evans, 1999). These studies indicate that music continues to affect the emotional regions of the brain. The Effects of Music on Perceived Stress Levels and Performance 4 Further, the scans showed that individuals experienced both positive and negative responses to the music, depending on their individual cultural norms. This suggests that how a person responds to music in a stressful situation is dependent upon personal preference (Blood et al., 1999). A study of 20 individuals by Mockel et al. evaluated physiological, hormonal, mental and cardiovascular changes as various genres of music were introduced (1994). Japanese Folk Songs and Classical music were found to be the most effective in decreasing pre-operative stress for all participants. However, the study showed no significant difference in objective hormonal or cardiovascular measures (Mockel et al., 1994). Research has shown that music has a profound effect on both health and psyche. In fact, a growing field within mental health relates to music therapy, which uses music to help with the healing process. Those who practice music therapy claim benefit to using it to help cancer patients, stressed and anxious individuals, and other groups; hospitals are even beginning to use music and music therapy to help with pain management, to help prevent depression, to promote mobility, to calm patients, and to ease muscle tension (Brunton, Lazo, & Parker, 2005). Results from a meta-analysis of studies in this field concluded that music-assisted relaxation significantly increases relaxation under arousal (i.e. stressful) conditions. Regardless of the physical characteristics of the music, such as sound, wavelength, tone, or volume, all of the results of the studies reviewed showed positive results of music with significant stress reduction (Standley, 1992). Further analysis of each study, however, revealed that the amount of stress reduction was significantly different when considering age, type of stress, music assisted relaxation technique, musical preference, previous music exposure, and type of intervention. The meta-analysis ultimately concluded, though, that "the effects of music on relaxation are still difficult to identify” because of variability in methods and music types across studies (Standley, 1992, 370). The Effects of Music on Perceived Stress Levels and Performance 5 Simply being in an environment where music is playing during normal, everyday activities may be enough to reduce an individual's level of stress. In the study by Brunton et al., music was played during dinner, first soothing and then pop music, and the effects on the nursing home residents was measured. The results of the study suggest that dinner music, particularly the soothing music, can reduce irritability, fear-panic, and depressed mood; it was also shown to stimulate improved functioning in the ill, as measured by their appetite and consumption of food (Brunton et al., 2005). Davis (1992) examined the effect of passive music listening on females during different points in gynecological procedures and reported that during the punch biopsy procedures, control participants (with no music) had significantly higher respiratory rates and overall pain scores than the experimental group. Subsequent studies have supported Davis’s findings showing that in most clinical settings, music will allow patients to focus their thoughts elsewhere, lowering their heart rate, pain sensation, and feelings of discomfort overall. Similarly, Watanabe (2001) observed heart rate and self-reported stress after music-assisted, progressive muscle relaxation treatment in nurses. A significant difference was found in pulse rate, but not in self-reported data in participants (as cited in Smith, 2008). This further supports the experimental data provided by Davis, connecting music therapy with reduction in stress and pulse on heart rate (1992). The type of music has been suggested to be an important factor in achieving successful stress reduction. The study by Labbe, Schmidt, Babin & Pharr (2007) investigated the impact of different musical genres (heavy metal, classical, or self-selected) on the level of stress following a test. Their results suggested that listening to classical or relaxing music after being exposed to a stressor significantly reduced negative emotional states, as compared to listening to heavy metal music. Further research suggests that classical music produces a markedly improved response. The Effects of Music on Perceived Stress Levels and Performance 6 Data from studies using the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory reveals that soothing music clearly reduces chronic anxiety states, an effect that holds true through a number of studies and settings (Aldridge, 1993; Biley, 2000; Henry, 1995; Standley, 1992). However, there are significant differences to music even within genres, particularly in tempo and mood. Iwanaga and Moroki (1999) explored this effect by classifying music as either sedative or stimulative. Sedative music is defined as having a flowing melody with few changes and between 60 to 80 beats per minute, while stimulative music is defined as having a faster beat and more upbeat tempo (Voss et al., 2004). Iwanaga and Moroki’s research suggested that stimulative music significantly increases stress arousal as compared to the sedative, more relaxing music (1999). In a different study, the introduction of calming music resulted in a distinct drop in salivary cortisol, an indicator of a hyperarousal state induced by a stressor (Khalfa, Bella, Roy, Perez, & Lupien, 2003). According to prior studies, arousal is directly linked to anxiety and stress. Thoma and associates describe this process "as a threat or perceived threat is present, an individual is aware of both the probability of danger and the immediate effects on the central nervous system" (2013, pp. e70156). The authors further suggest that the limbic system housing these emotions, as well as the systems of the nervous system as a whole, goes into alert as a result of the stressor (Thoma et al., 2013). In the Neuroscience Review, a study was conducted that showed conclusive evidence of the brain's reaction to the stimulus of stress (Allen, Kennedy, Cryan, Dinan, & Clarke, 2014). The components of this reaction are broken down for further review. The central nervous system describes the emotion regulation and decision-making. The amygdala shows the emotion and stress processing. The hypothalamus activates the pituitary through corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) secretion. The neurotransmitters show cognitive functioning. In the review, the authors The Effects of Music on Perceived Stress Levels and Performance 7 demonstrated through imaging that each portion of the brain, and its respective chemical components, were affected by stressful activities (Allen et al., 2014). Evidence clearly links an overall reactive response in brain chemistry to the introduction of stressful stimuli. Then, how is the brain's chemistry affected by soothing, calming music? According to Blood et al., the brain's chemistry is dramatically affected when soothing music is introduced (1999). Their research suggests changes in the paralimbic and neocortical regions of the cortex (Blood et al., 1999). Additional research shows the autonomic nervous system is the tool by which music therapeutically affects the brains chemistry (Ellis & Thayer, 2010). The study by Thoma et al. (2013) suggested that music is linked to reduction in anxiety in several significant ways. Their findings showed significant stress reduction through the music therapy treatment and indicated that all central nervous system qualities underwent a distinct and positive change, including perceived threats and the body's state of relaxation prior to listening to music. There was a distinct difference between the intervention and control groups, clearly demonstrating the calming effect of music on their participants. Despite the subjective benefits, this study showed cortisol levels actually increased with the introduction of sedative music (Thoma, et al, 2013). Previous research, however, had indicated that cultural norms contributed to whether music related stress reduction was a factor (Thoma et al., 2013). While one previous study showed reductions in stress levels, other studies revealed either no improvement or an increase in cortisol levels (Thoma, et al., 2013; Blood et al., 1999). These contradictions were the motivating factor for this current study. How does music of different types lower anxiety in stress-related environments? It was predicted that results would show that hyper-arousal anxiety states lowered significantly when classical music, with the slowest tempo was played, whereas heavy metal music will not produce a reduction in stress at any tempo. The Effects of Music on Perceived Stress Levels and Performance 8 Music is often seen throughout society, across all age groups, as a form of selfexpression. Young people particularly relate to music and report that music can help them relax. They will often have a collection of favorite 'tunes' that they will listen to when they are feeling 'stressed out' (Knobloch & Zillman, 2002; Labbé et al., 2007). In one study by Knobloch and Zillmann (2002), individuals were allowed to self-select into a control group with no music, or were allowed to select the music of their choice; the group with no music exposure was found to have a higher level of stress rate and anxiety as compared to those exposed to the music of their own choosing (Knobloch & Zillmann, 2002). It has been suggested, however, that because perception is so significantly involved in the experience of music, personal preference might play a significant role in actual achieved stress reduction. Some sounds that might be pleasant for one person could be very disturbing to others, depending on the fit of the music to a specific individual. Each genre of music might be relaxing to an individual, dependent on that person's taste and how they define the quality of that genre; what is relaxing is not solely determined by the physical properties of the music. The current study replicates prior research by examining the impact on participants' perceived levels of stress and the type of music (classical versus heavy metal) and the arousal of the music (stimulative versus sedative). The researchers hypothesized that participants who listen to classical music would experience lower levels of perceived stress compared to participants who listen to rock music while exposed to the stressor; music that produces higher arousal (i.e. stimulative) was predicted to result in increased levels of stress and state-anxiety when compared to the sedative music group. This study compared and contrasted both the positive and negative correlations between classic music and heavy metal. Ultimately, this study attempted to explore the possible benefits of music as a stress-management tool when used during a stressful activity. The Effects of Music on Perceived Stress Levels and Performance 9 Methods Participants The participants in this study were 46 university undergraduate students, both male and female, with ages ranging from 19-33. These participants were 24% male (N = 11) and 76% female (N = 35). All of the participants were students currently enrolled in a psychology research methodology course at Western University; they received course credit as incentive for their participation. They were not otherwise compensated for participation. This research setting resulted in a relatively young study population, with a mean age of only 20.59 (SD = 2.79). All students who were tested reside either on or near campus. One female student withdrew from participation in the study during testing and was excluded from data analysis because she failed to complete all questionnaires. Participants were assigned into one of four experimental groups: classical sedative, classical stimulative, heavy metal sedative, and heavy metal stimulative. The participants were randomly assigned into music categories through random drawing into one of the two categories chosen for that day. Randomization was conducted in an effort to reduce bias as the result of individual music preference. Materials In the first part of the questionnaire (Appendix A), participants were asked to provide demographic information, rate the test difficulty on a scale from 0-10, and give a projected grade. In the second part (Appendix B), participants answered a series of stress-related items via an existing, validated measurement tool, the State Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), which measured participants’ anxiety as perceived following the mild stressor. The STAI is a validated 20-item self-report assessment device, which includes separate measures of state and trait The Effects of Music on Perceived Stress Levels and Performance 10 anxiety, originally constructed by Spielberger, Gorsuch, & Lusherie in 1964. The test not only shows the current condition of anxiety (e.g., “I am worried”), it also reveals the presence of more long-standing anxiety, including an evaluation of how a participant views past experiences (e.g., “I feel upset”). The scale for each item is from 1 ("almost never") to 4 ("almost always"); nine items are reverse-coded, representing an absence of anxiety (e.g., “I feel calm”). The State Trait Anxiety Inventory was selected as a validated representation of the current levels of anxiety the participants experienced following the mild stressor (Spielberger, Gorsuch, & Lusherie, 1970). When reverse-coded and tallied, the maximum possible STAI score is 80 points (i.e. "almost always" answered for every positively coded question and "almost never" answered for every negatively coded question). Participants’ total STAI scores in this study had some variability, but were generally of medium intensity; the scores ranged from 33 to 67 with a mean score of 44.30 (SD = 6.85). The total STAI is the primary dependent variable of interest in this study, as it is the only validated measure of stress or anxiety used. In addition to these two questionnaires used for data collection, a third exam (Appendix C) was also administered to all participants. The purpose of this third test was to stimulate a stress response through the extremely difficult, timed examination. It consisted of 20 questions, developed for this study. Since the purpose of this test was solely to stimulate stress and performance was not analyzed as part of the study, it was not deemed necessary to use an existing measurement tool. All of the questions concerned general mathematics, with the exception of a single science question added. This exam was designed to be impossible to complete within the given 6 minutes. Participants perceived the difficulty of the administered examination, used to induce a stressful condition, to be moderately difficult. Scores for difficulty were in the range of 3 and 7 The Effects of Music on Perceived Stress Levels and Performance 11 on a scale of 1 (very low) to 10 (very high) (M = 5.89, SD = 1.14). Perceived difficulty of the examination is somewhat descriptive of the stress level felt by the participant. Participants reported expected grades (number of correct answers) between 0 and 16 on a scale of 0 (no answers correct) to 20 (every answer correct) (M = 4.27, SD = 3.92). Expected grades indicate how the participant felt about their knowledge and abilities to successfully take the test, factors that are correlated with perceived stress. Procedure Each participant was given a letter of information (Appendix D) describing their involvement and the intent of the study. A brief question and answer session preceded the administration of the test, providing additional clarification for the participants. In the explanation of the test, mild deception was utilized in an effort to slightly increase the participant's stress response and decrease the testing bias for their emotional state. Participants were told that the test was used to measure their academic performance and rate of recollection under the different musical stimuli, a mild deception, as the study's true purpose was to measure stress. Privacy concerns and anonymity were discussed for ethical adherence, which was assured by not collecting any personally identifying information or information that could be used to link survey responses with identities. Participants were informed of compensation for stress, including an explanation that they had the right to withdraw from the study at any time; one female student who initially consented did subsequently withdraw, and has been excluded from further analysis. The 46 participants were randomly assigned, via drawing, to one of four groups: stimulative classical (N = 14), sedative classical (N = 12), stimulative rock (N = 10), and sedative rock (N = 10). No control was utilized. Random assignment was an effort to control for possible The Effects of Music on Perceived Stress Levels and Performance 12 confounding factors and extraneous variables that may have resulted in self-selection into a particular group. While listening to the music type to which they were assigned, each participant was given a mildly stressful logic-based examination and instructed to complete as many problems as possible within the time given. The classical music groups used songs from Beethoven, while the rock music group used songs from the band Metallica. The two Beethoven pieces that were used were Piano Concerto No.2 in B Flat Major, Op.19: II Adagio (sedative) and Piano Trio No. 5 in D Major, Op. 70: "Ghost" - III Presto (stimulative). The two Metallica pieces were both variations that are used for karaoke (contain no lyrics) of the songs Unforgiven II (sedative) and St. Anger (stimulative). During the music-listening treatments, participants were asked to complete a mildly stressful logic-based examination. Individuals answered a series of test questions for a fixed time of six minutes, during which the music played continuously and did not have to repeat. At the end of their academic test, the participants answered two short questionnaires on separate pages, the first one, Appendix A, probed their demographics and perceptions of the test and the second one, Appendix B, probed their experience of stress and anxiety via the State Trait Anxiety Inventory previously described. The debriefing letter (Appendix E) provided a revised purpose of the study, including the information that the original description of the study included mild deception. Participants were provided with the opportunity to opt-out of final inclusion in study results as a result of this deception, although no participants elected to withdraw consent after debriefing. All participants were also given affirmation that the test was intentionally designed to be impossible to complete within the time frame given, and that their performance has no bearing on their worth or actual academic abilities. The entire testing procedure took a total of approximately 15 minutes. The Effects of Music on Perceived Stress Levels and Performance 13 Results ANOVA analysis was conducted to determine the significance of the effect of the two independent variables, type of music and tempo, on the level of perceived stress by the participants. While the difference in means between the different categories suggest a relationship, none of the tests within the ANOVA analysis for total State Trait Anxiety Inventory score reached a level of statistical significance. Type of music was not found to significantly impact the level of stress (p = .138), as classical music (M = 42.96, SD = 5.85) was no more effective than heavy metal music (M = 46.05, SD = 7.78) at reducing stress. Tempo was also not found to significantly impact the level of stress (p = .507), as the effect of sedative music (M = 43.77, SD = 8.15) was roughly the same as stimulative music (M = 44.79, SD = 5.53). When both variables were considered, the effect size was still not statistically significant between groups (p = .734). Levene’s test was also not statistically significant (p = .242), further indicating that random sampling would result in a similar variance in the dependent variable across similar groups. Neither perceived difficulty nor expected grade revealed any statistically significant differences across groups in these less robust measures of stress. Discussion Based on prior research in the field it was hypothesized that classical music would be more effective at reducing stress than heavy metal music, and a sedative tempo would also result in a more effective reduction in stress levels then stimulating-type music. That is to say, higher scores on the State Trait Anxiety Inventory, measuring participants’ perceived stress levels, would be seen in participants’ in the heavy metal stimulating group, whereas the classical sedative group would have the lowest STAI score. The Effects of Music on Perceived Stress Levels and Performance 14 In this study, however, the results showed that the type of music and the tempo of the music had no significant impact on the participants’ level of stress. The participants’ total STAI score was found to be of average intensity, indicating that most study participants experienced roughly the same stress levels. No significant difference in means was revealed under ANOVA analysis. Results from this study failed to demonstrate any statistically significant relationship between the type and tempo of music and stress levels in this study population. Previous research overwhelmingly supports the hypothesis that listening to music concurrent with exposure to painful or stressful experiences (i.e. arousal) will result in a reduced level of stress. The findings of this study, however, are not in agreement with the body of previous research. This may be accounted for by innate differences among varying demographic groups. The sample size of this population differed significantly from previous studies, likely a factor contributing to the non-significant results. The present studies’ participants had a mean age younger than participants in many of the previous studies. The participants were also very close together in age, as shown by the small standard deviation, and were predominantly female. Research has shown that demographic differences have a significant impact on response to music, supporting this idea. Brain scans showed that individual cultural standards determined whether they experienced positive or negative response to the music. This suggests that how a person reacts to music in a stressful environment is due more to personal preference than to musical characteristics, which could account for some of the differences in results from the present study (Blood et al., 1999). The recent study by Jiang et al. (2013) analyzed the impact of sedative and stimulating music and musical preference on stress reduction after exposure to a stressor. The researchers found that participants who listened to stimulating music had much higher anxiety and stress levels than those who listened to sedative-type music when the music The Effects of Music on Perceived Stress Levels and Performance 15 was not preferred. However, they found no significant differences in stress levels when the sedative and stimulating music was the preferred musical genre. Perhaps an equal number of participants in each group had a preference for the genre of music they were experiencing, while an equal number in each group also disliked the genre of their group, whether classical or heavy metal. Females also have been shown to show hypersensitivity to musical stimuli, which indicates that differences between sexes may play a confounding effect when using music for emotional regulation (Nater, Abbruzzese, Krebs, & Ehlert, 2006). Since this study population was significantly more gender-skewed than previous studies, this could play a factor as well. The recent study by Thoma et al. (2013) analyzed the effect of music on the human stress response. The researchers conducted an experiment by exposing participants’ to a standardized stress test after being randomly assigned to one of three conditions: relaxing music, sound of rippling water, and rest without acoustic stimulation. As opposed to the current study, the researchers specifically measured heart rates, subjective stress and anxiety perception, salivary cortisol and salivary amylase levels, and respiratory sinus arrhythmia, while the current study focused primarily on the subjective effects. By using sixty healthy female participants, recruited by advertisement at a university campus, the researchers were able to study the interaction between these more complex stress factors and music. It was determined that listening to music predominantly impacted the psychobiological stress system and autonomic nervous system in terms of a faster recovery after stress, but did not prevent the stress response. This supports the idea that music treatments may have beneficial effects on the human body, but suggests that since the current study measured stress immediately after the stressor, the full impact of the music on participants’ stress response may not yet have been realized (Thoma et al., 2003). Limitations The Effects of Music on Perceived Stress Levels and Performance 16 This research study contradicted most prior research in the topic of music and stress, showing no statistically significant relationship between the type of music and the tempo on stress reduction. Findings showed that the type of music and the tempo all had a very similar effect on stress, though without a control group, the impact of music overall cannot be quantified. Since this study represents a major outlier against the body of prior research, significant attention must be paid to limitations of the study methods and participants, and more research is required to provide a more complete picture of the relationship between music and tempo at reducing stress levels. The largest and most significant limitation of this study was the selection of the participants and the skewed sample that resulted from the procedure. This experiment utilized a convenience sample of undergraduate university students, with no way to increase generalizability of age or gender. Due to the non-representative sample, consisting of predominantly females and young adults, it is uncertain as to what extent the results represent a true lack of significance between the variables. Further, because no control groups were utilized and all groups were exposed to music, it is possible that music reduced stress, only in equal measure from the baseline. This study cannot claim a lack of reduction in stress; it simply shows a lack of difference in stress response between music types. Another limitation is that a possible confounding variable, ethnicity was not considered during this experiment. Participants’ were not asked their ethnicity and it was not obtained through any other method. Had this information been present it could have been a potential factor in reducing stress levels. Many experiments chose to use different procedures to ensure that the environment was stressful for participants, but similar procedures to invoke severe stress were not feasible as part The Effects of Music on Perceived Stress Levels and Performance 17 of this study. Participants described the conditions of this test as moderately difficult, a fact that could lead to an error in the results since it may be more difficult to reach statistical significance or detect an effect at stress reduction. Another limitation is the fact that the stressor logic-based test was not a validated measure and has not been used in the past to induce stress, so there is a lack of assurance that the stressor actually induced stress in the participants without some sort of physical measure of stress (e.g. cortisol or heart rate). Implications This study shows no evidence to support the existing theory that music can act as a treatment to reduce stress. While this may be the result of a small sample size that makes it difficult to achieve statistical significance or the result of selection bias, it may represent true and valid differences between the perceptions of the younger generation as compared to the general population. The findings of this study contradict prior studies on the relationship between music, tempo, and stress reduction, but it does support previous research that has shown differences in age, education, and gender in stress reduction therapies. The implication of this is significant, because it presents the possibility that younger individuals may be inherently more stressed than the older generations, which could have significant effects on their perceived stress levels even after exposure to the music treatment. Another important implication of this study presents is that gender may play an important role in perceived stress levels. It is well known that women are more likely than men to report having a great deal of stress, so this study may suggest that women are not as effective at reducing stress as quickly as men, or that the perception of stress reduction is not as significant. Future Directions The Effects of Music on Perceived Stress Levels and Performance 18 In this study, variables such as gender, age, and education have unclear relationships to the results because there was no way to account for their effects within a small, gender-skewed population. It would be useful to test the validity of their relationship using a more representative population. This would also allow for analysis of other relationships, such as the correlation of ethnicity and stress levels. There is no basis for comparison and it is uncertain whether the lack of statistical significance represents a true characteristic of these sub-populations. It is important for future studies to utilize a more representative sample with a more diverse cross-section of participants, to control for the confounding of demographic factors on the effects of the type of music on reducing stress. It would be beneficial to use alternate sampling methods for future research that capture a more complete view of the population. Another possible direction for future studies would be to analyze the role of ethnicity in the interaction between music and stress. Taking into account this demographic variable, which may be a potential confounding variable, allows for more precise and accurate connections between ethnicity and the impact of music as a stress reducer. Future directions of study have the possibility to contribute to previous research in the area by taking into account demographic variables such as age, gender, education, and ethnicity. In the current research, classical music was not significantly more effective than heavy metal music at reducing stress levels and the effect of sedative music was roughly the same as that of stimulative music. Although these findings are not consistent with previous studies in the field, they may signify a valid description of the relationship between musical characteristics and stress reduction in the younger, university-educated, or female sub-groups that call for further research. The findings look to new possible directions that have not been previously considered The Effects of Music on Perceived Stress Levels and Performance but could change our understanding of how personal characteristics shape the way people perceive and experience stress. 19 The Effects of Music on Perceived Stress Levels and Performance 20 References Aldridge, D. (1993). The music of the body: Music therapy in medical settings. Advances, 9(1), 17-35. Allen, A. P., Kennedy, P. J., Cryan, J. F., Dinan, T. G., & Clarke, G. (2014). Biological and psychological markers of stress in humans: Focus on the Trier Social Stress Test. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 38, 94-124. Biley, F. C. (2000). The effects on patient well-being of music listening as a nursing intervention: A review of the literature. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 9(5), 668-677. Blood, A. J., Zatorre, R. J., Bermudez, P., & Evans, A. C. (1999). Emotional responses to pleasant and unpleasant music correlate with activity in paralimbic brain regions. Nature Neuroscience, 2(4), 382-387. Brunton, L. B., Lazo, J. S., & Parker, K. L, (Eds.). (2005). Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics (11th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Cabanac, A., Perlovsky, L., Bonniot-Cabanac, M., & Cabanac, M. (2013). Music and academic performance. Behavioural Brain Research, 256, 257-260. Davis, C. A. (1992). The effects of music and basic relaxation instruction on pain and anxiety of women undergoing in-office gynecological procedures. Journal of Music Therapy, 29(4), 202-216. Ellis, R. J., & Thayer, J. F. (2010). Music and autonomic nervous system (dys)function. Music Perception, 27(4), 317-326. Henry, L. L. (1995). Music therapy: A nursing intervention for the control of pain and anxiety in the ICU: A review of the research literature. Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing, 14(6), 295-304. The Effects of Music on Perceived Stress Levels and Performance 21 Iwanaga, M., & Moroki, Y. (1999). Subjective and physiological responses to music stimuli controlled over activity and preference. Journal of Music Therapy, 36(1), 26-38. Jiang, J., Zhou, L., Rickson, D. & Jiang, C. (2013). The effects of sedative and stimulative music on stress reduction depend on music preference. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 40, 201-205. Khalfa, S., Bella, S. D., Roy, M., Peretz, I., & Lupien, S. J. (2003). Effects of relaxing music on salivary cortisol level after psychological stress. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 999, 374-376. Knobloch, S., & Zillman, D. (2002). Mood management via the digital jukebox. Journal of Communication, 52(2), 351-366. Labbe, E., Schmidt, N., Babin, J., & Pharr, M. (2007). Coping with stress: The effectiveness of different types of music. Applied Psychophysiol Biofeedback, 32, 163-168. Mockel, M., Rocker, L., Stork, T., Vollert, J., Danne, O. … & Hochrein, H. 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Droh (Eds.), MusicMedicine. St. Louis: MMB, Inc., 364-378. Thoma, M. V., La Marca, R., Bronnimann, R., Finkel, L., Ehlert, U., & Nater, U. M. (2013). The effect of music on the human stress response. PLOS One, 8(8), e70156- e70156. Voss, J. A., Good, M., Yates, B., Baun, M. M., Thompson, A., & Hertzog, M. Sedative music reduces anxiety and pain during chair rest after open-heart surgery. Pain, 112, 197-203. The Effects of Music on Perceived Stress Levels and Performance 23 Appendix A Test Difficulty and Projected Grade Participants will rate from a scale of 0 (least difficult) to 10 (most difficult) the overall difficulty of the test, in addition to a self-projected grade. Date: ______/________/_________ Gender: M / F (circle one) Time: ______________________________ Age: ________ Year: _________ 1. Indicate on the scale below, the overall difficulty in which you perceived the test to be upon completing it. 2. Indicate in the space provided below, your self-projected grade. In other words, write down the grade you expect to have on the test. Expected Grade: _________________ The Effects of Music on Perceived Stress Levels and Performance 24 Appendix B State Trait Anxiety Inventory (Spielberger, Gorsuch, and Lushene, 1964) Read each statement and select the appropriate response to indicate how you feel right now, that is, at this very moment. There are no right or wrong answers. Do not spend too much time on any one statement but give the answer which seems to describe your present feelings best. 1 2 Not at all A little 3 4 Somewhat Very Much So 1. I feel calm 1 2 3 4 2. I feel secure 1 2 3 4 3. I feel tense 1 2 3 4 4. I feel strained 1 2 3 4 5. I feel at ease 1 2 3 4 6. I feel upset 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 8. I feel satisfied 1 2 3 4 9. I feel frightened 1 2 3 4 10. I feel uncomfortable 1 2 3 4 11. I feel self confident 1 2 3 4 12. I feel nervous 1 2 3 4 13. I feel jittery 1 2 3 4 7. I am presently worrying over possible misfortunes The Effects of Music on Perceived Stress Levels and Performance 25 14. I feel indecisive 1 2 3 4 15. I am relaxed 1 2 3 4 16. I feel content 1 2 3 4 17. I am worried 1 2 3 4 18. I feel confused 1 2 3 4 19. I feel steady 1 2 3 4 20. I feel pleasant 1 2 3 4 The Effects of Music on Perceived Stress Levels and Performance 26 Appendix C Logic-Based Questionnaire 1) You have only an 8-liter jug and a 3-liter jug. Both containers are unmarked. You need exactly 4 liters of water. How can you get it, if a water faucet is handy? 2) What can you add to 1,000,000 and always get more than if you multiplied the 1,000,000 by the same value? 3) Determine the common saying depicted in these verbal picture puzzles. a. DECI SION b. ANOTHER ONE 4) What is the 50th number in this sequence? Explain how you got your answer. 5, 11, 17, 23, 29, 35, 41, … 5) Determine both one-word answers. The floor of ship or boat, They walk on me at sea; Where there’s a C, make it an S, The Effects of Music on Perceived Stress Levels and Performance At school you sit on me. What am I? _______________ 6) The reason he gave the press for leaving his job was illness and fatigue. That wasn’t exactly the truth and it wasn’t exactly a lie. Why did he leave? 7) Determine both one-word answers. Another word for sick, Your forehead is quite hot; Now put an H in front, A mountain I am not. What am I?______________ 8) Use the clues to solve the puzzle. A duck, a goose, a goat, and a horse all entered the barn at different times one day last week. 1) A mammal entered the barn first. 2) The duck entered before the goose. 3) The goose entered ahead of the horse. Who entered the barn first? ____________ 9) Determine the common term or phrase depicted in these verbal picture puzzles. a. CHIEDITOREF b. T 2222 27 The Effects of Music on Perceived Stress Levels and Performance 28 10) Use the addition, subtraction, multiplication and division symbols once each to make these equations true. a. 600 __ 200 __ 400 __ 300 __ 200 = 200 b. 200 __ 300 __ 600 __ 400 __ 200 = 200 11) How many 4-digit numbers are there such that the thousands digit is equal to the sum of the other 3 digits? Details and assumptions The number 12 = 012 is a 2-digit number, not a 3-digit number. 12) A grid with 3 rows and 52 columns is tiled with 78 identical 2 x 1 dominoes. How many ways can this be done such that exactly two of the dominoes are vertical? Details and assumptions The dominoes will cover the entire board. They are not allowed to jut over the board, or overlap with each other. Rotations and reflections count as distinct ways. The Effects of Music on Perceived Stress Levels and Performance 29 13) The sum of two numbers is 18. Twice the smaller number decreased by 3 equals the larger number. What are the two numbers? 14) If the product of a number and –7 is reduced by 3, the resulting number is 33 less than twice the opposite of that number. What is the number? 15) You’ve taken four tests in your class and made an 89, 92, 78, and 83. The final is worth two test grades. What do you need to make on the final to make an A in the class for the semester? 16) A 20% concentrate is to be mixed with a mixture having a concentration of 60% to obtain 80 liters of a mixture with a concentration of 30%. How much of the 20% concentrate and the 60% concentrate will be needed? 17) While setting problems on Brilliant, Calvin absentmindedly eats through 7 bags of gummy worms. He looks up the ‘nutritional information’ on the bag, and notices that each bag of gummy worms contains 6 servings, and each serving has a whole number of calories. Given this, Calvin calculated that he consumed just under 1000 calories. What is the maximum possible number of calories that Calvin would have consumed from these 7 bags of gummy worms? 18) Over the summer, Calvin, along with a group of friends, went to Ten Flags (an amusement park). There are 10 “must-ride” roller coasters. At the end of the day, everyone rode exactly 5 of these 10 rides (due to dastardly long lines). Furthermore, any 2 different people rode at most 2 rides in common. What is the highest possible number of people in this group? The Effects of Music on Perceived Stress Levels and Performance Details and assumptions Calvin is to be included in the count. You should not exclude him from amusement parks. 19) If 2x2 - 25x - 13 = 0, what is x? 20) With the equation: y = -2 - 2x + 6x2 - 8x3, if x = -7, what is y? 30 The Effects of Music on Perceived Stress Levels and Performance 31 Appendix D Letter of Information Title of Research: The Effects of Music on Stress Levels and Performance Research Investigators: Justin Yee (Undergraduate Student) E-mail: Lucas Kazman (Undergraduate Student) E-mail: Alina Sutter (Graduate Student and Teaching Assistant) Office: SSC 7333, E-mail: This study is investigating the stress level and performance responses of to music. For this study you will be asked to participate in a series of tasks which our evaluators will carefully guide you throughout the course of the experiment. You will be asked to prepare yourself for a standardized test given to all participants assessing your academic proficiency. In addition, you will be placed in a music-listening group in which you will be completing the standardized test while listening. Upon completion of the test, a short, follow-up questionnaire will be given to you. The total estimated time for this experiment is 15-20 minutes. This research project is being conducted as part of the requirements for psychology 280E. There are no known risks to participating in this study. Participation in this study is strictly voluntary and therefore you may discontinue participation at any time or refuse to answer any questions that make you feel uncomfortable. The Effects of Music on Perceived Stress Levels and Performance 32 All information gathered in this study is kept confidential and anonymous and is used for research purposes only. Analyses of the data will be conducted on group responses and not individual responses. Once the study is completed, the data is kept securely stored. You will receive written feedback concerning the purposes of the study at the end of the study and will have the opportunity to ask any questions at that time. If you have questions about this research, and/or if you want to obtain copies of the results of this research upon its completion, please contact Justin Yee (email:, Lucas Kazman (email: , Will Mayo (email: ) or Alina Sutter (email:, office: SSC 7333). If you have any questions about the conduct of this study or your rights as a research participant you may contact the Director, Office of Research Ethics, The University of Western Ontario, 519-661-3036 or email at: The Effects of Music on Perceived Stress Levels and Performance 33 Appendix E Debriefing Form Title of Research: The Effects of Music on Stress Levels and Performance Investigators: Justin Yee (Undergraduate Student) Lucas Kazman (Undergraduate Student) Will Mayo (Undergraduate Student) Alina Sutter (Graduate Student and Teaching Assistant) The purpose of the current study was to determine whether music listening has any beneficial impacts through stress-reducing effects. Previous literature suggests that prolonged experiences of stress are related to poor individual health and as a result, the development of stress management and stress prevention approaches has become an important area of current research efforts. Our study attempts to further understand the relationship between music on stress levels and performance among human participants. In this study participants were asked to undergo a stress-inducing activity by describing to each participant that they will be evaluated on a standardized test. The purpose of this task was to provide a baseline measure of the individual’s stress levels so that we can compare them with stress levels assessed from the individual after the music-listening treatment. The questionnaires provided throughout the course of the study are used to assess each participant’s current stress levels and later we analyze the results from the different treatment groups and determine whether a relationship exists between music and overall performance on test scores. The Effects of Music on Perceived Stress Levels and Performance 34 Your responses and participation are much appreciated. Without your involvement, it would not be possible to conduct this research. Thank you. To ensure confidentiality, your responses will be assigned a coding number and your name will never be associated with your responses. If you have any further questions about this research please contact Justin Yee (email:, Lucas Kazman (email:, Will Mayo (email: ) or our Teaching Assistant, Alina Sutter (email:, office: SSC 7333). Thank you for helping us with this project--your time is much appreciated. If you have questions about your rights as a research participant, you should contact the Director of the Office of Research Ethics at or 519-661-3036. References: Labbe, E., Schmidt, N., Babin, J., & Pharr, M. (2007). Coping with stress: the effectiveness of different types of music. Applied Psychopathology and Biofeedback, 32(3-4), 163-168. Jiang, J., Zhou, L., Rickson, D., & Jiang, C. (2013). The effects of sedative and stimulative music on stress reduction depend on music preference. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 40(2), 201-205. Scheufele, P. M. (2000) Effects of progressive relaxation and classical music on measurements of attention, relaxation, and stress responses. Journal of Behavioural Medicine, 23(2), 207-280.