Name: Sarah Hart Date: 4/20/15 Content Area: Algebra 1 WOODLAND HILLS SECONDARY LESSON PLANS Length of Lesson: 10 days STAGE I – DESIRED RESULTS Lesson Topic (Modules, if applicable): Unit 11 Systems of Linear Equations and Inequalities (chapter 7) Student Objectives (Competencies/Outcomes): Students will be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Determine whether a system of linear equations has 0, 1, or infinitely many solutions. (7-1) Solve systems of equations by graphing. (7-1) Solve systems of equations using substitution properties. (7-2) Solve systems of equations by elimination (addition, subtraction, and multiplication). (7-3, 7-4) Determine the best method for solving a system of linear equations. (7-4) Solve systems of linear inequalities by graphing. (7-5) Solve real world problems using systems of linear equations & inequalities. (7-5) Big Ideas: M11.C.3.1 Understanding Goals (Concepts): Solve problems using analytic geometry. M11.D.2.1 Solve and/or graph linear equations and inequalities using various methods. M11.D.4.1 Interpret and/or use linear, quadratic and/or exponential functions and their equations, graphs or tables Students will learn how solve systems of linear equations by graphing. The systems will be classified as consistent or inconsistent, as independent or dependent. Students also will learn to apply algebraic methods to solve systems. These methods include substitution, elimination using addition or subtraction, and elimination using multiplication first. Student will determine which method is best for different systems. We will also solve systems of inequalities by graphing. Essential Questions: Does the system of linear equations have 0, 1, or infinitely many solutions? Is the system consistent or inconsistent? Is the system dependent or independent? Can I really use a graph to determine the solution to the system of linear equations? Which variable should I substitute for? Which variable should I try to eliminate? Do my solutions work? Vocabulary: Systems of equations, substitution, elimination, system of inequalities, consistent, inconsistent, dependent, independent, solve systems by graphing, solve systems by substitution, solve systems by elimination using addition, solve systems by elimination using subtraction, solve systems by elimination using multiplication. STAGE II – ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE Formative Assessments: Performance Task: Students will participate in class discussions, guided practice, computer work, and whiteboard activities Students will actively participate in class examples, discussion, class work, whiteboards, open ended assessments, graphic organizers, exit tickets, daily warm ups, homework, Study Island (or what is currently available) and unit tests, quizzes, and other formative assessments. STAGE III – LEARNING PLAN Materials and Resources: Interventions: Chapter: Glencoe Text), Unit 2 ((Algebra Rescue Text), Do Now & Exit polls (daily), Homework (daily), Guided practice and Enrichment from Glencoe Grab & Go workbooks Think through Math, Study Island, A+ Math (if available), Math Lab, Online Self Check Quizzes and Tests Assignments Procedures Instructional Procedures*: Monday 4/20 Day BA DO NOW- 7.5 reading to learn Mini lesson – graphing systems of inequalities Practice with partner – 7.5 skills practice Formative assessments – student work on assigned problems 7.5 skills practice Tuesday 4/21 Day B DO NOW – which is best to solve the system? Mini lesson – systems Practice with partner – review Formative assessments – student work on assigned problems and notes Review Wednesday 4/22 Day A DO NOW – which is best to solve the system? Mini lesson – systems Practice with partner – review Formative assessments – student work on assigned problems and notes Review Thursday 4/23 Day B DO NOW test today Mini lesson – Practice with partner – Formative assessments – student work on assigned problems Test *Include Do Now, Mini Lesson, Guided Practice, Independent Practice, Summations/Formative Assessments, Reflections Friday 4/24 Day A DO NOW- solve graph inverse variation equations Mini lesson – notes 12.1 inverse variation Practice with partner – 12.1 practice Formative assessments – student work on assigned problems 12.1 practice odds