q2w4 - McKinney ISD Staff Sites

It’s All Chemistry, Mrs. Cass
Ionic & Covalent Bonding & Naming
Write the formulas and names for ionic compounds, both binary and ternary.
Write the formulas for covalent (molecular) compounds.
Name and write formulas for binary and oxyacids.
Compare and contrast ionic & covalent bonds.
Differentiate between ionic and covalent compounds with regard to: formation,
particles bonded together, formulas used for each, forces holding the bonds together,
general properties, electronegativity differences.
Predict the relative bond energies of covalent bonds.
Draw Lewis dot structures for simple molecules and PAIs using the octet rule, and for
other exceptions to that rule.
Diagram sigma & pi bonds & compare them with regard to formation and strength &
Mon 11/10
Instructional Plan:
1. Ionic naming review using packet and handout. Ch 6,sections 1 & 3
(properties) including PAIs
2. Properties of ionic compounds
3. VOC due for ch 6 today
1. Naming Compounds handout (pg 1-2.1/2) ionic
2. Two pages of practice WS (binary & ternary ionic only)
3. STUDY for quiz on ionic naming TUES
Instructional Plan:
1. Ionic naming quiz
2. Begin covalent compounds, sigma & pi bonds, diatomic ions, multiple
bonds, strength & length of bonds (ch 6 section 1-2); ch 7 naming pg 272.
NOTE pg 172 EXCEPTIONS to octet rule
3. Discuss lab for tomorrow; Differences in Ionic & Covalent Compounds
HW: WEAR lab appropriate clothing & shoes tomorrow.
1. prelab questions for LAB and finish
2. Finish anything left on 'Nomenclature & Ionic Compounds'
3. Finish first two pgs in "Nomenclature and Covalent Bonds' as needed.
Wed 11/12
Instructional Plan:
Do Differences in Ionic & Covalent Compounds Lab if you redressed
properly and have completed the prefab questions.
HW Post lab - finish any remaining work on lab; due Fri 11/14
Thurs 11/13
Instructional Plan:
1. Continue naming covalent compounds, polarity, dipole moment, Lewis
dot structures of compounds, and symmetrical and asymmetrical
drawings. Ch 6 sec 2
2. Discuss resonance ch 6 sec 2
HW ; more of the Naming Compounds handout & Two Pages of Practice
(covalent compounds)
Fri 11/14
Instructional Plan:
1, Lab is due today
2. Molecular shapes; WS & packet pages; VESPR theory & hybridization
(ch 6 sec 5)
3. More naming of covalent compounds and review of ionic naming
4. Dipole-dipole, hydrogen bonding, etc
1. Covalent naming QUIZ on Mon 11/17 STUDY
2. WS on molecular shapes to be completed
VOCABULARY See KEY TERMS at end of chapter 6/ textbook (11/10)