Roaring Twenties – Guided Notes Post- War America: a) ___________________ over League of Nations b) economic ___________________ meant many faced _______________________ c) wave of _____________________ swept the country d) return to ___________________________ e) fear of the spread of _______________________________ - Sacco and Vanzetti f) _____________ became more popular with 4.5 million members g) The _____________________ _____________ __________ of __________ system to control and restrict ___________________________ h) Labor Unrest – strikes were ________________________ but still occurring 1. Boston Police Strike 2. Steel Mill Strike 3. Coal Miner’s Strike i) Union membership _____________ - ___________________ ____________________ were excluded from membership and ____________________ were willing to work in poor conditions Politics in the 20s: a) Kellogg-Briand Pact b) Dawes Plan c) Teapot Dome Scandal – d) Tariffs were _________ which helped American Manufacturers. Government interference in business was _________________________. Wages were ___________________. Transportation: The auto was the _________________________ of the American economy and profoundly ___________________ the American landscape and society. a) Examples of changes: b) Airlines – 1927 Pan American was making ___________________ passenger flights Superficial Prosperity – What’s coming up? _______ _________________ ________________________ a. Businesses expanded ______________________________ b. Iron and railroad industries _______________ c. Farms are ____________________________ d. Too much was bought on _________________ The Culture of the 20s --a) Urbanization v. Rural – Prohibition: _________ Ammendment pass in ________ - ______________ to make, sell or transport ____________ a) Reformers believed alcohol leads to __________________________________________ b) Anti-Saloon League and the ____________ ____________________ ___________________ __________ c) Speakeasies and _________________________ d) Organized Crime – e) Why did Prohibition fail? Science and Religion: Scopes Trial – Women: a) Style: b) Jobs: c) Changing Family: Radio: African Americans : a) NAACP: b) Marcus Garvey and Garveyism: c) Harlem Renaissance: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Claude McKay Langston Hughes Zora Neale Hurston Louis Armstrong Duke Ellington Bessie Smith -