Name: Period: ______ Date: US History Mrs. Coll Regents Review 1

Name: __________________________________________ Period: ___________ Date: ______________
US History
Mrs. Coll
Regents Review 1: The Colonies
1. Why did Europeans come to the New World?
2. What was the main difference among all 13 colonies?
3. What was the economy of the New England Colonies based on?
4. What was the economy of the Middle Colonies based on?
5. What was the economy of the Southern Colonies based on?
6. Why was there a demand for slavery in the South?
7. Describe Triangular Trade.
8. Describe conditions along the Middle Passage.
9. How did most Europeans come to the New World?
10. Where did the earliest colonial cities develop and why?
Regents Review 2: Early Colonial Government
1. How did the colonies determine which type of government they would have?
2. Identify 2 examples of early self-government in the colonies.
3. How did the Magna Carta influence colonial governments?
4. What was the first attempt to organize the 13 colonies under one government? Who proposed the
Regents Review 3: The Road to Revolution
1. Identify some of the flaws in the British colonial system that allowed for the American colonies to
2. What was the main argument of the colonists which led them to rebel?
3. How did the French and Indian War influence the reasons for colonial revolt?
4. What was the colonial slogan that unified the colonist?
5. Why did England tax the American colonies?
6. Describe the Sugar Act and the Stamp Act.
7. What was the Quartering Act and why were the colonists upset about it?
8. What was the impact of the Boston Massacre?
9. What was the impact of the Boston Tea Party?
Regents Review 4: American Revolution
1. Why did the British attack Lexington and Concord?
2. What battle marked the start of the Revolutionary War even though it was before the Declaration of
3. What were the arguments in Common Sense, and who wrote it?
4. What were the 3 main ideas in the Declaration of Independence?
5. In the early stages of the war the British were winning the war. Identify the turning points of the war
and the advantages that the colonists had.
Name: __________________________________________ Period: ________ Date: _________________
US History
Mrs. Coll
Regents Review 5: The United States Government
1. After the colonies won their independence what was its new government called? Why did it fail?
2. The new government had the power to declare war, but why was that power useless?
3. What was the Northwest Ordinance of 1787?
4. Identify 3 flaws of the Articles of Confederation.
5. What was the significance of Shay’s Rebellion?
6. What influenced the concepts of the Constitution?
7. What were 2 of John Locke’s philosophies that influenced American government?
8. What was Montesquieu’s philosophy?
9. Identify 2 British historical documents that influence American government?
10. Define federalism.
11. Why was the First Continental Congress held?
Regents Review 6: The Constitution
1. What was determined at the Constitutional Convention of 1787?
2. What was established by the Great Compromise?
3. What was the result of the 3/5 Compromise?
4. What were the arguments of the Federalists and Anti-federalists?
5. What were the Federalist Papers?
6. Where if the power of the federal government derived from?
7. How does federalism create checks and balances?
8. How does Separation of Powers work in the federal government?
9. What is the purpose of the elastic clause?
10. What is necessary to make an amendment to the constitution?
11. Which powers are given only to the federal government?
12. What are the powers not written in the Constitution but needed to carry out federal powers?
13. What are the not given to either the federal or state governments?
14. What are the powers that are shared by the state and federal government?
15. What are the powers granted to the state governments?
16. Describe the executive branch and the powers that it has.
17. Describe the legislative branch and how representation is based.
18. What is the purpose of the judicial branch?
19. Why was the amendment process added to the constitution?
20. What is the Bill of Rights?
21. What is the unwritten constitution?
22. Describe how the American government derives its power.
23. What was the purpose of the electoral college and how does it work?
24. What are lobbyists?
Name: _____________________________________________ Period: _________ Date: _____________
US History
Mrs. Coll
Regents Review 7: Forming a National Government
1. What were the two main political parties that started to take shape in the early American government
and what were their main ideas?
2. Identify tow precedents that George Washington established as the first president.
3. Identify the two examples of how Washington used the Unwritten Constitution during his presidency.
4. Who was the Secretary of the Treasury during Washington’s Administration? What was his stance on
5. What was the basis of Hamilton’s financial plan?
6. What were the arguments for and against the National Bank?
7. What was the impact of the Whiskey Rebellion?
8. What was the main argument in Washington’s Farwell Address and why?
9. What was John Adams’ response to the XYZ Affair?
10. Why was Thomas Jefferson popular?
11. What was the controversy over the Louisiana Purchase? What was the impact of the purchase?
12. What was the main cause of the War of 1812?
13. What was the result of the War of 1812?
14. What was one negative aspect of the War of 1812?
15. What was considered to be the turning point of the War of 1812, even though it took place after the
Treaty of Ghent was signed?
Regents Review 8: The New Country
1. What was greatest issue over states’ rights from 1800- 1860?
2. Identify 2 abolitionists.
3. Who do tariffs benefit and how did they contribute to the sectional divide?
4. What were most of the Marshall Court decisions in favor of?
5. What was the ruling in Marbury v. Madison?
6. What was the ruling in McCullouch v. Maryland?
7. Why was there greater demand for slavery in the 1820’s?
8. Why was maintaining the balance between free states and slave states necessary?
9. What was established by the Missouri Compromise?
10. What was the Monroe Doctrine?
11. Why was Andrew Jackson considered to be the common man’s president?
12. Why did Jackson oppose the National Bank?
13. What was the Nullification Crisis?
14. What was the result of Jackson’s Presidency on the power of the executive branch?
15. What was the impact of the Indian Removal Act?
16. What was the ruling in Worcester v. Georgia?
17. What was the spoils system?
Regents Review 9: Westward Expansion
1. What influenced the need to expand westward in the 1820’s?
2. Why did nativist sentiment begin to increase?
3. What was the impact of the Erie Canal?
4. How did westward expansion impact Native Americans?
5. What act offered free land and led to the increase in westward expansion?
6. What was the Second Great Awakening?
7. Identify 3 reform movements during the Antebellum period.
8. Indentify 2 women’s rights reformers.
9. What took place at the Seneca Falls Convention?
10. Who was Dorethea Dix?
11. What was President Polk’s campaign platform?
12. What was the justification for Manifest Destiny?
13. What was the result of the Mexican War?
Regents Review 10: Slavery Divides the Country
1. What contributed to the sectional divide in the 1840’s?
2. What was the main political justification for slavery in the south?
3. What is the difference between an abolitionist and someone who is anti-slavery?
4. Describe the basis of the economies in the North, South, and West.
5. How did southerners justify the use of slavery?
6. What was William Lloyd Garrison’s main argument?
7. Why was Frederick Douglass significant to the abolition movement?
8. What was Harriet Tubman’s role in the abolition movement?
9. How did the Mexican American War accelerate the sectional debate?
10. What was the Compromise of 1850?
11. Why were northern states angry with the Fugitive Slave Act?
12. How did the Kansas Nebraska Act contribute to the sectional tension?
13. What role did John Brown play in Bleeding Kansas?
14. What was the ruling in the Dred Scott case?
15. What were the main arguments in the Lincoln Douglas Debates?
Regents Review 11: Sectional Conflict
1. What advantages did the North have at the start of the Civil War?
2. What advantages did the South have in the early stages of the Civil War?
3. What happened at Harper’s Ferry?
4. What was the impact Abraham Lincoln’s election in 1860?
5. What was the first battle of the Civil War?
6. What were southern states called after they seceded?
7. What was the strategy of the Anaconda Plan?
8. Who won the early battles of the war?
9. What led to the riots in the northern cities during the Civil War?
10. Why did Lincoln issue the Emancipation Proclamation?
11. What were some of the war time legislation that Lincoln passed?
12. Identify the turning points of the war that gave the North the advantage?
13. What was Sherman’s March?
14. What ended the Civil War?
15. What civil rights did Lincoln violate during the war?
Regents Review 12: Reconstruction
1. What was Lincoln’s 10% Plan?
2. What was the Congressional Reconstruction Plan?
3. What was the impact of Lincoln’s Assassination?
4. What was Johnson’s Reconstruction Plan?
5. What was the purpose of the Freedmen’s Bureau?
6. What was the 14th Amendment?
7. What was the purpose of the Black Codes?
8. What was the Reconstruction Act of the 1867?
9. What required of southern states to gain full re-admittance to the Union?
10. What does the “New South” refer to?
11. What was the 15th Amendment?
12. Why did Congress impeach Andrew Johnson?
13. What were carpetbaggers?
14. How did southern states block the 15th Amendment?
15. Who were the redeemers?
16. What was the Jim Crow South?
17. What impact did the Ku Klux Klan have on southern blacks?
18. What types of jobs did most southern blacks have during reconstruction?
19. Were blacks truly free after Reconstruction?
20. What was the difference between Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois?
21. What was the Compromise of 1877?
Name: _____________________________________________ Period: _________ Date: _____________
US History
Mrs. Coll
Regents Review 13: Gilded Age
1. What influenced the development of industry in the U.S.?
2. Who worked on the transcontinental railroad?
3. Who developed vertical integration?
4. Why are monopolies bad for the economy?
5. Identify the captains of industry.
6. What was the Sherman Anti-trust Act?
7. What was the purpose of the interstate Commerce Commission?
8. What impact did the industrial revolution have the American population?
9. What impact did industrialization have on Native Americans?
10. What was the Dawes Act of 1877?
11. What was the impact of the Battle at Wounded Knee?
12. What impact did the railroads have on the American economy?
13. What legislation was passed to regulate the railroads?
14. What new technologies impacted agriculture?
15. Why didn’t industry become popular in the South in the late 1800’s?
16. How did industrialization allow whites to continue to oppress blacks in the south?
17. What was the decision in Plessy v. Ferguson?
18. How does a political machine function?
19. Who was Thomas Nast?
20. How did Boss Tweed maintain his power?
Regents Review 14: Imperialism
1. What was the U.S. policy towards China?
2. What was Alfred T. Mahan’s economic theory?
3. What were the causes of the Spanish American War?
4. What was the result of the Spanish American War?
5. What happened in the Philippines?
6. According to Rudyard Kipling, what was the white man’s burden?
7. What was the result of McKinley’s assassination?
8. What was Seward’s Folly?
9. Why did the US annex Hawaii?
10. What was Roosevelt’s Big Stick Policy?
11. What was the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine?
12. What was the impact of the Panama Canal?
13. What were the challenges in building the Panama Canal?
Regents Review 15: Progressive Era
1. Identify the problems faced by farmers in the early 1900’s.
2. What was the Granger Movement?
3. What were the goals of the Populist Party?
4. What impact did Henry Ford have on the economy?
5. Why did unions gain in popularity during the early 1900’s?
6. What was the impact of Triangle Shirtwaist Fire?
7. Identify the two largest unions?
8. What were the main tactics of the unions?
9. How did management combat unions?
10. What was the typical response of the federal government to union strikes? How did Progressives
change that?
11. Identify strikes that turned violent.
12. Identify 2 union leaders.
13. What are muckrakers?
14. Who was Jacob Riis?
15. Who was Upton Sinclair? What legislation was passed as a result of his work?
16. Identify 2 other muckrakers and the pieced of literature they wrote.
17. What progressive laws were passed as result of the muckrakers.
18. What was the 16th Amendment?
19. Why was the 17th Amendment ratified?
20. Identify the leaders of the women’s suffrage movement.
21. What led to the ratification of the 19th Amendment?
22. Identify the leaders of the temperance movement.
23. Why was the 18th amendment ratified?
24. What was Roosevelt’s Square Deal?
25. Why was Roosevelt known as a trust buster?
26. What did Roosevelt do for conservation?
27. How was Taft different from Roosevelt?
28. What did President Wilson do to regulate the banks to prevent further panics?
29. What was the Clayton Anti-trust Act?
Name: _____________________________________________ Period: _________ Date: _____________
US History
Mrs. Coll
Regents Review 16: World War I
1. How did the sinking of the Lusitania affect the publics’ perception of WW I?
2. what was the Zimmerman Telegram?
3. Why did the United States become involved in World War I?
4. What new technologies were developed during WW I?
5. What was the problem with trench warfare?
6. What were the goals of Wilson’s 14 Points?
7. What was the result of Treaty of Versailles?
8. Why was congress against the League of Nations?
9. What caused the Red Scare?
10. What was the Great Migration?
Regents Review 17: 1920’s
1. Describe the Roaring Twenties.
2. What was the Teapot Dome Scandal?
3. What were Harding and Coolidge’s policy on the economy?
4. What was the result of the Sacco and Vanzetti trial?
5. Why did the KKK gain popularity in the 1920’s?
6. What restrictions were placed on immigration in the 1920’s and why?
7. What did the Scopes Trial prove?
8. Why did Prohibition fail?
9. What was the Harlem Renaissance?
10. Identify 3 musicians of the Harlem Renaissance?
11. What impact did Langston Hughes have on the black population?
12. What was the Lost Generation?
13. Why did Prohibition fail?
14. What amendment repealed prohibition?