Imperialism and Nationalism Review Name Directions: Fill in the

Imperialism and Nationalism Review
Name ________________________
Directions: Fill in the following key terms.
1. Imperialism-Policy of extending a nation’s authority by territorial acquisition
2. King Leopold II-King of Belgium; controlled Congo Basin; started Scramble
3. Rudyard Kipling-Wrote “White Man’s Burden”; meant to justify imperialism
4. Liberia-Remained independent; homeland for U.S. slaves
5. Scramble for Africa-The rush by European countries to grab land in Africa
6. Opium War-China wanted to stop British opium trade into China; China lost
7. Extraterritoriality-Ex. British people in China were not subject to Chinese laws
8. Unequal Treaties-Opium was made legal, cities were leased to England, low tariff
9. Embargo-A stoppage of trade by political or military means
10. Sanction-A penalty for breaking international laws or codes of conduct
11. Boxer Rebellion-A series of uprisings against foreigners in Beijing
12. Spanish American War-Spain loses; gives up Guam, Puerto Rico and Philippines
13. Otto von Bismarck-Prime Minister of Prussia; Chancellor of Germany
14. Frankfurt Assembly- create a German state; who controls Germany Fred will 4th
15. Revolutions of 1848-Broke out all over Europe; very little changed
16. February Revolution –Louis Napoleon Bonaparte replaced Louis Philippe;France
17. Klemens von Metternich-Austrian Foreign Minister, fled Austria during 1848
18. Louis Kossuth-Led the Hungarian Magyar independence movement; defeated
19. Giuseppe Verdi - __________________________________________________
20. Wilhelm I-First Emperor of Germany
21. Risorgimento-“Resurrgence”; Italian independence movement
22. Giuseppe Mazzini-Leader of Young Italy in 1831
23. Giuseppe Garibaldi-Leader of “Red Shirts”; led the fight for Sicily
24. Language - ________________________________________________________
25. Frederick Wilhelm IV-Refused to accept the German crown, it came from gutter
Essay hint: Be able to give 4 examples of imperialism.
Essay: What are some positives and negatives of having an imperialistic policy? In your
opinions, do the positives outweigh the negatives?
Imperialism and Nationalism Bingo Review
Name ________________________
Directions: Fill in the following key terms.
1. Imperialism-_______________________________________________________
2. King Leopold II-____________________________________________________
3. White Man’s Burden-________________________________________________
4. Liberia-___________________________________________________________
5. Scramble for Africa-_________________________________________________
6. Opium War-_______________________________________________________
7. Extraterritoriality-___________________________________________________
8. Unequal Treaties-___________________________________________________
9. Embargo-_________________________________________________________
10. Sanction-__________________________________________________________
11. Boxer Rebellion-____________________________________________________
12. Spanish American War-______________________________________________
13. Otto von Bismarck-__________________________________________________
14. Frankfurt Assembly- ________________________________________________
15. Revolutions of 1848-________________________________________________
16. February Revolution –_______________________________________________
17. Klemens von Metternich-_____________________________________________
18. Louis Kossuth-_____________________________________________________
19. Giuseppe Verdi-____________________________________________________
20. Wilhelm I-________________________________________________________
21. Risorgimento-_____________________________________________________
22. Giuseppe Mazzini-__________________________________________________
23. Giuseppe Garibaldi-_________________________________________________
24. Language-_________________________________________________________
25. Frederick Wilhelm IV-_______________________________________________
Essay: What are some positives and negatives of having an imperialistic policy? In
your opinions, do the positives outweigh the negatives?