For questions or concerns, please contact us at: Trinity College, Office of Campus Life, Hamlin Hall (3rd Floor), x2305 Monday-Friday 8:30 AM-4:30 PM. You may also refer to our website at: IMPORTANT: PLEASE READ THE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY TO BE ADVISED OF ALL CHANGES MADE TO THE UPCOMING HOUSING LOTTERY PROCESS. 2011 – 2012 Housing Lottery Instructions Dear Resident, These are the instructions for the upcoming housing lottery. We understand that this can be a confusing process, especially for first-year students who have not yet gone through it before. The Residential Staff (RAs and Area Coordinators) are a terrific resource and they will be conducting programs geared for first-years to answer any questions. Lottery numbers will be posted before you return from Spring Recess so that residents can make informed choices. They will be posted on your Trinity College personal portals at The ranges per class are: Class 2012: Class 2013: Class 2014: 1 - 613 614 - 1177 1178 - 1815 When considering your lottery number, please bear in mind that many residents have the same overall housing rating and at some point the element of randomness will enter into your lottery number calculation. Example: There are over 200 students from the class of 2014 who have an overall rating of C- . Therefore these 200+ students will be assigned lottery numbers randomly within that range. It is possible that one resident will have a number 200 numbers higher than their roommate. In addition, please be advised that the lottery numbers will be posted prior to any changes made by the SGA Appeals Committee. Therefore, LOTTERY NUMBERS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. If you wish to appeal your current room rating (see explanation on page 7) and your appeal is found to be valid by the SGA Housing Committee, your lottery number will be adjusted, not your room rating. The change is applied to the current year only and will not be carried over to next year. As we get closer to the event, please keep apprised of any announcements from the Office of Campus Life on the Trinity Today that might contain last minute changes or pertinent information. At the end of this document there is also a handy calendar of dates to remember. Sincerely, Amy DeBaun Director of Campus Life Susan Salisbury Associate Director for Residential Life 1 2011-2012 ROOM SELECTION LOTTERY INSTRUCTIONS The following pages explain in detail the policies and procedures for the 2009 Spring Housing Lottery. Please read the instructions carefully in order to be fully prepared. THE LOTTERY The Spring Lottery for returning students is scheduled over a 2-day period. Rising seniors will select housing on Thursday May 5th . Rising juniors and sophomores will select housing on Friday May 6th . The Lottery for all classes will be held in Mather Hall, 2nd floor. Registration will be held in the Washington Room. Please note when your lottery number will be called as outlined below. We will not begin the next grouping of numbers until the time listed on the schedule. After the last quad room and triple room per gender is independently selected, a 15-minute break will occur each time (independently per gender) to provide participants the opportunity to adjust their plans to secure a room. Thursday, May 5th # 1 - 200 ............................. ……….. 9:00 a.m. # 201 - 400 ............................ ……….. 10:30 a.m. # 401 - 613 (or last senior number)… 12:00 p.m. Friday, May 6th # 614 - 858 ............................. ………. 8:00 a.m. # 859 - 1059 .......................... ………... 9:00 a.m. # 1060 - 1260 ......................... …………10:00 a.m. #1261 -1461 ............................. ………… 11:30 a.m. #1462 -1662............................ …………. 1:00 p.m. #1663 -1811 (or final number)…………2:30 p.m. ELIGIBILITY FOR PARTICIPATION To be eligible for the Spring Lottery, an individual must be a full time matriculated Trinity College undergraduate who intends to enroll full-time in a campus-based program for the following fall term. (Note: The full-time enrollment stipulation may be waived if space is available for undergraduates who receive permission from the Associate Director of Housing or the Director of Campus Life.) Prospective participants must meet all the requirements below in order for their lottery number to be disseminated and to be allowed to participate in the Room Selection Lottery on May 5th or May 6th 2011. If your lottery number has been withheld, you may contact the Office of Campus Life to determine the reason and to find out if the situation can be rectified. The requirements to receive a lottery number and participate are as follows: Students must have made substantial payment, as determined by Student Accounts. Per Connecticut statute, any student living in campus housing must be vaccinated against Meningococcal disease. Students must be registered for fall classes. Registration for fall classes is April 18th – 26th. 2 Students who have notified the International Programs Office of their intention to study away for the fall term are not permitted to participate in the lottery. Students scheduled to study away in the spring will sign a ½ year contract. Any students who have received special assignments prior to the lottery are not permitted to participate in the lottery. This includes students who have assignments based upon medical need, students enrolled in “the Fred”, RAs, and Pride leaders who have accepted positions for 2011-2012 academic year, students who have been accepted to live in Ogilby, and any other student(s) who have accepted a special assignment. STUDENTS WHO WANT TO LIVE OFF CAMPUS Students who wish to live off campus are required to apply by filling out the “Application to Live Off Campus” form which can be found on the Campus Life website (link below). Be advised that living on campus is a requirement and that recent housing situations have allowed the College to permit a certain number of students to move off campus. However the number of students allowed to move off campus will be determined by how many students apply to live off campus and plan to study abroad in the fall. Submitting an application to live off campus does not guarantee permission to move off campus. STUDENTS WHO ARE STUDYING ABROAD Students who are studying abroad in the fall will not be allowed to participate in the housing lottery in May. Those of you who are abroad during the fall will receive an email from the Office of Campus Life in September asking you to send us your housing preferences. We will do our best to assign you to the housing that you prefer. Please be advised we cannot guarantee you will receive the housing you prefer. Assignments will be made based on availability and assignments will be made in lottery number order. The assignment process will begin in late October and continue into January. You will receive your housing assignment via email prior to re-opening in January. Students who are studying abroad in the spring may participate in the housing lottery in May. However, be advised that you will only contract for housing for one semester. All students studying abroad in the spring will be required to vacate their housing by noon on December 23, 2011. There will be no exceptions. Students who withdraw from studying abroad after selecting housing at the lottery will still be required to vacate their housing and will be placed on the housing waitlist. CANCELLATION DEADLINE AND CANCELLATION FEE In order to ensure that students who select rooms in the lottery have the intention of residing in those rooms in the fall there are cancellation deadlines to be aware of. This is very helpful in making sure that all vacancies are known well in advance of move-in and that students who do not yet have a room are not waiting for a space to occur. The cancellation deadline is May 4, 2011 at 4:00 p.m. Any student who withdraws from housing between May 4, 2011 and June 30, 2011 will receive a $500 room cancellation fee on their student account. Any student who withdraws from housing between July 1, 2011 and July 31, 2011 will receive a $750 room cancellation fee on their student account. After July 31, 2011 any student who withdraws from housing will receive a $1000 room cancellation fee on their student account. It is therefore very important that you keep the Office of Campus Life promptly informed if you do not plan to take the room you selected in the lottery. Students who select housing and subsequently withdraw from Trinity College will be charged the room cancellation fee. STEPS IN THE RESIDENCE SELECTION PROCESS 1. Read All Enclosed Materials Carefully The information contained in this packet is lengthy so that it can provide you with the information you need to be an informed participant in the room selection process. No amount of printed material, however, can answer every question. So please call our office or stop by if you have questions. 3 2. Determine Your Room Rating Contained at the end of this memo are the 2010-2011 room ratings. The Student Government Association – Housing Committee determines these ratings. The SGA Housing Committee will review appeals of these ratings if they are submitted to the SGA by Wednesday, April 6th. The housing rating appeal form is located on the SGA web site: Their decisions are final and cannot be mitigated by the Office of Campus Life. (Note: there is more information regarding room rating and the appeal process contained later in this document.) 3. Think About Applying For One of the Special Interest Residential Options Prior to the Room Selection Lottery If you are interested in a more involved residential experience at Trinity there are several options open to you. HEALTH & WELLNESS RESIDENCE HALL ~ Funston Philosophy The mission of the Health and Wellness residence hall is to provide students with a living environment that supports and promotes living a healthy lifestyle. Residents that choose to live in the Health and Wellness community will learn effective strategies for staying healthy and improving their own health. The residence hall community will offer workshops that will cover a variety of health topics including: emotional health, spiritual health, intellectual health, physical health, social health, environmental health, and financial health. The programs and events offered to the residents will help them gain knowledge outside of the classroom about issues like nutrition, exercise, healthy cooking, sustainability, and many other interesting topics. This residence hall will support healthy living, promote respect among the residents, and will support students that abstain from any substance. This is a substance-free residence hall. What Makes This Hall Unique The Health and Wellness residence hall will have a very different feel. The lounges will be used to support the healthy lifestyle mission. One lounge will have large comfy pillows and yoga balls perfect for meditation. Another lounge will be equipped with a television and couches perfect for a movie night which gives people a nice alternative to going out to parties. The third lounge can be used as a study space or a programming space. We are also open to suggestions. We hope to coordinate with other residence halls on campus like Praxis (the community service residence hall) and Wiggins (the green living residence hall) to do some programming and lead community initiatives. Is This For Me? Are you someone that lives a healthy lifestyle? Are you trying to live a substance free lifestyle? Do you want to live with people that share your personal wellness philosophy? Do you want to be part of a community that is just getting going and you are looking for a place to fit into the Trinity College community? This may be the place for you. How to Apply Fill out an application to live in the Health and Wellness residence hall. After the applications are read you will be called in to interview for a spot. Deadline to apply is April 15th. The application can be found at: If You Have Any Other Questions Please contact Geralyn Dias at for more information. 4 GREEN LIVING RESIDENCE HALL ~ Wiggins Philosophy The mission of the Green Living residence hall is to provide students with the opportunity to live in an environment that adopts green living strategies that save money and minimize impact on the environment. Through programs and workshops residents will develop an understanding of what it means to live in an environmentally responsible way. Living in this residence hall gives students the practical application of their knowledge while learning from one another what it means to create a sustainable living environment. Individuals living in this residence hall will also be able to share their knowledge with the Trinity College community through events and campus wide initiatives. What Makes This Hall Unique This is a living-learning community and a unique living experience. So while you will be having a residential life experience you will also be learning about sustainability. In your small house you will be working with your housemates to implement some general things to lower your impact on the environment. You may recycle, try to conserve energy, utilize natural light, change to low-flow shower heads, and use a drying rack for your laundry. You may try a few different things. Being part of this community is a wonderful opportunity to make a difference for our planet and in the Trinity College community. Is This For Me? Are you interested in green living? Are you passionate about taking care of the environment? Are you willing to adjust to a new way of living to help the planet? Do you want to be part of a community that is just getting going and you are looking for a place to fit into the Trinity College community? This may be the place for you. How to Apply? Fill out an application to live in the Green Living residence hall. After the applications are read you will be called in to interview for a spot. Deadline to apply is April 15th. Please find the application at: COMMUNITY SERVICE RESIDENCE HALL ~ Doonesbury The Community Service Hall, known as Praxis, is a residentially based service program and is Trinity’s oldest special interest hall. Upon acceptance into Praxis, students commit to take an active role in one or more of the many service programs available in the Hartford Community. For information on this great opportunity and how to apply, please go to Deadline to apply is April 3, 2011 at 11:59 pm. 5 THE FRED PFIEL COMMUNITY PROJECT ~ Summit East The mission of the Fred Pfeil Community Project, most commonly known as “The Fred,” is to create a comfortable and vibrant space for all students to unite social, cultural, and intellectual interests, thereby enriching campus life. The Fred residents plan and execute weekly Friday night social events and regular interest group programs. Every member is expected to participate in one of these common interest groups, in addition to being a generally active presence in the community The Fred’s application process is open now. The application can be found at, and applications must be submitted via e-mail to by 11:59 p.m. on March 29, 2011. We will be doing interviews thereafter and having our selection meeting on April 7th. So hopefully by 14th we will have the new residents for you. Folks can apply for the fall, spring, or full year. And if people have questions, they can contact Kyle Beek at or Scotty Eckenthal at OTHER RESIDENTIAL OPTIONS Residential Options are special residential opportunities, which may be selected at the Room Selection Lottery. While the first-year buildings (Elton, Jones, Frohman-Robb, Little, Jackson, Smith, and North Campus) are restricted for first-year students, undergraduates may choose other Residential Options. Cooking: The cooking options are located in Anadama, Clemens, and Stowe. They are a popular option for those individuals who wish to have an apartment-style residence. Approved medical assignments will be made before the Lottery. All other cooking unit rooms must be secured according to the normal class-rating procedure. Be advised that either Stowe or Wiggins may be reserved for the Sustainability/Green Campus theme prior to the housing lottery. All Female Residence: Wheaton Hall has been reserved for women only. Due to student’s concerns and requests for an all woman’s residence, the Office of Campus Life has responded and will offer this option to those who are interested. If you wish to live in an all Woman’s residence, you may select Wheaton at the housing lottery. Be advised that the space is limited and rooms will be selected in lottery number order. Air-Conditioned Housing: There are only four buildings which are air-conditioned: Vernon Place, Summit, Jarvis, and Northam. The air conditioning is not functional all year round on campus due to the fact that the systems which operate AC also operate heat. If there is a special need for AC due to documented health reasons, then you should apply for Special Needs Housing. 4. Determine Your Lottery Number and Identify Potential Residences The Office of Campus Life will post your lottery number on your personal portal. You can log in at and sign in. Keep in mind that these are preliminary numbers and some lottery numbers may change once room rating appeals have been decided as well as judicial sanctions applied. We will announce later in the semester when all changes have been completed and the lottery numbers are final. (Note: Floor plans will be available at the lottery, but in the interest of time, only at the first station in the process. After being given an 6 opportunity to view which rooms are still available, you will be instructed to write down room numbers so that when you get to the selection station you will be able to list several options. Floor plans are also available on line at 5. Identify a Group of Potential Roommates (Room Groups) Some individuals may select single-occupancy rooms in the Lottery. To be eligible for a multiple-occupancy room, students must find roommate(s) with whom they plan to live during the entire academic year. In order to secure a multiple occupancy room, students must: a) meet the maximum capacity of the room and b) the potential roommates must then designate a group representative to act as spokesperson for the group. Only the group representative actually selects a room at the Lottery, though the remaining roommates are encouraged to attend. When considering a multiple-occupancy room, prospective residents must average their individual Lottery Numbers to establish their collective Lottery Number. If more than one group has the same collective Lottery Number, the group with the lowest individual Lottery Number selects first. 6. Attend the Room Selection Lottery on May 5th (Rising seniors ONLY) or May 6th (Rising juniors/sophomores) Students should arrive at the Lottery approximately 15 minutes prior to the hours listed above in order to sign in and register their room groups. At this point you must present your Student ID. Participants (or their proxies) are called in order of Lottery Number and must be present to select a residence when their number is called; otherwise, they will forfeit their position. As a room is selected, it will be deleted from the lists of available rooms posted. PROXIES Students who wish to live on campus in the fall are required to attend the housing lottery. Exceptions will be made for extenuating circumstances. If your request to have a proxy at the lottery is approved, the name of your proxy must be made in writing to the office of Campus Life by May 1st . Please send the name of your proxy to Susan If you send a proxy to the lottery without first receiving approval for the Office of Campus Life, the proxy will be turned away and you will not be included in the Housing Lottery. (Note: if the student who needs a proxy is abroad a simple email to the office will suffice.) Proxies are responsible for finding out the Lottery Numbers of the individuals they represent and for selecting and accepting those individuals' room assignments. Proxies are also responsible for notifying prospective residents of the room they selected for them. Individuals who will have a proxy at the Lottery should advise the proxy of their room preferences. The Office of Campus Life will be the proxy for an individual if s/he requests us to do so. FORFEITURE OF RESIDENCE ASSIGNMENT/CONSOLIDATION POLICY Spring Lottery assignments to multiple-occupancy residences are based upon specific collective Lottery Numbers for distinct groups of individuals. Therefore, the withdrawal from residence of any member of a group assigned to a multiple-occupancy room may result in the entire group's forfeiting the room assignment. In any event, it must be clear that if a space occurs in a multiple-occupancy room, the Office of Campus Life reserves the right to either reassign the remaining residents or make an administrative placement. Note: Please be advised that any form of Lottery misconduct (i.e. misuse of lottery numbers, special arrangements between students, etc.) invalidates a residential contract. DISABILITY / MEDICAL REQUESTS The Office of Campus Life will make appropriate arrangements for students with special disability / medical requirements that have been documented and declared upon entry to the College. The Health Center must receive documented requests for special accommodations by no later than April 2, 2011. Students can expect to receive decisions on these requests by May 1st. Individuals who have special needs that were not documented until after the deadline may be accommodated on a space-available basis after consultation with either the Associate Director of Housing or the Director of Campus Life. The Health Center must also receive the appropriate documentation. 7 Applications will be available on the Health Center web sites or in the Health Center office. FURNITURE All college issued furniture must remain in your room. Each student bedroom will be issued a bed frame, extra-long mattress, desk, desk chair, bureau, wardrobe (if no closet exists), and in many spaces, a bookcase. These items will be inventoried before students arrive, and you will be asked by residential staff to review and sign a Room Condition Form which will establish the condition of these items, as well as the physical condition of your room, at both checkin and check-out. Any discrepancies that are found will be billed to the resident(s) of that room. Also, please be advised that the furniture allocated to your room has been purchased and selected because of its fire safety rating. As a result, any additional stuffed furniture of any kind is not permitted to be brought into your residence. PETS Students living in campus residences are not allowed to have pets. The only exceptions to this policy are fish (in small tanks) and approved service animals. Because of students with severe allergies, the residence halls must remain pet dander free. Pets that are found to be living in our spaces will be sent home and the student owners will face judicial action. MARRIED STUDENTS Married couples are given preference for assignment to double-occupancy apartments provided that both partners are eligible to participate in the Spring Lottery. Interested couples must contact the Office of Campus Life no later than two weeks before the start of the Spring Lottery in order to confirm arrangements for Spring Lottery participation. Please be advised that our residence halls are not equipped to handle children of students. WEB SITE LOCATION The Office of Campus Life has created a web site for students to review any information that will be posted for public viewing. The web site is located in “Student Life” and can be accessed directly by typing: The web site will be updated throughout the Housing Lottery process and will provide students another avenue to attain pertinent information. (Note: The Office of Campus Life has available on our website, floor plans for each of the residence halls.) ASSIGNMENT OF LOTTERY NUMBERS Lottery numbers reflect the resident's class and the average desirability rating(s) of their last residence for each semester (A+ through D- as established by the SGA – Housing Committee). Within each class year, however, many students may still have the same grade average. So, there is a randomizer within that class and grade to determine who will go first. Lottery Number assignments for prospective residents who have never before lived on-campus reflect the prospective resident's class year. 2010-2011 ROOM RATINGS AND APPEAL PROCESS The Student Government Association - Housing Committee determines the ratings for residential rooms. The committee is composed of members of the general SGA body and headed by an internally elected chairperson. The committee puts a significant amount of time and effort into reviewing the ratings of each room, in order to determine its rating. Certain attributes of a room are taken into consideration throughout the room rating process. The size of a room, in terms of personal and/or common space, the location and general condition of the hall, and any out of the ordinary occurrences which the committee is aware of, are taken into consideration when determining the rating of a room. (Note: The SGA-Housing Committee also reviews the situations where students are living in multiple occupancy rooms where vacancies exist. In an effort to equalize housing situations, the SGA-Housing Committee will adjust the lottery numbers of those students occupying spaces where vacancies exist.) If you feel that there were extreme circumstances, which the SGA committee should be aware of that warrant a review of your lottery number adjustment, then you may appeal to them no later than April 6th . You must clearly 8 state why your experience was significantly different than that of your classmates in similar rooms. Your appeal must be submitted to the SGA via on line by no later than 4:00 p.m. on April 6th . All decisions made by the SGA are final. If the SGA determines that your appeal is valid, your lottery number will be changed. The number of points your lottery number is lowered will be determined by the SGA Housing Committee. The SGA Housing Rating Appeal form can be found on the SGA web site at beginning Thursday, March 23rd and must be submitted to Brandon Lewis the SGA Housing Chair, at Only complete forms will be considered for review. It is recommended that any other materials that will support your case be submitted along with the form. The housing committee will review all of the claims and will email students with their decisions by April 20th. The decisions will be submitted to Susan Salisbury on April 22nd . The Office of Campus Life will contact students who appealed their room rating prior to the housing lottery. 2010-2011Room Ratings Single Room Rating Room Numbers A207, 401 Double B+ All rooms Triple B All rooms Boardwalk Double Quad B+ B- 201 All rooms Clemens Triple Double Quad CB C 101, 102, 103, 105, 201, 202, 203, 205, 301, 302, 303,305 104 204, 304 Cook Single 1 room Double 2 room double B+ A401 B- B404 B Quad B- A102, A103, A202, A203, A302, A303, A402, A403 A101, A201, B101, B102, B201, B202, C201, A301, B301, B302, C301 Single 2 room Double B+ 101, 102, 103, 104, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 301, 302,303, 304, 305 B+ A+ 105, 106, 206, 207, 306, 307 300 B+ 105, 106, 108, 109, 111, 112, 113, 114, 209, 210, 212,213, 214, 215, 308, 309, 311, 312, 313, 314, 407, 408,410, 411, 412, 413 Building Anadama Doonesbury Room Occupancy Apartment Elton Single 9 2 Room Double B+ 102, 104, 107, 110, 115, 116, 203, 204, 206, 208, 211, 217, 302, 302, 303, 305, 307, 310, 316, 401, 402, 404, 406, 409, 415 2 Room Double w/ bath Triples Quad/Six ABC- 207, 306, 405 103, 201, 202, 205, 216, 304, 315, 403, 414 101, 301 Single Single Double AB C- Double Corner Double D+ 108,208, 308 105, 107, 201, 203, 301, 303 106, 111, 202, 207, 302, 307 101, 102, 103, 109, 110, 205, 206, 209, 210, 211, 305, 306, 309, 310, 311 D- 104, 204, 212, 304, 312 Funston Single RA Single Quad B+ A+ B+ All rooms 400 All rooms Goodwin Single A 203, 303 Single One room Double A- 101, 102, 103, 105, 106, 108, 203, 204, 205, 207, 208,210, 303, 304, 305, 307, 308, 310, 402, 403, 404, 405,406, 407, 408 B 104, 107, 201, 202, 206, 209, 301, 302, 306, 309, 401 Hansen Single Quad AA All rooms All rooms High Rise Quad A- All rooms Jackson Single Double Quad B+ B+ A- All rooms 302 All rooms Jarvis Single Single/3rd floor Double Triple A+ A A A All rooms except 3rd floor All 3rd floor singles All rooms JVC318/319 Elton Frobb 10 Jones C- All rooms Single B Basement single CRA single B Single C- All rooms Double D- All rooms North Campus Single Double Triple BCC- All rooms All rooms 100, 101, 227, 238 Northam Single 1 room Double 2 room Double A+ 303, 403 B- 102, 103 B+ All rooms Ogilby Single Double Apartment A+ A+ A+ B100 All rooms B200, B300 Park Place Quad B- 101, 102, 201, 202, 301, 302 Smith Triple Quad AA- 203, 303 101, 102, 103, 201, 202, 204, 301, 302, 304 Stowe Single Triple A+ C+ 105, 205 All rooms Summit Single Quad A A All rooms All rooms Vernon Place Single Quad A A- All rooms All rooms Wheaton Single Quad B+ A- All rooms All rooms Wiggins Double Quad A+ A- 301 101,102, 201, 202, , 302 Little Double 007 108, 209, 309 104, 110, 205, 213, 305, 313 11 HOUSING LOTTERY TIMELINE Date March 21st March 25th March 29th April 1st April 2nd April 3rd April 6th April 15th April 15th April (dates vary) May 4th May 5th May 6th May 14th May 22nd May 23rd May 23rd – 30th Event Lottery information distributed. Lottery numbers uploaded to personal portal. The FRED…applications due. Deadline to withdraw from Study Abroad for Fall. Deadline to apply for housing based on medical need. Praxis…applications due. Appeal for lottery number adjustment to the SGA Housing Committee deadline. Green Living Housing….applications due. Health & Wellness living….applications due. Lottery information meetings in FY halls. Watch for info from your RA. Living off campus application due to Office of Campus Life deadline. Senior Housing Selection in the Washington Room. Junior and Sophomore Housing Selection in the Washington Room. Residence Halls close for all residents not participating in Commencement. Commencement. Residence Halls close for all students at 9:00 AM. Summer residents may remain. Summer residents transition to summer housing. 12