What we know as of 1-6-2015……. HB 367, signed by Governor Kasich, 12/19/2014 Waiting on official ODE Guidance Documents http://www.lsc.ohio.gov/analyses130/h0367-rs-130.pdf http://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Testing/News/Five-Thing-You-Need-to-Know-Week-of-12-19-14 Five Things You Need to Know Week of 12/19/14 12/30/2014 Third Grade Reading In the spring of 2015, students in grade three will take which reading test? Students in third grade will take the Ohio Achievement Assessment in reading. They will not take the PARCC English language arts test. Third-graders will still take the new state test for mathematics (PARCC – Math) in spring of 2015. When will districts be able to modify their order for the third grade OAA? There is no change in the ordering window for the third-grade reading Ohio Achievement Assessment. The two order windows are: The On-Time Order Window: The Spring 2015 Grade 3 Reading OAA On-Time Order window opens in TIDE on Jan. 19 and closes Feb. 5. Pre-ID Window: The Pre-ID window opens in TIDE on Jan. 19 and closes Feb. 19. Pre-ID labels will arrive in districts by April 13. World History: Requires one-half unit of instruction in the study of world history and civilizations in the high school social studies curriculum. (Beginning with students who enter the ninth grade on or after July 1, 2017) as part of the two units of social studies instruction required for high school graduation. Prohibits the State Board of Education and the Department of Education from developing or administering an end-of-course examination in the area of world history. Opioid abuse prevention education Requires each school district to include instruction in prescription opioid abuse prevention in the district's health curriculum. Science End of Course Assessment Math/Science Supervisor update via Carl Jones Credit and thanks to Angela McMurry K-12 Science Curriculum Specialist Darke County ESC Comments from Dave Schklar, Additional Considerations Additional clarifications from Cathy Holmes, ODE Science Consultant in shared conversation with Angela There will be no biology test available for students this year. The first test available for biology will be next fall for block scheduled students. Students taking physical science this year for high school credit as 9th graders will take the physical science PBA and EOY assessments. When the current freshmen are sophomores, taking Biology, they will take the biology PBA and EOY assessments. This year's freshmen (Class of 2018) are the only group (as of today) that may have to take two science tests to go toward their graduation requirement depending on the course sequence. ***Note, after this group takes the two courses (Physical Science and Biology) and assessments, they can choose which one they actually want to go toward the "points." How this will happen, I don't logistically know. Potentially some sort of communication with guidance/administration by the student as to which score they want to keep and which one they want to dump.*** If a student is currently in the 9th grade and is enrolled in a biology course, they will not take a physical science test this year, nor will they take the biology test next year. They will be "grandfathered" in with a score. Again, the logistics of that are not set in stone as to whether it will be an automatic score of 3 for all students or if their end of the year course grade will be equivalent to a 5=A, 4=B, 3=C etc. Some of you have asked if a student is enrolled in physical science this year and biology next year, can they just skip the physical science test this year and take the biology test next year...the answer is NO. See above. Cathy said "if they are enrolled in the course, they take the test." Students in 8th grade this year (Class of 2019) that are taking physical science for high school credit will take the physical science test this year. Then, when they take biology as freshmen or sophomores, they will take that test as well. Current 8th grade students taking the integrated science course for 8th graders will take the 8th grade PBA and EOY this year and then only be responsible for the biology test as either freshmen or sophomores depending on when the biology course is offered. Does IB Biology or AP Biology count as the required biology course and would the students take the test upon completion of those?.... I don't know and ODE has not decided yet. Is there ever a situation where a high school student "skips" biology? How would they be tested?...Again, this situation has not been worked out yet. As always….stay tuned! Integrated mathematics examinations in lieu of algebra and geometry examinations The bill permits school districts or schools that utilize an integrated approach to mathematics instruction to do either, or both, of the following: (1) Replace the required Algebra I end-of-course examination for an integrated mathematics I end-of-course examination; and (2) Replace the required geometry end-of-course examination for an integrated mathematics II end-of-course examination. College and career readiness assessment The bill revises the law regarding the nationally standardized college and career readiness assessment to require the Superintendent of Public Instruction and Chancellor of the Board of Regents to select multiple assessments, instead of a single assessment, as in current law, from which school districts and schools may choose one to administer to their students. The bill also requires that the college and career readiness assessment be administered to all eleventh grade students in the spring of the school year. Reporting of assessment scores Under the bill, the Department of Education, or an entity with which the Department contracts for the scoring of state assessments, must send to each district and school a list of individual scores for all students who took an assessment in the 2014-2015 school year not later than November 15, 2015. Current law requires that such scores be sent within 60 days after the administration of an assessment, but in no case shall the scores be returned later than the 15th day of June following the assessment administration.