World War One Review

World War One
Test Review Session
• Militarism
– The process of building
up a strong military. Many nations
were building up strong militaries in
order to spread their power. This
helped lead to WWI
• Alliances
– This is when nations join
together for defense. Nations grouped
together prior to WWI and when one
little thing happened, a nations got
dragged in because of alliances.
• Imperialism
– When big nations take
over little countries. Nations were
expanding, developing their armies,
and coming into conflict with each
other over expansion.
• Nationalism
– Intense loyalty to one’s
country. Everyone was very willing to
fight for their country. People who
didn’t have their own country, were
willing to fight/kill to get them.
• Unrestricted
Submarine Warfare –
Germany’s plan to attack any ship
that they saw near Britain or France.
This lead to US ships being sunk and
drew us into the war
• Democracy
– Allows people to pick
their leaders. When Russia became a
democracy, President Wilson was able
to claim that the war was for
democracy because the Allies were
democratic and the Central Powers
were not.
• Loans
– Giving someone money that
they’ll pay back later. US banks
loaned a lot of money to Britain and
France. We were worried that if they
lost the war, they wouldn’t be able to
pay us back, so we joined.
By the way, we won.
• Mobilization
– Everything that a
nation does to get ready to fight. The
process of mobilization is a difficult
one, but essential for winning a war.
• Propaganda
– Materials used to
persuade or convince people. The US
used propaganda to help recruit army
guys and help pay for the war. Allies
used propaganda to convince the US
to join
• Rationing
– Limiting the amount of
something that people can consume
(food, metal, etc…) In order to supply
the army, the US rationed items on
the home front.
• Dissent
– To disagree. Many people,
like Charles Schenck, disagreed with
the war and opposed it. This lead to
limitations on their rights.
• Liberty
Bonds – Loans made to
the government for the war.
The US sold these bonds to
finance supplies.
• National
War Labor Board – This group
was in charge of the mobilization effort.
They centralized preparation and made
sure that everything was taken care of
because stuff doesn’t just happen, people
have to make it happen.