1 2 3 4 - AdvancED

Table of Contents
Section 1: Overview ............................................................................................ 2
Overview ........................................................................................................................... 2
Similarities and Differences of AdvancED Standards and Indicators and NSBECS Benchmarks
.......................................................................................................................................... 2
Suggestions for Use ........................................................................................................... 3
Integrated Sequencing Process ............................................................................................... 3
Suggestions for Schools that Complete all Rubrics within a Five-Year Time Period .............. 5
Suggestions for Schools Completing all Rubrics within One Year .......................................... 6
Acknowledgments ............................................................................................................. 7
SAMPLE: National Standards and Benchmarks for Effective Catholic Elementary and
Secondary Schools Rubrics for Benchmarks ........................................................................ 8
Section 2: Analytic Diagnostic Comparing NBSECS Benchmarks to AdvancED
Standards, Indicators and Concepts .................................................................. 11
Standard 1: Purpose and Direction ................................................................................... 11
1.1 The school engages in a systematic, inclusive and comprehensive process to review,
revise and communicate a school purpose for student success. ..................................... 11
1.2 The school leadership and staff commit to a culture that is based on shared values
and beliefs about teaching and learning and supports challenging, equitable educational
programs and learning experiences for all students that include achievement of
learning, thinking and life skills. ........................................................................................ 12
1.3 The school’s leadership implements a continuous improvement process that
provides clear direction for improving conditions that support student learning. .......... 14
Standard 2: Governance and Leadership .......................................................................... 17
2.1 The governing body establishes policies and supports practices that ensure effective
administration of the school. ............................................................................................ 17
2.2 The governing body operates responsibly and functions effectively. ........................ 18
2.3 The governing body ensures that the school leadership has the autonomy to meet
goals for achievement and instruction and to manage day-to-day operations effectively.
........................................................................................................................................... 19
2.4 Leadership and staff foster a culture consistent with the school’s purpose and
direction. ........................................................................................................................... 20
2.5 Leadership engages stakeholders effectively in support of the school’s purpose and
direction. ........................................................................................................................... 21
2.6 Leadership and staff supervision and evaluation processes result in improved
professional practice and student success. ...................................................................... 23
Standard 3: Teaching and Assessing for Learning ............................................................. 25
© AdvancED® 2013
3.1 The school’s curriculum provides equitable and challenging learning experiences
that ensure all students have sufficient opportunities to develop learning, thinking and
life skills that lead to success at the next level. ................................................................ 25
3.2 Curriculum, instruction and assessment are monitored and adjusted systematically
in response to data from multiple assessments of student learning and an examination
of professional practice. ................................................................................................... 26
3.3 Teachers engage students in their learning through instructional strategies that
ensure achievement of learning expectations. ................................................................ 27
3.4 School leaders monitor and support the improvement of instructional practices of
teachers to ensure student success. ................................................................................. 28
3.5 Teachers participate in collaborative learning communities to improve instruction
and student learning. ........................................................................................................ 29
3.6 Teachers implement the school’s instructional process in support of student
learning. ............................................................................................................................ 30
3.7 Mentoring, coaching, and induction programs support instructional improvement
consistent with the school’s values and beliefs about teaching and learning. ........... Error!
Bookmark not defined.
3.8 The school engages families in meaningful ways in their children’s education and
keeps them informed of their children’s learning progress. ............................................ 32
3.9 The school has a formal structure whereby each student is well known by at least
one adult advocate in the school who supports that student’s educational experience. 32
3.10 Grading and reporting are based on clearly defined criteria that represent the
attainment of content knowledge and skills and are consistent across grade levels and
courses. ............................................................................................................................. 33
3.11 All staff members participate in a continuous program of professional learning. .. 34
3.12 The school provides and coordinates learning support services to meet the unique
learning needs of students. .............................................................................................. 35
Standard 4: Resources and Support Systems..................................................................... 37
4.1 Qualified professional and support staff are sufficient in number to fulfill their roles
and responsibilities necessary to support the school’s purpose, direction and the
educational program......................................................................................................... 37
4.2 Instructional time, material resources, and fiscal resources are sufficient to support
the purpose and direction of the school. ............................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
4.3 The school maintains facilities, services and equipment to provide a safe, clean and
healthy environment for all students and staff. ............................................................... 39
4.4 Students and school personnel use a range of media and information resources to
support the school’s educational programs. .................................................................... 40
© AdvancED® 2013
4.5 The technology infrastructure supports the school’s teaching, learning and
operational needs. ............................................................................................................ 41
4.6 The school provides support services to meet the physical, social and emotional
needs of the student population being served. ............................................................... 42
4.7 The school provides services that support the counseling, assessment, referral,
educational and career planning needs of all students.................................................... 43
Standard 5: Using Results for Continuous Improvement ................................................... 45
5.1 The school establishes and maintains a clearly defined and comprehensive student
assessment system. .......................................................................................................... 45
5.2 Professional and support staff continuously collect, analyze and apply learning from
a range of data sources, including comparison and trend data about student learning,
instruction, program evaluation and organizational conditions. ..................................... 46
5.3 Professional and support staff are trained in the evaluation, interpretation and use
of data. .............................................................................................................................. 47
5.4 The school engages in a continuous process to determine verifiable improvement in
student learning, including readiness for and success at the next level. ......................... 47
5.5 Leadership monitors and communicates comprehensive information about student
learning, conditions that support student learning and the achievement of school
improvement goals to stakeholders. ................................................................................ 48
AdvancED Standards and Indicators Rubric Concepts Not Aligned to NSBECS Benchmarks
SECTION 3: National Standards and Benchmarks for Effective Catholic
Elementary and Secondary Schools (NSBECS) Criteria Aligned to AdvancED
School Standards Indicators .............................................................................. 57
© AdvancED® 2013
Section 1: Overview
This document is designed to be used in conjunction with the National Catholic Standards
Project rubrics which can be downloaded from the project’s website
http://www.catholicschoolstandards.org, and the AdvancED School Self Assessment Concept
Maps. This process intends to allow schools to become identifiably Catholic and use Catholic
Identity as the basis for preparing for an AdvancED School or Systems Accreditation External
Catholic schools and school systems have unique structures, sizes, accountabilities, funding
sources, cultures, charisms and histories that affect the ways in which schools’ accreditation
reports and processes are prepared, reported and reviewed by external teams. In all cases, the
accreditation process begins with a Self Assessment. Sometime during a five-year period, all
schools must assess their current situation, which includes reviewing survey information and
student performance data. Catholic schools may wish to focus their assessment from a Catholic
perspective first. This document will assist school principals to lead the review of the NSBECS
indicators and align the information to the AdvancED accreditation process so that duplicated
effort can be minimized. In essence, this document is mindful of the busy principal of a Catholic
school and is an optional process for schools and systems wishing to more deeply understand
and embrace their school’s Catholic identity.
Similarities and Differences of AdvancED Standards and Indicators and
NSBECS Benchmarks
We have provided a few talking points to briefly explain the differences in the standards and
 Organizational Structure
o NSBECS Standards are framed by four domains, 13 standards and 70
benchmarks. Each benchmark is accompanied by a four-point narrative rubric,
each with one or more concepts.
o AdvancED School Standards are framed by five standards and 33 indicators. Each
indicator is accompanied by a four-point rubric with one or more concepts and a
concept map that helps schools identify specific concepts within the indicator.
 Content Alignment
AdvancED 5 Standards
Purpose and Direction (3)
Governance and Leadership (6)
Teaching and Assessing for Learning (12)
Resources and Support Systems (7) &
Using Results for Continuous Improvement (5)
© AdvancED® 2013
NSBECS 4 Domains
(Standards, Benchmarks)
Mission and Catholic Identity (4, 21)
Governance and Leadership (2, 13)
Academic Excellence (3, 18)
Operational Vitality (4, 18)
Section 1: Overview
All 70 NSBECS Benchmarks are aligned with the AdvancED indicators at the concept level
within the narrative rubrics. Of the 108 AdvancED rubric concepts, all but 17 are aligned
to the NSBECS criteria. This means that 84 percent of evidence gathering can be
conducted solely through the Catholic Criteria and that only 16 percent needs to be
completed in addition to completing the AdvancED concept rubrics. Section 2 of this
document places the AdvancED Standards and Indicators first and aligns the NSBECS
benchmarks to the AdvancED Level 4 concept of the AdvancED indicators. Section 3 of
this document places the NSBECS Benchmarks first and shows the corresponding
AdvancED alignment to the indicator.
Suggestions for Use
Many of the suggestions in this document depend upon school size, available staff and the time
the school has to use the process effectively. From a practical standpoint, the AdvancED
process (from seven standards to five standards) assists school principals in focusing upon
continuous, rather than episodic, school improvement. This means that a school could
conceivably host a review team at any point in a five-year period. The types of preparatory
work would depend upon the school’s needs and where they are in their improvement process.
AdvancED has worked diligently to help schools engage with what works for them. Regarding
accrediting Catholic schools, this document is the bridge between the NSBECS benchmarks and
the AdvancED Standards and Indicators and the school’s chosen improvement process.
Integrated Sequencing Process
The Integrative Sequencing Process has been designed by AdvancED to enable the NSBECS to
be seamlessly integrated into the AdvancED accreditation process. The Integrative Sequencing
Process consists of 12 sequential steps for completing the AdvancED Internal Review process
for schools. The process is designed to enable the NSBECS to serve as the core evidence
gathering resource for the AdvancED Self Assessment and enable schools to integrate the
NSBECS into the accreditation process with minimal duplication of effort. The “Supplemental
Guidebook for School Level Standards Self Assessment and Catholic Identity” aligns NSBECS to
the AdvancED indicators and performance rubrics and enable a school to use their completed
NSBECS diagnostic to assist them in determining their level of adherence to the AdvancED
standards and indicators. The alignment document in the Guidebook also identifies the
AdvancED indicators/concepts that are not aligned to the NSBECS, enabling schools to use that
document to address both AdvancED and NSBECS criteria in a single location. The Integrative
Sequencing Process is outlined below for your review.
Step One: School leadership familiarizes itself with the accreditation process and protocol for
Internal and External Review.
Step Two: Review the accreditation requirements.
a. Profile
© AdvancED® 2013
Section 1: Overview
Executive Summary
Catholic Standards and Benchmarks
AdvancED Standards
Catholic Characteristics and Program Effectiveness Surveys
AdvancED Stakeholder Surveys
Stakeholder Feedback Diagnostic
Student Performance Diagnostic
Improvement Plan
Step Three: Based upon an understanding of the accreditation requirements, school leadership
designs an Internal Review Process to meet requirements. (Models reviewed in training)
Example 1: Domain Structure
Internal Review committee (three individuals per domain – total of 12)
Steering Committee (one person per domain – plus Administrative rep – total of 5)
1. Mission and Catholic Identity – Purpose and Direction
2. Governance and Leadership – Governance and Leadership
3. Academic Excellence – Teaching and Assessing for Learning
4. Operational Vitality – Resources and Support Systems & Using Results for
Continuous Improvement
Step Four: Update profile information.
Step Five: Complete student performance diagnostic. The student performance diagnostic
serves in a threefold capacity:
a. Determine the level of student performance.
b. A source of evidence for meeting the AdvancED indicators.
c. A source for identifying priorities to be addressed in the school improvement plan.
Step Six: Administer all applicable stakeholder surveys.
Step Seven: Analyze survey results and complete the stakeholder feedback diagnostic. The
stakeholder feedback diagnostic serves in a threefold capacity:
a. Determine the level of stakeholder satisfaction with the quality of the school program.
b. A source of evidence for meeting the AdvancED indicators.
c. A source for identifying priorities to be addressed in the school improvement plan.
Step Eight: Perform an Internal Assessment Review of Catholic Standards and Benchmarks.
Step Nine: Perform an Internal Assessment Review of all AdvancED Standards Indicators and
Assurances utilizing the AdvancED/Catholic Criteria Alignment Document to apply the Catholic
Standards and Benchmarks identified evidence to address related AdvancED Standards and
Indicators and Assurances.
© AdvancED® 2013
Section 1: Overview
Step Ten: Create Internal Improvement Plan.
Step Eleven: Write Executive Summary.
Step Twelve: Prepare to Host External Review Team.
Suggestions for Schools that Complete all Rubrics within a Five-Year Time Period
Year 1:
 Ask the Catholic School Office to make available the Catholic Identity content in ASSIST
 Administer NSBECS Catholic Identity surveys
 Complete NSBECS rubrics for Mission and Catholic Identity
 Review results from surveys and rubrics
 Develop improvement goals related to the school’s Catholic mission
 Develop plans to strengthen communication with all stakeholders
 Understand and articulate the school’s core values and affirm the school’s charism(s)
 Consider the necessary structures for effectively assisting teachers to collaborate
Year 2:
 Summer/First Semester
o Report Year 1 survey results
o Complete AdvancED rubrics
o Review student performance data
o Complete NSBECS rubrics for Academic Excellence
o Complete AdvancED rubrics for Standard 3, Teaching and Assessing for Learning
 Second Semester
o Develop teams to complete assessment rubrics for NSBECS rubrics for
Governance and Leadership and for Operational Vitality
o Review results of NSBECS rubrics and AdvancED surveys
o Use ASSIST to develop student performance goals and processes to begin Year 3
o Train leaders to lead goal teams
o Create collaborative time for professionals where goal teams can work together
Year 3:
 Report Year 2 survey results
 Administer NSBECS surveys; compare results with results from Year 1
 Review AdvancED Standard 1: Mission and Purpose Indicators; complete Concept Map
for Standard 1
 Use results from NSBECS rubrics to complete Section 2 of this document; consolidate
into one score for each AdvancED indicator
© AdvancED® 2013
Section 1: Overview
Use results from Section 2 to inform the Self Assessment of AdvancED School Standards
and Indicators for Standards 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
Begin to operationalize school improvement plans related to specific goals
Gather artifacts, arranged by AdvancED indicators
Revise school improvement plan for goals in ASSIST
Develop local assessments related to student performance
Determine when to host external review
Year 4:
 Report Years 1 and 3 survey results
 Administer AdvancED surveys; compare results with results from Year 2
 Develop team structures to review AdvancED and NSBECS benchmarks
AdvancED 5 Standards
Purpose and Direction (3)
Governance and Leadership (6)
Teaching and Assessing for Learning (12)
Resources and Support Systems (7) &
Using Results for Continuous Improvement (5)
Year 5:
NSBECS 4 Domains
(Standards, Benchmarks)
Mission and Catholic Identity (4, 21)
Governance and Leadership (2, 13)
Academic Excellence (3, 18)
Operational Vitality (4, 18)
Review rubric assessments from AdvancED and NSBECS
Prepare for and host External Review
Report Years 2 and 4 survey results
Administer NSBECS surveys; compare results with results from Years 1 and 3
Formulate trend data from survey results
Respond to the External Review Team’s Required Actions
Suggestions for Schools Completing all Rubrics within One Year
Depending upon when you need to complete an Internal Review, it may be necessary to
complete rubrics from the NSBECS benchmarks and the AdvancED document within the same
year. If possible, allow at least a semester between completing the NSBECS and the AdvancED
School Concept Maps. Divide the school into four teams. Begin with the rubrics of the NSBECS
document (this can be accomplished in ASSIST).
© AdvancED® 2013
NSBECS 4 Domains (Standards, Benchmarks)
Mission and Catholic Identity (4, 21)
Governance and Leadership (2, 13)
Academic Excellence (3, 18)
Operational Vitality (4, 18)
Section 1: Overview
Gather evidence that supports the ratings for all benchmarks. Make each report available to all
teams. Use Section 2 of this document to arrange scores by AdvancED indicator, using the same
AdvancED 5 Standards (Indicators)
Purpose and Direction (3)
Governance and Leadership (6)
Teaching and Assessing for Learning (12)
Resources and Support Systems (7) &
Using Results for Continuous Improvement (5)
Complete the Self Assessment in ASSIST. Consolidate artifacts by AdvancED indicator.
Appreciation is extended to Dr. Loraine Ozar and Dr. Patty Wetzel O’Neil and the national task
force responsible for the development of the National Catholic Standards and Benchmarks for
Effective Catholic School which served as the foundation for this work. Of particular note is the
work of Dr. Cameron Carlson, who was responsible for the alignment of the NSBECS with the
AdvancED School Standards and Indicators as well as the alignment of the NSBECS with the
level four concepts for each of the AdvancED indicators contained in this document.
© AdvancED® 2013
Section 1: Overview
SAMPLE: National Standards and Benchmarks for Effective Catholic
Elementary and Secondary Schools Rubrics for Benchmarks
Standard 1:
An excellent Catholic school is guided and driven by a clearly communicated
mission that embraces a Catholic Identity rooted in Gospel values, centered on
the Eucharist and committed to faith formation, academic excellence and
The governing body and the leader/leadership team use the mission statement
as the foundation and normative reference for all planning.
Performance Levels [Choose the statement in each category that best matches your school.]
Level 4
The governing body and the leader/leadership team consistently start with
the mission statement at the beginning of all planning efforts and refer to the
mission statement frequently during the planning process. The mission
statement is used not only as a reference but as the basis for reviewing or
adopting policies, procedures, programs, practices and in daily decisionmaking.
Level 3
The governing body and the leader/leadership team use the mission
Fully Meets
statement as the foundation and normative reference for all planning. Major
planning efforts explicitly reference the mission at the beginning of planning
and throughout.
Level 2
The governing body and the leader/leadership team occasionally refer to the
Partially Meets mission statement during some planning efforts. When policies and
procedures are reviewed, connection to mission must be inferred.
Level 1
The mission statement is not used as a foundation and normative reference
Does Not Meet for all planning.
Possible Evidence
Materials for strategic planning meetings, accreditation meetings and other planning efforts
show that such efforts start with the mission statement
School Advisory Board and subcommittee meetings use the mission statement as the
underpinning of all policy recommendations
Informative materials regarding new programs, etc., show connection to mission
Developed by Center for Catholic School Effectiveness, School of Education, Loyola University Chicago in
partnership with Roche Center for Catholic Education, Lynch School of Education, Boston College (2012)
© AdvancED® 2013
Section 1: Overview
SAMPLE: National Standards and Benchmarks for Effective Catholic Elementary
and Secondary Schools Rubrics for Benchmarks
Standard 2:
An excellent Catholic school adhering to mission provides a rigorous academic
program for religious studies and catechesis in the Catholic faith, set within a
total academic curriculum that integrates faith, culture and life.
Faculty use the lenses of Scripture and the Catholic intellectual tradition in all
subjects to help students think critically and ethically about the world around
Performance Levels [Choose the statement in each category that best matches your school.]
Level 4
In all subjects faculty use the lenses of Scripture and the Catholic intellectual
tradition to require students to think critically and ethically about the world
around them. Students participate in lectures, debates, service opportunities
or other experiences that give evidence of their growth and maturation in the
Catholic intellectual tradition and moral ethical thinking. These and other
performance assessments are embedded in the curriculum.
Level 3
Faculty use the lenses of Scripture and the Catholic intellectual tradition in all
Fully Meets
subjects to help students think critically and ethically about the world around
Level 2
In only a few subjects, some faculty use the lenses of Scripture and/or
Partially Meets Catholic intellectual tradition to helps student think critically and ethically
about the world around them.
Level 1
Faculty are not familiar with the definition of Catholic intellectual tradition
Does Not Meet and do not manifest teaching behaviors that evidence it. Faculty do not use or
seldom use the lenses of Scripture and/or Catholic intellectual tradition in
subjects to help students think critically or ethically.
Possible Evidence
Lesson plans
ACRE results
Student outcomes that give evidence to understanding of the Catholic intellectual tradition
and moral/ethical reasoning
Student performance that gives evidence to understanding of the Catholic intellectual
tradition and moral/ethical reasoning
Course text materials
Use of Resources Center of the 21st Century
Developed by Center for Catholic School Effectiveness, School of Education, Loyola University Chicago in
partnership with Roche Center for Catholic Education, Lynch School of Education, Boston College (2012)
© AdvancED® 2013
Section 1: Overview
SAMPLE: National Standards and Benchmarks for Effective Catholic Elementary
and Secondary Schools Rubrics for Benchmarks
Standard 1:
The school maintains and communicates a purpose and direction that commit
to high expectations for learning as well as shared values and beliefs about
teaching and learning.
The school leadership and staff commit to a culture that is based on
shared values and beliefs about teaching and learning and supports
challenging, equitable educational programs and learning experiences
for all students that include achievement of learning, thinking and life
Aligned Rubric Concepts
Level 4 Commitment to shared values and beliefs about teaching and learning is clearly
Concept evident in documentation and decision-making.
NSBECS The governing body and the leader/leadership team use the
SA Rating
mission statement as the foundation and normative
reference for all planning.
© AdvancED® 2013
NSBECS Faculty use the lenses of Scripture and the Catholic
intellectual tradition in all subjects to help students think
critically and ethically about the world around them.
SA Rating
NSBECS Every student is offered timely, regular and age-appropriate
opportunities to reflect on their life experiences and faith
through retreats and other spiritual experiences.
SA Rating
NSBECS The governing body systematizes the policies of the school’s
operations to ensure fidelity to mission, and continuity and
sustainability through leadership successions.
SA Rating
NSBECS Faculty collaborate in professional learning communities to
monitor individual and class-wide student learning through
methods such as common assessments and rubrics.
SA Rating
NSBECS The school’s purchasing and physical and technological
improvements are, by design, done in alignment with the
mission and the school’s planning and curricular goals and
are consistent with environmental stewardship.
SA Rating
Section 1: Overview
Section 2: Analytic Diagnostic Comparing NBSECS
Benchmarks to AdvancED Standards, Indicators and
Standard 1: Purpose and Direction
Standard 1:
The school maintains and communicates a purpose and direction that commit
to high expectations for learning as well as shared values and beliefs about
teaching and learning.
The school engages in a systematic, inclusive and comprehensive
process to review, revise and communicate a school purpose for
student success.
1 2 3 4
Aligned Rubric Concepts
Level 4 The process for review, revision and communication of the school’s purpose is
Concept clearly documented, and a record of the use and results of the process is
NSBECS The governing body and the leader/leadership team ensure
SA Rating
that the mission statement includes the commitment to
Catholic identity.
The governing body and the leader/leadership team use the
mission statement as the foundation and normative
reference for all planning.
The mission statement is visible in public places and
contained in official documents.
1 2 3 4
SA Rating
1 2 3 4
SA Rating
1 2 3 4
Level 4
The process is formalized and implemented with fidelity on a regular schedule.
NSBECS The leader/leadership team articulates a clear mission and
vision for the school, and engages the school community to SA Rating
ensure a school culture that embodies the mission and
1 2 3 4
Level 4 The process includes participation by representatives selected at random from all
Concept stakeholder groups.
NSBECS The school leader/leadership team regularly calls together
SA Rating
the school’s various constituencies (including but not
limited to faculty and staff, parents, students, alumni) to
1 2 3 4
clarify, review and renew the school’s mission statement.
© AdvancED® 2013
Section 2: Analytic Diagnostic Comparing NBSECS Benchmarks to AdvancED Standards, Indicators and Concepts
All constituents know and understand the mission.
SA Rating
1 2 3 4
Level 4
The purpose statement clearly focuses on student success.
Directly Refer to AdvancED rubric description.
Essential Artifacts
List any essential artifacts you used to guide your overall ratings.
The school leadership and staff commit to a culture that is based on
shared values and beliefs about teaching and learning and supports
challenging, equitable educational programs and learning experiences
for all students that include achievement of learning, thinking and life
1 2 3 4
Aligned Rubric Concepts
Level 4 Commitment to shared values and beliefs about teaching and learning is clearly
Concept evident in documentation and decision-making.
NSBECS The governing body and the leader/leadership team use the
SA Rating
mission statement as the foundation and normative
reference for all planning.
Faculty use the lenses of Scripture and the Catholic
intellectual tradition in all subjects to help students think
critically and ethically about the world around them.
Every student is offered timely, regular and age-appropriate
opportunities to reflect on their life experiences and faith
through retreats and other spiritual experiences.
The governing body systematizes the policies of the
school’s operations to ensure fidelity to mission, and
continuity and sustainability through leadership
© AdvancED® 2013
Faculty collaborate in professional learning communities to
monitor individual and class-wide student learning through
methods such as common assessments and rubrics.
1 2 3 4
SA Rating
1 2 3 4
SA Rating
1 2 3 4
SA Rating
1 2 3 4
SA Rating
1 2 3 4
Section 2: Analytic Diagnostic Comparing NBSECS Benchmarks to AdvancED Standards, Indicators and Concepts
The school’s purchasing and physical and technological
improvements are, by design, done in alignment with the
mission and the school’s planning and curricular goals and
are consistent with environmental stewardship.
SA Rating
1 2 3 4
Level 4
This commitment is always reflected in communication among leaders and staff.
NSBECS Every student experiences role models of faith and service
SA Rating
for social justice among the administrators, faculty and
1 2 3 4
Every administrator, faculty and staff member visibly
supports the faith life of the school community.
SA Rating
1 2 3 4
The leader/leadership team articulates a clear mission and
vision for the school, and engages the school community to SA Rating
ensure a school culture that embodies the mission and
1 2 3 4
NSBECS Faculty collaborate in professional learning communities to
SA Rating
develop, implement and continuously improve the
effectiveness of the curriculum and instruction to result in
1 2 3 4
high levels of student achievement.
NSBECS Faculty and professional support staff demonstrate and
SA Rating
continuously improve knowledge and skills necessary for
effective instruction, cultural sensitivity and modeling of
1 2 3 4
Gospel values.
Level 4 Challenging educational programs and equitable learning experiences are
Concept implemented in a measurable way so that all students achieve learning, thinking
and life skills necessary for success.
NSBECS The school’s Catholic identity requires excellence in
SA Rating
academic and intellectual formation in all subjects including
1 2 3 4
religious education.
© AdvancED® 2013
Every student participates in Christian service programs to
promote the lived reality of action in service of social
The curriculum adheres to appropriate, delineated
standards, and is vertically aligned to ensure that every
student successfully completes a rigorous and coherent
sequence of academic courses based on the standards and
rooted in Catholic values.
SA Rating
1 2 3 4
SA Rating
1 2 3 4
Section 2: Analytic Diagnostic Comparing NBSECS Benchmarks to AdvancED Standards, Indicators and Concepts
Co-curricular and extra-curricular activities provide
opportunities outside the classroom for students to further
SA Rating
identify and develop their gifts and talents and to enhance
1 2 3 4
their creative, aesthetic, social/emotional, physical and
spiritual capabilities.
Level 4 Evidence indicates a strong commitment to instructional practices that include
Concept active student engagement, a focus on depth of understanding and the application
of knowledge and skills.
NSBECS Curriculum and instruction for 21st century learning provide
students with the knowledge, understanding and skills to
SA Rating
become creative, reflective, literate, critical and moral
1 2 3 4
evaluators, problem solvers, decision makers and socially
responsible global citizens.
NSBECS Curriculum and instruction for 21st century learning
prepares students to become expert users of technology,
SA Rating
able to create, publish and critique digital products that
1 2 3 4
reflect their understanding of the content and their
technological skills.
NSBECS Classroom instruction is designed to intentionally address
SA Rating
the affective dimensions of learning, such as intellectual
and social dispositions, relationship building and habits of
1 2 3 4
Essential Artifacts
List any essential artifacts you used to guide your overall ratings.
The school’s leadership implements a continuous improvement
process that provides clear direction for improving conditions that
support student learning.
1 2 3 4
Aligned Rubric Concepts
Level 4 School leaders require the use of a documented, systematic continuous
Concept improvement process for improving student learning and the conditions that
support learning.
NSBECS The school’s Catholic identity requires excellence in
SA Rating
academic and intellectual formation in all subjects including
religious education.
© AdvancED® 2013
The curriculum adheres to appropriate, delineated
standards, and is vertically aligned to ensure that every
student successfully completes a rigorous and coherent
sequence of academic courses based on the standards and
rooted in Catholic values.
1 2 3 4
SA Rating
1 2 3 4
Section 2: Analytic Diagnostic Comparing NBSECS Benchmarks to AdvancED Standards, Indicators and Concepts
Faculty and staff engage in high quality professional
SA Rating
development, including religious formation, and are
accountable for implementation that supports student
1 2 3 4
Level 4 School personnel systematically maintain, use and communicate a profile with
Concept current and comprehensive data on student and school performance.
NSBECS The leader/leadership team directs the development and
continuous improvement of curriculum and instruction, and SA Rating
utilizes school-wide data to plan for continued and
1 2 3 4
sustained academic excellence and growth.
Level 4 The profile contains thorough analyses of a broad range of data used to identify
Concept goals for the improvement of achievement and instruction that are aligned with the
school’s purpose.
NSBECS School-wide and student data generated by a variety of
tools are used to monitor, review and evaluate the
SA Rating
curriculum and co-curricular programs, to plan for
1 2 3 4
continued and sustained student growth, and to monitor
and assess faculty performance.
Level 4
All improvement goals have measurable performance targets.
Directly Refer to AdvancED rubric description.
Level 4 The process includes action planning that identifies measurable objectives,
Concept strategies, activities, resources and timelines for achieving all improvement goals.
Directly Refer to AdvancED rubric description.
Level 4 School personnel hold one another accountable for and evaluate the overall quality
Concept of the implementation of all interventions and strategies.
NSBECS The governing body engages in formation and ongoing
SA Rating
training and self evaluation for itself and the leadership
team to ensure the faithful execution of their respective
1 2 3 4
NSBECS Faculty collaborate in professional learning communities to
SA Rating
develop, implement and continuously improve the
effectiveness of the curriculum and instruction to result in
1 2 3 4
high levels of student achievement.
© AdvancED® 2013
Section 2: Analytic Diagnostic Comparing NBSECS Benchmarks to AdvancED Standards, Indicators and Concepts
Faculty collaborate in professional learning communities to
monitor individual and class-wide student learning through
methods such as common assessments and rubrics.
SA Rating
1 2 3 4
Level 4
The process is reviewed and evaluated regularly.
Directly Refer to AdvancED rubric description.
Level 4 Documentation that the process is implemented with fidelity and yields improved
Concept student achievement and instruction is available and communicated to
NSBECS The enrollment management plan requires the governing
body to review and the school leader/leadership team to
SA Rating
supervise annual and continuous measurement and
1 2 3 4
analysis of both enrollment and retention patterns for all
student groups.
Essential Artifacts
List any essential artifacts you used to guide your overall ratings.
© AdvancED® 2013
Section 2: Analytic Diagnostic Comparing NBSECS Benchmarks to AdvancED Standards, Indicators and Concepts
Standard 2: Governance and Leadership
Standard 2:
The school operates under governance and leadership that promote and
support student performance and school effectiveness.
The governing body establishes policies and supports practices that
ensure effective administration of the school.
1 2 3 4
Aligned Rubric Concepts
Level 4
Policies and practices clearly and directly support the school’s purpose and
Concept direction and the effective operation of the school.
NSBECS The governing body systematizes the policies of the
SA Rating
school’s operations to ensure fidelity to mission and
continuity and sustainability through leadership
1 2 3 4
Level 4
Policies and practices require and have mechanisms in place for monitoring
Concept effective instruction and assessment that produce equitable and challenging
learning experiences for all students.
NSBECS The leader/leadership team takes responsibility for the
development and oversight of personnel, including
SA Rating
recruitment, professional growth, faith formation and
formal assessment of faculty and staff in compliance with
1 2 3 4
(Arch)diocesan policies and/or religious congregation
sponsorship policies.
Level 4
There are policies and practices requiring and giving direction for professional
Concept growth of all staff.
NSBECS Faculty who teach religion meet (Arch)diocesan
SA Rating
requirements for academic and catechetical preparation
and certification to provide effective religion curriculum
1 2 3 4
and instruction.
NSBECS The governing body engages in formation and ongoing
SA Rating
training and self evaluation for itself and the leadership
team to ensure the faithful execution of their respective
1 2 3 4
Level 4
Policies and practices provide clear requirements, direction for and oversight of
Concept fiscal management.
NSBECS The leader/leadership team works in collaboration with
SA Rating
the governing body to provide an infrastructure of
programs and services that ensures the operational
1 2 3 4
vitality of the school.
© AdvancED® 2013
Section 2: Analytic Diagnostic Comparing NBSECS Benchmarks to AdvancED Standards, Indicators and Concepts
NSBECS The governing body and leader/leadership team engage
in financial planning in collaboration with experts in
nonprofit management and funding.
NSBECS Financial plans include agreed-upon levels of financial
investment determined by the partners involved who
may include but are not limited to parishes, dioceses,
religious orders, educational foundations, the larger
Catholic community and responsible boards.
NSBECS The governing body and leader/leadership team ensure
that appropriately developed financial plans and budgets
are implemented using current and effective business
practices as a means of providing good stewardship of
NSBECS Human resource policies ensure that institutional
planning includes investment in personnel growth, health
care and retirement.
NSBECS The school’s budget supports facilities, equipment and
technology management with specific funds for capital
improvements, depreciation and replacement.
SA Rating
1 2 3 4
SA Rating
1 2 3 4
SA Rating
1 2 3 4
SA Rating
1 2 3 4
SA Rating
1 2 3 4
Essential Artifacts
List any essential artifacts you used to guide your overall ratings.
The governing body operates responsibly and functions effectively.
1 2 3 4
Aligned Rubric Concepts
Level 4
The governing body has implemented a process to evaluate its decisions and
Concept actions to ensure they are in accordance with defined roles and responsibilities, a
formally adopted code of ethics and free of conflict of interest.
NSBECS The governing body, representing the diversity of
SA Rating
stakeholders, functions according to its approved
constitution and by-laws.
NSBECS The governing body, in collaboration with or through the
actions of the leader/leadership team, maintains a
relationship with the Bishop marked by mutual trust,
close cooperation, continuing dialogue and respect for
the Bishop’s legitimate authority.
© AdvancED® 2013
1 2 3 4
SA Rating
1 2 3 4
Section 2: Analytic Diagnostic Comparing NBSECS Benchmarks to AdvancED Standards, Indicators and Concepts
Level 4
Governing body members are required to participate in a systematic, formal
professional development process regarding the roles and responsibilities of the
governing body and its individual members. The professional development
curriculum also includes conflict resolution, decision-making, supervision and
evaluation, and fiscal responsibility.
NSBECS The governing body engages in formation and ongoing
SA Rating
training and self evaluation for itself and the leadership
team to ensure the faithful execution of their respective
1 2 3 4
Level 4
Members comply with all policies, procedures, laws and regulations and function
Concept as a cohesive unit for the benefit of student learning.
NSBECS The governing body, in collaboration with or through the
actions of the leader/leadership team, maintains a
SA Rating
constructive and beneficial relationship with the
(Arch)diocesan Education Office consistent with
1 2 3 4
(Arch)diocesan policy pertaining to the recognition of
Catholic schools by the Bishop.
NSBECS In the case of a parish school, the governing body, in
collaboration with the leader/leadership team, maintains
SA Rating
a relationship with the canonical administrator (pastor or
1 2 3 4
designee of Bishop) marked by mutual trust, close
cooperation and continuing dialogue.
Essential Artifacts
List any essential artifacts you used to guide your overall ratings.
The governing body ensures that the school leadership has the
autonomy to meet goals for achievement and instruction and to
manage day-to-day operations effectively.
1 2 3 4
Aligned Rubric Concepts
Level 4
The governing body consistently protects, supports and respects the autonomy of
Concept school leadership to accomplish goals for achievement and instruction and to
manage day-to-day operations of the school.
NSBECS The governing body, in collaboration with or through the
actions of the leader/leadership team, maintains a
SA Rating
relationship with the Bishop marked by mutual trust,
1 2 3 4
close cooperation, continuing dialogue and respect for
the Bishop’s legitimate authority.
© AdvancED® 2013
Section 2: Analytic Diagnostic Comparing NBSECS Benchmarks to AdvancED Standards, Indicators and Concepts
NSBECS The governing body, in collaboration with or through the
actions of the leader/leadership team, maintains a
constructive and beneficial relationship with the
(Arch)diocesan Education Office consistent with
(Arch)diocesan policy pertaining to the recognition of
Catholic schools by the Bishop.
Level 4
The governing body maintains a clear distinction between its roles and
Concept responsibilities and those of school leadership.
NSBECS In the case of a parish school, the governing body, in
collaboration with the leader/leadership team, maintains
a relationship with the canonical administrator (pastor or
designee of Bishop) marked by mutual trust, close
cooperation and continuing dialogue.
NSBECS The governing body engages in formation and ongoing
training and self evaluation for itself and the leadership
team to ensure the faithful execution of their respective
Essential Artifacts
List any essential artifacts you used to guide your overall ratings.
Leadership and staff foster a culture consistent with the school’s
purpose and direction.
SA Rating
1 2 3 4
SA Rating
1 2 3 4
SA Rating
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
Aligned Rubric Concepts
Level 4
Leaders and staff deliberately and consistently align their decisions and actions
Concept toward continuous improvement to achieve the school’s purpose.
NSBECS The governing body and the leader/leadership team use
SA Rating
the mission statement as the foundation and normative
reference for all planning.
Every administrator, faculty and staff member visibly
supports the faith life of the school community.
Level 4
© AdvancED® 2013
1 2 3 4
SA Rating
1 2 3 4
They encourage, support and expect all students to be held to high standards in all
courses of study.
SA Rating
The theory and practice of the Church’s social teachings
are essential elements of the curriculum.
1 2 3 4
Section 2: Analytic Diagnostic Comparing NBSECS Benchmarks to AdvancED Standards, Indicators and Concepts
NSBECS The leader/leadership team articulates a clear mission
and vision for the school, and engages the school
community to ensure a school culture that embodies the
mission and vision.
Level 4
SA Rating
1 2 3 4
All stakeholders are collectively accountable for student learning.
All constituents know and understand the mission.
NSBECS School-wide programs for parents/guardians provide
opportunities for parents/guardians to partner with
school leaders, faculty and other parents/guardians to
enhance the educational experiences for the school
Level 4
SA Rating
1 2 3 4
SA Rating
1 2 3 4
School leaders actively and consistently support and encourage innovation,
collaboration, shared leadership, and rigorous professional growth.
NSBECS Every student experiences role models of faith and
service for social justice among the administrators,
faculty and staff.
SA Rating
1 2 3 4
NSBECS Faculty and professional support staff demonstrate and
SA Rating
continuously improve knowledge and skills necessary for
effective instruction, cultural sensitivity, and modeling of
1 2 3 4
Gospel values.
Level 4
The culture is characterized by collaboration and a sense of community among all
Concept stakeholders.
NSBECS Every student is offered timely and regular opportunities
SA Rating
to learn about and experience the nature and importance
of prayer, the Eucharist and liturgy.
1 2 3 4
Essential Artifacts
List any essential artifacts you used to guide your overall ratings.
Leadership engages stakeholders effectively in support of the
school’s purpose and direction.
1 2 3 4
Aligned Rubric Concepts
© AdvancED® 2013
Section 2: Analytic Diagnostic Comparing NBSECS Benchmarks to AdvancED Standards, Indicators and Concepts
Level 4
Leaders consistently communicate effectively with appropriate and varied
representatives from stakeholder groups, provide opportunities for stakeholders to
shape decisions, solicit feedback and respond to stakeholders, work collaboratively
on school improvement efforts and provide and support meaningful leadership
roles for stakeholders.
NSBECS The school leader/leadership team regularly calls
together the school’s various constituencies (including
SA Rating
but not limited to faculty and staff, parents, students,
1 2 3 4
alumni) to clarify, review and renew the school’s mission
NSBECS The leader/leadership team and faculty assist parents in
SA Rating
their role as the primary educators of their children in
1 2 3 4
NSBECS All adults in the school community are invited to
participate in Christian service programs to promote the
lived reality of action in service of social justice.
Level 4
SA Rating
1 2 3 4
NSBECS School-wide programs for parents/guardians provide
opportunities for parents/guardians to partner with
SA Rating
school leaders, faculty and other parents/guardians to
1 2 3 4
enhance the educational experiences for the school
NSBECS Financial plans include agreed-upon levels of financial
investment determined by the partners involved who
SA Rating
may include but are not limited to parishes, dioceses,
1 2 3 4
religious orders, educational foundations, the larger
Catholic community and responsible boards.
School leaders’ proactive and persistent efforts result in measurable, active
stakeholder participation, positive engagement in the school, a strong sense of
community and ownership.
SA Rating
All constituents know and understand the mission.
1 2 3 4
NSBECS Every student participates in Christian service programs
to promote the lived reality of action in service of social
NSBECS The leader/leadership team collaborates with other
institutions (for example, Catholic Charities, Catholic
higher education, religious congregation-sponsored
programs) to provide opportunities for parents/guardians
to grow in the knowledge and practice of the faith.
© AdvancED® 2013
SA Rating
1 2 3 4
SA Rating
1 2 3 4
Section 2: Analytic Diagnostic Comparing NBSECS Benchmarks to AdvancED Standards, Indicators and Concepts
NSBECS The leader/leadership team establishes and supports
networks of collaboration at all levels within the school
community to advance excellence.
NSBECS Financial plans include educational materials for
distribution to all members of the community explaining
the total cost per child and how that cost is met by
identifying the percentage of cost that is paid for by
tuition and the remaining amount of cost that is
supported by other sources of revenue.
NSBECS The governing body and leader/leadership team provide
families access to information about tuition assistance
and long-term planning for tuition and Catholic school
NSBECS The communications/marketing plan requires school
leader/leadership team and staff person(s) to ensure the
implementation of contemporary, multiple information
technologies to reach targeted audiences, and to
establish reliable and secure databases and accountability
to stakeholders.
Essential Artifacts
List any essential artifacts you used to guide your overall ratings.
Leadership and staff supervision and evaluation processes result in
improved professional practice and student success.
SA Rating
1 2 3 4
SA Rating
1 2 3 4
SA Rating
1 2 3 4
SA Rating
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
Aligned Rubric Concepts
Level 4
The primary focus of the criteria and processes of supervision and evaluation is
Concept improving professional practice and ensuring student success.
NSBECS The governing body engages in formation and ongoing
SA Rating
training and self evaluation for itself and the leadership
team to ensure the faithful execution of their respective
1 2 3 4
NSBECS Faculty and staff engage in high quality professional
SA Rating
development, including religious formation, and are
accountable for implementation that supports student
1 2 3 4
Level 4
Supervision and evaluation processes are consistently and regularly implemented.
© AdvancED® 2013
Section 2: Analytic Diagnostic Comparing NBSECS Benchmarks to AdvancED Standards, Indicators and Concepts
NSBECS The leader/leadership team takes responsibility for the
development and oversight of personnel, including
SA Rating
recruitment, professional growth, faith formation and
formal assessment of faculty and staff in compliance with
1 2 3 4
(Arch)diocesan policies and/or religious congregation
sponsorship policies.
Level 4
The results of the supervision and evaluation processes are analyzed carefully and
Concept used to monitor and effectively adjust professional practice and ensure student
NSBECS The leader/leadership team directs the development and
SA Rating
continuous improvement of curriculum and instruction,
and utilizes school-wide data to plan for continued and
1 2 3 4
sustained academic excellence and growth.
NSBECS School-wide and student data generated by a variety of
tools are used to monitor, review, and evaluate the
SA Rating
curriculum and co-curricular programs; to plan for
1 2 3 4
continued and sustained student growth; and to monitor
and assess faculty performance.
Essential Artifacts
List any essential artifacts you used to guide your overall ratings.
© AdvancED® 2013
Section 2: Analytic Diagnostic Comparing NBSECS Benchmarks to AdvancED Standards, Indicators and Concepts
Standard 3: Teaching and Assessing for Learning
Standard 3:
The school’s curriculum, instructional design and assessment practices guide
and ensure teacher effectiveness and student learning.
The school’s curriculum provides equitable and challenging learning
experiences that ensure all students have sufficient opportunities to
develop learning, thinking and life skills that lead to success at the next
1 2 3 4
Aligned Rubric Concepts
Level 4 Curriculum and learning experiences in each course/class provide all students with
Concept challenging and equitable opportunities to develop learning skills, thinking skills
and life skills that align with the school’s purpose.
NSBECS The school’s Catholic identity requires excellence in
SA Rating
academic and intellectual formation in all subjects including
religious education.
1 2 3 4
The theory and practice of the Church’s social teachings are
essential elements of the curriculum.
SA Rating
NSBECS Standards are adopted across the curriculum, and include
integration of the religious, spiritual, moral and ethical
dimensions of learning in all subjects.
SA Rating
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
NSBECS Curriculum and instruction for 21st century learning provide
students with the knowledge, understanding and skills to
SA Rating
become creative, reflective, literate, critical and moral
1 2 3 4
evaluators, problem solvers, decision makers and socially
responsible global citizens.
NSBECS Curriculum and instruction for 21st century learning
prepares students to become expert users of technology,
SA Rating
able to create, publish and critique digital products that
1 2 3 4
reflect their understanding of the content and their
technological skills.
Level 4 Evidence clearly indicates curriculum and learning experiences prepare students for
Concept success at the next level.
NSBECS School-wide and student data generated by a variety of
tools are used to monitor, review and evaluate the
SA Rating
curriculum and co-curricular programs, to plan for
1 2 3 4
continued and sustained student growth, and to monitor
and assess faculty performance.
© AdvancED® 2013
Section 2: Analytic Diagnostic Comparing NBSECS Benchmarks to AdvancED Standards, Indicators and Concepts
NSBECS Faculty use a variety of curriculum-based assessments
aligned with learning outcomes and instructional practices
to assess student learning, including formative, summative,
authentic performance and student self-assessment.
SA Rating
1 2 3 4
Level 4
Like courses/classes have the same high learning expectations.
NSBECS The curriculum adheres to appropriate, delineated
standards, and is vertically aligned to ensure that every
SA Rating
student successfully completes a rigorous and coherent
1 2 3 4
sequence of academic courses based on the standards and
rooted in Catholic values.
Level 4 Learning activities are individualized for each student in a way that supports
Concept achievement of expectations.
Directly Refer to AdvancED rubric description.
Essential Artifacts
List any essential artifacts you used to guide your overall ratings.
Curriculum, instruction and assessment are monitored and adjusted
systematically in response to data from multiple assessments of
student learning and an examination of professional practice.
1 2 3 4
Aligned Rubric Concepts
Level 4 Using data from multiple assessments of student learning and an examination of
Concept professional practice, school personnel systematically monitor and adjust
curriculum, instruction and assessment to ensure vertical and horizontal alignment
and alignment with the school’s goals for achievement and instruction and
statement of purpose.
NSBECS The leader/leadership team directs the development and
continuous improvement of curriculum and instruction, and SA Rating
utilizes school-wide data to plan for continued and
1 2 3 4
sustained academic excellence and growth.
NSBECS Classroom instruction is designed to intentionally address
SA Rating
the affective dimensions of learning, such as intellectual and
social dispositions, relationship building and habits of mind.
NSBECS Classroom instruction is designed to engage and motivate
all students, addressing the diverse needs and capabilities of
each student, and accommodating students with special
needs as fully as possible.
© AdvancED® 2013
1 2 3 4
SA Rating
1 2 3 4
Section 2: Analytic Diagnostic Comparing NBSECS Benchmarks to AdvancED Standards, Indicators and Concepts
NSBECS School-wide and student data generated by a variety of
tools are used to monitor, review and evaluate the
SA Rating
curriculum and co-curricular programs, to plan for
1 2 3 4
continued and sustained student growth, and to monitor
and assess faculty performance.
Level 4 There is a systematic, collaborative process in place to ensure alignment each time
Concept curriculum, instruction and/or assessments are reviewed or revised.
NSBECS Faculty collaborate in professional learning communities to
SA Rating
monitor individual and class-wide student learning through
methods such as common assessments and rubrics.
1 2 3 4
Level 4 The continuous improvement process has clear guidelines to ensure that vertical
Concept and horizontal alignment as well as alignment with the school’s purpose are
maintained and enhanced in curriculum, instruction and assessment.
Directly Refer to AdvancED rubric description.
Essential Artifacts
List any essential artifacts you used to guide your overall ratings.
Teachers engage students in their learning through instructional
strategies that ensure achievement of learning expectations.
1 2 3 4
Aligned Rubric Concepts
Level 4 Teachers are consistent and deliberate in planning and using instructional
Concept strategies that require student collaboration, self-reflection and development of
critical thinking skills.
NSBECS Faculty use the lenses of Scripture and the Catholic
intellectual tradition in all subjects to help students think
critically and ethically about the world around them.
NSBECS Curriculum and instruction for 21st century learning provide
students with the knowledge, understanding and skills to
become creative, reflective, literate, critical and moral
evaluators, problem solvers, decision makers and socially
responsible global citizens.
NSBECS Classroom instruction is designed to intentionally address
the affective dimensions of learning, such as intellectual and
social dispositions, relationship building and habits of mind.
© AdvancED® 2013
SA Rating
1 2 3 4
SA Rating
1 2 3 4
SA Rating
1 2 3 4
Section 2: Analytic Diagnostic Comparing NBSECS Benchmarks to AdvancED Standards, Indicators and Concepts
Level 4 Teachers personalize instructional strategies and interventions to address
Concept individual learning needs of each student.
NSBECS Classroom instruction is designed to engage and motivate
all students, addressing the diverse needs and capabilities of SA Rating
each student, and accommodating students with special
1 2 3 4
needs as fully as possible.
Level 4 Teachers consistently use instructional strategies that require students to apply
Concept knowledge and skills, integrate content and skills with other disciplines, and use
technologies as instructional resources and learning tools.
NSBECS Curriculum and instruction for 21st century learning
prepares students to become expert users of technology,
SA Rating
able to create, publish and critique digital products that
1 2 3 4
reflect their understanding of the content and their
technological skills.
Essential Artifacts
List any essential artifacts you used to guide your overall ratings.
School leaders monitor and support the improvement of instructional
practices of teachers to ensure student success.
1 2 3 4
Aligned Rubric Concepts
Level 4 School leaders formally and consistently monitor instructional practices through
Concept supervision and evaluation procedures beyond classroom observation to ensure
that they 1) are aligned with the school’s values and beliefs about teaching and
learning, 2) are teaching the approved curriculum, 3) are directly engaged with all
students in the oversight of their learning, and 4) use content-specific standards of
professional practice.
NSBECS The leader/leadership team takes responsibility for the
development and oversight of personnel, including
SA Rating
recruitment, professional growth, faith formation and
formal assessment of faculty and staff in compliance with
1 2 3 4
(Arch)diocesan policies and/or religious congregation
sponsorship policies.
NSBECS The leader/leadership team directs the development and
continuous improvement of curriculum and instruction, and SA Rating
utilizes school-wide data to plan for continued and
1 2 3 4
sustained academic excellence and growth.
NSBECS School-wide and student data generated by a variety of
SA Rating
tools are used to monitor, review and evaluate the
curriculum and co-curricular programs, to plan for
1 2 3 4
continued and sustained student growth, and to monitor
© AdvancED® 2013
Section 2: Analytic Diagnostic Comparing NBSECS Benchmarks to AdvancED Standards, Indicators and Concepts
and assess faculty performance.
NSBECS Faculty collaborate in professional learning communities to
monitor individual and class-wide student learning through
methods such as common assessments and rubrics.
SA Rating
1 2 3 4
Essential Artifacts
List any essential artifacts you used to guide your overall ratings.
Teachers participate in collaborative learning communities to improve
instruction and student learning.
1 2 3 4
Aligned Rubric Concepts
Level 4 All members of the school staff participate in collaborative learning communities
Concept that meet both informally and formally on a regular schedule.
NSBECS The leader/leadership team establishes and supports
SA Rating
networks of collaboration at all levels within the school
community to advance excellence.
1 2 3 4
Level 4
Frequent collaboration occurs across grade levels and content areas.
NSBECS Faculty collaborate in professional learning communities to
SA Rating
develop, implement and continuously improve the
effectiveness of the curriculum and instruction to result in
1 2 3 4
high levels of student achievement.
Level 4 Staff members implement a formal process that promotes productive discussion
Concept about student learning.
NSBECS Faculty collaborate in professional learning communities to
SA Rating
monitor individual and class-wide student learning through
1 2 3 4
methods such as common assessments and rubrics.
Level 4 Learning from, using and discussing the results of inquiry practices such as action
Concept research, the examination of student work, reflection, study teams and peer
coaching are a part of the daily routine of school staff members.
Directly Refer to AdvancED rubric description.
Level 4 School personnel can clearly link collaboration to improvement results in
Concept instructional practice and student performance.
© AdvancED® 2013
Section 2: Analytic Diagnostic Comparing NBSECS Benchmarks to AdvancED Standards, Indicators and Concepts
Refer to AdvancED rubric description.
Essential Artifacts
List any essential artifacts you used to guide your overall ratings.
Teachers implement the school’s instructional process in support of
student learning.
1 2 3 4
Aligned Rubric Concepts
Level 4 All teachers systematically use an instructional process that clearly informs
Concept students of learning expectations and standards of performance.
NSBECS Religious education curriculum and instruction meets the
SA Rating
religious education requirements and standards of the
NSBECS Faculty use the lenses of Scripture and the Catholic
intellectual tradition in all subjects to help students think
critically and ethically about the world around them.
NSBECS Classroom instruction is designed to intentionally address
the affective dimensions of learning, such as intellectual and
social dispositions, relationship building and habits of mind.
NSBECS Classroom instruction is designed to engage and motivate
all students, addressing the diverse needs and capabilities of
each student, and accommodating students with special
needs as fully as possible.
NSBECS Curriculum and instruction for 21st century learning provide
students with the knowledge, understanding and skills to
become creative, reflective, literate, critical and moral
evaluators, problem solvers, decision makers and socially
responsible global citizens.
1 2 3 4
SA Rating
1 2 3 4
SA Rating
1 2 3 4
SA Rating
1 2 3 4
SA Rating
1 2 3 4
Level 4
Exemplars are provided to guide and inform students.
Directly Refer to AdvancED rubric description.
Level 4 The process requires the use of multiple measures, including formative
Concept assessments, to inform the ongoing modification of instruction and provide data
© AdvancED® 2013
Section 2: Analytic Diagnostic Comparing NBSECS Benchmarks to AdvancED Standards, Indicators and Concepts
for possible curriculum revision.
Directly Refer to AdvancED rubric description.
Level 4 The process provides students with specific and immediate feedback about their
Concept learning.
Directly Refer to AdvancED rubric description.
Essential Artifacts
List any essential artifacts you used to guide your overall ratings.
Mentoring, coaching, and induction programs support instructional
improvement consistent with the school’s values and beliefs about
teaching and learning.
1 2 3 4
Aligned Rubric Concepts
Level 4 All school personnel are engaged in systematic mentoring, coaching and induction
Concept programs that are consistent with the school’s values and beliefs about teaching,
learning and the conditions that support learning.
NSBECS The leader/leadership team provides retreats and other
SA Rating
spiritual experiences for the faculty and staff on a regular
and timely basis.
1 2 3 4
NSBECS The leader/leadership team takes responsibility for the
development and oversight of personnel, including
SA Rating
recruitment, professional growth, faith formation and
formal assessment of faculty and staff in compliance with
1 2 3 4
(Arch)diocesan policies and/or religious congregation
sponsorship policies.
Level 4 These programs set high expectations for all school personnel and include valid and
Concept reliable measures of performance.
NSBECS Faculty and professional support staff demonstrate and
SA Rating
continuously improve knowledge and skills necessary for
effective instruction, cultural sensitivity and modeling of
1 2 3 4
Gospel values.
Essential Artifacts
List any essential artifacts you used to guide your overall ratings.
© AdvancED® 2013
Section 2: Analytic Diagnostic Comparing NBSECS Benchmarks to AdvancED Standards, Indicators and Concepts
The school engages families in meaningful ways in their children’s
education and keeps them informed of their children’s learning
1 2 3 4
Aligned Rubric Concepts
Level 4 Programs that engage families in meaningful ways in their children’s education are
Concept designed, implemented and evaluated.
SA Rating
The leader/leadership team and faculty assist parents in
their role as the primary educators of their children in faith. 1 2 3 4
NSBECS School-wide programs for parents/guardians provide
SA Rating
opportunities for parents/guardians to partner with school
leaders, faculty and other parents/guardians to enhance the 1 2 3 4
educational experiences for the school community.
Level 4 Families have multiple ways of staying informed of their children’s learning
Concept progress.
NSBECS The leader/leadership team collaborates with other
institutions (for example, Catholic Charities, Catholic higher
SA Rating
education, religious congregation-sponsored programs) to
1 2 3 4
provide opportunities for parents/guardians to grow in the
knowledge and practice of the faith.
NSBECS The governing body and leader/leadership team provide
SA Rating
families access to information about tuition assistance and
long-term planning for tuition and Catholic school expenses.
1 2 3 4
Essential Artifacts
List any essential artifacts you used to guide your overall ratings.
The school has a formal structure whereby each student is well-known
by at least one adult advocate in the school who supports that
student’s educational experience.
1 2 3 4
Aligned Rubric Concepts
Level 4 School personnel participate in a structure that gives them long-term interaction
Concept with individual students, allowing them to build strong relationships over time with
the student and related adults.
NSBECS Every student participates in Christian service programs to
SA Rating
promote the lived reality of action in service of social
© AdvancED® 2013
1 2 3 4
Section 2: Analytic Diagnostic Comparing NBSECS Benchmarks to AdvancED Standards, Indicators and Concepts
NSBECS Every student experiences role models of faith and service
for social justice among the administrators, faculty and
SA Rating
The leader/leadership team and faculty assist parents in
their role as the primary educators of their children in faith.
SA Rating
NSBECS All adults in the school community are invited to participate
in Christian service programs to promote the lived reality of
action in service of social justice.
SA Rating
NSBECS The enrollment management plan requires the governing
body to review and the school leader/leadership team to
supervise annual and continuous measurement and analysis
of both enrollment and retention patterns for all student
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
SA Rating
1 2 3 4
Level 4
All students participate in the structure.
More than
Refer to AdvancED rubric description. Consider service hour
one alternative requirements and extracurricular activities participation
Level 4 The structure allows the school employee to gain significant insight into and serve
Concept as an advocate for the student’s needs regarding learning skills, thinking skills and
life skills.
NSBECS Co-curricular and extra-curricular activities provide
opportunities outside the classroom for students to further
SA Rating
identify and develop their gifts and talents and to enhance
1 2 3 4
their creative, aesthetic, social/emotional, physical and
spiritual capabilities.
Essential Artifacts
List any essential artifacts you used to guide your overall ratings.
Grading and reporting are based on clearly defined criteria that
represent the attainment of content knowledge and skills and are
consistent across grade levels and courses.
1 2 3 4
Aligned Rubric Concepts
Level 4 All teachers consistently use common grading and reporting policies, processes and
Concept procedures based on clearly defined criteria that represent each student’s
attainment of content knowledge and skills.
© AdvancED® 2013
Section 2: Analytic Diagnostic Comparing NBSECS Benchmarks to AdvancED Standards, Indicators and Concepts
NSBECS Faculty use a variety of curriculum-based assessments
SA Rating
aligned with learning outcomes and instructional practices
to assess student learning, including formative, summative, 1 2 3 4
authentic performance and student self-assessment.
Level 4 These policies, processes and procedures are implemented without fail across all
Concept grade levels and all courses.
NSBECS Criteria used to evaluate student work and the reporting
SA Rating
mechanisms are valid, consistent, transparent and justly
1 2 3 4
Level 4
All stakeholders are aware of the policies, processes and procedures.
NSBECS The curriculum adheres to appropriate, delineated
standards, and is vertically aligned to ensure that every
SA Rating
student successfully completes a rigorous and coherent
1 2 3 4
sequence of academic courses based on the Standards and
rooted in Catholic values.
Level 4
The policies, processes and procedures are formally and regularly evaluated.
Directly Refer to AdvancED rubric description.
Essential Artifacts
List any essential artifacts you used to guide your overall ratings.
All staff members participate in a continuous program of professional
1 2 3 4
Aligned Rubric Concepts
Level 4 All staff members participate in a rigorous, continuous program of professional
Concept learning that is aligned with the school’s purpose and direction.
NSBECS The leader/leadership team provides retreats and other
SA Rating
spiritual experiences for the faculty and staff on a regular
and timely basis.
NSBECS The leader/leadership team takes responsibility for the
development and oversight of personnel, including
recruitment, professional growth, faith formation and
formal assessment of faculty and staff in compliance with
(Arch)diocesan policies and/or religious congregation
sponsorship policies.
© AdvancED® 2013
1 2 3 4
SA Rating
1 2 3 4
Section 2: Analytic Diagnostic Comparing NBSECS Benchmarks to AdvancED Standards, Indicators and Concepts
NSBECS Faculty collaborate in professional learning communities to
SA Rating
develop, implement and continuously improve the
effectiveness of the curriculum and instruction to result in
1 2 3 4
high levels of student achievement.
Level 4 Professional development is based on an assessment of needs of the school and the
Concept individual.
NSBECS Faculty and staff engage in high quality professional
SA Rating
development, including religious formation, and are
accountable for implementation that supports student
1 2 3 4
Level 4
The program builds measurable capacity among all professional and support staff.
Directly Refer to AdvancED rubric description.
Level 4 The program is rigorously and systematically evaluated for effectiveness in
Concept improving instruction, student learning and the conditions that support learning.
NSBECS Faculty and professional support staff demonstrate and
SA Rating
continuously improve knowledge and skills necessary for
effective instruction, cultural sensitivity and modeling of
1 2 3 4
Gospel values.
Essential Artifacts
List any essential artifacts you used to guide your overall ratings.
The school provides and coordinates learning support services to meet
the unique learning needs of students.
1 2 3 4
Aligned Rubric Concepts
Level 4 School personnel systematically and continuously use data to identify unique
Concept learning needs of all students at all levels of proficiency as well as other learning
needs (such as second languages).
NSBECS School-wide and student data generated by a variety of
tools are used to monitor, review and evaluate the
SA Rating
curriculum and co-curricular programs, to plan for
1 2 3 4
continued and sustained student growth, and to monitor
and assess faculty performance.
Level 4 School personnel stay current on research related to unique characteristics of
Concept learning (such as learning styles, multiple intelligences, personality type indicators)
and provide or coordinate related individualized learning support services to all
© AdvancED® 2013
Section 2: Analytic Diagnostic Comparing NBSECS Benchmarks to AdvancED Standards, Indicators and Concepts
NSBECS Classroom instruction is designed to intentionally address
the affective dimensions of learning, such as intellectual and
social dispositions, relationship building and habits of mind.
NSBECS Guidance services, wellness programs, behavior
management programs and ancillary services provide the
necessary support for students to successfully complete the
school program.
Essential Artifacts
List any essential artifacts you used to guide your overall ratings.
© AdvancED® 2013
SA Rating
1 2 3 4
SA Rating
1 2 3 4
Section 2: Analytic Diagnostic Comparing NBSECS Benchmarks to AdvancED Standards, Indicators and Concepts
Standard 4: Resources and Support Systems
Standard 4:
The school has resources and provides services that support its purpose and
direction to ensure success for all students.
Qualified professional and support staff are sufficient in number to
fulfill their roles and responsibilities necessary to support the school’s
purpose, direction and the educational program.
1 2 3 4
Aligned Rubric Concepts
Level 4 Clearly defined policies, processes and procedures ensure that school leaders have
Concept access to, hire, place and retain qualified professional and support staff.
NSBECS Faculty who teach religion meet (Arch)diocesan
SA Rating
requirements for academic and catechetical preparation
and certification to provide effective religion curriculum and 1 2 3 4
NSBECS The leader/leadership team meets national, state and/or
SA Rating
(Arch)diocesan requirements for school leadership
preparation and licensing to serve as the faith and
1 2 3 4
instructional leader(s) of the school.
NSBECS The faculty and professional support staff meet
SA Rating
(Arch)diocesan, state and/or national requirements for
academic preparation and licensing to ensure their capacity 1 2 3 4
to provide effective curriculum and instruction.
Level 4 School leaders use a formal, systematic process to determine the number of
Concept personnel necessary to fill all the roles and responsibilities necessary to support the
school purpose, educational programs and continuous improvement.
NSBECS Human resource policies delineate standards for position
descriptions including staff responsibilities and
SA Rating
qualifications, hiring, compensation and benefits, as well as
1 2 3 4
standards for professional development, accountability,
succession planning and retirement.
Level 4 Sustained fiscal resources are available to fund all positions necessary to achieve
Concept the purpose and direction of the school.
NSBECS Financial plans include the delineation of costs for key
target areas such as instruction, tuition assistance,
SA Rating
administration, professional development, facilities,
1 2 3 4
equipment, technology, program enhancement/expansion,
capital projects and other planned projects.
© AdvancED® 2013
Section 2: Analytic Diagnostic Comparing NBSECS Benchmarks to AdvancED Standards, Indicators and Concepts
NSBECS Human resource programs are professionally staffed at the
appropriate level (i.e., central office, school office) and
ensure full compliance with human resource policies.
NSBECS Human resource policies ensure that competitive and just
salaries, benefits and professional growth opportunities are
provided for all staff.
SA Rating
1 2 3 4
SA Rating
1 2 3 4
Essential Artifacts
List any essential artifacts you used to guide your overall ratings.
Instructional time, material resources and fiscal resources are
sufficient to support the purpose and direction of the school.
1 2 3 4
Aligned Rubric Concepts
Level 4 Instructional time, material resources and fiscal resources are focused solely on
Concept supporting the purpose and direction of the school.
NSBECS The governing body and the leader/leadership team use the
mission statement as the foundation and normative
reference for all planning.
NSBECS The governing body systematizes the policies of the school’s
operations to ensure fidelity to mission and continuity and
sustainability through leadership successions.
SA Rating
1 2 3 4
SA Rating
1 2 3 4
Level 4
Instructional time is fiercely protected in policy and practice.
NSBECS Religion classes are an integral part of the academic
SA Rating
program in the assignment of teachers, amount of class
time and the selection of texts and other curricular
1 2 3 4
Level 4 School leaders exhaust every option to secure material and fiscal resources to meet
Concept the needs of all students.
NSBECS Financial plans include agreed-upon levels of financial
investment determined by the partners involved who may
include but are not limited to parishes, dioceses, religious
orders, educational foundations, the larger Catholic
community and responsible boards.
© AdvancED® 2013
SA Rating
1 2 3 4
Section 2: Analytic Diagnostic Comparing NBSECS Benchmarks to AdvancED Standards, Indicators and Concepts
NSBECS Financial plans define revenue sources that include but are
not limited to tuition, tuition assistance/scholarships,
SA Rating
endowment funds, local and regional partnerships, public
funding, regional cost sharing, (Arch)diocesan and/or
1 2 3 4
religious communities’ assistance, foundation gifts,
entrepreneurial options and other sources not listed.
NSBECS Financial plans include the delineation of costs for key
target areas such as instruction, tuition assistance,
SA Rating
administration, professional development, facilities,
1 2 3 4
equipment, technology, program enhancement/expansion,
capital projects and other planned projects.
NSBECS The development plan requires school leader/leadership
team, in collaboration with the governing body, to ensure
SA Rating
that key strategies are in place to identify, grow and
1 2 3 4
maintain significant funding prospects, including alumni,
over time and when appropriate.
Level 4 School leaders measurably demonstrate that instructional time, material resources
Concept and fiscal resources are allocated so that all students have equitable opportunities
to attain challenging learning expectations.
NSBECS Current and projected budgets include a statement of the
actual and projected revenue sources, indicating an
SA Rating
appropriate balance among revenue sources, and a
statement of actual and projected expenditures including
1 2 3 4
the actual cost per child, benchmarked compensation/salary
scales and other health benefits and retirement costs.
Level 4 Efforts toward the continuous improvement of instruction and operations
Concept concentrate on achieving the school’s purpose and direction.
NSBECS The school’s purchasing and physical and technological
SA Rating
improvements are, by design, done in alignment with the
mission and the school’s planning and curricular goals and
1 2 3 4
are consistent with environmental stewardship.
Essential Artifacts
List any essential artifacts you used to guide your overall ratings.
The school maintains facilities, services and equipment to provide a
safe, clean and healthy environment for all students and staff.
1 2 3 4
Aligned Rubric Concepts
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Section 2: Analytic Diagnostic Comparing NBSECS Benchmarks to AdvancED Standards, Indicators and Concepts
Level 4 School leaders have adopted or collaboratively created clear definitions and
Concept expectations for maintaining safety, cleanliness and a healthy environment, and
have shared these definitions and expectations with all stakeholders.
NSBECS Financial plans include the delineation of costs for key
target areas such as instruction, tuition assistance,
SA Rating
administration, professional development, facilities,
1 2 3 4
equipment, technology, program enhancement/expansion,
capital projects and other planned projects.
NSBECS The school’s budget supports facilities, equipment and
SA Rating
technology management with specific funds for capital
improvements, depreciation and replacement.
1 2 3 4
Level 4 All school personnel and students are accountable for maintaining these
Concept expectations.
Directly Refer to AdvancED rubric description.
Level 4
Valid measures are in place that allow for continuous tracking of these conditions.
Directly Refer to AdvancED rubric description.
Level 4 Improvement plans are developed and implemented by appropriate personnel to
Concept continuously improve these conditions.
Directly Refer to AdvancED rubric description.
Level 4
The results of improvement efforts are systematically evaluated regularly.
NSBECS The school’s purchasing and physical and technological
SA Rating
improvements are, by design, done in alignment with the
mission and the school’s planning and curricular goals and
1 2 3 4
are consistent with environmental stewardship.
Essential Artifacts
List any essential artifacts you used to guide your overall ratings.
Students and school personnel use a range of media and information
resources to support the school’s educational programs.
© AdvancED® 2013
1 2 3 4
Section 2: Analytic Diagnostic Comparing NBSECS Benchmarks to AdvancED Standards, Indicators and Concepts
Aligned Rubric Concepts
Level 4 All students and school personnel have access to an exceptional collection of media
Concept and information resources necessary to achieve the educational programs of the
NSBECS Catholic culture and faith are expressed in the school
SA Rating
through multiple and diverse forms of visual and performing
arts, music and architecture.
1 2 3 4
NSBECS Curriculum and instruction for 21st century learning
prepares students to become expert users of technology,
SA Rating
able to create, publish and critique digital products that
1 2 3 4
reflect their understanding of the content and their
technological skills.
Level 4 Qualified personnel in sufficient numbers are available to assist students and school
Concept personnel in learning about the tools and locations for finding and retrieving
NSBECS The communications/marketing plan requires school
leader/leadership team and staff person(s) to ensure the
SA Rating
implementation of contemporary, multiple information
technologies to reach targeted audiences, and to establish
1 2 3 4
reliable and secure databases and accountability to
Essential Artifacts
List any essential artifacts you used to guide your overall ratings.
The technology infrastructure supports the school’s teaching, learning
and operational needs.
1 2 3 4
Aligned Rubric Concepts
Level 4 The technology infrastructure is modern, fully functional and meets the teaching,
Concept learning and operational needs of all stakeholders.
NSBECS Curriculum and instruction for 21st century learning provide
students with the knowledge, understanding and skills to
SA Rating
become creative, reflective, literate, critical and moral
1 2 3 4
evaluators, problem solvers, decision makers and socially
responsible global citizens.
NSBECS The school’s budget supports facilities, equipment and
SA Rating
technology management with specific funds for capital
improvements, depreciation and replacement.
© AdvancED® 2013
1 2 3 4
Section 2: Analytic Diagnostic Comparing NBSECS Benchmarks to AdvancED Standards, Indicators and Concepts
Level 4 School personnel develop and administer needs assessments and use the resulting
Concept data to develop and implement a technology plan to continuously improve
technology services and infrastructure.
NSBECS Financial plans include the delineation of costs for key
target areas such as instruction, tuition assistance,
SA Rating
administration, professional development, facilities,
1 2 3 4
equipment, technology, program enhancement/expansion,
capital projects and other planned projects.
NSBECS The school’s facilities, equipment and technology
SA Rating
management plan includes objectives to support the
delivery of the educational program of the school and
1 2 3 4
accessibility for all students.
Essential Artifacts
List any essential artifacts you used to guide your overall ratings.
The school provides support services to meet the physical, social and
emotional needs of the student population being served.
1 2 3 4
Aligned Rubric Concepts
Level 4 School personnel implement a clearly defined process to determine the physical,
Concept social and emotional needs of each student in the school.
NSBECS Classroom instruction is designed to engage and motivate
all students, addressing the diverse needs and capabilities of SA Rating
each student, and accommodating students with special
1 2 3 4
needs as fully as possible.
NSBECS School-wide programs for parents/guardians provide
SA Rating
opportunities for parents/guardians to partner with school
leaders, faculty and other parents/guardians to enhance the 1 2 3 4
educational experiences for the school community.
NSBECS Co-curricular and extra-curricular activities provide
opportunities outside the classroom for students to further
SA Rating
identify and develop their gifts and talents and to enhance
1 2 3 4
their creative, aesthetic, social/emotional, physical and
spiritual capabilities.
Level 4
School personnel provide or coordinate programs to meet the needs of all students.
© AdvancED® 2013
Section 2: Analytic Diagnostic Comparing NBSECS Benchmarks to AdvancED Standards, Indicators and Concepts
Level 4
Level 4
NSBECS The leader/leadership team collaborates with other
institutions (for example, Catholic Charities, Catholic higher
SA Rating
education, religious congregation-sponsored programs) to
1 2 3 4
provide opportunities for parents/guardians to grow in the
knowledge and practice of the faith.
NSBECS Guidance services, wellness programs, behavior
SA Rating
management programs and ancillary services provide the
necessary support for students to successfully complete the 1 2 3 4
school program.
Valid and reliable measures of program effectiveness are in place, and school
personnel use the data from these measures to regularly evaluate all programs.
NSBECS Financial plans include the delineation of costs for key
target areas such as instruction, tuition assistance,
SA Rating
administration, professional development, facilities,
1 2 3 4
equipment, technology, program enhancement/expansion,
capital projects and other planned projects.
Improvement plans related to these programs are designed and implemented to
more effectively meet the needs of all students.
Directly Refer to AdvancED rubric description.
Essential Artifacts
List any essential artifacts you used to guide your overall ratings.
The school provides services that support the counseling, assessment,
referral, educational and career planning needs of all students.
1 2 3 4
Aligned Rubric Concepts
Level 4 School personnel implement a clearly defined, systematic process to determine the
Concept counseling, assessment, referral, educational and career planning needs of all
NSBECS Guidance services, wellness programs, behavior
SA Rating
management programs and ancillary services provide the
necessary support for students to successfully complete the 1 2 3 4
school program.
Level 4 School personnel provide or coordinate programs necessary to meet the needs of
Concept all students.
© AdvancED® 2013
Section 2: Analytic Diagnostic Comparing NBSECS Benchmarks to AdvancED Standards, Indicators and Concepts
NSBECS The leader/leadership team works in collaboration with the
SA Rating
governing body to provide an infrastructure of programs
and services that ensures the operational vitality of the
1 2 3 4
Level 4 Valid and reliable measures of program effectiveness are in place, and school
Concept personnel use the data from these measures to regularly evaluate all programs.
NSBECS Financial plans include the delineation of costs for key
target areas such as instruction, tuition assistance,
SA Rating
administration, professional development, facilities,
1 2 3 4
equipment, technology, program enhancement/expansion,
capital projects and other planned projects.
Essential Artifacts
List any essential artifacts you used to guide your overall ratings.
© AdvancED® 2013
Section 2: Analytic Diagnostic Comparing NBSECS Benchmarks to AdvancED Standards, Indicators and Concepts
Standard 5: Using Results for Continuous Improvement
Standard 1:
The school implements a comprehensive assessment system that generates a
range of data about student learning and school effectiveness and uses the
results to guide continuous improvement.
The school establishes and maintains a clearly defined and
comprehensive student assessment system.
1 2 3 4
Aligned Rubric Concepts
Level 4 School personnel maintain and consistently use a comprehensive assessment
Concept system that produces data from multiple assessment measures, including locally
developed and standardized assessments about student learning and school
NSBECS The curriculum adheres to appropriate, delineated
standards, and is vertically aligned to ensure that every
SA Rating
student successfully completes a rigorous and coherent
1 2 3 4
sequence of academic courses based on the Standards and
rooted in Catholic values.
NSBECS Faculty use a variety of curriculum-based assessments
SA Rating
aligned with learning outcomes and instructional practices
to assess student learning, including formative, summative, 1 2 3 4
authentic performance and student self-assessment.
Level 4
The system ensures consistent measurement across all classrooms and courses.
NSBECS School-wide and aggregated student data are normed to
SA Rating
appropriate populations and are shared with all
Level 4
All assessments are proven reliable and bias free.
NSBECS Criteria used to evaluate student work and the reporting
mechanisms are valid, consistent, transparent and justly
1 2 3 4
SA Rating
1 2 3 4
Level 4 The system is regularly and systematically evaluated for reliability and effectiveness
Concept in improving instruction, student learning and the conditions that support learning.
NSBECS The school’s Catholic identity requires excellence in
SA Rating
academic and intellectual formation in all subjects including
religious education.
1 2 3 4
Essential Artifacts
List any essential artifacts you used to guide your overall ratings.
© AdvancED® 2013
Section 2: Analytic Diagnostic Comparing NBSECS Benchmarks to AdvancED Standards, Indicators and Concepts
Professional and support staff continuously collect, analyze and apply
learning from a range of data sources, including comparison and trend
data about student learning, instruction, program evaluation and
1 2 3 4
organizational conditions.
Aligned Rubric Concepts
Level 4 Systematic processes and procedures for collecting, analyzing and applying
Concept learning from all data sources are documented and used consistently by
professional and support staff.
NSBECS The leader/leadership team directs the development and
continuous improvement of curriculum and instruction, and SA Rating
utilizes school-wide data to plan for continued and
1 2 3 4
sustained academic excellence and growth.
Level 4 Data sources include comparison and trend data that provide a comprehensive and
Concept complete picture of student learning, instruction, the effectiveness of programs and
the conditions that support learning.
NSBECS School-wide and student data generated by a variety of
tools are used to monitor, review and evaluate the
SA Rating
curriculum and co-curricular programs, to plan for
1 2 3 4
continued and sustained student growth, and to monitor
and assess faculty performance.
NSBECS School-wide and aggregated student data are normed to
SA Rating
appropriate populations and are shared with all
NSBECS Criteria used to evaluate student work and the reporting
mechanisms are valid, consistent, transparent and justly
1 2 3 4
SA Rating
1 2 3 4
Level 4 All school personnel use data to design, implement and evaluate continuous
Concept improvement plans to improve student learning, instruction, the effectiveness of
programs, and organizational conditions.
NSBECS Faculty collaborate in professional learning communities to
SA Rating
develop, implement and continuously improve the
effectiveness of the curriculum and instruction to result in
1 2 3 4
high levels of student achievement.
NSBECS Faculty use a variety of curriculum-based assessments
SA Rating
aligned with learning outcomes and instructional practices
to assess student learning, including formative, summative, 1 2 3 4
authentic performance and student self-assessment.
© AdvancED® 2013
Section 2: Analytic Diagnostic Comparing NBSECS Benchmarks to AdvancED Standards, Indicators and Concepts
NSBECS The enrollment management plan requires the governing
body to review and the school leader/leadership team to
supervise annual and continuous measurement and analysis
of both enrollment and retention patterns for all student
Essential Artifacts
List any essential artifacts you used to guide your overall ratings.
Professional and support staff are trained in the evaluation,
interpretation and use of data.
SA Rating
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
Aligned Rubric Concepts
Level 4 All professional and support staff members are regularly and systematically
Concept assessed and trained in a rigorous, individualized professional development
program related to the evaluation, interpretation and use of data.
NSBECS The governing body engages in formation and ongoing
SA Rating
training and self evaluation for itself and the leadership
team to ensure the faithful execution of their respective
1 2 3 4
NSBECS The leader/leadership team directs the development and
continuous improvement of curriculum and instruction, and SA Rating
utilizes school-wide data to plan for continued and
1 2 3 4
sustained academic excellence and growth.
NSBECS Criteria used to evaluate student work and the reporting
SA Rating
mechanisms are valid, consistent, transparent and justly
1 2 3 4
Essential Artifacts
List any essential artifacts you used to guide your overall ratings.
The school engages in a continuous process to determine verifiable
improvement in student learning, including readiness for and success
at the next level.
1 2 3 4
Aligned Rubric Concepts
Level 4 Policies and procedures clearly define and describe a process for analyzing data
Concept that determine verifiable improvement in student learning including readiness for
and success at the next level.
© AdvancED® 2013
Section 2: Analytic Diagnostic Comparing NBSECS Benchmarks to AdvancED Standards, Indicators and Concepts
NSBECS The leader/leadership team directs the development and
continuous improvement of curriculum and instruction, and
utilizes school-wide data to plan for continued and
sustained academic excellence and growth.
NSBECS The curriculum adheres to appropriate, delineated
standards, and is vertically aligned to ensure that every
student successfully completes a rigorous and coherent
sequence of academic courses based on the Standards and
rooted in Catholic values.
NSBECS Standards are adopted across the curriculum, and include
integration of the religious, spiritual, moral and ethical
dimensions of learning in all subjects.
SA Rating
1 2 3 4
SA Rating
1 2 3 4
SA Rating
1 2 3 4
NSBECS School-wide and student data generated by a variety of
tools are used to monitor, review and evaluate the
SA Rating
curriculum and co-curricular programs, to plan for
1 2 3 4
continued and sustained student growth, and to monitor
and assess faculty performance.
Level 4 Results indicate significant improvement, and school personnel systematically and
Concept consistently use these results to design, implement and evaluate the results of
continuous improvement action plans related to student learning, including
readiness for and success at the next level.
NSBECS Faculty use a variety of curriculum-based assessments
SA Rating
aligned with learning outcomes and instructional practices
to assess student learning, including formative, summative, 1 2 3 4
authentic performance and student self-assessment.
Essential Artifacts
List any essential artifacts you used to guide your overall ratings.
Leadership monitors and communicates comprehensive information
about student learning, conditions that support student learning and
the achievement of school improvement goals to stakeholders.
1 2 3 4
Aligned Rubric Concepts
Level 4 Leaders monitor comprehensive information about student learning, conditions
Concept that support student learning and the achievement of school improvement goals.
NSBECS School-wide and aggregated student data are normed to
SA Rating
appropriate populations and are shared with all
© AdvancED® 2013
1 2 3 4
Section 2: Analytic Diagnostic Comparing NBSECS Benchmarks to AdvancED Standards, Indicators and Concepts
NSBECS Criteria used to evaluate student work and the reporting
mechanisms are valid, consistent, transparent and justly
SA Rating
1 2 3 4
Level 4 Leaders regularly communicate results using multiple delivery methods and in
Concept appropriate degrees of sophistication for all stakeholder groups.
NSBECS The leader/leadership team assumes responsibility for
SA Rating
communicating new initiatives and/or changes to school
programs to all constituents.
NSBECS Financial plans include educational materials for distribution
to all members of the community explaining the total cost
per child and how that cost is met by identifying the
percentage of cost that is paid for by tuition and the
remaining amount of cost that is supported by other
sources of revenue.
NSBECS The communications/marketing plan requires school
leader/leadership team and staff person(s) to ensure the
implementation of contemporary, multiple information
technologies to reach targeted audiences, and to establish
reliable and secure databases and accountability to
Essential Artifacts
List any essential artifacts you used to guide your overall ratings.
© AdvancED® 2013
1 2 3 4
SA Rating
1 2 3 4
SA Rating
1 2 3 4
Section 2: Analytic Diagnostic Comparing NBSECS Benchmarks to AdvancED Standards, Indicators and Concepts
AdvancED Standards and Indicators Rubric Concepts
Not Aligned to NSBECS Benchmarks
Standard 1: Purpose and Direction
The school maintains and communicates a purpose and direction that commit
to high expectations for learning as well as shared values and beliefs about
teaching and learning.
The school engages in a systematic, inclusive and comprehensive process to review,
revise and communicate a school purpose for student success.
Performance Levels [Choose the statement in each category that best matches your school.]
4 The purpose statement clearly focuses on student success.
3 The purpose statement focuses on student success.
2 The purpose statement focuses primarily on student success.
Possible Evidence
Purpose statements - past and present
Minutes from meetings related to development of the school’s purpose
Documentation or description of the process for creating the school’s purpose including the
role of stakeholders
Communication plan to stakeholders regarding the school’s purpose
Examples of communications to stakeholders about the school’s purpose (i.e. website,
newsletters, annual report, student handbook)
Survey results
Comments [Explain why you selected these statements, especially 4s and 1s]
The school’s leadership implements a continuous improvement process that provides
clear direction for improving conditions that support student learning.
Performance Levels [Choose the statement in each category that best matches your school.]
4 All improvement goals have measurable performance targets.
3 Improvement goals have measurable performance targets.
1 Goals selected for improvement, if they exist, reflect the minimum required by
governmental or organizational oversight agencies.
4 The process includes action planning that identifies measurable objectives,
strategies, activities, resources and timelines for achieving all improvement goals.
3 The process includes action planning that identifies measurable objectives,
strategies, activities, resources and timelines for achieving improvement goals.
2 The process includes action planning that identifies measurable objectives,
strategies, activities, resources and timelines for achieving improvement goals.
1 Few or no measurable objectives, strategies or activities are implemented with
© AdvancED® 2013
Section 2: Analytic Diagnostic Comparing NBSECS Benchmarks to AdvancED Standards, Indicators and Concepts
4 The process is reviewed and evaluated regularly.
3 The process is reviewed and evaluated.
Possible Evidence
Agenda, minutes from continuous improvement planning meetings
Communication plan and artifacts that show two-way communication to staff and
The school data profile
The school continuous improvement plan
Survey results
Comments [Explain why you selected these statements, especially 4s and 1s]
Standard 3: Teaching and Assessing for Learning
The school’s curriculum, instructional design and assessment practices guide
and ensure teacher effectiveness and student learning.
The school’s curriculum provides equitable and challenging learning experiences that
ensure all students have sufficient opportunities to develop learning, thinking and life
skills that lead to success at the next level.
Performance Levels [Choose the statement in each category that best matches your school.]
4 Learning activities are individualized for each student in a way that supports
achievement of expectations.
3 Some learning activities are individualized for each student in a way that supports
achievement of expectations.
2 Little individualization for each student is evident.
1 No individualization for students is evident.
Possible Evidence
Descriptions of instructional techniques
Enrollment patterns for various courses
Graduate follow-up surveys
Course descriptions
Course schedules
Learning expectations for different courses
Representative samples of student work across courses
Posted learning objectives
Lesson plans
Survey results
Comments [Explain why you selected these statements, especially 4s and 1s]
© AdvancED® 2013
Section 2: Analytic Diagnostic Comparing NBSECS Benchmarks to AdvancED Standards, Indicators and Concepts
Curriculum, instruction and assessment are monitored and adjusted systematically in
response to data from multiple assessments of student learning and an examination of
professional practice.
Performance Levels [Choose the statement in each category that best matches your school.]
4 The continuous improvement process has clear guidelines to ensure that vertical
and horizontal alignment as well as alignment with the school’s purpose are
maintained and enhanced in curriculum, instruction and assessment.
3 The continuous improvement process ensures that vertical and horizontal
alignment as well as alignment with the school’s purpose are maintained and
enhanced in curriculum, instruction and assessment.
2 There is limited evidence that the continuous improvement process ensures
vertical and horizontal alignment and alignment with the school’s purpose in
curriculum, instruction and assessment.
1 There is little or no evidence that the continuous improvement process is
connected with vertical and horizontal alignment or alignment with the school’s
purpose in curriculum, instruction and assessment.
Possible Evidence
Curriculum writing process
A description of the systematic review process for curriculum, instruction and assessment
Curriculum guides
Lesson plans aligned to the curriculum
Products – scope and sequence, curriculum maps
Common assessments
Surveys results
Standards-based report cards
Comments [Explain why you selected these statements, especially 4s and 1s]
Teachers participate in collaborative learning communities to improve instruction and
student learning.
Performance Levels [Choose the statement in each category that best matches your school.]
4 Learning from, using and discussing the results of inquiry practices such as action
research, the examination of student work, reflection, study teams and peer
coaching are a part of the daily routine of school staff members.
3 Learning from, using and discussing the results of inquiry practices such as action
research, the examination of student work, reflection, study teams and peer
coaching occur regularly among most school personnel.
2 Learning from, using and discussing the results of inquiry practices such as action
research, the examination of student work, reflection, study teams and peer
coaching sometimes occur among school personnel.
1 Learning from, using and discussing the results of inquiry practices such as action
research, the examination of student work, reflection, study teams and peer
coaching rarely occur among school personnel.
© AdvancED® 2013
Section 2: Analytic Diagnostic Comparing NBSECS Benchmarks to AdvancED Standards, Indicators and Concepts
4 School personnel can clearly link collaboration to improvement results in
instructional practice and student performance.
3 School personnel indicate that collaboration causes improvement results in
instructional practice and student performance.
2 School personnel express belief in the value of collaborative learning communities.
1 School personnel see little value in collaborative learning communities.
Possible Evidence
Agendas and minutes of collaborative learning committees
Calendar/schedule of learning community meetings
Common language, protocols and reporting tools
Examples of improvements to content and instructional practice resulting from
Examples of cross curricular projects, interdisciplinary instruction and classroom action
research project
Peer coaching guidelines and procedures
Survey results
Comments [Explain why you selected these statements, especially 4s and 1s]
Teachers implement the school’s instructional process in support of student learning.
Performance Levels [Choose the statement in each category that best matches your school.]
4 Exemplars are provided to guide and inform students.
3 Exemplars are often provided to guide and inform students.
2 Exemplars are sometimes provided to guide and inform students.
1 Exemplars are rarely provided to guide and inform students.
4 The process requires the use of multiple measures, including formative
assessments, to inform the ongoing modification of instruction and provide data for
possible curriculum revision.
3 The process includes multiple measures, including formative assessments, to
inform the ongoing modification of instruction and provide data for possible
curriculum revision.
2 The process may include multiple measures, including formative assessments, to
inform the ongoing modification of instruction.
1 The process includes limited measures to inform the ongoing modification of
4 The process provides students with specific and immediate feedback about their
3 The process provides students with specific and timely feedback about their
2 The process provides students with feedback about their learning.
1 The process provides students with minimal feedback of little value about their
Possible Evidence
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Section 2: Analytic Diagnostic Comparing NBSECS Benchmarks to AdvancED Standards, Indicators and Concepts
Samples of exemplars used to guide and inform student learning
Examples of learning expectations and Standards of performance
Examples of assessments that prompted modification in instruction
Survey results
Comments [Explain why you selected these statements, especially 4s and 1s]
Grading and reporting are based on clearly defined criteria that represent the
attainment of content knowledge and skills and are consistent across grade levels and
Performance Levels [Choose the statement in each category that best matches your school.]
4 The policies, processes and procedures are formally and regularly evaluated.
3 The policies, processes and procedures are regularly evaluated.
2 The policies, processes and procedures may or may not be evaluated.
1 No process for evaluation of grading and reporting practices is evident.
Possible Evidence
Policies, processes and procedures on grading and reporting
Samples communications to stakeholders about grading and reporting
Sample report cards for each grade level and for all courses
Evaluation process for grading and reporting practices
Survey results
Comments [Explain why you selected these statements, especially 4s and 1s]
All staff members participate in a continuous program of professional learning.
Performance Levels [Choose the statement in each category that best matches your school.]
4 The program builds measurable capacity among all professional and support staff.
3 The program builds capacity among all professional and support staff.
2 The program builds capacity among staff members who participate.
Possible Evidence
Crosswalk between professional learning and school purpose and direction
Brief explanation of alignment between professional learning and identified needs
Evaluation tools for professional learning
Results of evaluation of professional learning program
Survey results
Comments [Explain why you selected these statements, especially 4s and 1s]
Standard 4: Resources and Support Systems
© AdvancED® 2013
The school has resources and provides services that support its purpose and
direction to ensure success for all students.
Section 2: Analytic Diagnostic Comparing NBSECS Benchmarks to AdvancED Standards, Indicators and Concepts
The school maintains facilities, services and equipment to provide a safe, clean and
healthy environment for all students and staff.
Performance Levels [Choose the statement in each category that best matches your school.]
4 All school personnel and students are accountable for maintaining these
3 School personnel and students are accountable for maintaining these expectations.
2 Selected school personnel are accountable for maintaining these expectations.
1 Stakeholders are generally unaware of any existing definitions and expectations.
4 Valid measures are in place that allow for continuous tracking of these conditions.
3 Measures are in place that allow for continuous tracking of these conditions.
2 Some measures are in place that allow for tracking of these conditions.
1 Little or no accountability exists for maintaining these expectations.
4 Improvement plans are developed and implemented by appropriate personnel to
continuously improve these conditions.
3 Improvement plans are developed and implemented by appropriate personnel as
necessary to improve these conditions.
2 Personnel work to improve these conditions.
1 Few or no measures that assess these conditions are in place.
Possible Evidence
Maintenance schedules
Records of depreciation of equipment
System for maintenance requests
Safety committee responsibilities, meeting schedules and minutes
Documentation of compliance with local and state inspections requirements
Documentation of emergency procedures such as fire drills, evacuation and other
emergency procedures
Survey results
Comments [Explain why you selected these statements, especially 4s and 1s]
The school provides support services to meet the physical, social and emotional needs
of the student population being served.
Performance Levels [Choose the statement in each category that best matches your school.]
4 Improvement plans related to these programs are designed and implemented to
more effectively meet the needs of all students.
3 Improvement plans related to these programs are designed and implemented
when needed to more effectively meet the needs of students.
2 Improvement plans related to these programs are sometimes designed and
implemented to meet the needs of students.
1 Improvement plans related to these programs are rarely or never developed.
Possible Evidence
List of support services available to student
Agreements with school community agencies for student-family support
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Section 2: Analytic Diagnostic Comparing NBSECS Benchmarks to AdvancED Standards, Indicators and Concepts
Social classes and services, e.g., bullying, character education
Student assessment system for identifying student needs
Schedule of family services, e.g., parent classes, survival skills
Survey results
Comments [Explain why you selected these statements, especially 4s and 1s]
© AdvancED® 2013
Section 2: Analytic Diagnostic Comparing NBSECS Benchmarks to AdvancED Standards, Indicators and Concepts
SECTION 3: National Standards and Benchmarks for Effective
Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools (NSBECS)
Criteria Aligned to AdvancED School Standards Indicators
The governing body and the leader/leadership team ensure that the mission statement
includes the commitment to Catholic identity.
AdvancED School Indicators
The school engages in a systematic, inclusive and comprehensive process to review,
revise and communicate a school purpose for student success.
The school
in a systematic, inclusive
body engages
and the leader/leadership
team use
mission statement
revise andand
school purpose
for student success.
for all planning.
AdvancED School Indicators
The school engages in a systematic, inclusive and comprehensive process to review,
revise and communicate a school purpose for student success.
The school leadership and staff commit to a culture that is based on shared values
and beliefs about teaching and learning and supports challenging, equitable
educational programs and learning experiences for all students that include
achievement of learning, thinking and life skills.
Leadership and staff foster a culture consistent with the school’s purpose and
Instructional time, material resources and fiscal resources are sufficient to support
the purpose and direction of the school.
© AdvancED® 2013
Section 3: NSBECS Criteria Aligned to AdvancED School Standards and Indicators
The school leader/leadership team regularly calls together the school’s various constituencies
(including but not limited to faculty and staff, parents, students, alumni) to clarify, review
and renew the school’s mission statement.
AdvancED School Indicators
The school engages in a systematic, inclusive, and comprehensive process to review,
revise, and communicate a school purpose for student success.
Leadership engages stakeholders effectively in support of the school’s purpose and
The mission statement is visible in public places and contained in official documents.
AdvancED School Indicators
The school engages in a systematic, inclusive and comprehensive process to review,
revise and communicate a school purpose for student success.
All constituents know and understand the mission.
AdvancED School Indicators
The school engages in a systematic, inclusive and comprehensive process to review,
revise and communicate a school purpose for student success.
Leadership and staff foster a culture consistent with the school’s purpose and
Leadership engages stakeholders effectively in support of the school’s purpose and
© AdvancED® 2013
Section 3: NSBECS Criteria Aligned to AdvancED School Standards and Indicators
Religious education curriculum and instruction meets the religious education requirements
and standards of the (Arch)diocese.
AdvancED School Indicators
Teachers implement the school’s instructional process in support of student
Religion classes are an integral part of the academic program in the assignment of teachers,
amount of class time and the selection of texts and other curricular materials.
AdvancED School Indicators
Instructional time, material resources and fiscal resources are sufficient to support
the purpose and direction of the school.
Faculty who teach religion meet (Arch)diocesan requirements for academic and catechetical
preparation and certification to provide effective religion curriculum and instruction.
AdvancED School Indicators
The governing body establishes policies and supports practices that ensure effective
administration of the school.
Qualified professional and support staff are sufficient in number to fulfill their roles
and responsibilities necessary to support the school’s purpose, direction and the
educational program.
© AdvancED® 2013
Section 3: NSBECS Criteria Aligned to AdvancED School Standards and Indicators
The school’s Catholic identity requires excellence in academic and intellectual formation in all
subjects including religious education.
AdvancED School Indicators
The school leadership and staff commit to a culture that is based on shared values
and beliefs about teaching and learning and supports challenging, equitable
educational programs and learning experiences for all students that include
achievement of learning, thinking and life skills.
The school’s leadership implements a continuous improvement process that
provides clear direction for improving conditions that support student learning.
The school’s curriculum provides equitable and challenging learning experiences
that ensure all students have sufficient opportunities to develop learning, thinking,
and life skills that lead to success at the next level.
The school establishes and maintains a clearly defined and comprehensive student
assessment system.
Faculty use the lenses of Scripture and the Catholic intellectual tradition in all subjects to help
students think critically and ethically about the world around them.
AdvancED School Indicators
The school leadership and staff commit to a culture that is based on shared values
and beliefs about teaching and learning and supports challenging, equitable
educational programs and learning experiences for all students that include
achievement of learning, thinking and life skills.
Teachers engage students in their learning through instructional strategies that
ensure achievement of learning expectations.
Teachers implement the school’s instructional process in support of student
© AdvancED® 2013
Section 3: NSBECS Criteria Aligned to AdvancED School Standards and Indicators
Catholic culture and faith are expressed in the school through multiple and diverse forms of
visual and performing arts, music and architecture.
AdvancED School Indicators
Students and school personnel use a range of media and information resources to
support the school’s educational programs.
The theory and practice of the Church’s social teachings are essential elements of the
AdvancED School Indicators
Leadership and staff foster a culture consistent with the school’s purpose and
The school’s curriculum provides equitable and challenging learning experiences
that ensure all students have sufficient opportunities to develop learning, thinking
and life skills that lead to success at the next level.
Every student is offered timely and regular opportunities to learn about and experience the
nature and importance of prayer, the Eucharist and liturgy.
AdvancED School Indicators
Leadership and staff foster a culture consistent with the school’s purpose and
© AdvancED® 2013
Section 3: NSBECS Criteria Aligned to AdvancED School Standards and Indicators
Every student is offered timely, regular and age-appropriate opportunities to reflect on their
life experiences and faith through retreats and other spiritual experiences.
AdvancED School Indicators
The school leadership and staff commit to a culture that is based on shared values
and beliefs about teaching and learning and supports challenging, equitable
educational programs and learning experiences for all students that include
achievement of learning, thinking and life skills.
Every student participates in Christian service programs to promote the lived reality of action
in service of social justice.
AdvancED School Indicators
The school leadership and staff commit to a culture that is based on shared values
and beliefs about teaching and learning and supports challenging, equitable
educational programs and learning experiences for all students that include
achievement of learning, thinking and life skills.
Leadership engages stakeholders effectively in support of the school’s purpose and
Every student experiences role models of faith and service for social justice among the
administrators, faculty and staff.
AdvancED School Indicators
The school leadership and staff commit to a culture that is based on shared values
and beliefs about teaching and learning and supports challenging, equitable
educational programs and learning experiences for all students that include
achievement of learning, thinking and life skills.
Leadership and staff foster a culture consistent with the school’s purpose and
The school has a formal structure whereby each student is well-known by at least
one adult advocate in the school who supports that student’s educational
© AdvancED® 2013
Section 3: NSBECS Criteria Aligned to AdvancED School Standards and Indicators
The leader/leadership team provides retreats and other spiritual experiences for the faculty
and staff on a regular and timely basis.
AdvancED School Indicators
Mentoring, coaching and induction programs support instructional improvement
consistent with the school’s values and beliefs about teaching and learning.
All staff members participate in a continuous program of professional learning.
The leader/leadership team and faculty assist parents in their role as the primary educators
of their children in faith.
AdvancED School Indicators
Leadership engages stakeholders effectively in support of the school’s purpose and
The school engages families in meaningful ways in their children’s education and
keeps them informed of their children’s learning progress.
The school has a formal structure whereby each student is well-known by at least
one adult advocate in the school who supports that student’s educational
The leader/leadership team collaborates with other institutions (for example, Catholic
Charities, Catholic higher education, religious congregation-sponsored programs) to provide
opportunities for parents/guardians to grow in the knowledge and practice of the faith.
AdvancED School Indicators
Leadership engages stakeholders effectively in support of the school’s purpose and
The school engages families in meaningful ways in their children’s education and
keeps them informed of their children’s learning progress.
The school provides support services to meet the physical, social and emotional
needs of the student population being served.
© AdvancED® 2013
Section 3: NSBECS Criteria Aligned to AdvancED School Standards and Indicators
All adults in the school community are invited to participate in Christian service programs to
promote the lived reality of action in service of social justice.
AdvancED School Indicators
Leadership engages stakeholders effectively in support of the school’s purpose and
The school has a formal structure whereby each student is well-known by at least one
adult advocate in the school who supports that student’s educational experience.
Every administrator, faculty and staff member visibly supports the faith life of the school
AdvancED School Indicators
The school leadership and staff commit to a culture that is based on shared values
and beliefs about teaching and learning and supports challenging, equitable
educational programs and learning experiences for all students that include
achievement of learning, thinking and life skills.
Leadership and staff foster a culture consistent with the school’s purpose and
Leadership engages stakeholders effectively in support of the school’s purpose and
The governing body, representing the diversity of stakeholders, functions according to its
approved constitution and by-laws.
AdvancED School Indicators
The governing body operates responsibly and functions effectively.
© AdvancED® 2013
Section 3: NSBECS Criteria Aligned to AdvancED School Standards and Indicators
The governing body systematizes the policies of the school’s operations to ensure fidelity to
mission and continuity and sustainability through leadership successions.
AdvancED School Indicators
The school leadership and staff commit to a culture that is based on shared values
and beliefs about teaching and learning and supports challenging, equitable
educational programs and learning experiences for all students that include
achievement of learning, thinking and life skills.
The governing body establishes policies and supports practices that ensure effective
administration of the school.
Instructional time, material resources and fiscal resources are sufficient to support
the purpose and direction of the school.
The governing body, in collaboration with or through the actions of the leader/leadership
team, maintains a relationship with the Bishop marked by mutual trust, close cooperation,
continuing dialogue and respect for the Bishop’s legitimate authority.
AdvancED School Indicators
The governing body operates responsibly and functions effectively.
The governing body ensures that the leadership has the autonomy to meet goals for
achievement and instruction and to manage day-to-day operations effectively.
The governing body, in collaboration with or through the actions of the leader/leadership
team, maintains a constructive and beneficial relationship with the (Arch)diocesan Education
Office consistent with (Arch)diocesan policy pertaining to the recognition of Catholic schools
by the Bishop.
AdvancED School Indicators
The governing body operates responsibly and functions effectively.
The governing body ensures that the leadership has the autonomy to meet goals for
achievement and instruction and to manage day-to-day operations effectively.
© AdvancED® 2013
Section 3: NSBECS Criteria Aligned to AdvancED School Standards and Indicators
In the case of a parish school, the governing body, in collaboration with the leader/leadership
team, maintains a relationship with the canonical administrator (pastor or designee of
Bishop) marked by mutual trust, close cooperation and continuing dialogue.
AdvancED School Indicators
The governing body operates responsibly and functions effectively.
The governing body ensures that the leadership has the autonomy to meet goals for
achievement and instruction and to manage day-to-day operations effectively.
The governing body engages in formation and ongoing training and self evaluation for itself
and the leadership team to ensure the faithful execution of their respective responsibilities.
AdvancED School Indicators
The school’s leadership implements a continuous improvement process that
provides clear direction for improving conditions that support student learning.
The governing body establishes policies and supports practices that ensure effective
administration of the school.
The governing body operates responsibly and functions effectively.
The governing body ensures that the school leadership has the autonomy to meet
goals for achievement and instruction and to manage day-to-day operations
Leadership and staff supervision and evaluation processes result in improved
professional practice and student success.
Professional and support staff are trained in the evaluation, interpretation and use
of data.
© AdvancED® 2013
Section 3: NSBECS Criteria Aligned to AdvancED School Standards and Indicators
The leader/leadership team meets national, state and/or (Arch)diocesan requirements for
school leadership preparation and licensing to serve as the faith and instructional leader(s) of
the school.
AdvancED School Indicators
Qualified professional and support staff are sufficient in number to fulfill their roles
and responsibilities necessary to support the school’s purpose, direction and the
educational program.
The leader/leadership team articulates a clear mission and vision for the school, and engages
the school community to ensure a school culture that embodies the mission and vision.
AdvancED School Indicators
The school engages in a systematic, inclusive and comprehensive process to review,
revise and communicate a school purpose for student success.
The school leadership and staff commit to a culture that is based on shared values
and beliefs about teaching and learning and supports challenging, equitable
educational programs and learning experiences for all students that include
achievement of learning, thinking and life skills.
Leadership and staff foster a culture consistent with the school’s purpose and
© AdvancED® 2013
Section 3: NSBECS Criteria Aligned to AdvancED School Standards and Indicators
The leader/leadership team takes responsibility for the development and oversight of
personnel, including recruitment, professional growth, faith formation and formal
assessment of faculty and staff in compliance with (Arch)diocesan policies and/or religious
congregation sponsorship policies.
AdvancED School Indicators
The governing body establishes policies and supports practices that ensure effective
administration of the school.
Leadership and staff supervision and evaluation processes result in improved
professional practice and student success.
School leaders monitor and support the improvement of instructional practices of
teachers to ensure student success.
Mentoring, coaching, and induction programs support instructional improvement
consistent with the school’s values and beliefs about teaching and learning.
All staff members participate in a continuous program of professional learning.
The leader/leadership team establishes and supports networks of collaboration at all levels
within the school community to advance excellence.
AdvancED School Indicators
Leadership engages stakeholders effectively in support of the school’s purpose and
Teachers participate in collaborative learning communities to improve instruction
and student learning.
© AdvancED® 2013
Section 3: NSBECS Criteria Aligned to AdvancED School Standards and Indicators
The leader/leadership team directs the development and continuous improvement of
curriculum and instruction, and utilizes school-wide data to plan for continued and sustained
academic excellence and growth.
AdvancED School Indicators
The school’s leadership implements a continuous improvement process that
provides clear direction for improving conditions that support student learning.
Leadership and staff supervision and evaluation processes result in improved
professional practice and student success.
Curriculum, instruction and assessment are monitored and adjusted systematically
in response to data from multiple assessments of student learning and an
examination of professional practice.
School leaders monitor and support the improvement of instructional practices of
teachers to ensure student success.
Professional and support staff continuously collect, analyze and apply learning from
a range of data sources, including comparison and trend data about student
learning, instruction, program evaluation and organizational conditions.
Professional and support staff are trained in the evaluation, interpretation and use
of data.
The school engages in a continuous process to determine verifiable improvement in
student learning, including readiness for and success at the next level.
The leader/leadership team works in collaboration with the governing body to provide an
infrastructure of programs and services that ensures the operational vitality of the school.
AdvancED School Indicators
The governing body establishes policies and supports practices that ensure effective
administration of the school.
The school provides services that support the counseling, assessment, referral,
educational and career planning needs of all students.
© AdvancED® 2013
Section 3: NSBECS Criteria Aligned to AdvancED School Standards and Indicators
The leader/leadership team assumes responsibility for communicating new initiatives and/or
changes to school programs to all constituents.
AdvancED School Indicators
Leadership monitors and communicates comprehensive information about student
learning, conditions that support student learning, and the achievement of school
improvement goals to stakeholders.
The curriculum adheres to appropriate, delineated standards, and is vertically aligned to
ensure that every student successfully completes a rigorous and coherent sequence of
academic courses based on the Standards and rooted in Catholic values.
AdvancED School Indicators
The school leadership and staff commit to a culture that is based on shared values
and beliefs about teaching and learning and supports challenging, equitable
educational programs and learning experiences for all students that include
achievement of learning, thinking and life skills.
The school’s leadership implements a continuous improvement process that
provides clear direction for improving conditions that support student learning.
The school’s curriculum provides equitable and challenging learning experiences
that ensure all students have sufficient opportunities to develop learning, thinking
and life skills that lead to success at the next level.
Grading and reporting are based on clearly defined criteria that represent the
attainment of content knowledge and skills and are consistent across grade levels
and courses.
The school establishes and maintains a clearly defined and comprehensive student
assessment system.
The school engages in a continuous process to determine verifiable improvement in
student learning, including readiness for and success at the next level.
© AdvancED® 2013
Section 3: NSBECS Criteria Aligned to AdvancED School Standards and Indicators
Standards are adopted across the curriculum, and include integration of the religious,
spiritual, moral and ethical dimensions of learning in all subjects.
AdvancED School Indicators
The school’s curriculum provides equitable and challenging learning experiences that
ensure all students have sufficient opportunities to develop learning, thinking and life
skills that lead to success at the next level.
The school engages in a continuous process to determine verifiable improvement in
student learning, including readiness for and success at the next level.
Curriculum and instruction for 21st century learning provide students with the knowledge,
understanding and skills to become creative, reflective, literate, critical and moral evaluators,
problem solvers, decision makers and socially responsible global citizens.
AdvancED School Indicators
The school leadership and staff commit to a culture that is based on shared values
and beliefs about teaching and learning and supports challenging, equitable
educational programs and learning experiences for all students that include
achievement of learning, thinking and life skills.
The school’s curriculum provides equitable and challenging learning experiences
that ensure all students have sufficient opportunities to develop learning, thinking
and life skills that lead to success at the next level.
Teachers engage students in their learning through instructional strategies that
ensure achievement of learning expectations.
Teachers implement the school’s instructional process in support of student
The technology infrastructure supports the school’s teaching, learning and
operational needs.
© AdvancED® 2013
Section 3: NSBECS Criteria Aligned to AdvancED School Standards and Indicators
Curriculum and instruction for 21st century learning prepares students to become expert
users of technology, able to create, publish and critique digital products that reflect their
understanding of the content and their technological skills.
AdvancED School Indicators
The school leadership and staff commit to a culture that is based on shared values
and beliefs about teaching and learning and supports challenging, equitable
educational programs and learning experiences for all students that include
achievement of learning, thinking and life skills.
The school’s curriculum provides equitable and challenging learning experiences
that ensure all students have sufficient opportunities to develop learning, thinking
and life skills that lead to success at the next level.
Teachers engage students in their learning through instructional strategies that
ensure achievement of learning expectations.
Students and school personnel use a range of media and information resources to
support the school’s educational programs.
Classroom instruction is designed to intentionally address the affective dimensions of
learning, such as intellectual and social dispositions, relationship building and habits of mind.
AdvancED School Indicators
The school leadership and staff commit to a culture that is based on shared values
and beliefs about teaching and learning and supports challenging, equitable
educational programs and learning experiences for all students that include
achievement of learning, thinking and life skills.
Curriculum, instruction and assessment are monitored and adjusted systematically
in response to data from multiple assessments of student learning and an
examination of professional practice.
Teachers engage students in their learning through instructional strategies that
ensure achievement of learning expectations.
Teachers implement the school’s instructional process in support of student
© AdvancED® 2013
Section 3: NSBECS Criteria Aligned to AdvancED School Standards and Indicators
Classroom instruction is designed to engage and motivate all students, addressing the diverse
needs and capabilities of each student, and accommodating students with special needs as
fully as possible.
AdvancED School Indicators
Curriculum, instruction and assessment are monitored and adjusted systematically
in response to data from multiple assessments of student learning and an
examination of professional practice.
Teachers engage students in their learning through instructional strategies that
ensure achievement of learning expectations.
Teachers implement the school’s instructional process in support of student
The school provides support services to meet the physical, social and emotional
needs of the student population being served.
Faculty collaborate in professional learning communities to develop, implement and
continuously improve the effectiveness of the curriculum and instruction to result in high
levels of student achievement.
AdvancED School Indicators
The school leadership and staff commit to a culture that is based on shared values
and beliefs about teaching and learning and supports challenging, equitable
educational programs and learning experiences for all students that include
achievement of learning, thinking and life skills.
The school’s leadership implements a continuous improvement process that
provides clear direction for improving conditions that support student learning.
Teachers participate in collaborative learning communities to improve instruction
and student learning.
All staff members participate in a continuous program of professional learning.
Professional and support staff continuously collect, analyze and apply learning from
a range of data sources, including comparison and trend data about student
learning, instruction, program evaluation and organizational conditions.
© AdvancED® 2013
Section 3: NSBECS Criteria Aligned to AdvancED School Standards and Indicators
The faculty and professional support staff meet (Arch)diocesan, state and/or national
requirements for academic preparation and licensing to ensure their capacity to provide
effective curriculum and instruction.
AdvancED School Indicators
Qualified professional and support staff are sufficient in number to fulfill their roles
and responsibilities necessary to support the school’s purpose, direction and the
educational program.
Faculty and professional support staff demonstrate and continuously improve knowledge and
skills necessary for effective instruction, cultural sensitivity and modeling of Gospel values.
AdvancED School Indicators
The school leadership and staff commit to a culture that is based on shared values
and beliefs about teaching and learning and supports challenging, equitable
educational programs and learning experiences for all students that include
achievement of learning, thinking and life skills.
Leadership and staff foster a culture consistent with the school’s purpose and
Mentoring, coaching and induction programs support instructional improvement
consistent with the school’s values and beliefs about teaching and learning.
All staff members participate in a continuous program of professional learning.
Faculty and staff engage in high quality professional development, including religious
formation, and are accountable for implementation that supports student learning.
AdvancED School Indicators
The school’s leadership implements a continuous improvement process that
provides clear direction for improving conditions that support student learning.
Leadership and staff supervision and evaluation processes result in improved
professional practice and student success.
All staff members participate in a continuous program of professional learning.
© AdvancED® 2013
Section 3: NSBECS Criteria Aligned to AdvancED School Standards and Indicators
School-wide and student data generated by a variety of tools are used to monitor, review and
evaluate the curriculum and co-curricular programs, to plan for continued and sustained
student growth, and to monitor and assess faculty performance.
AdvancED School Indicators
The school’s leadership implements a continuous improvement process that
provides clear direction for improving conditions that support student learning.
Leadership and staff supervision and evaluation processes result in improved
professional practice and student success.
The school’s curriculum provides equitable and challenging learning experiences
that ensure all students have sufficient opportunities to develop learning, thinking
and life skills that lead to success at the next level.
Curriculum, instruction and assessment are monitored and adjusted systematically
in response to data from multiple assessments of student learning and an
examination of professional practice.
School leaders monitor and support the improvement of instructional practices of
teachers to ensure student success.
Professional and support staff continuously collect, analyze and apply learning from
a range of data sources, including comparison and trend data about student
learning, instruction, program evaluation and organizational conditions.
The school engages in a continuous process to determine verifiable improvement in
student learning, including readiness for and success at the next level.
© AdvancED® 2013
Section 3: NSBECS Criteria Aligned to AdvancED School Standards and Indicators
School-wide and aggregated student data are normed to appropriate populations and are
shared with all stakeholders.
AdvancED School Indicators
The school establishes and maintains a clearly defined and comprehensive student
assessment system.
Professional and support staff continuously collect, analyze and apply learning from
a range of data sources, including comparison and trend data about student
learning, instruction, program evaluation and organizational conditions.
Leadership monitors and communicates comprehensive information about student
learning, conditions that support student learning and the achievement of school
improvement goals to stakeholders.
Faculty use a variety of curriculum-based assessments aligned with learning outcomes and
instructional practices to assess student learning, including formative, summative, authentic
performance and student self-assessment.
AdvancED School Indicators
The school’s curriculum provides equitable and challenging learning experiences
that ensure all students have sufficient opportunities to develop learning, thinking
and life skills that lead to success at the next level.
Grading and reporting are based on clearly defined criteria that represent the
attainment of content knowledge and skills and are consistent across grade levels
and courses.
The school establishes and maintains a clearly defined and comprehensive student
assessment system.
Professional and support staff continuously collect, analyze and apply learning from
a range of data sources, including comparison and trend data about student
learning, instruction, program evaluation and organizational conditions.
The school engages in a continuous process to determine verifiable improvement in
student learning, including readiness for and success at the next level.
© AdvancED® 2013
Section 3: NSBECS Criteria Aligned to AdvancED School Standards and Indicators
Criteria used to evaluate student work and the reporting mechanisms are valid, consistent,
transparent and justly administered.
AdvancED School Indicators
Grading and reporting are based on clearly defined criteria that represent the
attainment of content knowledge and skills and are consistent across grade levels
and courses.
The school establishes and maintains a clearly defined and comprehensive student
assessment system.
Professional and support staff continuously collect, analyze and apply learning from
a range of data sources, including comparison and trend data about student
learning, instruction, program evaluation and organizational conditions.
Professional and support staff are trained in the evaluation, interpretation and use
of data.
Leadership monitors and communicates comprehensive information about student
learning, conditions that support student learning and the achievement of school
improvement goals to stakeholders.
3.10 Grading and reporting are based on clearly defined criteria that represent the
attainment of content knowledge and skills and are consistent across grade levels and
The school establishes and maintains a clearly defined and comprehensive student
assessment system.
Professional and support staff continuously collect, analyze and apply learning from
a range of data sources, including comparison and trend data about student learning,
instruction, program evaluation and organizational conditions.
Professional and support staff are trained in the evaluation, interpretation and use
of data.
Leadership monitors and communicates comprehensive information about student
learning, conditions that support student learning and the achievement of school
improvement goals to stakeholders.
© AdvancED® 2013
Section 3: NSBECS Criteria Aligned to AdvancED School Standards and Indicators
Faculty collaborate in professional learning communities to monitor individual and class-wide
student learning through methods such as common assessments and rubrics.
AdvancED School Indicators
The school leadership and staff commit to a culture that is based on shared values
and beliefs about teaching and learning and supports challenging, equitable
educational programs and learning experiences for all students that include
achievement of learning, thinking and life skills.
The school’s leadership implements a continuous improvement process that
provides clear direction for improving conditions that support student learning.
Curriculum, instruction and assessment are monitored and adjusted systematically
in response to data from multiple assessments of student learning and an
examination of professional practice.
School leaders monitor and support the improvement of instructional practices of
teachers to ensure student success.
Teachers participate in collaborative learning communities to improve instruction
and student learning.
school leadership
and staff commit
to a culture
that is based
on shared values to
for parents/guardians
for parents/guardians
and beliefs
about teaching
and supports
with school
leaders, and
and other
enhance educational
the educational
of learning,
experiences for the school community.
thinking and life skills.
leadership implements a continuous improvement process that
provides clear direction for improving conditions that support student learning.
Leadership and staff foster a culture consistent with the school’s purpose and
Curriculum, instruction and assessment are monitored and adjusted systematically
in response to data from multiple assessments of student learning and an examination of
engages stakeholders effectively in support of the school’s purpose and
School leaders monitor and support the improvement of instructional practices of
to school
student families
success.in meaningful ways in their children’s education and
keeps participate
them informed
of their children’s
3.5 Teachers
in collaborative
to improve instruction and
student learning.
The school provides support services to meet the physical, social and emotional
needs of the student population being served.
© AdvancED® 2013
Section 3: NSBECS Criteria Aligned to AdvancED School Standards and Indicators
Guidance services, wellness programs, behavior management programs and ancillary services
provide the necessary support for students to successfully complete the school program.
AdvancED School Indicators
The school provides support services to meet the physical, social and emotional
needs of the student population being served.
The school provides services that support the counseling, assessment, referral,
educational and career planning needs of all students.
Co-curricular and extra-curricular activities provide opportunities outside the classroom for
students to further identify and develop their gifts and talents and to enhance their creative,
aesthetic, social/emotional, physical and spiritual capabilities.
AdvancED School Indicators
The school leadership and staff commit to a culture that is based on shared values
and beliefs about teaching and learning and supports challenging, equitable
educational programs and learning experiences for all students that include
achievement of learning, thinking and life skills.
The school has a formal structure whereby each student is well-known by at least
one adult advocate in the school who supports that student’s educational
The school provides support services to meet the physical, social and emotional
needs of the student population being served.
The governing body and leader/leadership team engage in financial planning in collaboration
with experts in nonprofit management and funding.
AdvancED School Indicators
The governing body establishes policies and supports practices that ensure effective
administration of the school.
© AdvancED® 2013
Section 3: NSBECS Criteria Aligned to AdvancED School Standards and Indicators
Financial plans include agreed-upon levels of financial investment determined by the partners
involved who may include but are not limited to parishes, dioceses, religious orders,
educational foundations, the larger Catholic community and responsible boards.
AdvancED School Indicators
The governing body establishes policies and supports practices that ensure effective
administration of the school.
Leadership engages stakeholders effectively in support of the school’s purpose and
Instructional time, material resources and fiscal resources are sufficient to support
the purpose and direction of the school.
Financial plans define revenue sources that include but are not limited to tuition, tuition
assistance/scholarships, endowment funds, local and regional partnerships, public funding,
regional cost sharing, (Arch)diocesan and/or religious communities’ assistance, foundation
gifts, entrepreneurial options and other sources not listed.
AdvancED School Indicators
Instructional time, material resources and fiscal resources are sufficient to support
the purpose and direction of the school.
© AdvancED® 2013
Section 3: NSBECS Criteria Aligned to AdvancED School Standards and Indicators
Financial plans include the delineation of costs for key target areas such as instruction, tuition
assistance, administration, professional development, facilities, equipment, technology,
program enhancement/expansion, capital projects and other planned projects.
AdvancED School Indicators
Qualified professional and support staff are sufficient in number to fulfill their roles
and responsibilities necessary to support the school’s purpose, direction and the
educational program.
Instructional time, material resources and fiscal resources are sufficient to support
the purpose and direction of the school.
The school maintains facilities, services and equipment to provide a safe, clean and
healthy environment for all students and staff.
The technology infrastructure supports the school’s teaching, learning and
operational needs.
The school provides support services to meet the physical, social and emotional
needs of the student population being served.
The school provides services that support the counseling, assessment, referral,
educational and career planning needs of all students.
Current and projected budgets include a statement of the actual and projected revenue
sources, indicating an appropriate balance among revenue sources, and a statement of actual
and projected expenditures including the actual cost per child, benchmarked
compensation/salary scales and other health benefits and retirement costs.
AdvancED School Indicators
Instructional time, material resources and fiscal resources are sufficient to support
the purpose and direction of the school.
© AdvancED® 2013
Section 3: NSBECS Criteria Aligned to AdvancED School Standards and Indicators
Financial plans include educational materials for distribution to all members of the
community explaining the total cost per child and how that cost is met by identifying the
percentage of cost that is paid for by tuition and the remaining amount of cost that is
supported by other sources of revenue.
AdvancED School Indicators
Leadership engages stakeholders effectively in support of the school’s purpose and
Leadership monitors and communicates comprehensive information about student
learning, conditions that support student learning and the achievement of school
improvement goals to stakeholders.
The governing body and leader/leadership team provide families access to information about
tuition assistance and long-term planning for tuition and Catholic school expenses.
AdvancED School Indicators
Leadership engages stakeholders effectively in support of the school’s purpose and
The school engages families in meaningful ways in their children’s education and
keeps them informed of their children’s learning progress.
The governing body and leader/leadership team ensure that appropriately developed
financial plans and budgets are implemented using current and effective business practices as
a means of providing good stewardship of resources.
AdvancED School Indicators
The governing body establishes policies and supports practices that ensure effective
administration of the school.
© AdvancED® 2013
Section 3: NSBECS Criteria Aligned to AdvancED School Standards and Indicators
Human resource programs are professionally staffed at the appropriate level (i.e., central
office, school office) and ensure full compliance with human resource policies.
AdvancED School Indicators
Qualified professional and support staff are sufficient in number to fulfill their roles
and responsibilities necessary to support the school’s purpose, direction and the
educational program.
Human resource policies delineate standards for position descriptions including staff
responsibilities and qualifications, hiring, compensation and benefits, as well as standards for
professional development, accountability, succession planning and retirement.
AdvancED School Indicators
Qualified professional and support staff are sufficient in number to fulfill their roles
and responsibilities necessary to support the school’s purpose, direction and the
educational program.
Human resource policies ensure that competitive and just salaries, benefits and professional
growth opportunities are provided for all staff.
AdvancED School Indicators
Qualified professional and support staff are sufficient in number to fulfill their roles
and responsibilities necessary to support the school’s purpose, direction and the
educational program.
Human resource policies ensure that institutional planning includes investment in personnel
growth, health care and retirement.
AdvancED School Indicators
The governing body establishes policies and supports practices that ensure effective
administration of the school.
© AdvancED® 2013
Section 3: NSBECS Criteria Aligned to AdvancED School Standards and Indicators
The school’s facilities, equipment and technology management plan includes objectives to
support the delivery of the educational program of the school and accessibility for all
AdvancED School Indicators
The technology infrastructure supports the school’s teaching, learning, and
operational needs.
The school’s budget supports facilities, equipment and technology management with specific
funds for capital improvements, depreciation and replacement.
AdvancED School Indicators
The governing body establishes policies and supports practices that ensure effective
administration of the school.
The school maintains facilities, services and equipment to provide a safe, clean and
healthy environment for all students and staff.
The technology infrastructure supports the school’s teaching, learning and
operational needs.
The governing body establishes policies and supports practices that ensure effective
administration of the school.
The school maintains facilities, services and equipment to provide a safe, clean and
healthy environment for all students and staff.
The technology infrastructure supports the school’s teaching, learning and
operational needs.
© AdvancED® 2013
Section 3: NSBECS Criteria Aligned to AdvancED School Standards and Indicators
The school’s purchasing and physical and technological improvements are, by design, done in
alignment with the mission and the school’s planning and curricular goals and are consistent
with environmental stewardship.
AdvancED School Indicators
The school leadership and staff commit to a culture that is based on shared values
and beliefs about teaching and learning and supports challenging, equitable
educational programs and learning experiences for all students that include
achievement of learning, thinking and life skills.
Instructional time, material resources and fiscal resources are sufficient to support
the purpose and direction of the school.
The school maintains facilities, services and equipment to provide a safe, clean and
healthy environment for all students and staff.
school leadership and staff commit to a culture that is based on shared values
plan requires
school leader/leadership
and staff
beliefs about teaching and learning
and supports
challenging, equitable
the implementation
of students
experiences for all
that include
of technologies
reach targeted
and to establish reliable and secure databases and
and life audiences,
accountability to stakeholders.
Instructional time, material resources and fiscal resources are sufficient to support
the purpose and direction of the school.
AdvancED School Indicators
The school maintains facilities, services and equipment to provide a safe, clean and
in support of the school’s purpose and
for all stakeholders
students and effectively
Students and school personnel use a range of media and information resources to
support the school’s educational programs.
Leadership monitors and communicates comprehensive information about student
learning, conditions that support student learning and the achievement of school
improvement goals to stakeholders.
Leadership engages stakeholders effectively in support of the school’s purpose and
Students and school personnel use a range of media and information resources to
support the school’s educational programs.
Leadership monitors and communicates comprehensive information about student
learning, conditions that support student learning and the achievement of school
© AdvancED® 2013
Section 3: NSBECS Criteria Aligned to AdvancED School Standards and Indicators
improvement goals to stakeholders.
The enrollment management plan requires the governing body to review and the school
leader/leadership team to supervise annual and continuous measurement and analysis of
both enrollment and retention patterns for all student groups.
AdvancED School Indicators
The school’s leadership implements a continuous improvement process that
provides clear direction for improving conditions that support student learning.
The school has a formal structure whereby each student is well-known by at least
one adult advocate in the school who supports that student’s educational
Professional and support staff continuously collect, analyze and apply learning from
a range of data sources, including comparison and trend data about student
learning, instruction, program evaluation and organizational conditions.
The school’s leadership implements a continuous improvement process that
The development plan requires school leader/leadership team, in collaboration with the
provides clear direction for improving conditions that support student learning.
governing body, to ensure that key strategies are in place to identify, grow and maintain
has a formal
is well-known
by at least
and when
one adult advocate in the school who supports that student’s educational experience.
School Indicators
and support staff continuously collect, analyze and apply learning from
a range of data sources, including comparison and trend data about student learning,
Instructional time, material resources and fiscal resources are sufficient to support
instruction, program evaluation and organizational conditions.
the purpose and direction of the school.
Instructional time, material resources and fiscal resources are sufficient to support
the purpose and direction of the school.
© AdvancED® 2013
Section 3: NSBECS Criteria Aligned to AdvancED School Standards and Indicators