Loriann Groden Lgroden@crsd.org Honors Geometry, periods 7/8 & 9, Room 272 Please sign in! Take a look around the room at all of our students’ goals for the year! •Logic Unit and 14 Chapters in the text •Flatland book and discussion •Presentations •Non-Euclidean Geometry •Students will need a compass, ruler, and graphing calculator later in the year •Homework is assigned every night and checked occasionally •Students do not need to bring their book to school •Homework, Homework, Homework! •Clinic in room 272: Tuesday & Thursday •Ask questions •Ask a friend •Study Definitions, Postulates, and Theorems •Practice Proofs – “C Level” problems, too! •Study by re-doing problems from class, homework, and in-class review •Details are very important! •Be on time •Be prepared •Be nice •Try your best •Do what you need to do in order to succeed •Contribute to the class •Seek help ANY TIME you need it •Students are expected to make up missed assessments on the next clinic day •Students are responsible for all missed work • Points System • Homework checks (5% of the MP grade) • Midterm & Final (25% of 2nd and 4th MP) *These are district exams, not to be brought home • Average Updates: Every test or quiz AND on HAC • Quizzes are returned to keep • Tests may be taken home once all students have taken them and may also be reviewed any time at clinic. 1. Draw and mark your diagrams. Color-coding can be very helpful. 2. Memorize, word for word, all definitions and theorems. This helps you use them correctly and understand their nuances. Flash cards are great for this. 3. Spend time trying ALL problems. There is always something you can do even if you’re stuck. Getting ideas down on paper is a good start. Struggling through challenging problems is how you get better at problem solving. (Think: C level problems and tough test questions!) 4. Revisit tough homework & classwork problems. Try them again from scratch, then use your notes to check. 5. Be able to prove all theorems we proved in class. Re-try them from scratch. Make sure you are understanding the proofs, not just memorizing the process. 6. Throughout each chapter, review previous sections from the chapter to refresh your understanding. 7. Mind your notation at all times! 8. Watch out for re-proving theorems in proofs. succinct and clear as possible. Proofs should be as 9. Take an active roll in class. Ask questions, offer suggestions for problem solutions, share your thoughts, try all problems, discuss with your peers, etc. 10.Try to relax on test day! It can be stressful, but your best focus and clearest thought processes occur when you are prepared, confident, and calm! 11.Have fun! Solving complex problems, seeing connections, and experiencing progress are very rewarding experiences! So many interesting concepts will be explored and mastered…enjoy the ride!