LAMP placement Standards

The London Association of
Mental Health Nursing Practice
Placement and Mentor Operational Standards
March 2015
London Association Mental Health Nursing Practice
Placement & Mentor Operational Standards
Clinical placements that have a positive learning environment, support the development of mental health
student nurses to deliver safe and effective person centred care, and help build and develop the emotional
strength and intelligence required in the world of nursing that new registrants face in today’s NHS.
These standards are a collaborative piece of work by the Trusts and Higher Education Institutes (HEIs), who
deliver pre- registration nurse training in mental health settings across London and nearby areas. They have
been developed so the organisations who support student nurses, make explicit their understanding of the
responsibilities and expectations in relation to practice placement learning. The standards apply to any
structured placement learning provided by placement providers that is accessed by Student mental health
nurses who are supported through an educational programme. These standards support existing professional
regulatory standards.
The Standards
1. Students on Practice Placements
(As part of formal programmes of study)
1.1 Students Nurses will have an allocated
1.1 Evidence of a joint approach
placement that is suitable to their learning between service and education
institutions to the preparation, audit
and allocation of practice placements.
1.2 Access to information about the
1.2 Pre placement information is
placement and learning opportunities will
available and accessible in written,
be available.
verbal and electronic formats.
1.3 Access to quality standards for practice 1.3 Students will have access to the
placements will be available.
placement education audit.
1.4 Students Nurses will receive support
1.4 A relevant named individual is
from a named individual who is prepared
available to the student via the
for the role of supporting student nurses in placement details posted or via the
mental health settings.
education audit.
1.5 Student Nurses will have an
1.5 Attendance at Trust inductions.
opportunity to discuss their learning needs First interviews in practice are
early in the placement. (Preferably the first discussed, recorded and documented
48 hours – no later than the end of the first through initial group meeting with the
Student link/ Lead mentor or with the
allocated mentor and recorded in the
individual students PAD.
1.6 Student Nurses will be allocated to an
1.6 Evidence exists through student
environment which is welcoming,
evaluation forms and real time verbal
supportive of their learning and in which
feedback; that learning and learners
they feel part of the team.
are welcomed, valued and have a
positive learning experience.
Information to be collected through
various mechanisms such clinical visits
by the *Practice Experience Manager
(PEM)/ *Practice Experience
Facilitator (PEF)/ *Practice
Development Manager (PDM).
Student Nurse reflection sessions that
are Trust based. Term by term student
nurse evaluation form completion. HEI
Placement of the year award
* Titles may vary from one organisation to
1.7 Student Nurses will have access to a
range of learning and teaching
1.8 Student Nurses will experience a team
approach to their support.
1.9 Regular and timely feedback on their
performance and progress is given by
individuals supporting the student nurses
learning experience.
1.10 The Student Nurse will receive fair,
timely and objective assessment.
1.11 Students will have access to support
from their HEI when required.
1.12 Student Nurses will be prepared for
the practice placement and will have
access to pre –placement information.
1.13 Student Nurses will contribute as a
partner in the achievement of their
learning outcomes.
1.14 Student Nurses will be encouraged to
raise any concerns about the practice
placement experience.
There is evidence in the Students PAD
that they have used their
supernumery status to undertake
visits outside their allocated
placements and had an
interprofessional learning experience.
1.8 Experience gained with, from and
about the wider team takes place and
is evidenced in the students PAD.
1.9 Regular feedback and review of
achievement and progress toward
learning outcomes is documented in
the students PAD by mentors and comentors.
1.10 Assessment documentation is
completed in line with the HEI and
NMC requirements.
1.11 Lines of communication between
the HEI and student during practice
placements are clear.
1.12 Students will have access to preplacement information via their HEI
websites. Placement provider
websites, Education Audit. Trust
inductions. PEFs / PEMS/PDM.
Placement allocation postings.
1.13 Students will be encouraged to
take responsibility for their own
learning and record their evidence in
the PAD.
1.14 Student Nurses will be informed
of all reporting systems available. This
will be supported by meetings with
senior nursing staff/ Student reflection
sessions/ clinical visits by the PEF /
PEMS / PDM.Meetings with the
student link/ Lead Mentor/ meetings
with their personal tutor/ Where they
exist Student Nurses will have access
1.15 Student Nurses will have the
opportunity to evaluate their practice
placement experience.
1.16 Student Nurses will have access to
action plans drawn up from their practice
placement experience feedback.
to the placement provider harassment
and bullying officers/ Students will
retain access to HEI counselling
whilst on clinical placement.
The placement provider and HEI will
be able to evidence a partnership
approach to data collection on the
quality of placements.
The placement provider and HEI will
draw up a joint action plan where
needed to demonstrate to students
that a quality process exists and
student evaluations form part of an
improvement plan.
2. Individuals supporting students in the clinical area
(Mentors/ sign off mentors/ Assessors/ Educators)
Individuals supporting student nurses in the workplace have a
Responsibility to:
2.1 Be prepared for their role in supporting 2.1 These individuals will have access
Student Nurses.
to relevant educational preparation,
development and support. A pathway
to an academic award at Degree level
and beyond, will be available to
individuals wishing to pursue a career
path in education and or research.
2.2 Support, teach, facilitate and supervise 2.2 Students are supported to achieve
student nurses according to the
learning outcomes.
programme requirements and the students
identified learning needs.
2.3 Provide guidance and constructive
2.3 Constructive feedback is evident
feedback to the student.
within the student nurse PAD or
documentation maintained by the
staff member such as a mentor
2.4 Conduct a fair, objective and timely
2.4 Assessment documentation is
assessment of student performance, where completed in line with education
assessment is required.
institution requirements.
2.5 Raise concerns in a timely manner,
2.5 Processes agreed jointly by the HEI
when a student nurse is not achieving
and placement provider for raising
agreed learning outcomes.
concerns are in place and followed.
2.6 Contribute to the review of the
2.6 Joint education institution/ service
learning environment and student
quality process includes evaluation
from individuals supporting students
in the workplace.
2.7 Participate in self and peer evaluation
2.7 Support network is available and
to facilitate personal development and
accessed by individuals supporting
contribute to the development of others.
2.8 To be educationally prepared to fulfil
2.8 Relevant education and continuing
their role in supporting student nurses.
2.9 To receive information about the
students and their learning needs.
2.10 To receive information about
students where additional support to
maximise the students learning potential
may be required.
2.11 To receive additional support with
those students who require an additional
action plan to meet their learning
2.12 A support network inclusive of service
and education colleagues, managers and
peers is available and accessible.
professional development needs are
incorporated into professional
development plans aligned to the
agenda for change / Knowledge and
skills framework.
2.9 Information about the students
learning needs is provided by the HEI.
2.10 Information about the students
learning needs is provided by the HEI.
2.11 Pathways to access additional
support exist and are known to
individuals who support student
nurses in clinical placements.
2.12 Support networks exist and are
accessible to individuals supporting
student nurses.
2.13 Time to support Student Nurses to
2.13 Workload expectations take
achieve their learning outcomes and
account of support students’ require.
complete the required supporting
3 Managers and Facilitators Supporting Education in Practice
Managers and Facilitators supporting education in practice have a
responsibility to:
3.1 Support the implementation and
3.1 Evidence of periodic review / audit
review of the Core National Placement
of the practice placement
Indicators for Contract monitoring as part
of the audit process for maintaining and
where necessary improving the clinical
learning environment.
3.2 Work with service and education
3.2 Evidence of partnership between
colleagues to ensure processes are in place placement providers and education in
for continuous quality improvement of
relation to the quality of placement
practice placements.
experience. For example action plans
resulting from Student and mentor
evaluations presented at Trust Board
and Board of studies level.
3.3 Ensure Student Nurses within their
3.3 Evidence exists that every student
allocated placement area have a named,
is aware of a named lead in their
prepared individual to support their
allocated placement area and has a
named individual directly supporting
3.4 Ensure individuals who support
3.4 Evidence of support networks
students in the workplace are able to raise where concerns can be raised in
concerns regarding individual students.
relation to students.
3.5 Ensure individuals who support
3.5 Evidence of support networks
students in the workplace are able to raise
concerns regarding issues that may impact
on the quality of the student learning
where concerns can be raised in
relation to placement issues which
may impact on the quality of the
placement as a learning environment.
Managers and Facilitators supporting
Education in practice can expect.
3.6 A network of support to share and
Networks exist which can be accessed
develop practice.
by managers and facilitators
supporting education in practice.
4 Organisations providing Practice Placements
Organisations providing practice placements
have a responsibility to:
4.1 Ensure access to educational
4.1 Evidence of preparation of
preparation and support of individuals
individuals supporting students is
supporting student nurses.
4.2 Ensure the practice placement
experience contributes to preparing
students to become safe practitioners.
4.3 Form partnerships with HEI’s to
facilitate practice learning.
4.4 Provide access to facilities and learning
opportunities to allow student learning
outcomes to be achieved.
4.5 Provide a supportive learning
environment for educators and students
on placement.
4.6 Establish systems and processes to
ensure that issues identified in relation to
the quality of practice placements are
4.9 Promote Equality and Diversity in all
aspects of the placement.
4.2 Student assessment
documentation provides evidence of
achieving learning outcomes and that
assessments undertaken are fair but
4.3 Formal structures exist between
HEI’s and placement providers to
promote partnership in placement
4.4 Evidence of access for learning
opportunities exist.
4.5 Education governance standards
are met.
4.6 Systems and processes to address
placement issues are in place.
4.7 Educators and staff have received
Equality and Diversity training and
learning arrangements /reasonable
adjustments take account of students
Organisations providing practice placements
can expect
4.8 Support from and liaison with their
4.8 Lines of communication and
decision making are clear.
4.9 Involvement in curricula development
4.9 Placement providers’ views are
including the simulated practice
represented in all aspects of curricula
design and reviews.
4.10 Formal agreements exist on practice
4.10 Agreements exist. E.G. Service
placements between the service and
level agreements, Placement provider
agreements, Memorandum of
Student Link / Lead Mentor Role descriptor
5.1 Monitor that student nurses are
rostered to work alongside suitable
prepared supervisors.
5.2 Match Student Nurse to Mentor
5.1 Off – Duty Electronic records such
as Healthroster and or Hard copies
based in clinical areas.
5.2 Student PAD. Education Audit.
Mentor Database.
5.3 Ensure student orientation has been
completed within the first week of
5.4 Liaise with PEF / PEM/PDM on issues
that may impact on the students’ progress
or their own teams ability to support the
5.5 Act as a role model to other Mentors in
the support of student nurses.
5.6 Act as a source of support to other
mentors and their students.
5.7 Support mentors in accessing mentor
5.3 Student PAD.
5.8 Be the first point of contact for student
complaints/ concerns. Escalate to PEF/
PEM. Keep PEF/ PEM informed whether
escalated or not.
5.9 Report issues to line manager/ PEF/
PEM/PDM where nurses need support to
teach and or mentor.
5.10 Report issues to line manager/ PEF/
PEM/PDM where quality of mentoring
does not meet required standard.
5.11 Monitor that initial, midpoint and final
interviews are scheduled and occur on
5.4 Mentor Portfolio and or Triennial
Review. PEM/PEF/PDM records.
5.5 Mentor Portfolio and or Triennial
5.6 Mentor Portfolio and or Triennial
5.7 Liaise with line manager on
inviting PEF/ PEM/PDM to facilitate
team updates or organising protected
study leave to attend mentor update
5.8 Record of meeting with Student /
5.9 Record of discussion with Nurse /
Line Manager/ PEF/ PEM/PDMMentor
development action plan.
5.10 Record of discussion with Nurse /
Line Manager/ PEF/ PEM/PDM.
Mentor development action plan.
5.11 Student PAD.
5.12 Maintain local placement information
and that this is accessible to student
5.13 Have an overview of the students
learning experience.
5.14 Assist with completion of the
placement education audit.
5.15 Assist Clinical lead and PEF/ PEM/PDM
with advice of students allocated to
placement area.
5.16 Encourage co-mentors pathway into
mentorship training.
5.17 Encourage Mentor pathway into sign
off mentor training.
5.18 Participate in HEI Pre – registration
student recruitment. ( Band 7 and above)
5.19 Maintain Live mentor status.
5.20 Keep up to date with NMC & HEI
5.12 Student Evaluation forms.
5.13 Feedback meeting with student
nurses based in clinical area.
5.14 Education Audit.
5.15 HEI has recorded details of
Student link/ Lead Mentor.
5.16 Education Audit and monitoring
of Mentor training applications by
PEF/ PEM/PDM & Trust education
5.17 Monitoring of applications for
sign off mentor training by PEF/
PEM/PDM & Trust education leads.
5.18 HEI Pre registration interview
5.19 Live Mentor database.
5.20 Attendance at Mentor updates
and or Tri-ennial Review. Mentor
Barts Health NHS Trust
NHS Education for Scotland
University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
LAMP Contributors:
East London NHS Foundation Trust
South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust
Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust
North East London NHS Foundation Trust
Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust
South West London and St George’s Mental Health NHS Trust
West London Mental Health NHS Trust
Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust
University of West London
City University
Middlesex University
Greenwich University
Bucks New University
London Southbank University
Kings College London
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