Slumping, Slurring and Slipping Away: Stroke Assessment


Slumping, Slurring and Slipping Away:

Stroke Assessment

Laurie A. Romig, MD, FACEP

Medical Director

Pinellas County (FL) EMS


This discussion relates only to nontraumatic neurological problems!

Prehospital Stroke Care

MYTH: It doesn’t make a difference

FACT: It does! (as with AMI)

Better field management can help to limit stroke deficit

Rapid transport to the right facility is an important component of the overall treatment strategy

CHALLENGE: Not all areas have the appropriate infrastructure in place

(i.e., Stroke Centers)

Prehospital Stroke Care

Use the FAST-G # exam and history to determine hospital destination

Use the MEND* checklist to refine field impression

Evaluation and treatment criteria are based on latest AHA/ASA guidelines

# Pinellas County adaptation of Cincinnati Stroke Scale

*Miami Emergency Neurologic Deficit (includes Cincinnati Stroke Scale elements)

Stroke Facts and

Rationale for Acute Care

Stroke in the United States

Affects > 700,000 persons per year

1/3 die, 1/3 become disabled, 1/3 recover

Third leading cause of death

Leading cause of long-term disability

Costs $50 billion per year

Change in Terminology: Acute Brain

Attack (Not “CVA”)

Term aids public education efforts

Identifies the brain as the organ involved

Implies appropriate sense of urgency

Likens event to heart attack

CVA = cerebrovascular accident

Bad term because stroke is preventable and treatable

Stroke Definition and Types

General Definition

Sudden brain dysfunction due to blood vessel problem

Ischemic stroke (80%)

decreased blood supply to a focal area of brain

mostly thromboembolism (blood clot)

Hemorrhagic stroke (20%)

blood vessel rupture within skull not due to trauma

intracerebral (inside the brain tissue) or subarachnoid (under the coverings of the brain)

Ischemic Stroke



Clot occluding artery

Most common cause: thromboembolism

Possible sources of clot:


Large artery (to brain)

Small artery (in brain)

Intracerebral Hemorrhage

Most common cause: chronic hypertension

Other causes:

Vessel malformation

Tumor, bleeding abnormalities

Bleeding into brain

Subarachnoid Hemorrhage

Most common cause: aneurysm rupture

Other causes:

Vessel malformation

Tumor, bleeding abnormalities

Bleeding around brain

Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA)

Reversible focal dysfunction present for minutes to less than 1 hour

Among TIA patients who go the ED:

5% have stroke in next 2 days

10% have stroke in next 3 months

25% have a recurrent event (TIA or stroke) within

3 months

Stroke risk can be decreased with proper therapy

Do not enable patients to disregard the importance of a TIA , even if they have had them before and know what they are!

Ischemic Stroke:

Nonmodifiable Risk Factors

Advanced age

Male gender

Family history of early stroke or


Ischemic Stroke:

Modifiable Risk Factors

Hypertension (systolic and diastolic)

Cigarette smoking

Prior stroke/ TIA

Heart disease

Diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia

Hypercoagulable states

Carotid bruit

Cocaine, excess alcohol

Could this be you?

The Stroke Battle Cry

Time is Brain:

Save the


Time Is Brain: Save The Penumbra

Clot in



The penumbra is a zone of reversible ischemia around a core of irreversible infarction. This area of brain is salvageable in the first few hours after onset of acute ischemic stroke symptoms.

Time is Brain: Save the Penumbra

Patient symptoms are due to both the infarcted core and the ischemic penumbra

One cannot determine by exam how much brain can still be saved

Therefore, the full extent of the damage is not immediately clear. Deficits could get worse or could get better

Treatment aims to salvage the circulation to the penumbra

If treated early enough, all of the brain tissue could be salvageable

Time is Brain: Save the Penumbra

Thrombolytic agent t-PA can limit brain damage safely if given within 3 hours—it reduces risk of disability due to ischemic stroke by 30%

t-PA is currently administered only if:

clinical diagnosis (no hemorrhage) confirmed by

CT scan

within 3 hours of onset (the sooner, the better)

age 18 or older

no other absolute contraindications

Time is Brain: Save the Penumbra

Other interventions such as intraarterial thrombolytics and clot retrieval devices are being used in facilities with specialized capabilities for some stroke patients

Treatment windows are expanding to 6 to 8 hours or more as facilities gain more experience with new devices

The Penumbra is damaged by seizure, hypotension, hyperglycemia, fever, acidosis

This has implications for what we need to evaluate, monitor and treat in the field

Time is Brain: Determine Cause

In ED: define likelihood of ischemic stroke

Full evaluation may take days and requires admission to the hospital

Differential diagnosis is not extensive

Ischemia vs. hemorrhage

Mimics include: tumor, trauma, seizure, migraine, hypoglycemia, overdose

Stroke Mimics

These conditions can result in focal cerebral dysfunction and mimic a stroke:

hypoglycemia improves w/D50

seizure w/postictal state staring/limb shaking at onset


tumor previous similar events onset over weeks to months


subdural hematoma onset over weeks to months posttrauma

The Stroke “Primary Survey”:

The FAST-G Exam

Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke Scale


Perform as part of Primary Survey under “D” for “Disability”

Also incorporated in the FAST stroke primary evaluation tool and the MEND stroke secondary evaluation tool that you’ll hear about later

Facial droop

Arm drift


Time patient was last seen or known to be normal

This is a BLS level evaluation tool!

F acial Droop (Cranial Nerves):

Show Teeth or Smile


One side of face does not move as well as the other side

Right-sided droop

© AHA 1997

F acial Droop

You may have to encourage the patient to try

Even in unresponsive patients, facial droop may be obvious

It’s common also to see drooling from the affected side

Left facial droop

Facial droop can be caused by other disorders as well (such as

Bell’s Palsy), so a complete detailed stroke examination is VERY important. If ONLY cranial nerve function is disrupted, stroke is less likely.


rm Drift (Motor):

Hold arms out, palms down and close eyes


One arm cannot be lifted or drifts down

Right-sided drift

© AHA 1997

A rm Drift

Normal finding is for both arms not to move once extended or to move together

If patient is unable to obey commands, look for spontaneous movement or movement in response to verbal/painful stimulus

If patient is unresponsive and not moving at all DO NOT mark this as abnormal.

You just don’t know the answer.

S peech: Repeat Phrase

“You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.”


Wrong or inappropriate words or unable to speak (aphasia)

Caused by left hemispheric deficit

Slurred words (dysarthria)

Caused by cranial nerve deficit

T ime last seen or known normal

Forget the concept of “time of symptom onset” and change to “time last seen or known normal”

This is CRUCIAL because time is the major determinant in what interventions may be effective

“Time of onset” is often difficult to determine, so we default to the level of “time last normal”

This also accounts for patients with previous deficits, because we’re asking about normality for that patient

You are called to a 76 year old female found on the floor in her apartment with obvious right-sided weakness and aphasia.

She can’t give you history of when the symptoms started, but the neighbor is able to tell you that she last spoke with the patient the previous evening, when she was acting normally. The patient’s son shows up and says that he talked to her on the telephone just one hour ago, and she was normal at that time.

What difference would the determination of “last seen or known normal” make?

• The actual time of onset of symptoms is unknown

• If the son had not known that the patient was normal one hour prior, we would have had to assume that the stroke symptoms began outside of the several hour window for intervention because we would have had to default to the last time she was contacted by the neighbor

• This is similar to the situation of a patient waking up with deficits—we don’t truly know when the symptoms started

FASTG Adaptation (Pinellas County)

Adds field determination of blood glucose in order to rule out hypoglycemia as a reversible cause of stroke-like symptoms

This is a high priority assessment tool, especially in diabetic patients or those with other potential reasons to be hypoglycemic

You’d be surprised at how many hypoglycemia patients present with stroke symptoms, so don’t think that this is a rare occurrence!


ALTERED MENTAL STATUS without focal neurological findings as evaluated in the FAST-G and MEND exams should

NOT be attributed by default to stroke.

Other medical problems are far more common causes of isolated mental status changes



Metabolic problems

Head injury


Important Supplemental Medical


Important History Elements

Help to pin down symptoms and last known normal time

Help to determine risk factors and underlying causes as well as potential for stroke imitators

Assist in differentiating ischemic from hemorrhagic stroke

Assist in determining appropriate out-of- hospital and in-hospital treatment

A Brain Attack form can prompt you for appropriate history

This is a State of Florida requirement

Importance of Witness


Witnesses can be your only source of history

We need to document specific witness testimony

AND provide the hospital with witness contact information if they are not going to the hospital

Hospital staff may need to ask for additional information

Notify hospital staff if witness is coming to hospital and who to look for

Record witness information on Brain Attack form or run report

Important History Elements: HPI

Potential symptoms to question

Extremity weakness

General weakness (i.e., nonfocal)

Vision changes

Slurred or inappropriate speech



Important History Elements: HPI

More potential symptoms to question


Altered sensation (dull, increased, pins and needles, etc.)

Altered level of consciousness *

Severe or otherwise unusual headache *

Stiff/painful neck *

Symptoms resolved?

TIA rather than stroke

* Potential hemorrhagic stroke indicators

Relevance of specific symptoms

Severe or unusual headache, especially combined with nausea/vomiting and/or altered

LOC  most typical of hemorrhagic stroke

May indicate transport to a Neurosurgery capable facility.

Dizziness/vertigo, lack of coordination  possible cerebellar stroke

Dysarthria (slurred speech) rather than aphasia

(wrong words or none)  possible brainstem stroke

Past Medical History

(Risk Factor Assessment)

Dysrhythmias (particularly acute or chronic a. fib.)


Current or very recent pregnancy (within days)

Sickle cell disease (common cause of stroke in younger patients)

Previous stroke (and whether ischemic or hemorrhagic, if known)

Past Medical History

(Risk Factor Assessment)

Chronic hypertension

Coronary artery disease or other vascular atherosclerosis

Recent systemic cancer (common cause of pediatric stroke)

Resuscitation status (prehospital DNR?)

And our other routine past history questioning

A Word About Old Deficits

Patients with old strokes or other neurological deficits may, of course, have abnormal findings on the FAST or MEND exams even on their best days

You may be in the best position to determine from witnesses or the patient what is NORMAL


Document all deficits on the run report and try to make clear which are old, new or worse than usual

Fibrinolytic Screening

Not all positive responses are ABSOLUTE contraindications for fibrinolytics

Criteria are dynamically changing with new modes of therapy

Risk is balanced against potential benefit

NOTE: Age is NOT a primary factor!

Fibrinolytic Screening

Head trauma at onset of symptoms

Which came first?

Seizure at onset?

Could symptoms be Todd’s Paralysis

(postictal paralysis) due to the seizure or did a stroke cause the seizure?

Symptoms consistent with cerebral bleed?

Fibrinolytic Screening

Patient on Coumadin or Warfarin?

Aspirin or NSAIDs do NOT have the same effect, but note these separately

History of bleeding or clotting disorder?

Previous hemorrhagic stroke?

Increased likelihood of recurrence rather than new ischemic stroke

Fibrinolytic Screening

Current pregnancy or very recent delivery?

Pregnant women can be hypercoagulable and fibrinolytics can be contraindicated at very early stages of pregnancy or in first few days after delivery

Surgery or significant hemorrhage within the last 3 months?

GI, vascular, thoracic, orthopedic, cranial surgery

GI bleed, variceal bleed, intracerebral bleed, major traumatic hemorrhage

The Stroke Secondary Survey:

The Miami Emergency Neurologic

Deficit (MEND) Exam

MEND Exam:

Stroke Secondary Survey

Perform en route unless awaiting transport

May be able to detect strokes NOT evident from FAST exam

Helps to define the specific stroke syndrome

Helps to document severity of stroke, which may enter into hospital treatment recommendations

Establishes detailed baseline for later comparison

Can be accomplished in less than 5 minutes

This is also a BLS assessment; it just takes a little more knowledge of physiology to interpret

MEND Exam: Mental Status Section

Level of consciousness: AVPU

Remember that this is supposed to reflect the patient’s highest level of mental function, so be sure to stimulate adequately

MEND Exam: Mental Status Section:


Speech: Repeat “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks”

Use this phrase specifically rather than just judging from spontaneous speech

Listen for aphasia or dysarthria

MEND Exam: Mental Status Section:



An impairment in understanding (receptive aphasia) and/or formulating complex, meaningful elements of language (expressive aphasia)

Doesn’t always mean unable to speak at all, but may include inappropriate words or word order or difficulty with word finding (could also be considered “dysphasia”)

Reflects a temporal or frontal lobe problem

Patients often appear frustrated that they can’t get the words out or that you can’t understand them

MEND Exam: Mental Status Section:


Dysarthria (“dys” = abnormal, “arthria”

= articulation)

Slow, slurred, weak, imprecise or uncoordinated speech

Caused by weakness or incoordination of speech muscles

Words are usually appropriate

Both aphasia and dysarthria are recorded as abnormal

If patient isn’t speaking at all because they are unconscious, you can’t evaluate speech

MEND Exam: Mental Status Section:


Ask patient for their age and what month it is

If patient is aphasic or unable to follow commands you just can’t evaluate this element. Don’t assume that they would not be oriented if they could respond.

MEND Exam: Mental Status Section:


Ask patient to open their eyes wide and then close them tightly (or vice versa)

This is more sensitive than hand squeezing because eye opening motor function is affected less often by motor deficits than hand muscle function

The patient is less likely to have problems because they physically can’t do the task

You may think that you can assume the answer to this question by the patient’s response to the speech test, but follow the systematic approach

MEND Exam: Cranial Nerve Section:

Facial Droop

Cranial nerves affect speech (through facial muscles), vision (through eye muscles and the optic nerve), facial movement, facial sensation, hearing, and swallowing

Ask patient to “give me a big smile” or “show me your teeth”

Both sides of the mouth should move equally

Facial droop without other neurological deficits may actually be caused by isolated nerve problems such as Bell’s Palsy rather than stroke

If the patient pulls his false teeth out of his pocket at this point, at least you’ve got evidence of ability to follow commands!

MEND Exam: Cranial Nerve Section:

Visual Fields

Visual Fields

Definition: the area in which objects can be seen in peripheral vision while focusing straight ahead

Usually broken into left and right upper and lower quadrants

We’ll test all four quadrants, but record abnormalities only as left or right

MEND Exam: Cranial Nerve Section:

Visual Fields

Have patient look straight at your nose

Hold your hands about 18 inches in front of the patient, fingers bent at the palm and facing each other

If YOU can’t see your fingers wiggling in YOUR peripheral vision, your hands are too far apart!

MEND Exam: Cranial Nerve Section:

Visual Fields

Tell the patient to point to where they see wiggling fingers (if they do)

If they don’t see your fingers at first, move your hands toward the patient’s nose a little to make sure that you’re within their normal field of vision

Obviously, if a patient can’t follow commands, you can’t do this test

MEND Exam: Cranial Nerve Section:

Visual Fields

Wiggle your fingers in each of the four quadrants, but try not to make the pattern predictable to the patient

Report any abnormalities only by

“right” or “left”

(don’t have to specify upper or lower)

MEND Exam: Cranial Nerve Section:

Horizontal Gaze

This basically tests eye muscle function, which is governed by cranial nerves 3, 4 and 6 in the brainstem, though the cortex can also affect eye muscle function

Have the patient look straight ahead at you to start with. Instruct them to follow your finger with their eyes, but not to move their head.

You may need to touch their chin to remind them not to move.

Check to see if the patient has any prosthetic eyes!

MEND Exam: Cranial Nerve Section:

Horizontal Gaze

Using a polite finger  , start with your finger in the midline and have the patient follow the finger to each side

The object is to “bury the sclera”, or get the patient to look ALL the way to the side

You may have to hold an eye open if lid droop is present

MEND Exam: Cranial Nerve Section:

Horizontal Gaze

Examples of possible deficits

MEND Exam: Cranial Nerve Section:

Horizontal Gaze

If the patient is unable to comply with commands to do the horizontal gaze assessment, simply observe spontaneous eye movement (if present)

If you see a deviated gaze, the deficit is actually recorded as THE DIRECTION IN


Gaze deviated to left is recorded as a right gaze deficit

The eye muscles that allow the eye to track to the right are not functioning, therefore the eye is being pulled to the left

MEND Exam: Cranial Nerve Section:

Horizontal Gaze: Advanced Physiology

Eye deviation at REST is technically called GAZE

PREFERENCE. The eye muscles CAN move in all directions, but they “prefer” not to

This is usually a result of a cerebral hemispheric stroke

Example: Eyes that seem to “prefer” to be looking to the left actually represent a left hemispheric stroke and would be recorded as an abnormal horizontal gaze to the right (won’t look to the right) on the BAT form

But it would also be called a left gaze preference

MEND Exam: Cranial Nerve Section:

Horizontal: Advanced Physiology

A real inability of the eye to follow past the midline is true GAZE PALSY, and is usually the result of a brainstem problem or direct injury to the eye muscles. In these injuries, the eyes appear to look AWAY from the affected side of the brainstem.

For our purposes, don’t get too tied up in trying to figure out where the stroke is by the gaze deficit.

Other symptoms will probably help you to discriminate better

MEND Exam: Limb Section:

Arm Drift

This is simply a repeat of the arm drift assessment done in the FAST exam

Please DO repeat the test rather than assuming that the results will be the same as during the


Eyes should be closed for the arm drift test, but do not have to be for the leg drift test

Palms should face down for the arm drift test

(sleepwalker position)

Arms are held out simultaneously, not separately

The key to look for is whether the sides are symmetrical or not, not how high the lift is

Exam can be done on a supine or seated patient

MEND Exam: Limb Section:

Leg Drift

Legs are tested separately

Can be done with a seated or supine patient

Eyes do not need to be closed

Have patient attempt to lift the whole leg, not just kick out or up with the lower leg

Again, symmetry is the most important factor to observe

Having the patient hold the limb up for a second or two rather than just kicking up once may better reveal a subtle weakness on one side compared to the other

A note about patients who can’t follow commands for arm and leg drift

Observe spontaneous movement and document accordingly; do the best you can

Remember, symmetry is really the most important observation

MEND Exam: Limb Section:

Abnormal Sensory Section

Have the patient uncross arms and legs for these tests

Crossed arms and legs can lead to confusion for the brain

Have the patient close their eyes

Test arms and legs separately, having patient tell you or point to the side they feel a touch on (if they do)

Even aphasic patients may be able to accurately indicate results this way

After testing each side separately, ask if the sensation is the same on both sides

MEND Exam: Limb Section:

Abnormal Sensory Section

Touch on the back of the hands and the top of the foot or on the shin

Test the same location on each side

Note absence of sensation as abnormal, but also note alteration in sensation (pins and needles, decreased sensation, etc) as abnormal

Again, symmetry is the key

A person with chronic peripheral vascular disease or neuropathy may have decreased or altered distal sensation all the time, but it will usually be symmetrical

MEND Exam: Limb Section:

Abnormal Coordination Section

This section tests the cerebellum, which supplies coordination of muscle movements

The test for the upper extremities is called the Finger to Nose test

The test for the lower extremities is called the Heel to Shin test

Abnormal Coordination Section

If the test cannot be performed because of extremity weakness, don’t assume that coordination is abnormal

This is one reason to do the coordination testing AFTER motor testing

Name the abnormality for the side that is actively moving (finger or heel) as part of the test, not the stationary nose or shin

MEND Exam: Limb Section:

Finger to Nose Test

Hold your finger upright in the midline in front of the patient’s face (about 8 to

10 inches away to start)

Tell the patient to touch your finger with one finger of one hand, then to touch their nose, then back to your finger

You can demonstrate if needed

MEND Exam: Limb Section:

Finger to Nose Test

Once they get the idea, pull your finger far enough away from them that they have to stretch a bit

This uncovers more subtle ataxia or incoordination

Have them repeat the motion several times, then switch sides

Abnormal findings are missing your finger or their own nose or having a tremor during the motion

MEND Exam: Limb Section:

Heel to Shin Test

Have the patient slide the heel of one foot straight down the top of the shin of the other leg, from the knee down to the foot

Repeat on the other side

Look for inability to place or keep the foot on the shin

Remember that the abnormal side is named for the foot, not the shin

Remember that inability to do this test because of muscle weakness does NOT mean that you mark the results abnormal

A note about tremors

Tremors that appear at rest are not usually due to stroke, but are more often due to disorders such as

Parkinson’s disease and other CNS disorders

These tremors usually disappear when performing a specific motor task

Intention tremor, or a tremor that begins or worsens when performing a motor task is more commonly due to stroke

Bonus Content!!!!!!

Download this presentation from

or go to www.jumpstarttriage and click on the “The

Other Dr. Romig” page

You’ll find extra sections on Prehospital Treatment for Strokes, the Five Major Stroke Syndromes, and practice scenarios that we just don’t have time for.


Stroke has joined Acute Myocardial

Infarction as a very time-sensitive prehospital disorder


Rapid and basic assessment on scene with expedited transport is, in effect, therapy for these patients

Basic stroke assessment is a BLS skill.

More advanced assessment can improve your understanding of the disorder and facilitate clear communication with

Stroke Teams at Stroke Centers


Don’t forget the Bonus Content 

Bonus Content!!

Prehospital Stroke Management

Basic Principles of Prehospital

Stroke Care

First do no harm

avoid giving glucose unless absolutely indicated

avoid treating hypertension

avoid causing aspiration pneumonia

Report to ED

details of symptom onset

neurologic exam

witness information

Avoid Giving Glucose

THE RULE: Do NOT give glucose-containing solutions to acute stroke patients

THE REASON: Hyperglycemia causes lactic acidosis and damages the penumbra


Hypoglycemic patients with known history of hypoglycemic episodes (such as insulin dependent diabetics) should still be treated as usual. The symptoms may be due to the low blood sugar.

Patients without a REASON to be hypoglycemic should only treated if their blood sugar is < 50 gm/dl

Avoid Treating Hypertension

THE RULE: EMS should not treat hypertension in acute stroke patients


HTN is commonly caused by the stroke

It may be required for penumbra perfusion

It often subsides without treatment

Avoid Causing Aspiration Pneumonia


Keep 100% NPO

Elevate head 30 o (no higher) unless hypotensive

This is actually a recommendation that is being debated by some neurologists

If vomiting, use left lateral recumbent position

THE REASON: Most stroke patients have trouble swallowing & aspiration is a major cause of morbidity & mortality

On Scene Care Summary

Complete FAST-G

Priority interventions

Maintain SpO2 of at least 95%

No benefit to maintaining higher SpO2

Keep head straight, elevate head of stretcher to no more than 30 degrees unless hypotensive

Left lateral recumbent position if nauseated or vomiting

On Scene Care Summary

Priority interventions (cont.)

Maintain systolic BP of at least 90 mm Hg

DO NOT treat hypertension

Treat blood glucose if < 50 mg/dl (< 40 mg/dl for neonate) and no history of hypoglycemia

Treat patients with known hypoglycemia history as usual

Make destination decision based on exam and history

Get at least HPI and witness information on scene

On Scene Care Summary

IV insertion can be delayed until during transport if it is not needed for a priority intervention

Same for cardiac monitor and 12 lead


Key is to minimize scene time in order to maximize window for definitive treatment

En Route Care Summary

Document thoroughly

Treat clinical complications as they arise

Perform MEND exam as a secondary assessment tool

DO NOT DELAY to do this on scene

Contact receiving facility as soon as possible to give them time to prepare for the patient

Quick Radio Report Template

Patient age and gender

Symptoms and FAST-G results

Make sure to include time last seen normal and blood glucose

Most PERTINENT history (history of previous bleed or ischemic stroke, pregnant?)

Vital signs, cardiac rhythm if available

Interventions performed

Fibrinolytic screening negative, positive for possible contraindications, or in progress (don’t necessarily need details over the radio)

MEND exam results/stroke syndrome suspected if available


How does a good radio report help the ED?

Clear a bed for the patient if necessary and prep to receive patient report on arrival

Notify CT and reshuffle other patients waiting for same

Notify Stroke Team so that they can be present or en route when you arrive

Prep their registration processes so that tests can be ordered more quickly

In general, get everybody into the same kind of mindset a Trauma Team or STEMI Team has

Example of ED Report

64-year-old man, last known to be without symptoms at 0130 today, with a chief complaint of right-sided weakness.

He was found by his wife at 0300; she is with us.

There was no observed trauma or seizure activity observed.

His glucose is 140 and his BP is 168/105.

Fibrinolytic screening is negative for contraindications

Example of ED Report

He is alert with mild dysarthria, no aphasia, normal visual fields, & moderate weakness of the right face, arm, & leg. (MEND exam)

Monitor shows atrial fibrillation with a ventricular response rate of 86. 12 lead shows no signs of ischemia.

He has maintained a pulse ox of 96% on 2 liters of

O2 by cannula and we’ve performed no other interventions.

Our ETA is approximately 10 minutes.

The Major Stroke Syndromes

Brain: Major Divisions

Note: Cerebrum

= R and L hemispheres

= cortex and subcortex

Cerebral Cortex

 gray matter

 “computer center”

Cerebral Subcortex

 deep white matter

 “wires” connecting cortex and brainstem


 connects cerebrum and spinal cord (“funnel” of the brain)

 contains nerves to face/head


 coordination center

Functional areas of the cerebral cortex

A stroke in these particular areas will likely affect the functions shown for that area.

Major Stroke Syndromes

1. Left Hemisphere

2. Right Hemisphere

3. Brainstem

4. Cerebellum

5. Hemorrhagic

Stroke syndromes are named for the location of the injured area of the brain. HEMORRHAGIC stroke is separated out because of its potential importance in destination and treatment decision making, but it can occur in any area of the brain.

Right and Left Hemispheric Strokes

Motor and sensory deficits are found on the side OPPOSITE to the affected side of the brain

Visual field deficits are also found on the side

OPPOSITE to the affected side of the brain

Horizontal gaze is also affected in the direction

OPPOSITE to the affected side of the brain

Because the eye can’t move to the opposite side, it actually appears to be looking AT the affected side of the brain in hemispheric strokes

Left (Dominant) Hemisphere Typical Signs:

Right Side Weakness and Aphasia

Right Visual Field



Right Hemiparesis

Right Hemisensory


Hemiparesis: weakness or partial paralysis

Hemiplegia: paralysis

Left Gaze


(in hemispheric stroke, looks

TOWARD the side of the injury)


In right hand dominant people, the speech center of the brain is found in the left hemisphere

So left hemispheric stroke is the most likely cause of aphasia in most people

HOWEVER, some left hand dominant people have their speech centers on the right side of the brain, so they may present with right hemispheric stroke symptoms and aphasia

Right (Nondominant) Hemisphere Typical

Signs: Left Side Weakness

Left Hemi-inattention


Left Visual Field


Right Gaze Preference

(in hemispheric stroke, looks TOWARD the side of the injury) Left Hemiparesis

Left Hemisensory


Hemi-inattention or “Neglect”

Patients with neglect tend not to acknowledge

(i.e., they “neglect”) anything about the affected side of their body

“People who experience damage to the right parietal lobe sometimes show a fascinating condition called hemi-inattention. When this occurs, the person is unable to attend to the left side of the body and the world. A person with hemi-inattention may shave or apply makeup only to the right side of the face. While dressing, he or she may put a shirt on the right arm but leave the left side of the shirt hanging behind the body. The person may eat from only the right side of the plate, not noticing the food on the left side. This condition is not due to visual problems or the loss of sensation on the left side of the body, but is a deficit in the ability to direct attention to the left side of the body and the world.”

(Psychobiology, Salem Press)

Hemi-inattention or “Neglect”

The most common form of neglect is neglect of the left side of the body due to a right hemispheric lesion, but neglect can affect other areas as well

If a patient appears not to acknowledge your presence from one side of the body, try changing sides to rule out the presence of hemi-inattention (neglect)

Patients can often eventually totally recover from hemi-inattention deficits

Brainstem Typical Signs:

Bilateral Abnormalities


Sensory Loss in

All 4 Limbs

Crossed Signs

(1 side of face and contralateral body)


Hemisensory Loss

Brainstem Typical Signs: Cranial

Nerve and Other Deficits

Decreased LOC

Nausea, Vomiting

Hiccups, Abnormal





(speaking), Dysphagia


Vertigo, Tinnitus

Eye Movement



Dysconjugate Gaze

Gaze Palsy

(horizontal gaze deficit or gaze preference)

Cerebellum Typical Signs:

Lack of Coordination

Ipsilateral (same side) Limb Ataxia


Tremors, or Limb

Ataxia, result from lack of coordination of opposing muscle groups

(flexors vs. extensors), causing the muscle groups to fight each other

Truncal or Gait

Ataxia (imbalance)

Hemorrhage and the Brain Coverings

Cranium (skull): hard container enclosing brain

Meninges: 3-layered cloth-like covering of brain and spinal cord

Hemorrhagic stroke suddenly increases intracranial pressure

Subarachnoid hemorrhage irritates the meninges

Symptoms Suggestive of Hemorrhage

Both Subarachnoid and Intracerebral



Nausea, Vomiting

Decreased LOC (not always present)

None of these signs are

DIAGNOSTIC of hemorrhage; hemorrhage may be totally indistinguishable from ischemic stroke without imaging studies



Intolerance to Light

Neck Stiffness / Pain



Focal Signs Such as Hemiparesis

Other potentially distinguishing characteristics of hemorrhagic stroke

New onset of seizures is more common with hemorrhagic than ischemic strokes

Altered mental status is more commonly associated with hemorrhagic strokes

Remember that isolated altered mental status is NOT very likely to be due to stroke

Most hemorrhagic strokes will have some combination of the listed symptoms and signs, not just one abnormal finding

Hemorrhagic Stroke

You may NOT be able to detect a hemorrhagic stroke merely by doing the FAST-G exam

History questions are extremely important to focus you on further findings!!

The MEND exam may be the only exam that reveals physical signs of a hemorrhagic stroke

A minority of strokes are hemorrhagic and the minority of hemorrhagic stroke patients end up going to surgery

Know your local protocols about transport destinations for possible hemorrhagic stroke patients

Noncontrast CT Scans: Ischemic


Initial CT scans of ischemic stroke patients may be NORMAL or may only show signs of cerebral edema

You can see the sulci and gyri on the right side of the brain, but the same area is more blurry on the left side

R 4 Hours

Gyrus (a fold of cortex)



(space between gyri)

Subtle blurring and compression of sulci

Noncontrast CT Scans: Ischemic


R 4 Days L

The CT scan usually later develops the more typical dark changes of ischemic infarction

Quick Quiz:

What neurological findings would you expect this patient to have?

(Answer is in speaker’s notes for presentation)

Obvious dark changes of infarction

Noncontrast CT Scan:

Hemorrhagic Strokes

Intracerebral Hemorrhage Subarachnoid Hemorrhage

“Ball” of white blood in thalamus

White blood in cisterns & 4th ventricle

Quick Summary of Major Stroke



Major Syndrome Deficits


Speech –Aphasia

Right Body –Visual

Motor, Sensory 2




 Left Body


Visual, Motor, Sensory



 Right and/or Left

Motor, Sensory

 Eye Movements

 Speech/Swallowing


 Consciousness


 Imbalance

 Dyscoordination



 Headache

 Neck Pain/Stiffness

 Light Intolerance



 + Focal Findings

5 Major Syndromes: Typical Signs







– wrong or inappropriate words



Says correctly


* +


– slurring

Says correctly

Says correctly but slowly

(often sleepy)



Right facial droop

Left facial droop

May have bilateral droop

No droop No droop



Right arm drift


Left arm drift


May have bilateral drift


No drift No drift

Finger-to-nose and/or heel-to-shin testing typically abnormal

Decreased level of consciousness with headache and stiff neck are typical; this syndrome without associated focal neurologic deficits is most consistent with subarachnoid hemorrhage.

With intracerebral hemorrhage, focal deficits may occur.

Practice Scenarios: Stroke

Syndromes and the MEND

Practice Case #1

You are dispatched to a 74 year old male patient complaining of “dizziness”. On arrival, you find an alert patient sitting in a chair. Click on whatever you want to do next.


Past History



Hx of Present


Vital Signs









Practice Case #1: FAST-G

(left click to obtain information, then click on arrow)

Left facial droop

Right arm drift

Speech slurred, but appropriate words

20 minutes (witnessed)


Practice Case #1: Fibrinolytic Screening

(left click to obtain information, then click on arrow)

No head trauma at onset

No seizure at onset

No previous hemorrhagic stroke

+ nausea without headache or neck stiffness

Not on Coumadin

(takes one aspirin a day)

No history of bleeding/clotting disorder

Not pregnant

No recent surgery or hemorrhage

Practice Case # 1: Past History

(click on arrow to proceed)



+ TIA’s


- DM

Otherwise negative

Practice Case #1: Hx of Present Illness

(left click to obtain information, then click on arrow)

Sudden onset of severe vertigo with nausea, no vomiting

Weakness of right arm and leg

No syncope, numbness/paresthesias, headache, neck pain/stiffness, shaking/tremor, seizure activity, trauma

+ double vision

+ slurred speech

Practice Case #1: Vital Signs

(left click to obtain information, then click on arrow)

BP 186/96

HR 112, regular

RR 18

SaO2 95% on room air

Sinus rhythm

Practice Case #1: MEND

(click on arrow to proceed)

Your ambulance is here. Are you sure you want to do this now?

(The MEND should be delayed until en route if transport is available.)

You are transporting…

(left click to obtain information, then left click to go to next case)

Brain Attack Alert

(persistent deficits and within thrombolytic window)?

At risk for hemorrhagic stroke?

Appropriate destination?


Probably not

Closest Stroke Center

If you can’t answer these

questions, go back to start

of case

What’s your initial guess as to which stroke syndrome this patient is experiencing?

Right hemispheric?

Left hemispheric?



Mental Status



(slurred) speech

Answers both questions appropriately

Follows commands, though weakly with right side


Cranial Nerves

Left facial droop

Visual fields normal

Right gaze palsy (won’t look to right)


+ right arm and leg drift

Normal sensation

Right arm and leg too weak to perform coordination testing.

Left side normal.

Practice Case # 1

Which stroke syndrome does this appear to be?

Is this patient a fibrinolytic candidate?


Presence of crossed motor signs, vertigo, speech deficit and gaze palsy indicate

Brainstem origin


Practice Case # 2

You are dispatched to a 54 year old female with altered mental status. You find her in her bed at the nursing home. Click on whatever you want to do next.


Past History



Hx of Present


Vital Signs




Practice Case # 2: FAST-G






Right facial droop

Not moving left arm at all but moving other extremities restlessly (weakly on right)

Not speaking at all

Last seen normal for her 5 hours ago


Practice Case # 2:

Fibrinolytic Screening

No head trauma at onset

No seizure at onset

No previous hemorrhagic stroke

+ vomiting

Takes Coumadin

No history of bleeding/clotting disorder

Not pregnant

No recent surgery or hemorrhage

Practice Case # 2: Past History

+ atrial fibrillation


+ previous ischemic stroke with residual aphasia and mild right sided weakness

- DM

+ HTN with recent medication change

Practice Case # 2: Hx of Present


Found on nursing rounds; normally awake and alert with aphasia and mild right sided weakness

No known head trauma or seizure activity

No previous bleed or bleeding/clotting disorders

Unknown complaints before symptom onset

No recent surgery or hemorrhage

Practice Case # 2: Vital Signs

BP 230/130

HR 98, irregular, a. fib on monitor

RR 12

SaO2 92% on room air

Practice Case #2: MEND

Your ambulance is here. Are you sure you want to do this now?

While you’re loading up…

At risk for hemorrhagic stroke?


(due to altered mental status without alternate explanation, patient on Coumadin, high BP, vomiting, unknown headache)

Brain Attack Alert?


(due to suspected hemorrhagic origin, time since last known normal not as important)

Appropriate destination?

Consider Neurosurgical facility

Left click to proceed




Responds to pain


No speech

Unable to test response to questions

Does not follow commands

Cranial Nerves

Right facial droop

Unable to test visual fields

Unable to test horizontal gaze, but no gaze preference


Left arm not moving, right side weak on spontaneous motion

No response to pain with right arm, otherwise withdraws from pain

Unable to do coordination testing

Practice Case # 2

Which stroke syndrome does this appear to be?

Hemorrhagic right cerebral hemisphere

Is this patient a fibrinolytic candidate?


Treat blood sugar?


(due to lack of specific reason to be hypoglycemic and BS > 50)

Treat blood pressure?


Left click to proceed to next slide

Practice Case # 3

You are dispatched to the sidewalk outside of a bar for a 70 year old male found down on the sidewalk.

He appears to be asleep but rouses to verbal stimulation and stays awake. There is a definite odor of EtOH on his breath. Click on whatever you want to do next.


Hx of Present




Past History

Vital Signs









Practice Case # 3: FAST-G

(left click to obtain information, then click on arrow)

No facial droop

No arm drift

Slurred speech but appropriate words

Bartender inside says he saw the patient walk into the bar normally about an hour ago


Practice Case # 3: Fibrinolytic Screening

(left click to obtain information, then click on arrow)

No signs of head trauma

No seizure at onset

Patient states he has never had a stroke

Neck hurts “like usual” from arthritis

Does not take


No history of bleeding/clotting disorder

Not pregnant

No recent surgery or hemorrhage

Practice Case # 3: Past History

(click on arrow to proceed)

“I drink a little more than I should”

+ DM, on oral meds

Denies other past history

Practice Case # 3: Hx of Present Illness

(left click to obtain information, then click on arrow)

States he only had “two beers” today

Denies focal or general weakness, vision change, nausea or vomiting, syncope/near syncope, dizziness, paresthesias (“I got a buzz on, does that count?”), headache, seizure activity

Practice Case # 3: Vital Signs

(left click to obtain information, then click on arrow)

BP 110/74

HR 88, regular

RR 12

SaO2 96% on room air

Sinus rhythm on monitor

Practice Case # 3: What now?

“But I don’t need to go to the hospital. I want to go home!”

Is this man just drunk, or might he have something more serious going on?

How do we answer this question??

Left click to proceed

Which stroke syndrome could mimic alcohol intoxication?

Right hemispheric

Left hemispheric



Left click to see correct answer

How might we distinguish between intoxication

(alcohol +/- other drugs) and cerebellar stroke?

Ask about drinking habits

How much did you drink compared to normal for you?

Do you feel more drunk than usual for what you drank?

Ask bartender or friends about patient’s behavior compared to normal

Left click to proceed

How might we distinguish between intoxication

(alcohol +/- other drugs) and cerebellar stroke?

Look for evidence of FOCAL signs

Isolated intoxication should affect the patient equally on both sides

Unilateral abnormalities or a marked difference in degree of impairment between sides should be suggestive of a stroke

Would still need to try to distinguish ischemic from hemorrhagic etiology

What tool do we have to help with this?

The MEND exam

Left click to proceed

In this case…

(left click to see info, then left click to proceed)

The patient does admit to feeling more drunk than he should after just two beers. The bartender verifies that he’s only had two

“normal sized” beers.

On the MEND exam:

Mental status exam is normal except for slurred speech

Cranial nerve exam is normal

Strength and sensation are normal

The patient is a bit ataxic even while sitting and has abnormal finger to nose and heel to shin tests bilaterally, but MUCH worse on the left side than the right


Explain risks to the patient. If he continues to refuse treatment and transport, follow your usual refusal protocol. Remember that this is a high risk situation.

Remember that intoxicated patients get sick too!

Left click to proceed

You’ve talked the patient into transport. Now, while you’re loading up…

(left click for answers, then left click to proceed)

At risk for hemorrhagic stroke?

Probably NOT

Brain Attack Alert?


(due to last known normal time of about an hour ago with positive neuro findings)

Appropriate destination?

Closest Stroke Center

Congratulations! You’ve finished!

If you haven’t already done so, download and check out the Pinellas

County EMS Brain Attack Form.

Thanks for playing!

(Please contact me at with any feedback or errors)
