Teacher Name: Shelbi Craig Appraiser Name: McCorkle Subject

Teacher Name: Shelbi Craig
Subject: Texas History
Appraiser Name: McCorkle
PL – 3: Designs effective lesson plans, units and assessments
Date: April 7-11
Monday: I will identify and describe what life was like on the cattle trail for cowboys. I will compare and
contrast what life was really like vs. what society thinks of it.
Tuesday: I will identify the reasons for the removal of the natives and analyze the effects that the cattle
industry had on the removal of the natives. I will explain the importance of individuals such as Quanah
and Cynthia Parker.
Wednesday: I will analyze the economic, social and political effects of the railroad and agricultural
system on Texas. I will explain the importance of James Hogg to the railroad system. I will identify
problems that farmers faced that led to the Populist movement in Texas.
Thursday: I will describe how the discovery of oil at Spindletop affected industry in Texas.
Friday: I will review the factors impacting growth in Texas after the Civil War by creating an ABC book.
Monday Brainstorming, discussion, OPTICS analysis of photos, TPS, direct instruction
Tuesday: Recall information, direct instruction, notes, graphic organizer, check for understanding (cold
Wednesday: Recall information, direct instruction, notes, TPS, Cooperative learning by creating posters
Thursday: Recall information, brainstorm, TPS, video, discussion, create a timeline, create a web, create
a t-chart
Friday: Review, ABC book
1. Objective chart (4 min)
2. Finish presentations from Friday (15 min)
3. Brainstorm a list of words and phrases that describe what you think of when you think about a
cowboy. (3 min)
4. Class discussion (3 min)
5. OPTICS analysis Cowboy pictures (8 min)
6. Think, pair, share: What do you think the differences are in how a cowboy is perceived and how
they really were (5 min)
7. Cattle drive discussion and notes (10 min)
1. Objective Chart and warm-up question: What is the difference about how a cowboy is perceived
vs. how he actually was? (7 min)
2. Direct instruction and notes: How the railroad impacted the Natives (8 min)
3. Narrative of Native Americans and graphic organizer column (10 min)
4. Check for understanding cold calls using random names drawing (2 min)
5. Continue with graphic organizer column 2 (10 min)
6. Check for understanding cold calls (2 min)
7. Graphic organizer column 3 (10 min)
8. Check for understanding cold calls (2 min)
Teacher Name: Shelbi Craig
Subject: Texas History
Appraiser Name: McCorkle
1. Objective chart and warm-up question: What was the difference in the point of view of natives
and white settlers about the rail road? (7 min)
2. Direct instruction with notes
3. Think, pair, share:
4. Notes continued
5. ESPN posters: Make a poster using economic, social, political, or environmental to describe how
the cattle and railroads effected Texas.
1. Objective chart and warm-up question: How did railroads and cattle effect Texas Economically,
socially and politically? (7 min)
2. Brainstorm a list of ways you use petroleum (3 min)
3. Go to website and look at ways petroleum is used. TPS: Did some of this surprise you? (5 min)
4. Spindletop video: history.com (4 min)
5. Spindletop discussion: At the time of Spindletop’s discovery, we did not even have the
technology to use most of the oil (10 min)
6. create a simple timeline of events associated with the discovery and production of oil (6 min)
7. create a web detailing businesses affected by the discovery and beginning of oil production in
Texas (6 min)
8. draw a t-chart comparing the early days and development of Houston and Dallas (6 min)
1. Objective chart and warm-up question: How did the discovery of oil at Spindletop impact Texas?
(7 min)
2. Create an ABC book with a partner using people, places and terms that impacted the social,
economic and technological growth of Texas after the Civil War. (15 min to come up with terms
3. Put together actual book using the terms (30 min)
Essential Questions
1. Why do people often prefer to believe in romanticized images of the past?
2. How does popular culture [books, movies and TV shows about the Old West] contribute to this
myth of the cowboy? Cite specific examples to support your thinking
3. What were individuals on the frontier really like?
1. Why is conflict often the result of cultural interaction? Is cultural conflict inevitable?
2. How did the rise of the cattle industry, the construction of the Transcontinental Railroad, and the
westward movement of settlers contribute to both cultural diffusions and cultural conflict with
Native Americans [Indians
1. How does changing transportation affect population distribution, trade, and the economy?
2. What changes do you predict in improved transportation? What other effects might these
changes have?
1. How can innovation lead to further innovation? Cite specific examples.
2. What are some of the costs of progress?
3. How did the discovery of oil at Spindletop change the course of history in Texas?
Teacher Name: Shelbi Craig
Subject: Texas History
Appraiser Name: McCorkle
Friday: Review all essential questions for the week
Formative Assessment (Result Indicator):
Monday: OPTICS analysis, TPS, Cattle drive activity
Tuesday: Warm-up question (evidence of learning), graphic organizer, cold calls
Wednesday: Warm-up question (evidence of learning),TPS, ESPN posters
Thursday: Warm-up question (evidence of learning), discussion, timeline, web, t-chart
Friday: Warm-up question (evidence of learning) ABC book
Homework, Extension, Independent practice:
Answer all the essential questions as a quiz on edmodo due Friday
create a diorama of Spindletop if extra extension is wanted
Study Island Assignments