Dear Bright Beginnings Parents, May 2016 We would like to invite you to come and register your child for 4 year old preschool for the 2016-2017 school year. We’d love for you to meet the teachers, tour the classroom, and register your child for school. If you cannot make it to registration night, please call the preschool at 684-2686 to make other arrangements. How to Register: 1) READ ENTIRE PACKET 2) COMPLETELY fill out one registration per child. 3) Complete all forms provided. 4) Provide immunization history documentation within a week of the 1st day of school. 5) Provide a copy of your child’s birth certificate. 6) Pay all registration fees. Bright Beginnings Registration Night Thursday, May 5th 5:30pm-6:00pm 295 E. Dominion Avenue (located in the basement of the St. Paul Lutheran Church) Fees Due On Registration Night $60.00 Registration Fee (non-refundable) $55.00 Supply Fee (non-refundable) $150.00 Last Month’s Tuition Fee $265.00 Total Your child will not be placed into a class until all above fees have been collected. Cancellation Policy: If classes are full and your child is not placed in class then all fees will be refunded. If you choose to cancel your child’s spot before August 1st then only your last month’s tuition will be refunded. No fees will be returned after August 1st. Once the school year starts we will only refund your last month’s tuition if given 30 days notice. Enrollment Procedures Classes are filled according to the waiting list and returning students are given priority. Your child must be 4 years old on or before September 1st of that year. All students need to be registered and have all fees paid by the registration night to keep their spot on the waiting list, otherwise their spot will be forfeited. If your child is farther down on the waiting list, coming to registration night and paying all fees is the best chance for your child to receive a spot. Please note that the order of registration forms received on registration night does not affect your child’s chances of receiving a spot. Class Minimum & Schedule Our classes will be offered on two different times slots on Monday Wednesday and Fridays from 8 am-11am and 11:30 am -2:30 pm A minimum of 16 students are needed in the 4’s class to operate the class will not be offered for the 2016-2017 school year if this number is not met. In the event that the class is cancelled, all fees will be refunded. We are excited to meet your child and look forward to having them in our preschool next year! Sincerely, Jennifer Kelley, Bright Beginnings Head Teacher Denise Walker, Bright Beginnings Assistant Teacher 2016-2017 Bright Beginnings Board Members Carissa Morgan, President Mandy Sumner, Treasurer Melissa Wolf, Vice President Jennifer Bruce, Secertary Application For Enrollment Of New Student - 4 Year Old Classroom Child’s Name ___________________________________ Date Of Birth:___________________ Name you would like the child to go by at school: _________________________ Age child will be as of August 31st of this year: _______ Years _______ Months Address:______________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone:____________________________ Cell Phone:____________________________ Email:________________________________________________________________________________ Name of Parents/Guardian: Mother:___________________________ Father:_____________________ Enrollment Options For 4 Year Old Preschool: Our 4 year old classroom meets at the following times: □ Monday Wednesday and Friday (8am-11:30am) □ Monday Wednesday and Friday (11:30am-2:30pm) The following fees are due with this application. Your child will not be placed in a class and may lose their spot in class if these fees are not paid. $60.00 non-refundable registration fee $55.00 supply fee for the year $150.00 last month’s tuition Paid___________ Paid___________ Paid___________ I understand that these fees are due upon application and that my child will not be placed in class until these fees have been paid. I understand that my child’s spot may be taken if these fees are not paid. Parent Signature:______________________________________ Date:_______________ Child Fact Sheet Family History: Child’s Full Name:_________________________________________ Nickname:____________________ Address:______________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone:_________________________________ Cell Phone:______________________________ Date Of Birth:_________________________________ Place Of Birth:____________________________ Mother (or guardian):___________________________ Occupation:_____________________________ Father (or guardian):____________________________ Occupation:_____________________________ Does the child live with both parents?______________ Marital Status Of Parents:__________________ Other Adults In The Home:_______________________________________________________________ Custody/Visiting Arrangements:___________________________________________________________ If the child is adopted, age at adoption:_____________ Does the child know s/he is adopted?_________ Brothers/Sisters Of Child: Name:_____________________________ Date Of Birth:_______________ Grade In School:_________ Name:_____________________________ Date Of Birth:_______________ Grade In School:_________ Name:_____________________________ Date Of Birth:_______________ Grade In School:_________ Name:_____________________________ Date Of Birth:_______________ Grade In School:_________ Other members of the household (including relationship and age):_______________________________ Social Experiences: Who has cared for the child other than parents?______________________________________________ Has the child had group play experiences?___________ Where?_________________________________ Does the child dress self? ____________ Undress self?___________ Right or left handed?___________ Dietary Restrictions/Food Allergies:________________________________________________________ Does child have any special fears that you are aware of?_______________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________How would you describe your child’s personality? (shy, outgoing, sensitive, etc.)____________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Health History Of Child: Does your child have any health issues or allergies we should be aware of?________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Your child’s up-to-date immunization record must be submitted no later than the first week of school. If you choose not to immunize your child, a waiver must be signed and your child will be sent home if a contagious illness breaks out at the school. Why do you feel preschool is important?___________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Please briefly explain your expectations of preschool: ________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Please share any other important information about your child:________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ I certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the information I have given will be kept confidential and only information related to obtaining documentation of my child’s health or conditions will be shared with professionals who have cared for my child. Parents or Guardian Signature:____________________________________ Date:_________________ Identification and Emergency Information Name Of Child:_________________________________________________________________________ Persons Authorized To Pick Up Your Child: Name:_______________________________ Phone:________________ Relationship:______________ Name:_______________________________ Phone:________________ Relationship:______________ Name:_______________________________ Phone:________________ Relationship:______________ Name:_______________________________ Phone:________________ Relationship:______________ Under no circumstances will a child be released to anyone not known to the school without written authorization from parents or guardian. Note: It is legal for either parent to pick up a child unless we have a copy of a court order restricting visitation. Emergency Contacts: (Include someone who will usually know of whereabouts.) Name:_______________________________ Phone:________________ Relationship:______________ Name:_______________________________ Phone:________________ Relationship:______________ Name:_______________________________ Phone:________________ Relationship:______________ Child’s Physician:_____________________________________________ Phone:____________________ Insurance Information (Policy Name & Number):_____________________________________________ Group Number:_________________________________ Other:________________________________ Name of policy holder (guarantor):________________________________________________________ In the event of an emergency, and I cannot be reached, I give my consent for Bright Beginnings Preschool to obtain medical aid for my child. Parent Signature:______________________________________ Date:___________________________ Parent/Student Release of Responsibility Form I, _______________________________________________, release Bright Beginnings Preschool of all liability and responsibility for any injury/harm to my child, _____________________________________, that may occur either at the preschool, on field trips, or being transported in a privately owned vehicle. Parent Signature:______________________________________ Date:___________________________ Permission To Participate In School Activities And To Receive Emergency Medical Care I hereby grant permission for my child to use all of the play equipment and participate in all of the activities of the school. I also grant permission for my child to leave the school premises under the supervision of a staff member for neighborhood walks or field trips. I hereby grant permission for the Head Teacher or Assistant Teacher to take whatever steps that may be necessary to obtain medical care. These steps may include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Attempt to contact parent or guardian, the child’s physician, or the person listed on the emergency information form. 2. If the teacher cannot contact you or your child’s physician, we will do one or both of the following: call another physician or paramedics and/or have the child taken to an emergency hospital in the company of a staff member. 3. Any expenses incurred as stated above will be the responsibility of the parent/guardian. 4. The school will not be responsible for anything that may happen as a result of false information given at the time of enrollment. 5. The school WILL NOT assume responsibility for a child who has not been signed in upon arrival for the day. Mother’s (or legal guardian’s) Signature:_____________________________________ Date:__________ Father’s (or legal guardian’s) Signature:______________________________________ Date:_________ Witness:_______________________________________________________________ Date:_________ Bright Beginnings Preschool Financial Arrangements Fees Due Upon Registration All of the following fees must be collected before your child will be placed into a class. If all fees are not paid or are delayed, there may not be an open spot for your child in a class. Registration: This fee is non-refundable and will not be returned if you choose to cancel your child’s enrollment before or after the school year starts. This fee will only be returned if a class is cancelled due to not enough enrolled students. Supply Fee: This is a one time fee that will cover the classroom supplies for the year. Last Month’s Tuition/Deposit Payment: This tuition prepayment will be held by the school and applied to your last May tuition. The last month’s tuition will be forfeited to the preschool if you do not give us 30 days advance notice of your child’s voluntary withdrawal from the preschool. Monthly Tuition: Tuition is due on the first day of each month. A $10.00 late fee will be charged after the 10th day of the month. If tuition is not received by the 20th of the month in which they are due, your child will not be able to attend preschool and their position may be filled. If the position is still available, your child may return once tuition is current. Tuition payments can be dropped in the tuition box inside the preschool classroom, or can be mailed to: Bright Beginnings, 295 E. Dominion Avenue Colville, WA 99114. No credit shall be given for days the school is officially closed or when a child is absent. Special Circumstances: We understand that there may be special situations which cause or delay a payment. If this is the case, please contact the Treasurer and give details of your situation so arrangements can be made. We are more than happy to work with you but must have communication about the circumstances. Returned Checks: If a check is returned due to insufficient funds, you agree to pay any and all bank dues for both banks involved in the process. You agree to an additional $10.00 NSF fee for the additional time and billing procedures due to a returned check. I, acknowledge I have read and understand the above financial statement. I understand that tuition is due on the first of each month, and that I will be charged a $10.00 late fee if tuition is not received by the 10th day of the month. I also understand that my child will not be placed into a class until all of the registration fees are paid. Signature: Date: The preschool rewards two scholarships per year that will reduce the recipients tuition in half. These funds are graciously donated by community members and by preschool fundraisers. We follow the most recent USDA Nutrition Program Income guidelines. (Public school food assistance program). Our board of directors will decide who receives the half scholarships based on income guidelines. The decision will be made by June. If you would like an application for the scholarship please let our teachers know. Bright Beginnings Preschool Volunteer requirements Bright Beginnings preschool is happy to have parent volunteers. Before a parent can volunteer in the classroom or on field trips it is required that a criminal background check is completed. Parent volunteers are used to transport children to and from class field trips. Proof of full coverage insurance must be provided to the preschool before children are permitted to ride in any personal vehicles. Please contact our teachers to get the proper paperwork if you are interested in volunteering in the classroom. Our Preschool has an all volunteer/parent board of directors. The board’s responsibilities are to assist our teachers in the day to day operations of the preschool. The board helps with fundraisers as well as events put on by the preschool. If you are interested in joining the preschool board we ask for a two year commitment. If you would like to be on the board or to help with any of the events and or fundraisers please let our teachers know. Withdrawal Policy If at anytime through out the school year you wish to withdrawal your child from our program. Written notice must be given 30 days in advance in order to have your prepaid May tuition refunded. All fees must be paid at the time of withdrawal. Bright Beginnings Preschool Photo Release Form Bright Beginnings is working on improving our website and Facebook page to keep parents and other interested community members informed about our preschool and its events. We would like to include photographs of our teachers and students in our advertising and are requesting parents’ permission to do so. If you have any questions about how the photographs will be used, please feel free to contact Bright Beginnings at 684.2686 I grant Bright Beginnings Preschool the right to take photographs of my child in connection with preschool events. I authorize Bright Beginnings Preschool, its assigns and transferees to copyright, use and publish the same in print and/or electronically. I agree that Bright Beginnings Preschool may use such photographs of my child without their name for any lawful purpose, including for example such purposes as publicity, illustration, or advertising. I have read and understand the above: Parent’s printed name Parent/guardian signature Child’s name Date