
The colonists should help pay Great
Britain for the French and Indian war
debt. (Loyalist View)
“No Taxation without Representation” is
a false argument. (Loyalist View)
The colonists should have total control
over who taxes them (colonial assemblies
or Parliament). (Patriot View)
The colonists should have total control
over how tax money is spent. (Patriot
The colonists can defeat Great
Britain because they have homeground advantage.
(Patriot View)
The colonists cannot win a war with
Great Britain because the British
have the most powerful army and
navy in the world. (Loyalist View)
The colonists do not have the
money to form and maintain a
national army and navy.
(Loyalist View)
Should the colonists win a war with
Great Britain, they will not have the
capacity to defend themselves
against France and Spain in North
America. (Loyalist View)
Being part of the British
empire gives the colonists
access to goods from all over the
world. (Loyalist View)
The colonists have a secure market
in Great Britain for their goods and
raw materials. (Loyalist View)
Should the colonists win a war
with Great Britain, it will be difficult
to develop international trade
relations and thus the economy will
suffer. (Loyalist View)
An increase in control by the
British government should not
alone justify going to war. (Loyalist
An imperfect situation is better
than the unknown. (Loyalist View)
 If the war is lost, some
of the most intelligent, respected
leaders in the colonies will be
hanged. (Loyalist View)
The colonist’s rights as English
subjects are limited by the English bill
of rights. (Patriot View)
The Patriots have exaggerated
problems with Great Britain. (Loyalist
The colonists have repeatedly
petitioned the King and Parliament to
hear their grievances, but were either
ignored or answered with more British
control. (Patriot View)
As John Locke stated, government is a
contract. The king has failed to uphold his end of
the contract as the protector of the colonies.
(Patriot View)
Britain has allowed the colonists more rights
and privileges than any other nation on earth. The
Patriots act like spoiled children expecting more
and giving less than those in Great Britain.
(Loyalist View)
The King is chosen by God. Treason against
the King is treason against God. (Loyalist View)
The colonists basic rights are being eroded.
They are no longer guaranteed trials at the place
of the crime and troops are being quartered in
their homes. (Patriot View)