The food apocalypse Presented by Cody Huang - No.37 TOPICS Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Mutant donuts invade Chapter 3: Find a savior Chapter 4: Revenge Chapter 5: Summary Characters introduction Character Power Outlook Character introduction Has a magical pet named Vader Mushroom hair Anthony Turn into man spider Emo hair Stevie A very Rich man Stupid and fat Ian Side good Location Tickputt good good Tickputt Tickputt evil Dessert cave then goes to cook’s palace Vanilla frosted Super big White and holding a hammer Pink frosted Super big pink holding a evil knife Slender Can move super fast and is a professional killer evil Dark forest then goes to cook’s palace Molester moon Murder people evil Only appears when some one sends 3 molester moon to others Dessert cave then goes to cook’s palace Chapter 1 : Introduction Once upon the time in the year of 2014, there is a little town named Tickputt, and there lives Ian who has a hair cut looks like a mushroom and Anthony who has a emo hair and their friends, like: stevie, who is fat and not very smart but has a lot of money, their stupid guinea pig, and Ian’s mom. They all have a happy life in this small town until something terrible just happens. Chapter 2 : Mutant donuts invade The evil cook wants to rule the town, so he made a lot of mutant Donuts, like: vanilla frosted donut, pink frosted donuts, they are all very big so the people are very scared of them, Anthony wants to fight back but he was defeated and cried like a big dumb baby. So the cook takes over the small town, because he is a little bit afraid that someone can defeat him so the evil cook hired more monster to protect him, such as: slender man who looks very scary, he has no eyes, nose, ears and mouth and his face is all white, and he is always wearing a suit, and he can move very fast. Molester moon, he can only appear when some one sends three molester moons picture to others’ phones. The evil cook with the monsters’ help, he becomes even stronger. Chapter 3 : Find a savior After Anthony crying like a little dumb baby they go and ask for help, so They go to find Stevie, although he is very stupid but he has a friend who is very fat and has a magical glove that can teleport things, so Stevie takes them to meet the teleporting fat guy, and the teleporting fat guy tell them there is only one person who can help them his name is pewdiepie he’s got a blond hair , and he can teach you some Incredible skills, so teleporting fat guy tell them where to find pewdiepie, he is in The planet of awesomeness, so the teleporting fat guy send them to meet Pewdiepie. ‘who are you, and why are you here’ said pewds ‘we want to learn Some fighting skill to defeat the evil cook’ said Ian ‘okay all right’ said pewds, So they begin there lesson, pewds wants to teach them how to use force, But Ian and Anthony just don’t get it ‘I can’t believe it you two are the most dumb Student I have ever met’ said pewds ‘well thank you’ said Anthony ‘that is a Praise right, Ian?’ ‘I think so ‘ said Ian, ‘that’s it! I will give you guys cool powers Just go away. So Anthony gets the power to turn into man spider and Ian got a magical pet named Vader. Chapter 4 : revenge After they get the power they think of a plan and they need some one stupid, ‘that will be stevie’ said Anthony ‘yeah of course’ said Ian, so they sent him to The cook’s palace, ‘what do you want’ said the cook,’ I want some burritos If you don’t mind’ said stevie ‘go get him slender’ said the cook, ‘now’ said Both Ian and Anthony so they run in to the place and use their power Anthony Turn in to man spider and use his four arms keep hitting slender’s face but The slender move very so he escape from man spider, just then Ian call his Magical pet Vader and then Vader jump super high and as soon as the slender Stop he jump on him and bite him then destroy him, then Anthony use his four Arms power again and it totally works he tear the two donuts and eat them ‘man these donuts are great’ so he just keep tearing them apart ‘enough’ said The cook, suddenly molester moon appears ,’that’s impossible molester moon Can only appear when some one send three molester moon’s picture’ said Ian ‘yes, wait, look at your phone’ said Anthony ‘oh my god’ there is three molester Moon picture on my phone’ said Ian ‘don’t worry we can kill him’ but what ever They do they just can’t hurt him, and molester moon even hurt Anthony, so They combine their power, and let man spider can jump very high and he Conjure a big chalk and knock the molester moon to death. Chapter 5:Summary After the battle Ian and Anthony destroy the cook’s magical pot and Stop him from making any mutant food, and their friends are all brought Back from the cook’s prison, so the little town was back to piece and no Other monster will came except the molester when some one send Three molester moon he still appears he seems to be immortal, but just then Ian discover that Anthony has already eat all Ian’s donuts, ‘Noooo ‘ Ian shout ‘sorry they are just too delicious’ said Anthony