Welcome to 4th Grade Curriculum Night!

Welcome to
Curriculum Night!
Take a minute to look around our learning
Please read the note your child has written to you,
and respond with a friendly letter for them to read
in the morning!
*No Curriculum Books this year…it is online!
Contact Information
Website: http://kyrene.org/cmerri
Phone: (480) 541-3135 (voicemail)
(480) 541-3000 (office)
(best way to reach me!!)
Personal Background and Experience
Grew up in Illinois
Married and have 2 daughters
Undergrad degree from Illinois State University
Masters degree and Reading Specialist endorsement from
Arizona State University
Structured English Immersion endorsement from Rio
Salado College
Taught 7 years in special education in Illinois and New
Took an 10 year sabbatical to raise my family
Taught 3 years part time as a special education resource
teacher at Estrella
This is my 9th year teaching 4th grade at Estrella
To make your child self-responsible
and self disciplined.
To make connections between school
and the real world.
To be prepared for 5th grade and
middle school.
Classroom Behavior
Classroom Responsibilities
 Classroom Behavior Plan
Classroom behavior will be recorded daily on
their homework calendar (Green, Yellow, Red)
School Wide Character Counts Program
Six Pillars of Character
Homework and Reading Requirement
On Monday, I will send a Math Packet, Math Facts
Packet or a Word Ladder, and 2 Spelling worksheets.
It is all due on Thursday. I give a pretest on
Wednesday with another copy of the list so they will
have that to leave at home to study from.
 Students are responsible to read for 60 minutes and
fill out their reading log each week. Students should
total their reading minutes and parents should sign or
initial their calendar on Thursday night.
 Any student who does not complete his homework or
have his Reading Minutes completed and signed, will
not participate in Friday Fun
Completed Papers and Corrections
Progress Reports will go home every Friday
Any assignments with scores below 70% will be stapled
to the Progress Report and are to be corrected and
redone. Please sign that you have checked it over with
your child and return to school on Monday morning.
Completed papers from the week will go home
every Friday afternoon in a manila envelope
Review the corrected papers from the week and
look to see how your child is doing
Friday Fun
To participate in Friday Fun
Homework is completed and accurate
 Any corrections are completed correctly and
have been signed by the parent
 Homework Calendar is initialed and reading
minutes are complete
 Class Work is completed
 No days where behavior was on Red
Rotations: Draw and Color, Games, Video, and
Study Hall
Tests on Friday
All published writing will be kept in the
student’s portfolios. Rough drafts will come
home for you to see
Math 4 Today, Spelling, and Daily Oral
6 Traits Writing Rubrics
Check website for all rubrics
Snacks and Birthday Treats
Snack and Water
Healthy snacks (prefer fresh fruits and veggies)
can be eaten during morning recess
Water only in a labeled bottle or container
Please no gatorade, vitamin water, or other colored
Birthday Treats
Check the approved list on my website
Make sure that it is individually wrapped for easy
Summer birthdays will also get an opportunity to
Scott Foresman textbook – traditional
Check Curriculum Guide for Family Letters
Investigations – Problem solving and
encouraging mental math strategies
• Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
• Multiplication and Division Math Facts
memorization are crucial to success in
fourth grade!!
• Math 4 Today - spiraling curriculum
Test on Friday
Harcourt basal reader
6 complete themes
Whole group and
small group
Literacy Stations to
allow for differentiated
Trade chapter books
Novel studies
Reading log
Read Aloud
Writer’s Workshop
Main topic is clear
Topic is narrow and focused
Message is clear from beginning to end
Interesting and important details
Effective lead that hooks the reader
Easy to follow, the reader doesn’t get lost
Good use of transitional words and phrases
Effective conclusion that wraps up the paper
Has your fingerprint, it sounds like you
Has energy, is lively
Would enjoy sharing aloud
Writer’s Workshop
Word Choice
Sentence Fluency
Uses strong verbs
Uses words that make pictures in your mind
Doesn’t use one word too many times
Is easy to read aloud, has a smooth rhythm and flow
Sentences begin in different ways
Some sentences are long, others are short
Conventions / Presentation
Checked spelling, grammar, punctuation, paragraphing, capitals
Looks neat and looks good on the page
All Lists available online
 Homework List (purple) due Thursday
One column activity per night recommended
Take Home (purple) due Thursday
 Pretest given on Wednesday and will go
home in the blue homework folder.
Review those missed words for the test
 Test each Friday
20 words plus two bonus words
Social Studies (Arizona History)
Now, Mapping and Landforms
 Next, Arizona
Arizona’s Regions and Plants and Animals
Arizona’s Points of Interest
Native Americans
Mining and Territorial Towns
Arizona Counties
5 C’s (Cattle, Copper, Cotton, Climate, and Citrus)
Research of Arizona Animal
Field trip to Phoenix Zoo
Scientific Process & Experiments = Hands on
Matter & Energy = Electricity &
2. Renewable and Non-Renewable
3. Water and Weather
4. Earth Studies = Animal Classifications
Arizona Animal Reports
 Safety – How to say “no” to risky
 HIV / Aids
 Growth and Development
District Controls, scripted lessons,
Previewing Available in May
Specials Schedule
Music – Monday: 8:45 – 9:30
Computer Lab – Tuesday: 8:45 – 9:30
P. E. – Wednesday: 8:45 – 9:30
Art – Thursday: 8:45 – 9:30
Library – Friday: 8:45 – 9:30
Friday Fun – Friday: 9:50 – 10:20
Volunteer Sign-Ups
are on the Whiteboard
Parties – We need COORDINATORS!!
 Art Masterpiece
 Behind the Scenes
 Computer Lab (Tuesday: 8:45 – 9:30)
 Photographer for the yearbook to take
class pictures
 PTO is looking for a class mom or dad
from each classroom
Wish List
is on the bulletin board outside
Recess Equipment
Playground balls
 Jump ropes
 Hula hoops
Electric Pencil Sharpener
 Pencils (presharpened please)
 White board markers
Five Ways You Can Help Your Child Be
Successful in Fourth Grade
1. Check over the homework before it gets turned in.
2. Go over the papers that come home on Friday.
3. Make sure your child knows the basic multiplication
and division facts.
4. Make sure your child has school supplies. (pencils,
whiteboard markers, colored pencils, and a checking
5. Make sure your child reads 15 – 20 minutes
every night.
Thanks for joining us!!
I am looking forward to a great year. I know
that it will be a huge success with your help.
Please let me know if you have any questions
or concerns. My door is always open!
Thanks for all the classroom
supply donations!
Your child and I appreciate it!