4th Grade Curriculum Night Mathematics operations and algebraic thinking: using equations with variables to solve multi-step word problems, number patterns, factors and multiples numbers and operations: multiplication, division, place value, rounding fractions: equivalency, comparing, adding, subtracting, mixed numbers, improper fractions, multiplying fractions by whole numbers, decimals (tenths and hundredths) measurement and data: customary and metric systems, area and perimeter, using line plots to record measurement data geometry: polygons, angle measurement, types of lines, symmetry Reading 90 Minute Uninterrupted Reading Block Shared Reading (Teacher Directed Reading Skills and Strategies) Guided Reading (Teacher supported Reading) Independent Reading Fluency, vocabulary, word study *Reading Literature Text *Reading Informational Text Key Ideas and Details Craft and Structure Integration of Knowledge and Ideas Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity Power Hour 1 hour of intervention time ● 30 minutes of reading ○ SOAR (small group reading) ● 30 minutes of math ○ revisiting skills and strategies ○ targeting gaps in individual learning Writing Students will work on three types of writing during the year: narrative, informative, and persuasive. Your child’s grade in Language Arts has a writing component: writing content and writing conventions (spelling, punctuation, and grammar). Science & Social Studies Social Studies: NC government NC history & resources Social and economic change over time Science: Rocks and fossils Adaptations Magnets & Electricity Light Phases of the Moon Homework Assignments can include: ● Daily reading ● Math assignments that are related to work in class ● Longer-term projects as assigned by your child’s teacher. ● Other work as directed by the teacher. Please sign your child’s planner daily. Questions? (‘Raleigh Trip’ is the next slide!) Raleigh Trip ● ● ● ● ● November 6th Typical price~ around $80.00 This trip is all day long! To go to Raleigh is a privilege. We will see… ○ NC State Capitol Building & Legislative Building ○ NC Museum of History ○ NC Museum of Natural Sciences