Textbook: Marketing * 3rd Edition Name

Textbook: Marketing – 3rd Edition
Chapter 15: Effective Promotion Means Effective Communication
I. ____________________ is any form of communication a business or organization uses to inform,
persuade, or remind consumers about its products or services.
A. Promotion is one of the 4 elements of the Marketing Mix, also referred to as the 4 P’s of marketing.
B. Promotion Is a Form of Communication
1. Promotion is ____________ __________, or the transfer of a message from a sender to a receiver.
2. The _________________ is the source of the message.
3. The _________________is what is being communicated.
4. ___________ is when the sender converts an idea into a message that the receiver can understand.
5. The ____________ _________________ is the vehicle by which the message travels.
6. The ____________is the person or persons to whom the message is directed. (potential customers)
7. ____________________is the process by which the receiver interprets the transmitted language
and symbols to comprehend the message.
8. ___________________is any distracting information in the transmission, the message channel, or
the environment that might distract from the message.
9. ___________________ is the receiver’s response to the message.
II. Types of Communication
B. _________________ ___________________ is any person-to-person exchange.
1. Two-way communication
2. Involves two or more people in some kind of person-to-person exchange, can be expensive
C. _______________ ____________________ attempts to reach a wide audience, sometime millions
of people, through mass media such as TV, radio, and newspapers.
1. One-way communication, lacks direct feedback
2. More cost efficient than personal selling
III. _____________________ is any form of paid, non-personal communication that uses mass media to
deliver the marketer’s message to an audience.
A. __________________ advertising attempts to create a favorable impression and goodwill for a
business or an organization by providing positive information about a business.
B. ___________________ advertising is designed to increase sales. It introduces new products and
businesses, encourages an interest in products, and explains products and service features.
C. _________________ are the agencies, means, or instruments used to convey advertising messages
to the public.
Television, Radio, Print, Direct Mail, Outdoor, Ambient, Internet
IV. Types of Advertising Media
A. ________________ _________________ includes television and radio, meaning that a signal is
transmitted. Ads on radio and television are called “spots.”
B. _____________ _______________ includes magazines and newspapers.
C. ________________ ______________ media is any marketing message sent to an audience
through the mail. Often referred to as junk mail.
D. __________________ advertising includes billboards, signs on buses or taxis, messages on
buildings, or benches.
E. ______________ _______________ includes any nontraditional medium. Stickers on bananas,
hot-air balloons, stunts, or guerilla advertising.
F. ________________ ________________ is the fastest-growing type of advertising. It can be
targeted and allows instant feedback.
V. The Number One Newspaper in the United States: ____________________________
A. Advantages: ___________ ___________ _____________ for placement of an ad, large circulation
in a geographic newspaper, can carry response vehicles (coupons)
B. Disadvantages: lower print quality, _________ _______ ________, limited (usually) to geographic
VI. Magazine Advertising - Both consumer and trade magazines generate a high level of reader
involvement. Magazines can target specific regional areas or interest groups.
A. Advantages: Targeted audience, _________ ________ _________ high pass along rate, more
likely to be remembered, better print quality, variety of formats.
B. Disadvantages: Less mass appeal, more expensive than newspapers, not very timely.
C. What is the name of the number one, most circulated magazine, in the United States?
VII. ___________ ____________ advertising is sent by businesses directly through the mail to
prospective customers. Types of direct-mail advertising include newsletters, catalogs, coupons,
samplers, price lists, and others.
A. Advantages: Highly selective distribution with a variety of sizes and formats.
B. Disadvantages: Low response rate and high costs.
VIII. __________ ______________ are the best known directories. They are divided into the White
Pages (free alphabetical listings) and the Yellow Pages (paid categorical listings and free
alphabetical listings for businesses).
A. Advantages: Relatively inexpensive, used by all demographic groups, long life span.
B. Disadvantages: Not timely, the ad cannot be cancelled or changed once directory is printed.
IX. _____________ _____________ are better known as billboards.
Everyone views billboards, but these are primarily targeted at tourists.
Visible 24hours a day.
Low cost per day.
Must have short message, only 3-5 seconds of time available to read message.
Brevity is the key!
Advantages: Broad exposure, highly visible, some can be changed quickly.
Disadvantages: Use is restricted in some areas, limited viewing time, uncertain audience.
X. _____________ _______________ includes printed posters found inside business and commuter
trains, exterior posters on taxis and buses, and station posters located near or in subways and in
railroad, bus, and airline terminals.
XI. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Advertising
A. Advantages
Advertising has the ability to reach a wide audience.
It is efficient in terms of cost-per-viewer.
It is very controllable and repeatable.
Advertising can reach people any where in the world.
It can move people emotionally, particularly with television which combines sound,
movement, and color.
B. Disadvantages
Advertising can be very __________________ particularly for smaller companies.
It is impersonal, without immediate feedback.
The message cannot be modified once delivered.
Technology such as the DVR has allowed television viewers to skip ads.
There is so much advertising clutter that most people screen out 99% of the ads they see.
XII. Publicity and Public Relations
A. _____________is any nonpaid communication about a product, service, company, or cause.
B. ______________ ____________, or PR, is the effort to reach consumers by generating positive
1. PR is considered more objective and believable than advertising.
2. PR can be very inexpensive – it is usually free.
3. PR is difficult to control, it could become negative and damaging to the company.
C. A ___________ ______________ is a prewritten story about a company that is sent to various
media. The news release should contain information that is news worthy.
D. A ___________ _________ is a folder containing articles, news releases, feature stories, and
photographs about the company, a new product, or person.
E. A ___________ ______________ is a meeting in which a business or organization invites
media members to hear an announcement about a newsworthy event.
XIII. ______________ ___________ is person-to-person communication with a potential customer in an
effort to inform, persuade, or remind the customer to purchase the organization’s products or
1. Personal selling can be very informative and can be very persuasive.
2. Feedback is immediate allowing the presentation to be flexible and tailored to the customer’s
3. Personal selling is very expensive per person reached. While advertising can reach millions
simultaneously, personal selling reaches one customer at a time.
XIV. _____________ ______________ is any short-term incentive, activity, or material that gives
consumers a direct incentive to buy. Examples include coupons, rebates, free samples, contests,
sweepstakes, or a free item with purchase.
1. Sales promotion activities generate short-term sales.
2. Results are measurable, particularly with contests, coupons, and sweepstakes.
3. The disadvantages of sales promotion include too much focus on the short-term and losses in
A. A __________ _________ is a sales promotion activity that consists of a free trial size of a product
sent through the mail, distributed door-to-door, or given away at retail stores and trade shows.
Detergents, toothpastes, shampoos, deodorants, and colognes are frequently promoted this way.
B. _______________ ______________ ______________, also called frequent buyer programs,
reward customers for making multiple purchases.
C. Contests Vs. Sweepstakes
1. A _______________is a game or activity that requires the participant to demonstrate a skill.
2. A ________________ is a game of chance. Example: McDonald’s Monopoly game.
XV. _______________ ____________ are relatively inexpensive, useful items with an advertiser's name
printed on them. Successful specialty media include bottle openers, calendars, magnets, pens and
pencils, memo pads, and key chains.
XVI. ______________ ______________ encourages people to pass along a marketing message.
A. Viral marketing depends on a high pass-along rate from person to person. If a large percentage
of recipients forward something to a large number of friends, the overall growth snowballs
very quickly. If the pass-along numbers get too low, the overall growth quickly fizzles.
B. A lot like “word-of-mouth” or “buzz.”
XVII. Television is the ultimate advertising medium for many businesses because it can communicate a
message with sound, action, and color.
A. Advantages: Can be _______________at a specific audience, is timely, takes advantage of
holidays and special events.
B. Disadvantages: The ______________ costs of any medium, high cost for time and production,
audience is not assured.
XVIII. It is estimated that ___________ reaches ________ of all people age 12 and over in a given week.
A. Advantages: "_________ __________" can provide concentrated audience, specific audiences
can be targeted, is flexible, and mobile.
B. Disadvantages: Short life span, stations often must compete for audience, listeners can be easily
XIX. Internet advertising involves placing advertising messages on the Internet.
A. A __________ ______ is an ad on a Web page that is hyperlinked to the advertiser’s Web page.
Advantages: Ability to incorporate animation and sound, effectiveness easily measured.
Disadvantages: Low response rates
XX. __________________ ______________ is a cost-sharing arrangement whereby both a supplier and a
local advertiser pay for advertising.
A. Advantages: Shared advertising expenses, pre-made print advertisements, in-store displays,
and TV and radio scripts.
B. Disadvantages: Loss of control over content for the local advertiser.
XXI. The __________________ ___________ is the combination of advertising, public relations,
personal selling, and sales promotion that marketers use to reach a target market.
A. The elements of the promotional mix must be coordinated to deliver a cohesive message.