Chapter 21- Environmental regulation in animal development 1. Many examples of environmental regulation exist •Red abalone- must bind coralline red algae to begin ___________________ •Mosquito- _________________ triggers egg production •______________________________ •Algae provides photosynthetic energy to amphibian eggs when in tight clusters •A bacterium multiplies only in leaf hopper __________ •No bacterium= embryonic death due to lack of _________________ development 1. environmental regulation (cont.) •Nitrogen fixing ________ provide nitrogen to legumous plants (e.g. bean plants) •Aphids hatch only _________ in the spring, but male and female are hatched in the autumn (mechanism unknown) •Many insects use __________- a suspension of development due to harsh conditions (e.g winter condition) •Diapause is not triggered by harsh conditions, but before the harsh conditions arrive •Gravity/pressure •A chick embryo requires proper positioning to _________________________ •Also effects development of bones in chicken 2. ____________________- express distinct phenotypes depending on circumstances Termed “______________” a. _______________ dictates grass hopper development Low density phenotype High density phenotype _________ phenotype _________ phenotype Fig. 3.3 Fig. 21.6 b. ______ dictates wing color in certain butterflies 2. Phenotypic plasticity- (cont.) c. ______________dependant sex determination Recall Temperature-dependent sex determination in reptiles (Ch. 17) • Crocodiles- temperature extremes result in female Advantage- increase sexual reproduction if ____ male:female ratio Disadvantage- less adaptable to slight environment change (e.g. ______________) • Blue headed Wrassse (reef fish) •If wrasse reaches reef with males, it develops into _____ •If wrasse reaches reef without males, it develops into ___ •If male dies, largest female becomes male within _______ d. __________-induced polypheism a. Organisms change shape in response to soluble factors released by predators Fig. 21.13 typical Predator induced Daphnia ??? Barnicle ??? Mollusk Carp Survival Rate predation ______ _____ _____ ____ ____ No until 50% of (typical/induced) typical morphs eaten 3. Predator-induced polypheism (cont.) b. Mammalian immunity •A foreign object (antigen) is recognized by a one in __ _________ B-cells •Only the B-cell that recognizes the antigen will __________ and secrete specific antibody to _________ the antigen •The immune system “_____________” its foreign invaders 4. Learning is an environmentally induced system a. New neurons are produced • in _______ learning a song • in ________ learning activities b. Visual pathway development is affected by _______ • A flash of light seen by a cortical neuron right eye is also “seen” by the corresponding cortical neuron in the left eye •Kitten experiments •If sew right eye of newborn closed for ________, they were functionally ______ in right eye •If sew both eyes of newborn closed for 3 months, vision remains (though weak) in ________ 4. Learning is an environmentally induced system •Kitten experiments (cont.) •If sew either eye shut after first three months- __ __________ •Thus, synapses have been stabilized by 3 months •Critical window of development is 4 weeks to 3 months Thus, not all development is encoded in the ______ • Some is the result of ___________ Two key principles1. ______________ are made prior to when the animal sees 2. __________ plays key role in determining whether neuronal connections ____________ Also- the _________________ phenomenon is due to learning 5. Environmental disruptions to development •About _____________ of human conceptions survive to term •About ____ of human babies have a recognizable deformation (normally in limbs, lungs or face) •Abnormalities caused by genetic mutations agents are called ____________ (e.g. Down’s syndrome, aniridia (Pax6 mutation)) •Abnormalities caused by exogenous agents are called ________ Examples•Skunk cabbage induced _______ in sheep In Humans •Quinine ________ •Alcohol (>2oz/day) ____________________ •Smoking (>20/day) _______________________ 5. Disruptions (cont.) a. Retinoic acid as a teratogen Accutane-for treating severe ____ ________ women of childbearing age have used Accutane 1985 study of pregnant Accutane users •____ “ normal” •_____aborted spontaneously •_____ with anomalies- absent ears, small jaws, cleft palate, and/or CNS problems Estimated that__ of pregnancies in America are unplanned b. Alcohol is a teratogen CH3CH2OH Fetal Alcohol Syndrome •Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) is __ most prevalent type of mental retardation (behind fragile X and Down Syndrome); ______ children in USA •Estimated that _______ of children born to alcoholic mothers will have FAS •FAS children have mean IQ of __; at 16.5 yrs, they have vocabulary of ___ yrs Misshapen eyes, flat nose, long upper lip Huge problem in South Africa due to alcohol-based economy c. Pathogens as teratogens•______ can cause deafness, heart malformations •_____________ and cytomegalovirus can cause deafness, blindness, mental retardation •Syphilis can cause deafness or death d. Chemicals as teratogens•________________, and zinc are common ones •In Kazakhstan (former Soviet Union) nearly __ of population have extensive chromosome breakage due to “industrial production at all costs” e. Estrogen •DDT is a banned insecticide that can act like ________ •DDT is linked to increased incidence of __________ and decreased _____ ________ •Dioxin (dumped at Times Beach west of St. Louis) is linked to increased _____ _____ and decreased ____________ 1985-Industrial plant in Italy explodes•Breast cancer ____________in immediate perimeter •Breast cancer ___________ in surrounding area e. Estrogen (cont.) •_____________ (used to harden plastics used in plumbing and milk/orange juice containers)- replaces role of estrogen to induce certain cultured cell to divide •PCBs (previously used as refrigerants); banned in 1970 due to cancer-causing ability in rats; yet remain in environment •Blamed for reduced reproductive capacities in seals, mink and fish Dramatic increase in deformed frogs in US- Due to toxins in water? Other teratogens • ____________(fallout) • Infectious agents- Herpes simplex II, cytomegalovirus, rubella • Drugs- alcohol, aminopterin, chlorophenyls, tetracyclines, thalidomide • Other possible teratogens- _______ ___________, lithium, zinc deficiency