Comprehensive Timeline

Comprehensive TimeLine
Take all of the following events, people, and places and for each, find the relevant dates and the significance.
Place everything on one continuous timeline. You must figure out an appropriate scale so that everything is
spaced out EVENLY. Multiple-year events need to be bracketed.
Color Coded Based on the 5 Themes of AP World History. Events might be more than one color.
Themes of World History:
1. Interaction between humans and the environment
1. Demography and Disease
2. Migration
3. Patterns of Settlement
4. Technology
2. Development and interaction of cultures
1. Religions
2. Belief Systems, philosophies, and ideologies
3. Science and Technology
4. The arts and architecture
3. State-building, expansion and conflict
1. Political Structures and forms of governance
2. Empires
3. Nations and nationalism
4. Revolts and revolutions
5. Regional, transregional, and global structures and organizations
4. Creation, expansion, and interaction of economic systems
1. Agricultural and pastoral production
2. Trade and Commerce
3. Labor Systems
4. Industrialization
5. Capitalism and socialism
5. Development and transformation of social structures
1. Gender roles and relations
2. Family and kinship
3. Racial and ethnic constructions
4. Social and economic classes
8000 BCE – 600 CE
Alexander the Great
Attila the Hun
Babylonian Empire
Bantu migration reach South Africa
Buddhism arrives in China
Cuneiform writing begins
Destruction of Second Temple in Jerusalem
Edict of Milan
Gunpowder developed
Gupta Dynasty
Han Dynasty
Height of Greek City-States
Height of Harrapan Civilization
Height of Egyptian Civilization
Hittites develop iron
Pax Romana
Printing invented
Regular use of Bronze in Egypt and
Roman capital moves to Constantinople
Sack of Rome
Shang Dynasty
Siddhartha Gautama
St. Paul
Theravada doctrine codified
Zhou dynasty
600 C.E.-1450 C.E.
Abbasid dynasty
Fall of Constantinople
First Bubonic Plague Pandemic
First Crusade
Fourth Crusade
Heian period
Hundred Year's War
Ibn Battuta
Inca Empire
Kingdom of Angkor
Kingdom of Great Zimbabwe
Kingdom of Ghana
Mali Empire
Marco Polo's trip to China
Ming dynasty
Mongol conquest of all of China
Nara period
Norman invasion of England
Reign of Charlemagne
Reign of Chinggis Khan
Reign of Kublai Khan
Reign of Mansa Musa
Saljuq control over Abbasid dynasty
Schism between eastern and western Christian
Silla dynasty
Song dynasty
Sui dyansty
Sultanate of Delhi
Tang dynasty
Umayyad dynasty
Yuan dynasty
Zheng He's expeditions
Prince Henry the Navigator
Qing dynasty
Reign of Akbar
Reign of Emperor Wanli
Reign of Mehmed the Conqueror
Reign of Suleyman the Magnificent
Reign of Sunni Ali
Safavid dynasty
Seven Years' War
Songhay Empire
Spanish Armada
Spanish conquest of Mexico
Thirty Years' War
Tokugawa shogunate
Treaty of Tordesillas
1450 C.E. - 1750 C.E.
Beginning of Portuguese slave trade
Columbus' first voyage
Council of Trent
Dias' voyage into Indian Ocean
End of the British slave trade
Establishment of 1st colony in Australia
Foundation of Society of Jesus
Galileo Galilei
Haitian Revolution
John Calvin
John Locke
Martin Luther
Mughal dynasty
Ottoman dynasty
Peace of Westphalia