Applying Category Theory to Improve the Performance of a Neural Architecture Michael J. Healy Richard D. Olinger Robert J. Young Thomas P. Caudell University of New Mexico Kurt W. Larson Sandia National Laboratories This work was supported in part by Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico, under contract no. 238984. Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company, for the United States Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration under Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000. Semantic Representation T’ M (T’) P3 Functor M m P2 M (m) M (T) T Concept category Neural category Neural network P1 T’ Model-Space Morphisms ==> Reciprocal Connections Mod(T’) Instances of M(T’) P3 Functor M m M(m) Functor Mod Mod(m) Instances of T P2 Mod(T) M(T) P1 Colimits Express Specialization Limits Express Abstraction Least specialization T5 T3 T4 T3 T1 T2 T2 T1 T5 Maximally specific abstraction Classifying Pixels by Spectral Similarity Neural network classifier Intensities for 10 optical bands … . . . Multispectral camera data Pixel class (color) Colored pixel i Data for pixel i ( = one input pattern) Multispectral image Stack Interval Network Positive stack nodes - - Complement stack nodes - - StimLB0 - - - - 0 + N-1 + + + StimVal + N + + StimUBN-1 2 N-1 + Stack Interval Patterns Represent Real Intervals Positive stack Complement 0 < v <= 1 Width 1 unit Positive stack 1 < v <= 2 Complement Width 1 unit Intersection of stack patterns (in template patterns) 0 < v <= 2 Width 2 units ART-1 with Stack Interval Inputs ... F2 Template pattern GC F1 + Band 1 b1 F0 + b1c Band 2 b2 b2c Composite input pattern (two stack Intervals) V + ART-1 + F1 Colimits, Limits ... F2 - + L F+1 F1 - + S F+-1 ... F0 ... + V + Panchromatic Image - 1 m Resolution Multispectral Image - Generic ART-1 r = 0.795 Template density ordering Multispectral Image - ART-1 with Limits r = 0.55 F-1 tol = 0.55 Template density ordering References M. J. Healy, R. D. Olinger, R. J. Young, T. P. Caudell, and K. W. Larson, “Applying Category Theory to Improve the Performance of a Neural Architecture” (under review). M. J. Healy and T. P. Caudell (2006) “Ontologies and Worlds in Category Theory: Implications for Neural Systems”, Axiomathes, 16 (1), pp. 165-214. M. J. Healy and T, P. Caudell (2004) “Neural Networks, Knowledge, and Cognition: A Mathematical Semantic Model Based upon Category Theory”, UNM Technical Report EECE-TR-04-020, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, USA . Template Patterns Template 1 Band 2 Template 2 Band 1 Stack Numeral Quanta v= 0 Width 0 units 0 < v <= 1 Width 1 unit .. . .. . .. . 3 < v <= 4 Width 1 unit 0 <= v <= 1 Width 1 unit 0 < v <= 2 Width 2 units 2 < v <= 4 .. . .. . .. . Width 2 units Neural Network Research Objective: Associate an Evolving Knowledge Structure with Neural Structure and Activity Concept hierarchy Learning and representation Modality-specific input streams Motor functions Neural network Sensors and actuators Event stream Environment Limits Express Abstraction T3 T1 T2 T5 … maximally specific abstraction Colimits Express Specialization T5 … least specialization T4 T3 T1 T2