George Mason University Department of Health, Fitness and Recreation Resources HEAL 330/002: Nutrition (3) Fall 2009 Day/Time: TR 1:30-2:45 Professor: Caryl White MS, RD, LD Phone Number: 703.598.0402 Email: Location: PW-BRH 247 Office Hours: By appointment Fax Number: 703.542.2587 PREREQUISITES: None COURSE DESCRIPTION This course will provide students with a working knowledge base about nutrition. Nutritional controversies, basic nutrition and its role in fitness, disease prevention, and the obesity epidemic will be addressed. COURSE OBJECTIVES At the completion of this course, students should be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Discuss the affect nutrition has on the body. a. The role of nutrients in the body. b. The relationship between nutrients and medical conditions/diseases c. The consequence of an inadequate or excessive nutrient intake. List and define the characteristics of, and plan a well balanced day. Define healthy nutrition practices for fitness. Dialogue with classmates/future clients about their diet. Analyze the adequacy of their personal diets. Describe the nutrient needs for varying stages of the human life cycle. COURSE OVERVIEW The course focuses on the basic principles of nutrition and its application in practice and overall health. It will be lecture based with ‘think, pair and discuss’ sessions to elicit thought provoking discussion to help emphasize key components of the lecture. Case studies will be presented and discussed throughout the course to help students translate theory into practice. The first part of the course will focus on the components of a nutritious diet, nutrition standards, macro and micronutrients. The second part of the course will delve further into nutrition and its relationship to health, disease, fitness, and obesity. Food technology and infant to geriatric nutrition will also be addressed. Throughout the course, students will gain insight into their own nutrition status and develop the knowledge base and strategies to begin necessary modifications. REQUIRED READINGS Sizer, R., and Whitney, E. (2008). Nutrition Concepts and Controversies, 11th edition. Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth. EVALUATION This course will be graded on a point system, with a total of 105 possible points. Requirements Midterm Project: Nutrition article review Intake analysis Group Project: Evaluation of Weight loss Program Midterm Final Exam Attendance/In-class activities Extra credit: personal nutrition analysis Points 10 points 10 points 20 points 25 points 25 points 10 points 5 points Grading Scale A AB+ B C+ C D F = = = = = = = = 96-100 90-95 86-89 80-85 76-79 70-75 60-69 0-59 Students are held to the standards of the George Mason University Honor Code. You are expected to attend all class sections, actively participate in class discussions, complete in-class exercises and fulfill assignments. Assignments must be turned in at the beginning of each class on the specified date due or no credit will be given. DATE September TOPIC Introduction/Course Overview Why, What, How of Nutrition Body Composition Testing/Group Formations/Nutrition analysis Interpreting BIA results Components of Nutritious Diet Nutrition Standards Label Reading Nutrition and the Body/Supplements Carbohydrates/Alcohol and Nutrition Lipids Protein/Vegetarian Diets Vitamins Part I Vitamins Part II/Vitamin Supplements Water and minerals NO CLASS MIDTERM Energy Balance /Healthy Body Weight Treating Obesity/Behavior Modification Eating Disorders Nutrition and Fitness Part I Nutrition and Fitness Part II Ergogenic aids Nutrition and Disease READINGS/ASSIGNMENTS DUE #1, C1 p.23-27 C2 60-65 C13 522-527 #12 C13 522-528 #13 #14 3 Dietary Guidelines for Reducing Disease Risk/Functional Foods Food Safety and Technology Childhood Obesity Lifecyle Nutrition, Mother and Infant Child, Teen and Older Adult NO CLASS Body composition Testing/ Food Drug Interactions/Herbal Supplements Oral Presentations 8 10 17 Oral Presentations Oral Presentations FINAL EXAM 1 3 8 October November 10 15 17 22 24 29 1 6 8 13 15 20 22 27 29 3 5 10 December 12 17 19 24 26 1 Note: Faculty reserves the right to alter the schedule as necessary. Bring Diet Analysis + software to class with your laptop #2 #2 p. 49-58 #3/Topic selection for Group Project Due #4, C3 94-102, 341-342 #5, 175-178, C5 180-184 #6, 210-212, C6 214-218 #7/Midterm Project Due #7, C7 261-268 #8, C8, 310-318 #9 C11 436-442 C9 360-366 #10 #10, C10 393-400 #11, excluding 422-424 C14 564-570, 422-424 Written Weight loss Program Evaluation Due