Chemical Health Site and Chart Audits BHP began a site and chart audit process for chemical health providers in 2012. The purpose of these audits is to learn more about the programs offered, introduce program staff and leadership to BHP processes and quality expectations, and to complete an audit of elements that BHP expects to be present at the facility and in client charts. The audit elements include DHS guidelines and state statues, as well as BHP quality initiatives. The primary chart components audited are the comprehensive assessment and treatment. The elements of each are listed below. Substance Use Disorder Comprehensive Assessment Applicable Law or Rule 9530.6440, subpart 3, C 9530.6422, subpart 1 9530.6422, subpart 1 9530.6422, subpart 1 9530.6422, subpart 1 9530.6422, subpart 1,C 9530.6422, subpart 1,D 9530.6422, subpart 1,H 9530.6422, subpart 1,M 9530.6422, subpart 1,N Required element description Comprehensive assessment of substance use disorder present in client file. The comprehensive assessment was completed by an alcohol and drug counselor (or other qualified mental health professional). Residential programs only: Comprehensive assessment completed within three calendar days after service initiation. Non-residential programs only: Comprehensive assessment completed within three sessions. Information gathered for the comprehensive assessment is not more than 45 days before the date of admission. Previous attempts at treatment for chemical use or dependency, compulsive gambling, or mental illness are documented; Detailed chemical use history is documented Mental health history and current psychiatric status is documented. Social network is documented. Documentation of whether the client is pregnant and if so, the health of the unborn child and current involvement in prenatal care is present Substance Use Disorder Individual Treatment Plan Applicable Law or Rule 9530.6440, subpart 3.F Required element description 9530.6425, subpart 1 The individual treatment plan is completed within seven calendar days of completion of the assessment summary and continually updated. Treatment planning includes ongoing assessment in each of the six dimensions. 9530.6425, subpart 1; 9530.6422, subpart 2 9530.6425, subpart 1 9530.6425, subpart 1 9530.6425, subpart 1 9530.6425, subpart 2; 9530.6422, subpart 2,B 9530.6425, subpart 2,A 9530.6425, subpart 2,C 9530.6495, subpart E 9530.6495, subpart F 9530.6425, subpart 3,B,1 9530.6425, subpart 3,B,2 9530.6425, subpart 3,B,3 The individual treatment plan present in the client file. The plan is developed after completion of the comprehensive assessment. The plan provides for the involvement of the client’s family and those people selected by the client as being important to the success of the treatment experience at the earlier opportunity. The client has an opportunity to have active, direct involvement in selecting the anticipated outcomes of the treatment process and in developing the treatment plan. Plan contents: The individual treatment plan is recorded in the six dimensions and addresses each problem identified in the assessment summary. The individual treatment plan includes specific methods to be used to address identified problems. The individual treatment plan contains goals the client must reach to complete treatment. Documentation of active interventions to stabilize mental health symptoms are present in treatment plans and progress notes. Coordination with mental health providers is present and documented. Treatment plan reviews occur weekly or after each treatment service whichever is less frequent. Treatment plan revisions address each goal in the previous treatment plan that has been worked on since the last review. Treatment plan reviews indicate whether the strategies to address the goals are effective, and if not, must include changes to the treatment plan. The site audit reviews required elements of policies and procedures manual and site postings. Some of the site audit components include: Applicable Law or Rule 9530.6455 245A.65, subdivision 1 Required element description The license holder must develop a written policy and procedure manual which is immediately accessible to staff, consumers of services, and other authorized parties. License holder requirements. All license holders serving vulnerable adults shall establish and enforce written policies and procedures related to suspected or alleged maltreatment, and shall orient clients and mandated reporters who are under the control of the license holder to these procedures, as defined in section 626.5572, subdivision 16. 9530.6455 (A) Procedures manual must include assessment and treatment planning policies, which include screening for mental health concerns, and the inclusion of treatment objectives related to identified mental health concerns in the client's treatment plan. 9530.6455 (D) Procedures manual must include personnel policies that comply with part 9530.6460. 9530.6455 (H) Procedures manual must include policies and procedures for maintaining client records under part 9530.6440. 9530.6465, There must be a written service initiation policy that is posted or given to all interested persons upon request. subpart 1 Confidentiality is maintained via locked file cabinets and separate record storage space. Or, records are protected by password(s) if electronic. BHP will look for the components of each of these required elements. Although the chart audit scoring process is focused on the comprehensive assessment and treatment plan, the additional elements below are reviewed. Record Keeping and Requirements at Service Initiation Applicable Law or Rule Required element description 9530.6440, A license holder maintains a file of the client’s current records on the premises where the treatment services are provided or coordinated. All entries in client’s record are legible, signed, and dated. subpart 1 9530.6425, subpart 3,C. 9530.6470, subpart 1 9530.6470, subpart 2 Documentation is present that the client was given a written statement of client rights and responsibilities, upon service initiation. Documentation is present that the grievance procedure information was reviewed with the client or their representative. 9530.6440, subpart 3,A. Substance Use Disorder Assessment Summary Applicable Law or Rule Required element description 9530.6440, subpart 3,D Comprehensive assessment summary of substance use disorder present in client file. A risk description for each of the 6 dimensions is documented. 9530.6422, subpart 2,A,1; 9530.6622 9530.6422, subpart 2,A,3 Documentation of whether the client meets the DSM criteria for a person with a substance use disorder is present. Substance Use Disorder Initial Services Plan Applicable Law or Rule Required element description 9530.6440, subpart 3,B Initial services plan present in client file 9530.6420; Includes a determination of whether a client is a vulnerable adult as defined by Minnesota Statues, section 626.5572, subdivision 21. If the client is determined to be a vulnerable adult an Individual Abuse Prevention Plan is present. 626.5572, subdivision 21 9530.6420 Substance Use Disorder Summary at Termination of Services Applicable Law or Rule Required element description 9530.6440, Discharge Summary/termination summary is present in the client’s file. subpart 3,H 9530.6425, subpart 4,A,3 9530.6425, subpart 4,A,4; 9530.6622 9530.6425, subpart 4,B,1,2,3,4 The termination summary includes the reasons for and circumstances of service termination. The termination summary includes a risk description (not just the numerical score) on the six dimensions. For clients who successfully completed treatment, the summary includes living arrangements, continuing care recommendations, termination diagnosis and prognosis.