24 Cellular Respiration The role of ATP ~ ~ ~ high energy bonds ~ How is ATP formed? Energy released from respiration converts ADP and an inorganic phosphate into ATP. ADP + Pi ATP The energy is used to build up an additional high energy bond in the ATP molecule. How is the energy in ATP molecule made available for metabolic process? The ATP molecule is hydrolyzed by enzyme ATPase to ADP and inorganic phosphate molecules. The energy of the high energy bond is released coupling with endogonic biochemical reaction. ATP ADP + Pi + energy Energy is used in an endogonic biochemical reaction. Use of Energy The three main stages of aerobic respiration Glycolysis It takes place in cytoplasm. The first step is the activation of glucose by phosphorylating it into a hexose phosphate. Hexose phosphate splits up into two molecules of triose phosphate. Triose phosphate is dehydrogenated and further metabolized to form pyruvate. ATP molecules are formed. The products formed in glycolysis are reduced NAD, pyruvate and ATP molecules. Krebs cycle There is a bridge between glycolysis and Krebs cycle. It is decarboxylation and dehydrogenation of the pyruvate to Acetyl coenzyme A. The Acetyl Coenzyme A then enters the Krebs cycle as shown. In the Krebs cycle, there are: 1. Decarboxylation 2. Dehydrogenation 3. Formation of ATP. All the above processes take place in the matrix of mitochondrion. Oxidative phosphorylation All dehydrogenation is coupled with transference of hydrogen or electron through a series of enzymes, coenzymes and prosthetic groups located at the mitochondrial cristae. The final acceptor for the hydrogen is oxygen molecules resulting in formation of water. The above transference of hydrogen and electron is a series of redox reaction in a stepwise and controlled manner. Energy is released step by step. The energy release is coupled with phosphorylation of ADP into ATP. Therefore the whole process is called Oxidative phosphorylation. Alternative respiratory substrates for aerobic respiration Alternative respiratory substrates for aerobic respiration Aerobic Respiration using lipid as the substrate Lipid is hydrolysed into fatty acid and glycerol. Glycerol is converted to triose phosphate which enters glycolysis and then Krebs cycle. Fatty acid is converted into Acetyl Coenzyme A which enters the Krebs cycle. Oxidative phosphorylation follows the above two pathways. Alternative respiratory substrates for aerobic respiration Aerobic respiration using protein as the substrate Protein is hydrolyzed into amino acids. The various kinds of amino acids are converted into three special kinds of amino acids called alanine, aspartic acid and Glutamic acid by transamination. These three amino acids are converted into three alpha keto acids: Alanine pyruvate Aspartic acid Oxaloacetic acid Glutamic acid alpha keto-glutaric acid These three compounds are the intermediates of glycolysis and Krebs cycle. Oxidative phosphorylation follows the above processes. Differences between photophosphorylation and oxidative phosphorylation Photophosphorylation Takes place in the grana and intergrana of chloroplast Sunlight is the energy source. Oxidative phosphorylation It takes place at the mitochondrial cristae. Energy source is from food. Enzymes are required for It is photochemical reaction and does not require enzymes. ALL steps. NADP is the carrier of H. NAD is the carrier for H. Anaerobic Respiration What are the two main products of glycolysis? NADH2 and pyruvate What is the fate of these products under aerobic condition? Both enter the mitochondrion to undergo Krebs cycle and oxidative phosphorylation. What is the fate of the products of glycolysis under anaerobic condition? See the next page. Anaerobic Respiration Anaerobic Respiration In animal cell, the pyruvate is reduced by the NADH2 to lactic acid. It is called lactic acid fermentation. Pyruvate + NADH2 Lactic acid + NAD The above pathway takes place in cytoplasmic matrix. Anaerobic Respiration In plant cell, the pyruvate is reduced by the NADH2 to ethanol and carbon dioxide. It is called alcoholic fermentation Pyruvate + NADH2 ethanol + carbon dioxide + NAD The above pathway takes place in cytoplasmic matrix. Application of alcoholic fermentation: Manufacturing of wine, beer, bread and cake Anaerobic Respiration No Krebs cycle and oxidative phosphorylation Only glycolysis is involved. Anaerobic Respiration Obligate anaerobes: They can respire only in the absence of oxygen. Oxygen is a poison to these organisms. E.g. denitrifying bacteria. Facultative anaerobes: They can respire aerobically in the presence of oxygen. They can respire anaerobically in the absence of oxygen. E.g. yeast Comparison between aerobic and anaerobic respiration Aerobic respiration Anaerobic respiration Yield of ATP Higher Lower Energy in the products Products have lower energy Products have higher energy What process involve? Glycolysis, Krebs cycle, oxidative phosphorylation Where does it take Cytoplasmic place? matrix and Glycolysis only Cytoplasmic matrix only Comparison between aerobic and anaerobic respiration Do you have any other points? Oxygen Debt Oxygen Debt Oxygen consumption rate Time A B C D A: Exercise starts B: Anaerobic respiration starts and oxygen debt is built up. C: Exercise stops. The person pants for paying off the oxygen debt. D: Oxygen debt is paid off. Mitochondrion Mitochondrion The outermembrane of the mitochondrial envelop is to establish an isolated environment for the mitochondrion. This membrane also adjusts the metabolites entering and leaving the mitochondrion. The inner membrane is folded up a lot to increase the surface area for attachment of ETC. These infolds are called cristae. Attaching to the cristae are many stalked particles which contain the various enzymes, coenzymes and prosthetic groups of ETC. Glycolysis takes place in the cytoplasmic matrix outside the mitochondrion. Pyruvate enters the mitochondrial matrix to undergo decarboxylation and Krebs cycle. Oxidative phosphorylation takes place along the ETC of the stalked particles of the cristae. Compare and contrast chloroplast and Mitochondrion Similarities Both have envelop of double membranes. Both involves formation of ATP. Both contains DNA and are self-replicated. Compare and contrast chloroplast and Mitochondrion Differences Mitochondrion is found in all living cells; chloroplast can be found in photosynthetic cell of plant only. Mitochondrion is for aerobic respiration; chloroplast is for photosynthesis. The inner membrane of mitochondrion has a lot of infolds; the inner membrane of chloroplast is smooth. Compare the differences between photosynthesis and aerobic respiration ??????????????????????????????????????????