Spelling Tic Tac Toe #1 Name_____________ Instructions: Choose three squares in a row to complete. Have fun ABC Order Write your spelling words in ABC order. a art b bear c cat Rainbow Words Write your words with a pencil and then go over them with a crayon or marker like rainbow writing. Pyramid Words Write your words in pyramid form. F Fo Foo Food foods Red Vowels Free Choice Sentences Write all spelling words. Circle Find something fun to do with Write a sentence with each word the vowels in each word in your spelling words! and underline the word. red. The dog enjoyed the snack! Fun Fonts Down and Across Write each of your words with Write your words across the fancy letters or type them on page and then down the page. the computer with a different font. are r e Memory Match Write your spelling words on note cards, two cards per word. Play Memory, matching the two cards with the same word. Spelling Tic Tac Toe #2 Name_____________ Instructions: Choose three squares in a row to complete. Have fun Tasty Word Work Put it in Reverse Practice Makes Perfect With a parent’s permission, spray a Put words in reverse Have an adult give you a small amount of whipped cream (backward) alphabetical order. practice test. Be sure the test is and spread it out on a countertop. z = y = x = checked and signed by the Write your words in the cream with adult. your finger. Spell them out loud as you write them. Scrapbook Spelling Free Choice Memory Match Find and cut letters from Find something fun to do with Write your spelling words on magazines or newspapers to your spelling words! cards (make two sets) and play spell 5 spelling words. Glue on “Memory Match” with someone. paper. Patriotic Words Back and Forth Write all spelling words once, Write your spelling words and making all the consonants blue then write them backwards. and all the vowels red. read daer Hide and Seek Draw and color a picture. "Hide" the words in the picture. Please do not color over the words. Spelling Tic Tac Toe #3 Name_____________ Instructions: Choose three squares in a row to complete. Have fun Write a Song Mixed Media Pictorial Words Write a song or rap that Write all your words once using Write your spelling words and includes your 5 spelling words. something other than a pencil. illustrate them. Share with a friend or family member. Flash Away Free Choice Almost the Same Make a set of flashcards on Find something fun to do with Find synonyms (words that notecards to study your words. your spelling words! mean the same) for 10 spelling words. Connect the Dots Computer Fun Write your spelling words with Type your spelling words. dots in pencil. Then use a Make each word have a marker or crayon to connect the different font. dots. THROW Text a Word Look at your telephone keypad. Make each letter into the numbers on the keypad. Now write your spelling words using this code! Spelling Tic Tac Toe #4 Name_____________ Instructions: Choose three squares in a row to complete. Have fun Monkeying Around Flowery Words Write silly sentences that include Draw a picture of a great big all your spelling words. flower. Write each of your Underline your words. spelling words on one of the flower petals or on a leaf. Draw extra flowers if you run out of room. Rhyme Time Write each word. Write a rhyming word next to each one. Your rhyming words can be nonsense words, but make them follow the same spelling pattern. Bubbling UP Free Choice ?????? Write spelling words in bubble Find something fun to do with Write a question for each of letters. your spelling words! your spelling words. Underline the spelling words. Loooooong Words Write your spelling words together without spaces. Your spelling words will be one long word. doorwindowredgreen Round and Round Write your words around the outside of your paper. Keep going until you get to the middle. Story Time Write a story using ALL of your spelling words.