English Language Arts 11 November 13, 2014 Bellringer In your NOTEBOOK, write today’s date and answer the following question: (Question is from past ACT test. Pronoun usage and nounpronoun agreement.) The Fleet Corporation named it’s new product Dubble Bubble. a. NO CHANGE b. named its c. called they’re d. called it’s Reading Workshop 20-25 minutes Remember: You need to be reading. Not talking, doing homework, goofing off, sleeping, distracting others, etc. You may listen to music as long as it is kept quiet and kept in your pocket. You receive 5 pts. for being present and on-task during Reading Workshop. DON’T FORGET TO COMPLETE YOUR READING RESPONSE PACKET!!!! 4-Step Analysis Approach Analyze Reflect Relate Question Analyze Identify one important concept, research finding, theory, or idea…that you learned while completing this activity Reflect Why do you believe that this concept, research finding, theory, or idea…is important? Relate Apply what you have learned from this activity to some aspect of your life. Question What question(s) has the activity raised for you? What are you still wondering about? (The answer “nothing” is prohibited.) Individual Work Finish summarizing “White Man’s Burden”. Class Discussion Follow along as we go through “White Man’s Burden” and fix any summaries that may be wrong. Stanza1 Take up responsibility = the burden the white man has: Send out your sons/children to help the natives in the colonies. Here they will have to live in exile and work hard for the benefit of the confused, wild, and bad-tempered natives in the “new”-caught colonies. These natives are half-devil, half-child. Stanza 2 Take up the White Man’s Burden: remain patient and hide the threat of using force and do not show your superiority. Explain the same thing 100 times in an easily understood language. Work for the natives profit and their gain. Stanza 3 Take up the White Man’s Burden: Fight for peace. Fight against hunger and diseases. And when you are near your goal (your purpose: to help the natives), then you will see that laziness and foolishness will bring all your hopes to nothing/will spoil your hopes… Stanza 4 Take up the White Man’s Burden: It is not the showy rule of kings, but hard work (comparable to slavery, or sweeping the street, all the common things). You shall not enter the ports or walk on the roads: you shall make them with your life and mark them with your dead bodies. Stanza 5 Take up the White Man’s Burden: and you will get the usual/old reward: Those whose conditions you improve will blame you. Those you guard will hate you, and the large number of people you slowly bring gently forward will cry, “Why did you free us from slavery?” (Excerpt from the Bible) Stanza 6 Take up the White Man’s Burden: you should not bend down or do less or talk too loud about freedom to hide your tiredness, because the silent, badtempered and gloomy people will judge you and your gods by all you cry out loud or whisper and all you do or leave undone. Stanza 7 Take up the White Man’s Burden: grow up, become an adult man. The easily bought honour (laurel) and the freely given praise will come to find out if you really are a man and have gained dear-(bought at a high cost) wisdom through all the thankless years: you will be judged by your peers (people of rank, status, or ability). Allusion What was the ALLUSION in “White Man’s Burden”? What does it mean? Writing Workshop www.bitstrips.com Create a comic strip, on paper or bitstrips, that will illustrate your analysis of the poem, “White Man’s Burden”. In addition to the bitstrip, create an explanation of your analysis of the poem in 3-5 sentences.