
2005 Master of Health Science, Ball State University
2002 Borkenstein Course on Drugs in Human Performance
2000 Borkenstein Course on Alcohol, Drugs, and Highway Safety
1998 Bachelors Degree in Criminal Justice, Ball State University
1985 Southern Police Institute, Administrative Officers Course
1977 Indiana Law Enforcement Academy Basic Officers Course
NHTSA State Assessor for Traffic Safety programs
IACP Technical Advisory Panel (TAP) Representative
National Section Chair – Drug Evaluation and Classification Program
Indiana Coordinator SFST and DEC programs
Retired from the Muncie Police Department - twenty-one years
Uniform Division Commander - Captain
Training Director - Lieutenant
Traffic Division Commander - Sergeant
Emergency Response Team Commander
Drug Evaluation and Classification Instructor
Drug Recognition Expert
Standardized Field Sobriety Testing Instructor
Accident Reconstructionist
Hostage Negotiator
Advanced Interview and Interrogation Techniques
Firearms/Automatic Weapons Instructor
Armorer—Smith & Wesson, Berreta, Glock
Red Cross Instructor: (CPR, HIV/AIDS, Communicable Disease)
Named to IACP Technical Advisory Panel
Named to faculty, Ball State University, Physiology and Health Science.
Named to faculty, Indiana University, Law in Action Studies,
Borkenstein Institute on Drugs in Human Performance.
Chaired Law Enforcement Advisory Group to Congressman McIntosh.
Participated in National Validation Study for Drug Evaluation and
Classification Program at John’s Hopkins, Baltimore MD.
Coordinated Multi-County DUI Task Force.
Recognized as an expert and provided testimony in cases involving
Drug Recognition, Alcohol, Firearms, and Accident Reconstruction.
Lead Instructor, Indiana Law Enforcement Emergency Response Team,
Basic Tactical Officer Course for twelve years.
Coached and shot on National Championship Combat Handgunning Team
Individual second in Long-range rifle/countersniper event
National SWAT Championships, Gainesville, GA.
In 1999, Joseph Turner was appointed the Standardized Field Sobriety Testing
(SFST) / Drug Evaluation and Classification (DEC) Coordinator for the State of
Indiana. As such, Mister Turner is charged with all the impairment testing training
in the state of Indiana. This includes basic course instruction, in-service, instructor
training, and support for and providing expert testimony to any and all cases
involving drug and alcohol impairment testing in the state of Indiana.
A Drug Recognition Expert since 1992, Joseph Turner became an instructor in the
DEC program in 1994. He has evaluated, or been the supervising instructor for
several hundred tests of drug-impaired individuals covering all seven drug
categories. He has taught the Drug Evaluation and Classification program in
thirteen states. He was named Chairman of the IACP Section of the National
DEC Program for 2002. In 2008 he acted as host to the National Impaired
Driving Conference in Indianapolis, IN. It was also that year he was named to the
Technical Advisory Panel. This is the program oversight group for the Drug
Evaluation and Classification Program sponsored by the International Association
of Chiefs of Police. In February 1995 he participated in the National Validation
Study at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore Maryland. There he spent three
weeks testing laboratory dosed subjects in a double blind study as part of the Drug
Addiction Research Center.
Joseph Turner earned both of his degrees from Ball State University, a Masters
Degree in Health Science and a Bachelors Degree in Criminal Justice and
Criminology. In 2004 he was named to the faculty of the Borkenstein Institute on
Drugs in Human Performance. In 2006 he was named to the faculty of Physiology
and Health Science at Ball State University in Health Science where he instructed
courses dealing with alcohol, drug impairment and addiction. He has lectured in
drug and alcohol classes at various colleges throughout Indiana.
Mister Turner is also a graduate of the Southern Police Institute, University of
Louisville. While a member of the Muncie Police Department, Joseph Turner
coordinated the Multi-County DUI Task Force. He wrote the grant for and
coordinated the Teenage Alcohol Prevention “TAP” program. Success of the
Multi-County Task force garnered recognition from the state of Indiana and the
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Recently Mister Turner was
named as a State Assessor for the National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration (NHTSA).
Trained in Standardized Field Sobriety Testing in 1990, Joseph Turner became an
instructor in the SFST program in 1994. While on the Muncie Police Department
he personally made over 1000 DUI arrests. During his career he has been
recognized as an expert and provided testimony in five separate areas of law
enforcement. Those areas cover alcohol, drugs, crash investigations, firearms,
and tactical team operations.