Renaissance Reformation Age of Exploration

Perreault World Geography 6 RMPS
Renaissance/Reformation/Age of Exploration Unit
Quiz Answers (unmodified quizzes only)
Renaissance Quiz
1. What does the word Renaissance mean?
The word Renaissance means rebirth. This term was used to define the era that saw the
rebirth of classical Greek and Roman art, philosophy, and teachings.
2. Name four artists of the Renaissance.
Four artists of the Renaissance are Michelangelo, Donatello, Leonard (da Vinci), and Raphael.
(Remember the Ninja Turtles)
3. Name two non-artists of the Renaissance.
Two non-artists of the Renaissance were Shakespeare, Medici, Machiavelli, Copernicus, etc.
4. Where did the Renaissance begin?
The Renaissance began in Italy.
5. Around what century did the Renaissance start?
The Renaissance started in the 15th Century (1400s).
6. What is the difference between the Northern Renaissance and the Southern Renaissance?
The Northern Renaissance took place in Germany, Netherlands, France, and England. The
Southern Renaissance took place in Italy.
7. What is humanism?
Humanism is a system of thought that centers on humans and their values, capacities, and
8. What is a patron of the arts?
A patron of the arts is someone who pays artists to create works of art.
9. Why is the Renaissance important to history?
The Renaissance is important to history because it marked the end of the Middle Ages and the
start of the modern era in Europe.
10. What era (time period) came before the Renaissance?
The era (time period) that came before the Renaissance was the Middle Ages (it was the unit
we studied before this unit too!).
Perreault World Geography 6 RMPS
Reformation/Henry VIII Quiz
1. Who was Martin Luther?
Martin Luther was a German monk who began the Protestant Reformation after he criticized
(made complaints about) the Catholic Church.
2. Where did the Reformation start?
The Reformation began in Germany.
3. Why did the Reformation happen?
The Reformation happened because Martin Luther openly complained about the Catholic
Church and soon many people supported the changes in the church that he wanted. These
were a version of the Bible not written in Latin, no selling indulgences (tickets to heaven), and
many other changes to the Church.
4. Who was Henry VIII?
Henry VIII was the King of England. He originally was a Catholic ruler of England and was even
called the “Defender of the Faith” by the Pope. When the Pope wouldn’t grant him a divorce
from Catherine of Aragon (she was Catholic and from Spain, a country who defended Rome),
Henry split from the Catholic Church to get his divorce.
5. Why did Henry VIII form the Church of England?
Henry VIII broke away from the Catholic Church and Pope in Rome to form the Church of
England. This was because under Protestant beliefs, he could gain a divorce from Catherine of
Aragon to marry his girlfriend Ann Boleyn in hopes of having a male heir to the throne.