The Renaissance notes organizers sections 1-4

The Renaissance: Chapter 13
Section 1: The Troubled 14TH Century
Plague that hit Europe was called?________________ _____________________ People got this disease
What did a smaller population mean for Europe? (Identify 3 results)
How did the Black Death change society? In 1381, peasants started a ______________________________ against King
___________________ II. They began to fight for their_______________________.
Why did people look back to Greece and Rome? People wanted to be more ____________________ and ___________.
What subjects did they study? (Identify 3)
The word “Renaissance” means? A. education B. rebirth
C. black death
D. Magna Carta
This period focused on being an ______________________ and _______________________ on creative thoughts and
The beginning of the Renaissance lead to the end of? A. Rome B. Black Death C. Middle Ages D. Charlamagne
Section 2: The Spirit of the Renaissance
When did the Renaissance begin?
Where did it begin?
How did people from the Renaissance view people from the Middle Ages?
What is Humanism? A. having little knowledge B. a teacher who teaches
C. human actions are important
How was the view of a humanist different from a person living during the Middle Ages?
Humanists discovered that the __________________ and ___________________ had felt the same way they did.
T/F- Humanists searched libraries and monasteries for writings from ancient Greece and Rome.
What could a renaissance man do?
Renaissance thinkers loved? A. cheese B. Dillon’s sneakers
Identify 3 subjects Renaissance man was interested in?
C. learning
D. religion
What could a renaissance woman do?
Educated women came from this type of family?
A teacher who teaches one person at a time is called? A. teacher
B. professor
C. tutor
Who wrote a book on how a ruler should rule? A.Titan B. Justinian
What was the name of his book? A. Big Rob
C. anarchy
D. The Prince
T/F-Isabella d’Este was called “the first lady to the world”
B. absolute power
He believed ___________________ should focus on ___________________ and ________________________.
Section 3: The Renaissance Begins in Italy
How did Italian city-states become wealthy?
City-states grew wealthy and powerful by controlling?
Identify 2 northern Italian city-states goods went to?
Northern Italy was not united, each city-state had its own?
A. Hollister outlet
B. gold chain
D. Code Red
What type of government did Florence have?
T/F: The city of Florence became wealthy because it made wool cloth.
What type of government did it have? A. monarchy
B. Medici
C. Gallos
D. Ginos
Who controlled the election of government leaders?
Important ruling family was the?
A. Piasons
Who was Lorenzo the Magnificent?
Who was the most famous ruler of Florence?
What did he use his family’s money to do?
Why did people give up their worldly possessions?
A monk named Savonarola began to preach against the _________________________________.
How did Savonarola gain power?
Who did Savonarola criticize?
A. DaVinci