Things Fall Apart

Things Fall Apart
Everyday Living
● Identify the cause and effect of everyday
objects falling apart.
● Compare the cause and effect of everyday
objects falling apart to the breakdown of
Directions: Part One
1. With your everyday object, identify what would cause
that object to fall apart. Come up with at least two
2. Identify the impact and / or ripple effect of your object
falling apart both on your life as well as those around
Everyday objects
➔ The hands on a manual
➔ The laces on tennis shoes
➔ Brakes on your car
➔ Your eyeglasses
➔ The lock on your front
➔ The chain in the toilet
➔ A light bulb burns out
➔ Drain in your shower
➔ The sound in your
➔ The fuse in your house
➔ Jewelry that rusts
➔ Screen on your phone
➔ Leaking faucet
Directions: Part Two
1. Choose a societal trend that has fallen by the wayside,
identify what would cause that trend to fall apart. Come
up with at least two reasons.
2. Identify the impact and / or ripple effect of your object
falling apart both on your life as well as those around
Societal Trends that have “Fallen Apart”
1. Family Dinners
2. Nuclear Family
3. Men only having positions of power
4. Values in education
5. Communication
6. Fashion Trends
Whole Class:
1. Together on the whiteboard, generate a list that causes
things to fall apart--what are the common things that
cause destruction of an object or idea?
2. Based on this list of what causes things to fall apart,
what predictions do you have for the society of the Igbo
people? Or, if you have already finished the book, what
evidence can you find to support how___ fell apart and
what was the effect on the society?
Independent Writing
Write a cause and effect essay. Identify the
factors that contributed to the destruction of
the Igbo culture and the effects of this falling
apart both on Okonkwo as well as the Igbo
society in general.
The Second Coming
Compare and contrast the ideas in the poem
below to those present in the book. Why might
this poem have been the inspiration for
Achebe’s book?