Options for RPE Spend Down

Options for RPE Spend Down- January 2015
Everything that is highlighted in yellow will be purchased by FRIS.
Do NOT put on your wish list.
Where to Order
Type of
Curriculum – 11
8-12 Grades
Cost* (S & H
must be factored in
to final costs.)
Healthy Choices, Healthy
Relationships - Understanding
Dibble Institute http://www.dibbleinstitute.org/magento/
Character and Consequences
Healthy Choices introduces students
to the foundations of strong,
satisfying relationships. In ten
lessons, teens examine how family
and media shape expectations about
love and life. They discuss positive
dating behaviors, identify and prepare
for potential dangers, explore the
nature of mature behavior, practice
problem solving, and learn other
relevant life skills. A recurring theme
is how teens can make informed
choices that enhance their
relationships, their goals, and how
they live their lives.
Relationship Smarts PLUS 3.0
Instructor's Manual
Relationship Smarts PLUS, based on
the 5-year federal evaluation study at
Auburn University, offers 12 activitybased lessons to guide teens in
building healthy relationships and
making wise choices. Covers topics
such as maturity, values clarification
and peer pressure, attractions and
infatuation, and building blocks for
positive relationships.
Aligned with National Standards for
Health Education.
Dibble Institutehttp://www.dibbleinstitute.org/magento/
Add 10% for S &
Curriculum – 12
Lessons – 60
Do not need the student workbook to
make it work.
$ 379.00 plus
S&H 10%
Used in
Recently Revised
High Rating with NREPP
Relationship and Romance
Activity Book-Skill Set - 50
diverse choices focus on the most
consuming of all youthful
concerns: how to be more
successful in their romantic
lives. Within this context, teens
explore self-awareness,
communication, handling conflict,
goal-setting and more.
Dibble Institute http://www.dibbleinstitute.org/magent
50 Group
Activities -10-25
minutes each
$ 59.00
5 Lessons
Love U 2: Dating Smarts
6 Lessons -Basic Relationship
Things to Know Before You
Say “Go” Classroom Pack - The
cards challenge teens – especially
girls – to clarify what’s important
to them, as individuals, in a
romantic relationship. Rather
than waiting to “be chosen”,
these teens become empowered
to actively seek what they want
and deserve.
The Art of Loving Well:
Student Activities- Teaches
students about the complexities
and joys of a wide variety of
relationships, including
friendships and family,
infatuations and first romances,
enduring commitments and
marriage. Studying short stories,
poems, essays, folk tales, and
myths empowers teachers to
help students connect ideas in
literature to choices in real life
and the skills necessary to
achieve healthy relationships.
Dibble Institute
Activity Oriented
Grades 6-7
$ 189.00
Dibble Institute
Card Game – 76
flash cards with
Explanation Bk
Collection of
$ 13.00
Stages of Relationship – Webinar
archived on how to use effectively.
Dibble Institute
The Art of Loving of Well:
Teacher’s Guide
Teen Relationship Card Game
Dibble Institute –
(Goes along with the Teen
Relationship Workbook
Kinds of Questions on the cards: People
who are abused often blame themselves for
the abuse. Why do you think
Card Game
this is?
What would you do if you found out your
friend was abusing his or her partner?
Name three behaviors that you will not
tolerate in a relationship.
Is it abuse if a girl refuses to have sex with a
guy, even after they have been going out for
a year and he’s has made it clear that he has
sexual needs? Why or why not?
There are many reasons people stay in
abusive relationships. Name a few.
Name two people (other than your
boy/girlfriend) who are part of your support
The Fourth R
The Fourth R is an evidencebased program that uses best
practice approaches to target
multiple forms of violence,
including bullying, dating
violence, peer violence, and
group violence. By building
healthy school environments we
provide opportunities to engage
students in developing healthy
relationships and decision-making
to provide a solid foundation for
their learning experiences.
Youth Relationship
High School
Plus Resources
The Fourth R Otions
Physical & Health Education
Program provides Grade 7, 8, and
9 (Students with instruction on
Personal Safety and Injury
Prevention, Healthy Growth and
Development, and Substance Use
and Abuse.)
The Fourth R - Alternative
Education - Alternative
Youth Relationships
Education Program continues to
focus on three risk behaviors:
Substance Use, Unsafe Sexual
Behavior, and Violence/Bullying.
Curriculum plus
DVD Resources
High School
$ 79.95 –
$ 140.00 Resources
The SAFE- T Program
The lessons in the curriculum
have been created in a
sequence, with more
challenging concepts coming
after students have gained
skills and increased their
comfort. It is critical to the
program’s success that
students have the opportunity
to gradually gain the
knowledge and vocabulary
that they need to discuss
sexual abuse. The SAFE-T
classroom is designed to offer
consistency and
reinforcement as students
learn new information and
explore topics that may be
Prevent Child Abuse Vermont
We Care Elementary
WE Care builds on children’s
protective factors through
multimodal, highly
experiential lessons. We Care
Elementary also emphasizes
skill building in the adult
community through training
opportunities and
informational articles.
Prevent Child Abuse Vermont
In Their Shoes
Washington State Coalition Against
Domestic Violence
7th and 8th
10 -45 min.
$ 195.00
CurriculumDating Violence
High School
No S&H
All Families Are Different by
Sal Gordon
Is there such a thing as a "normal"
family? Is one family better than another? Of
course the answer to these questions is no,
but children are often led to believe
otherwise. Young people need to understand
and appreciate that when it comes to
families, they are all different!
One of the world's most influential and loved
authors of educational children's books, Dr.
Sol Gordon has created an uplifting book for
young people age four and older who are
curious about just what it means to be part of
Children’s Book
a family. Some children, he explains, live with
both parents, while others live with one or
with step- or foster parents. Nowadays, we
also find children being reared by aunts,
uncles, or grandparents, as well as same-sex
couples. The variety of possibilities is rich in
its diversity.
William’s Doll by
Charlotte Zolotow
Oliver Button Is a Sissy
by Tomie dePaola
I Said No! A Kid-to-kid Guide to
Keeping Private Parts Private
By Kimberly King
It’s Okay To Be Different by
Todd Parr
It's Okay to Make Mistakes
By Todd Parr
More than anything, William wants a doll.
"Don't be a creep," says his brother. "Sissy,
sissy," chants the boy next door. Then one
day someone really understands William's
wish, and makes it easy for others to
understand, too.
Children’s Book
A little boy must come to terms with being
teased and ostracized because he’d rather
read books, paint pictures, and tap-dance
than participate in sports. “There is a good
balance between the simple text . . . and the
expressive pictures
Helping kids set healthy boundaries
for their private parts can be a
daunting and awkward task for
parents, counselors and educators.
Written from a kid s point of view, I
Said No! makes this task a lot easier.
Children’s Book
It's Okay to Be Different cleverly delivers the
important messages of acceptance,
understanding, and confidence in an
accessible, child-friendly format featuring
Todd Parr's trademark bold, bright colors and
silly scenes. Targeted to young children first
beginning to read, this book will inspire kids
to celebrate their individuality through
acceptance of others and self-confidence.
odd Parr's bestselling books have reminded
kids to embrace differences, to be thankful,
to love one another, and to be themselves.
It's Okay to Make Mistakes embraces life's
happy accidents, the mistakes and mess-ups
that can lead to self discovery. Todd Parr
brings a timely theme to life with his
signature bold, kid-friendly illustrations and a
passion for making readers feel good about
themselves, encouraging them to try new
things, experiment, and dare to explore new
Children’s Book
From coloring outside the lines and creating a
unique piece of art to forgetting an umbrella
Children’s Book
but making a new friend, each page offers a
kid-friendly take on the importance of taking
chances, trying new things, and embracing
life, mistakes and all.
The I’m Not Scared
By Todd Parr
Sometimes I'm scared of dogs.
I'm not scared when they give me kisses.
Children’s Book
Sometimes I'm scared I will make a mistake.
I'm not scared when I know I tried my best.
With his signature blend of playfulness and
sensitivity, Todd Parr explores the subject of
all things scary and assures readers that all of
us are afraid sometimes.
Gender’s Got Us All Tied Up
This film shows the many, many ways, that
gender messages shape young people’s daily
decisions, and the toll that deeply held
stereotypes and rigid gender expectations
have on all our lives.
The film shares the engaging stories of more
than 50 high school students from a variety
of communities. With courage and candor,
these young people open their lives to the
camera: choosing between “male” and
“female” deodorant, deciding whether to go
along with anti-gay taunts in the locker room,
having the courage to take ballet or show
emotion, confronting eating disorders in their
circle of friends, avoiding the restroom so
they won’t get beaten up, negotiating
different “gender rules” in the US and their
home countries, mourning the suicide of a
classmate, finding the strength to stand up
for someone who’s being mistreated.
Straightlaced includes the perspectives of
teens who self-identify as heterosexual,
lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or
High School
Order from New Day
questioning and represent a wide range of
racial and ethnic
backgrounds, as well as all points along the
gender spectrum. Their experiences highlight
the profound connections among gender-role
expectations, attitudes toward women and
attitudes toward gay and lesbian people—
and illustrate many intricate threads linking
gender, culture, race and class.
The film covers a wide range of topics,
Body image
Dating and relationships
Sexual pressures
Academics and school
Family expectations
Gender roles and stereotypes
Meanings of masculinity and
Identity questions
Gender, race and culture
Gay, lesbian, bisexual and
transgender experiences
Gender-based violence
Media messages
Activity and career choices
School and community safety
Being an ally
And more
Straightlaced is designed to be used primarily
with high school students, grades nine and
above. You may also share parts of the film
(or in some cases the whole film) with middle
school students—however, due to the film’s
inclusion of mature adolescent themes such
as teen sexuality, drug use, violence and
suicide, if you will be
using it at the middle school level, please see
the section “Special Considerations for Using
Straightlaced at the Middle School Level” on
p. 17 of the curriculum guide. Also available
are online Straightlaced Discussion Guides
which provide streamlined more abbreviated
support for sparking dialogue about the
complex gender-based pressures affecting
today’s youth. Three versions are available to
customize the conversation for your specific
context for high school, middle school and
professional development.
Let's Get Real
Ground Spark
Examines issues that lead to
taunting and bullying, including
racial differences, perceived
sexual orientation, learning
disabilities, religious differences,
sexual harassment and others.
Name-calling and bullying are at epidemic
proportions among youth across the country,
and are often the root causes of violence in
schools. Let’s Get Real gives young people
the chance to tell their stories in their own
words–and the results are heartbreaking,
shocking, inspiring and poignant. Unlike the
vast majority of films made for schools about
the issue, Let’s Get Real doesn’t sugarcoat
the truth or feature adults lecturing kids
about what to do when “bad” kids pick on
Order from New
Let’s Get Real examines a variety of issues
that lead to taunting and bullying, including
racial differences, perceived sexual
orientation, learning disabilities, religious
differences, sexual harassment and others.
The film not only gives a voice to targeted
kids, but also to kids who do the bullying to
find out why they lash out at their peers and
how it makes them feel. The most heartening
part of Let’s Get Real includes stories of kids
who have mustered the courage to stand up
for themselves or a classmate.
The accompanying 130-page Let’s Get Real
curriculum guide features valuable lesson
plans, discussion starters, classroom activities
and handouts for teachers to use in
conjunction with the film.
Desmond has a secret he cannot
share with anyone. His grades
are slipping, rumors are swirling
and he feels powerless, especially
when he sees his sister being hurt
too. With the support of his
father and a new friend,
Desmond is able to tell his story
of being sexually assaulted and
end the cycle of abuse. Desmond
regains his power when he uses
his voice.
Speechless examines sexual
assault and recovery through
power / powerlessness, empathy,
Scenarios USA
Plan (9 pages)
High School
communication, and gender
- See more at:
Open Arms, Open Eyes
Human Media Relations –
This award-winning, 28-minute video identifies
the warning signs in teen relationships that set
the stage for adult domestic violence. A great
discussion starter, it is based on real scenarios
and dialogue suggested by teenagers
themselves. It features high school students
and locations, and is an excellent resource for
raising student awareness about healthy and
unhealthy relationships. Dramatizes specific
issues of power and control among teens, to
help them spot the signs and avoid the
corrosive effects of abusive relationships. To
that end, there are 25 “red flags” displayed
throughout the video to assist in the
awareness of violent behavior patterns in
dating relationships. Produced by: Henrico
County Community Partners Inc.
Item#5012 Conversation Starters
Set:Entertainment Talk, Meet &
Greet, Icebreaker & 1 carabiner
Item# 5014 Therapy & Counseling
Set: Emotion Mania; Best, Worst,
First; Virtues & Values & 1
carabiner $34.99
Posters, brochures,
bookmarks – Remember the
social media bookmark from
the prevention summit; Leslie
has a bullying one to share.
I work with Amanda Doodley at
Artistic Promotions for give-away needs.
2306 Charles Avenue
Dunbar, WV 25064
304-766-7760, ext. 313
304-382-0406 fax
Starters, Training
& Teaching Tools,
Learning Games
All Ages
(Depends on
$15.00 – Depends
on design.
Buy in sets and
save. $34.99
TRAINING ITEMS- Should these
items be on your wish list, you
will need to do some research
to locate prices/item
descriptions etc.
Display Board
Agency Display (e.g. No
Dolly – Loading/Unloading
Instructor’s Cart
Amazon – 3 shelf audio visual cart
Metal 3 shelf
Rubbermaid Media
Clicker System –
FRIS has this system. If on
your list of items to purchase,
we’ll need to talk.
Turning Technologies
Label Maker
Brother QL-720W Label Maker
 Create labels using the
included label design
software (P-touch Editor) or - export text directly from
Microsoft® Word®, Excel®,
and Outlook® to create
labels for cards, buttons,
 Dimensions: 5.0” W x 9.3”
D x 6.0” H, 2.6 lbs
All ages
Storage Cabinet
LCD Projectors