Mrs. Russell English 2 Agendas & Warm Ups 2014-2015 8-25-2014 Welcome back!!! Take a seat wherever. AGENDA O School procedures O Introductions O Vote with your feet 8-26-2014 Warm-up: In your journal or on a piece of paper: Look at the phrase/photo and write whatever it makes you think of. Sometimes the people who are absent make the biggest difference. Agenda O Seat assignments O School policies O Class procedures O Vote with your feet 8-27-2014 Warm up: in your journal: O What “saved” your life? Agenda O “Hip hop saved my life” Lupe Fiasco O Read text O Respond: Why do you write? O 5-7-10 write O Bullying/Challenges/M utual Respect/Attendance 8-28-2014 Warm-Up: O What is the “writing process?” What are the steps? Agenda: O Writing Process O Writing Territories/Topic Bank O Freewrite O School Procedures 8-29-2014 Warm-up: O What is something interesting/new that you learned this week? (In or out of class) Agenda: O SSR Procedures O Journal Set Up O BINGO! Now, go back to the freewrite… Re-craft the freewrite into an effective 5 paragraph essay that offers an engaging lead, clarifies, elaborates, offers at least two specific, detailed examples, and concludes in an effort to capture the memoir’s meaning. Show me what you can do with an essay!! SSR Reading Log #1 Date: Title: Pages Read: Memorable quote /why you found it Memorable: One to two sentence summary: 9-5-14 Main characters from today’s reading: Reader’s Response Question: What is a moral dilemma you have seen or predict/anticipate in your SSR novel? Pregnancy Dislikes Twin Haven Likes Milestones Pregnancy Dislikes Twin Haven Likes Milestones Pregnancy With Haven Hyperemesis induction hospitalization Low amniotic fluid 37 weeks Placental abruption perinatologist Twin loss What it is First Next Moment Moment Final Moment What I Thought Imitation “Turn Off The Cell Phone” Write an expository essay about something the world could do without. How most people see it How I see it How people resist it How much we really need it Each of the above paragraphs should contain the following: 1. Answer: Your idea/response to the paragraph 2. Proof: Your evidence/example that supports your answer 3. Explanation: Your explanation of your evidence and how it relates to your answer My advice about it What it is First Moment Next Moment Hyperemesis is extreme morning sickness. I first experienced hyperemesis when I was 5 weeks pregnant. It continued getting worse -- it even caused me to lose one of my twins at 9 weeks. At 16 weeks pregnant, I found myself hospitalized, hooked up to an IV machine due to extreme dehydration and malnutrition caused by hyperemesis. I hated being pregnant due to hyperemesis; It was nothing like I had expected. Final Moment What I Thought SSR Reading Log #2 Date: Title: Pages Read: Memorable quote /why you found it Memorable: One to two sentence summary: 9-12-14 Main characters from today’s reading: Reader’s Response Question: List 5 tones used in your SSR book. Choose 1 to explain and cite using the sentence stem posted on the wall. Today’s TEKS: Fig. 19 Objective: TSW analyze the author’s purpose and diction. SSR Log/RRQ #3 Date: Title: Pages Read: Memorable quote /why you found it Memorable: One to two sentence summary: 9-19-14 Main characters from today’s reading: Reader’s Response Question: Copy a sentence from the book that has strong diction. What is the author’s purpose in choosing that diction?