Signals and Systems 1 Lecture 1 Dr. Ali. A. Jalali August 19, 2002 Signals and Systems 1 Proposed Main Textbook Contemporary Linear Systems, Using MATLAB By Robert D. Strum and Donald E. Kirk, Book Ware Companion Series, ISBN 0-534-37172-8, year 2000. EE 327 fall 2002 Signals and Systems 1 1. Homework Policy 2. Homework will be posted on the class web page or will be given on the class by instructor each time, and is due at midnight on the due date (usually Monday). EE 327 fall 2002 Signals and Systems 1 1. 2. Project Towards the end of the semester, each study group will complete a project applying the concepts they have learned in the class. The groups will present their projects (use power points and Microsoft Words) in class or your Web Pages. See class web pages for more information. EE 327 fall 2002 Signals and Systems 1 1. MATLAB and MATLAB Workshop 2. MATLAB will be required for some homework problem and projects. You have the option of either purchasing the student edition from the bookstore, or using the workstation or PC laboratories (e. g. ESB 813). EE 327 fall 2002 MATLAB 1. 2. 3. 4. Matlab is required for this course. The following toolboxes are also required: Symbolic Math, Signal Processing, and Control Systems. There several options for obtaining Matlab. The student version of Matlab is recommended and endorsed for this course. It comes with the Symbolic Math toolbox. The Signal Processing and Control Systems toolboxes can also be purchased at a reduced price with student ID. The student version of Matlab does not expire. Alternatively, a one year license for the professional version of Matlab with the required toolboxes and many others can be purchased through the ECE office for about $100. The professional version with toolboxes is also available on all ECS computers. EE 327 fall 2002 Signals and Systems 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Basis of Final Grade Test # 1: 15 % Test # 2: 15 % Test # 3: 15 % Final Exam: 30 % Group Project: 10 % Homework: 10 % Attendance, Random Quizzes and Website links lists: 5% NOTE: The Exams are closed book. EE 327 fall 2002 Signals and Systems 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Course Web Page A homepage is maintained for this class at: This homepage will contain important announcements and materials handed out in class, including lecture notes, homework assignments, MATLAB files, and homework/exams solutions. In addition, it might be a MIX page for the course that you can access at: EE 327 fall 2002 EE 327 fall 2002 http://www.csee.wvu/~jalali Signals and Systems 1 Lecture # 1 Introduction to Signals EE 327 fall 2002 Signals and Systems 1 Reasons for studying linear systems theory 2. Mathematical description 3. MATLAB generation of signals and sequences 4. A road map of domains, models and operations 1. EE 327 fall 2002 Reasons for studying linear systems theory 1. 2. 3. Engineers, scientists, and mathematicians all use linear systems theory because it is the foundation for building many of the things we use in our daily lives. The theory of Linear systems provides powerful tools for analysis and design, and many communications, control, and signal processing systems can be approximated by linear models. EE 327 fall 2002 Reasons for studying linear systems theory 1. 2. 3. By applying these tools to suitable mathematical models, we can design and develop better systems and also shorten the production cycle. Computer simulation plays a central role in applying linear systems theory and there are now available powerful and easy-to-use software packages. One of these, MATLAB, is used extensively in this class. EE 327 fall 2002 Reasons for studying linear systems theory 1. 2. 3. 4. We will consider both discrete-time and continuous-time systems in this class. Discrete-time systems is referred to a systems whose signals change only in discrete-time instants. The systems whose signals vary continuously with time called continuous time systems. Usually they refer to discrete and continuous systems. EE 327 fall 2002 Signals and Systems (Signals & Systems) Signals Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) EE 327 fall 2002 Sequences Systems Sound is an example of signal 1. What is sound? 2. How can we characterize our perceptions of sound? 3. How can we classify sounds? 4. How can we measure sounds? EE 327 fall 2002 Sound 1. Pressure variations 2. Microphone converts to voltage 3. Oscilloscope displays voltage change with time (a waveform) EE 327 fall 2002 Signals and Systems 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. A signal is the physical form of a waveform, like a sound wave or a radio wave. Time is often the independent variable for signal. The independent variable can be 1-D or 2-D (space x, y in image), 3-D or N-D A system is an object or channel that changes a signal that passes through it. Amplifiers are systems that increase the amplitude of signals passing through them. Attenuators are systems that decrease the amplitude of signals passing through them. EE 327 fall 2002 Signals and Systems 1. This course deals with mathematical methods used to describe signals and to analyze and synthesize systems. 2. Signals are variables that carry information 3. Systems process input signals to produce output signals EE 327 fall 2002 Signals and Systems 1. Signals 1. 2. 2. physical form of a waveform e.g. a sound, electrical current, radio wave Systems 1. 2. a channel that changes a signal that passes through it e.g. a telephone connection, a room, a vocal tract Input Signal EE 327 fall 2002 System Output Signal Signals and Systems 1. Description of signals 1. waveform, amplitude, period, fundamental frequency 2. spectrum, harmonic, harmonic amplitude & phase 2. Description of systems? 1. how to characterize them? 2. how to measure them? EE 327 fall 2002 Signals: 1. Classification of Signals 1. Deterministic and Stochastic signals 2. Periodic and Aperiodic signals 3. Continuous time (CT) and Discrete time (DT) 4. Causal and anti-causal signals 5. Right and left sided signals 6. Bounded and unbounded signals 7. Even and odd signals EE 327 fall 2002