NS/P 2.2 (pg 1 of 1) Temperature Conversion Name______________________ Three Possible Temperature Scales • Fahrenheit (oF) • Celsius (oC) • Kelvin (K) Converting between Kelvin and Celsius ToC + 273 = TK Converting between Fahrenheit and Celsius (2 possible equations) ToF = 1.80(ToC) + 32 OR 5 ToC = (T oF – 32) 9 Practice Problems: 1. The temperature is a balmy 28.5 oC. Convert it to the Kelvin scale. 2. The freezing point of nitrogen is 63K. What is this temperature on the Celsius scale? 3. You’re traveling in a metric country and you get sick. Your temperature is 39 oC. What is it on the Fahrenheit scale? 4. The temperature outside reads 97 oF (we had some hot days this summer!). You want to impress your friend and tell him the temperature in Kelvin. What is it? 5. Convert 23 K to Celsius 6. Convert 97 oF to Celsius 7. Convert 28.5 oC to Kelvin 8. Convert 97 oF to Kelvin 9. Convert 275 K to Fahrenheit Answers: 1. 301.5K 2. -210 oC 3. 102oF 4. 309K 5. -250 oC 6. 36 oC 7. 302 K 8. 309K 9. 35 oF