The Great Depression


The Great Depression

What would you do to feed your family?

Examine the Issues

What groups of people will be most hurt by the economic crash?

What can you do to find a paying job?

What can unemployed and impoverished people do to help each other?

Day of Wrath

The Nation’s Sick Economy

Main Idea

As the prosperity of the 1920’s ended, severe economic problems gripped the nation.

Why it Matters Today

The Great Depression has had lasting effects on how Americans view themselves and their government

Economic Troubles on the Horizon

As the 1920’s advanced, serious problems threatened economic prosperity.

Farmers grew more crops and raised more livestock than they could sell.



Coal Mines


Distribution of

Income Economic


McNary-Haugen Bill

Price Supports


Living on



Less money

Dream of Riches in the Stock


Those who had money invested in the stock market.

Dow Jones Industrial Average-

Dowwas measured based on the stock prices of the 30 major firms on the NYSE.

1920’s- Dow rose to 381 pts/ 300 pts higher than it had been.

“Bull Market”a period of rising stock.

By 1929- 4 mill,3% of Americans owned stock

Speculationbought stock for a chance of a quick profit.

Buying on Marginpaid a small % and borrowed the rest.

People couldn’t pay off the loans.

The Stock Market Crashes

In September 1929, stock prices peaked and prices fell.

Black Tuesday

October 29, 1929- stock market crashed.

Financial Collapse

The stock market crash signaled the beginning of the Great Depression- the period between 1929-

1940 in which the economy plummeted and unemployment skyrocketed.

Bank Business Failures

1929, 600 banks closed

1933, 11,000 of the 25,000 banks failed

90,000 businesses went bankrupt

Worldwide Shock Waves

Europe suffered from war debts

Hawley-Smoot Tariff Actprotective tariff.

Causes of the Great Depression

Tariffs and war debt policies that cut down the foreign market for American goods

A crisis in the farm sector

The availability of easy credit

An unequal distribution of income

The Nation’s Sick Economy


How did what happened to farmers during the

1920’s fore-shadow events of the Great


During the 1920’s, farmers faced decreased demand for their products and lower crop prices. Those who were in debt could not repay loans, and rural banks failed. This pattern repeated itself in other sectors of the economy during the Depression.

What were some of the effects of the stock market crash in October 1929?

The stock market crash triggered bank and business failures, high unemployment, and worldwide depression.

Hardship & Suffering During the


Main Idea

During the Great Depression Americans did what they had to do to survive.

Why it Matters Today

Since the Great Depression many

Americans have been more cautious abut saving, investing, and borrowing.

Hardship and Suffering During the Great Depression


-lost land

-grew food

-tenant farming

Both loss jobs, homes



-lost jobs


-soup kitchens

The Depression Devastates

People’s Lives

The Depression brought hardship, homelessness, and hunger to millions.

The Depression

In Rural Areas In the Cities


Soup Kitchens

Bread Lines

Dust Bowl

400,000 farms lost

Tenant farming

Severe Drought


Effects on the American Family

In the face of the suffering caused by the Great Depression, the family stood as a source of strength for most


At a time when money was tight, many families stayed at home and played board games, such as

Monopoly(1913) & listen to the radio.

Men in the streets

Many men had difficulty coping with unemployment

As many as 300,000 transits or

“hoboes” wandered the country

Direct Reliefcash payments or food provided by the government to the poor.

Family Hardships

Children Suffer hardships

Poor diets and a lack of money for health care led to serious health problems.

Falling tax revenues also caused school boards to shorten the school year and even close schools.

1933-2,600 schools shut down

Teenagers hopped on freight trains in search for work.

“Wild boys”

Family HardshipsCont’

Social and

Psychological Effects

Many people lost their will to survive

Between 1928-1932suicide rate rose more than 30%

People made sacrifices

During the Great

Depression many people showed great kindness to strangers who were down on their luck

Hardship & Suffering During the



How were shanytowns, soup kitchens, and bread lines a response to the Depressions?

They were places where charitable organizations handed out food to the hungry.

What pressures did the American family experience during the Depression?

Unemployment, reduced household income, some families lost homes. Many adults lost the ability to provide for their families.

Hoover Struggles with the


Main Idea

President Hoover’s conservative response to the Great Depression drew criticism from many Americans.

Why it Matters Today

Worsening conditions in the country caused the government to become more involved in the health and wealth of the people.

Hoover Tries to Reassure the


After the stock market crash of October

1929, President Herbert Hoover tried to reassure Americans that the nation’s economy was on a sound footing.

Hoover’s Philosophy

Gov. should facilitate and encourage cooperation

People should take care of themselves

Hoover Takes Cautious Steps

No layoffs or don’t cut wages


Boulder Dam

Construction of a dam on the Colorado River


1929-$700 million

Later called the Hoover Dam

Democrats win in 1930 Congressional


Hoover Takes Action

Boulder Dam






Federal Farm


Reconstructi on




Home Loan

Bank Act

Hoover Takes Action

President Hoover gradually softened his position on government intervention in the economy and took a more activist approach to the nation’s economic troubles.

Hoover’s Actions

Backs Cooperatives Direct Intervention

Federal Farm Board

National Credit Corp .

Federal Home Loan Bank Act

Glass-Steagall Act

Reconstruction Finance Corp .

Gassing the Bonus Army

In 1932, 10,000 to 20,000

WWI veterans and their families arrived in

Washington, D.C., from various parts of the country.

The Patman Bill Denied

The bill was to pay a bonus to

WWI veterans who had not be compensated for their wartime service.

Hoover Disbands the

Bonus Army

July 28, under the command of Gen. Douglas MacArthur and his aide, Maj. Dwight D.


Hoover Struggles with the



How did Hoover’s treatment of the Bonus Army affect his standing with the public?

The harshness of the attack on the veterans and their families damaged Hoover’s reputation.

In what ways did Hoover try to use the government to relieve the Depression?

He started public-works programs and backed the

Federal Farm Board, Federal Home Loan Bank Act, and the RFC.
