Cell processes review

Cell Processes Review
1. What cell structure controls transport of materials into and out of the cell?
2. Why is this structure described as being semi-permeable?
3. How do particles move in passive transport?
4. What are two types of passive transport? How are they the same and different?
5. How is active transport different from passive transport?
6. Why is cell transport an important life process?
7. Where does photosynthesis take place in a plant cell?
8. What materials must a plant take in for photosynthesis to take place?
9. What are the products from photosynthesis?
10. How does a plant absorb sunlight for photosynthesis to take place?
11. Write the chemical formula for photosynthesis?
12. What is the process of releasing energy called?
13. Where in the cell does this process take place?
14. What two products combine to release energy?
15. What are the by-products from cellular respiration?
16. Write the chemical formula for cellular respiration?
17. How do the processes of photosynthesis and cellular respiration compare and contrast?
18. How is fermentation different from cellular respiration?
19. What is the process of cell division called?
20. What cell structure controls this process?