1. Brittany was reporting the weather today and she said there is a lot of moisture in the air. The ___________________ was 93 %. 2. Virginia has lousy weather today. There is warmer air and a lot of moisture in the air so that must mean there is _____________________. 3. Pennsylvania has happy weather today. There is cooler air and very little moisture in the air so that must mean there is ______________________. 4. If Virginia has high pressure and Pennsylvania has low pressure, some of the air from Virginia will move to Pennsylvania and this will create __________________. 5. Because of _______________________, when Jacob got back from his cruise, all of the water in his pool was gone! 6. A cloud is formed by ______________________ during the water cycle. 7. Neil had to run to the bus this morning because there was so much ___________________ coming down from the sky. 8. One way that water can enter our atmosphere is through the process of ___________________ when water evaporates from plants. 9. In order to do his weather report, Alex needed to measure air pressure, so he went inside and got his _____________________ so he could have an accurate measurement. 10. Mary was lying in the grass one sunny day and she saw a big fluffy __________________ cloud that looked just like Spongebob! 11. For the past few days, our skies have been covered with layers of ____________________ clouds that look very gray and have brought lots of drizzle. 12. Sometimes, we can tell if the weather is about to change because ____________________ clouds in the sky usually mean a change in weather is going to happen. 13. During Kevin’s football game, the team had to get off of the field because they saw a giant _________________________ cloud which meant a very violent thunderstorm was about to happen. 1. Lots of different weather can happen at a ___________________, where two air masses meet. 2. An _______________________ that forms over the Gulf of Mexico will be warm and moist. 3. Two years ago, we experienced a ______________________ when we had a shortage of rain here in Loudoun County. 4. Usually during a ____________________ Clara’s dog runs and hides under the bed because the thunder, lightning and strong winds are very loud and it scares him! 5. Because the water is so warm near Florida ____________________ often form there since warm water fuels this GIANT whirling storm! 6. The ____________________ in Florida tends to warm all year round. 7. Three years ago, all of the students had to duck in the hallways because there was a funnel shaped storm outside that had very strong, spinning winds called a ____________________. 8. When we lay outside in the sun, we put sun block on our skin to protect it from _____________________ when heat is transferred through the atmosphere by energy waves. 9. I went to the beach this summer. When I stepped on to the sand heat transferred directly from the sand to my feet through the process of _____________________. 10. A sea breeze is an example of ___________________ because warm air is rising over the land. 11. During a _____________________ warm air is lifted high in the sky very rapidly, causing a quick and violent thunderstorm. 12. There was a _______________________ last week that caused feathery clouds to form in the sky and there was even a light rain shower. evaporation Part One condensation precipitation transpiration cirrus stratus cumulus cumulonimbus low pressure high pressure wind humidity barometer The sun heats up water from lakes, streams, rivers, and oceans causing the water to change from a liquid to a gas. Water vapor cools down to become liquid water and forms clouds. Water that falls to Earth as rain, snow, hail or sleet. Heat from the sun causes water to evaporate from plant leaves. Wispy feathery clouds made of ice crystals. A flat layer of gray clouds that cover the sky like a blanket. Fluffy clouds that are in the sky on nice days. Giant thunderhead clouds associated with violent thunderstorms. Is associated with warmer air that rises. It is also associated with moisture in the air causing lousy weather. Is associated with cooler air that sinks. It is also associated with very little moisture in the air causing happy weather. Is created by differences in air pressure. Air will move from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure. A measure of how much moisture is in the air. An instrument used to measure air pressure. radiation Part Two conduction convection air mass front cold front warm front tornado thunderstorm hurricane drought climate Energy that can transfer by traveling in waves. This form of energy can also travel through empty space. Heat transfer by direct physical contact. The transfer of heat through a fluid (liquid or gas). When warm fluids rise and cool fluids sinks. A large body of air. The place where air masses meet. Causes warm air to rise quickly and causes quick violent storms. Warm air slides over top of cool air and causes feathery clouds and maybe some light showers. A funnel shaped cloud that reaches the ground. It is a violent and destructive wind storm that moves across land. A storm produced by a cumulonimbus cloud. There is thunder, lightning, strong winds, heavy rains and maybe even hail. A tropical storm that forms over warm ocean waters and can be up to 600 miles wide. A long period of time with a shortage of rainfall. The average weather conditions in an area over a long period of time.