DBQs - MrRork

• Students are asked a broad, arguable question
• Given 8-10 documents about the topic during the time
• Answer the question using a well developed thesis
statement, several of the documents AND outside
• Mandatory 15 minute planning period, suggested
writing time of 45 minutes
Comes from a specified time period
Time period changes each year
Arguable question
All student answer the same question
– In what ways did the French and Indian War (1754-63)
alter the political, economic and ideological relations
between Britain and its American colonies? (2004)
– In what ways and to what extent did constitutional
and social developments between 1860 and 1877
amount to a revolution? (1996)
Thesis Writing
• The controlling idea
• One-sentence answer to the question posed; the
remainder of the paper will prove the thesis
• Takes a stand on a historical issue or problem
• Attempts to develop a coherent and persuasive
line of thought intended to convince the reader
of the validity of that stand
• Your thesis is the concise statement of your
• Created AFTER looking at the documents
Essay Answer
Needs a well developed thesis statement
– Will take rephrasing of question
– Better to make an argument
• Yes, but
• No, but
Use several (not all) of documents to support answer
– Do not summarize or list documents
– Needs analysis of documents’ significance
Use outside information to support answer!!!
– Can be very simple
• Ex: Document by Elizabeth Cady Stanton: outside information could
be mentioning Seneca Falls or Declaration of Sentiments
– Should be from time period
• Few exceptions for very sophisticated writers
Should be in past tense
Avoid pronouns
Be specific
Essay Grading
On a 0-9 scale
Average score is 2-4 for Juniors
Not about length, but about content of essay
No major errors which detract from the essay
8-9 Essay
• Strong, well developed thesis which clearly addresses the
question; deals with the most significant issues and trends
relevant to the question and the time period
• Abundant, accurate specifics; may contain insignificant
• Depending on what is called for, demonstrates well
reasoned analysis of relationship of events and people,
cause and effect, continuity and change
• Covers all areas of the prompt in approximate proportion to
their importance (Extremely good papers need not be
totally balanced)
• Effective organization and clear language
• DBQ: Sophisticated use of a substantial number of
documents; substantial relevant outside information;
chronologically coherent
5-7 Essay
• Has a valid thesis; deals with relatively significant issues
and trends
• Some accurate specific information relevant to the thesis
and question
• Analyzes information: uses data to support opinions and
conclusions; recognizes historical causation, change, and
• Adequately addresses all areas of prompt; may lack balance
• May contain a few errors, usually not major
• Adequately organizes; generally clear language; may
contain some minor grammatical errors
• DBQ: Use of some documents and some relevant outside
2-4 Essay
• Thesis may be absent, limited, confused, or poorly developed; may
take a very general approach to the topic, failing to focus on the
question; position may be vague or unclear
• Superficial or descriptive data which is limited in depth and/or
• Limited understanding of the question; may be largely descriptive
and narrative
• Adequately covers most areas of the prompt; may ignore some
• May contain major errors
• Demonstrates weak organization and writing skills which may
interfere with comprehension
• DBQ: Misinterprets, briefly cites, or simply quotes documents;
little outside information, or information which is inaccurate or
0-1 Essay
• Usually has no discernible thesis, contains a thesis that
does not address the question, or simply restates the
• Superficial, inappropriate or erroneous information; or
information limited to a small portion of the prompt
• Analysis may be fallacious
• May contain numerous errors, both major and minor
• May cover only portions of the prompt; refers to the topic
but does not address the prompt
• Erratic organization; grammatical errors my frequently
hinder comprehension
• DBQ: Poor, confused, or no use of documents;
inappropriate or no outside information
Let’s Practice!
• For more practice go to:
• Traditional essay
• No documents
• Only outside information
FRQ Questions
Given a 2x2 choice
2 groups of 2 questions
Must choose 1 question from each group
1st group contains questions from the first part
of US History
• 2nd group contains questions from the second
part of US History
Compare the ways in which religion shaped the development of colonial society (to
1740) in TWO of the following regions: (2002)
New England
Middle Atlantic
How did economic, geographic and social factors encourage the growth of slavery as an
important part of the economy of the southern colonies between 1607 and 1775?
Analyze the degree to which the Articles of Confederation provided an effective form of
government with respect to any TWO of the following. (1996)
Foreign relations
Economic conditions
Western lands
Discuss the impact of territorial expansion on national unity between 1800 and 1850.
Assess the moral arguments and political actions of those opposed to the spread of
slavery in the context of TWO of the following. (2000)
Missouri Compromise
Mexican War
Compromise of 1850
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Essay Answer
• Well developed thesis statement
• Evidence supports the thesis
• Lots of specific evidence
FRQ rubric
• Very similar to DBQ- except there are no
documents to refer to
8-9 Essay
• Strong, well developed thesis which clearly addresses
the question; deals with the most significant issues and
trends relevant to the question and the time period
• Abundant, accurate specifics; may contain insignificant
• Depending on what is called for, demonstrates well
reasoned analysis of relationship of events and people,
cause and effect, continuity and change
• Covers all areas of the prompt in approximate
proportion to their importance (Extremely good papers
need not be totally balanced)
• Effective organization and clear language
5-7 Essay
• Has a valid thesis; deals with relatively significant
issues and trends
• Some accurate specific information relevant to the
thesis and question
• Analyzes information: uses data to support opinions
and conclusions; recognizes historical causation,
change, and continuity
• Adequately addresses all areas of prompt; may lack
• May contain a few errors, usually not major
• Adequately organizes; generally clear language; may
contain some minor grammatical errors
2-4 Essay
• Thesis may be absent, limited, confused, or poorly
developed; may take a very general approach to the topic,
failing to focus on the question; position may be vague or
• Superficial or descriptive data which is limited in depth
and/or quantity
• Limited understanding of the question; may be largely
descriptive and narrative
• Adequately covers most areas of the prompt; may ignore
some tasks
• May contain major errors
• Demonstrates weak organization and writing skills which
may interfere with comprehension
0-1 Essay
• Usually has no discernible thesis, contains a thesis that
does not address the question, or simply restates the
• Superficial, inappropriate or erroneous information; or
information limited to a small portion of the prompt
• Analysis may be fallacious
• May contain numerous errors, both major and minor
• May cover only portions of the prompt; refers to the
topic but does not address the prompt
• Erratic organization; grammatical errors my frequently
hinder comprehension
Lets practice!!!