Artificial Intelligence CS 165A Tuesday, October 30, 2007 Knowledge and reasoning (Ch 7) • Propositional logic First-order logic (Ch 8) 1 Notes • HW#2 due today • HW#3 due Thursday, November 8th – Posted tonight • Midterm on Tuesday, November 13th • Just in case there’s any confusion, in the slides: is the same as (implies) ↔ is the same as (equivalence) 2 Implication and entailment • What is the difference between implication and entailment? Implication Entailment PQ (P Q) P P is a proposition (“It is raining”) Q is a proposition (“The grass is wet”) P and Q are variables – they can stand for any propositions in the KB This sentence has a specific semantic interpretation – it’s not a general rule This sentence has no specific semantic interpretation – it is a general rule It may be true or false, depending on the values of P and Q It is always true, independent of the values of P and Q Q 3 Implication and entailment • What is the difference between implication and entailment? ( ) Implication Entailment PQ ( ) P is a proposition (“It is raining”) Q is a proposition (“The grass is wet”) and are variables – they can stand for any propositions in the KB This sentence has a specific semantic interpretation – it’s not a general rule This sentence has no specific semantic interpretation – it is a general rule It may be true or false, depending on the values of P and Q It is always true, independent of the values of and 4 Implication and entailment • What is the difference between implication and entailment? ( ), Implication Entailment PQ ( ) P is a proposition (“It is raining”) Q is a proposition (“The grass is wet”) and are variables – they can stand for any propositions in the KB This sentence has a specific semantic interpretation – it’s not a general rule This sentence has no specific semantic interpretation – it is a general rule It may be true or false, depending on the values of P and Q It is always true, independent of the values of and 5 Important Inference Rules for Propositional Logic Issues? 6 Example KB R S P W What can we infer ( ) if we add this sentence with no inference rules? PQ Nothing S R P PQ What can we infer ( ) if we then add this inference procedure: ( ) ( ), Q and S 7 false Q Why is false Q always true? • Answer #1: Since P Q ↔ P Q , so false Q ↔ true Q , which is always true • Answer #2: That is how the symbol is defined and interpreted. (We could invent another logical symbol that is interpreted differently.) 8 Precedence of operators (logical connectives) • Levels of precedence, evaluating left to right 1. (NOT) 2. (AND, conjunction) 3. (OR, disjunction) 4. (implies, conditional) 5. (equivalence, biconditional) • PQR – (P (Q)) R • Corrections PQR – P (Q R) • PQ RS – P ((Q R) S) 9 Things to know! • What is a sound inference procedure? – The procedure only generates entailed sentences • What is a complete inference procedure? – The procedure can find a proof for any sentence that is entailed • What is a satisfiable sentence? – There are some interpretations for which it is true • What is an unsatisfiable sentence? – There is no interpretation for which it is true • What is a valid sentence? – It is true under all possible interpretations 10 Resolution Rule: one rule for all inferences p q, q r p r Propositional calculus resolution Remember: p q p q, so let’s rewrite it as: p q, q r p r or a b, b c ac Resolution is really the “chaining” of implications. Would like to show that resolution is sound and (essentially) complete (use Deduction Rule for proof) 11 Soundness: Show that (α β) (β γ) (α γ) α β γ αβ β γ αβ βγ αγ 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 rule This is always true for all propositions α, β, and γ, so we can make it an inference Soundness: Show that (α β ) (β γ) (α γ) α β γ α β βγ α β β γ α γ 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13 rule This is always true for all propositions α, β, and γ, so we can make it an inference Conversion to Conjunctive Normal Form: CNF • Resolution rule is stated for conjunctions of disjunctions • Question: – Can every statement in PC be represented this way? • Answer: Yes – Can show every sentence in propositional logic is equivalent to conjunction of disjunctions Conjunctive normal form (CNF) • Procedure for obtaining CNF Replace (P Q) with (P Q) and (Q P) Eliminate implications: Replace (P Q) with (P Q) Move inwards: , (P Q), (P Q) Distribute over , e.g.: (P Q) R becomes (P R) (Q R) [What about (P Q) R ?] – Flatten nesting: (P Q) R becomes P Q R – – – – 14 Propositional logic is quite limited • Propositional logic has simple syntax and semantics, and limited expressiveness – Though it is handy to illustrate the process of inference • However, it only has one representational device, the proposition, and cannot generalize – Input: facts; Output: facts – Result: Many, many rules are necessary to represent any nontrivial world – It is impractical for even very small worlds • The solution? – First-order logic, which can represent propositions, objects, and relations between objects – Worlds can be modeled with many fewer rules 15 First-Order Logic Chapter 8 16 First-Order Logic (FOL) A method of analysis or calculation using a special symbolic notation • Also known as First-Order Predicate Calculus – Propositional logic is also known as Propositional Calculus • An extension to propositional logic in which quantifiers can bind variables in sentences – Universal quantifier ( ) – Existential quantifier ( ) – Variables: x, y, z, a, joe, table… • Examples – x Beautiful(x) – x Beautiful(x) 17 Propositional logic vs. FOL • Propositional logic: – P stands for “All men are mortal” – Q stands for “Socrates is a man” – What can you infer from P and Q? Nothing! • First-order logic: – x Man(x) Mortal(x) – Man(Socrates) – What can you infer from these? Can infer Mortal(Socrates) 18 First-Order Logic (cont.) • FOL can express anything that can be programmed • It is by far the most studied and best understood logic in use • It does have limits, however – Quantifiers ( and ) can only be applied to objects, not to functions or predicates Cannot write P P(mom) = good This is why it’s called first-order – This limits its expressiveness • Let’s look at the syntax of first-order logic – I.e., what logical expressions can you legally construct? 19 FOL Syntax • Symbols – Object symbols (constants): P, Q, Fred, Desk, True, False, … These refer to things – Predicate symbols: Heavy, Smart, Mother, … These are true or false statements about objects: Smart(rock) – Function symbols: Cosine, IQ, MotherOf, … These return objects, exposing relations: IQ(rock) – Variables: x, y, , … These represent unspecified objects – Logical connectives to construct complex sentences: , , , , – Quantifiers: (universal), (existential) – Equality: = • Usually variables will be lower-case, other symbols capitalized 20 FOL Syntax (cont.) • Terms – Logical expressions that refer to objects (evaluates to an object) – Can be constants, variables, functions • Examples – – – – – – – P 2001 Richard x y BrotherOf(Richard) Age(NephewOf(x)) [Why not AgeOf( ) ? (No reason...!)] Remember – syntax and semantics are different, and separate!! 21 FOL Syntax • Note on predicates and functions: typical usage – – – – Beautiful(y) “y is beautiful” Mother(x) “x is a Mother” BrotherOf(x, y) “x is a brother of y” NextTo(x, y) “x is next to y” – BrotherOf(x) “the brother of x” – NextTo(y) “a thing next to y” – SquareRoot(x) “the square root of x” Predicates Functions 22 FOL Sentences • Sentences state facts – Just like in propositional logic… • 3 types of sentences: – Atomic sentences (atoms) – Logical (complex) sentences – Quantified sentences – (universal), (existential) 23 Sentences 1. Atomic sentence Constant, variable, or function – evaluates to an object – A predicate applied to some terms Brothers(Bill, FatherOf (John)) [Does the reverse follow?] LessThan(3, 5) – Equality – states that two terms refer to the same object x = MotherOf (y) Instructor(cs165a) = Turk This is equivalent to the predicate: Equal(Instructor(cs165a), Turk) 2. Logical (complex) sentence – logical combination of other sentences – Brothers(Bill, HusbandOf (Sue)) – Above (Sky, Ground) Below(Ground, Sky) – Brothers(Bill, John) Brothers(John, Bill) 3. Quantified sentence – sentences with quantified variables – x,y ParentOf(x, y) ChildOf(y, x) – x US-President(x) 24 Universal Quanitifer (“For all…”) • <variables> <sentence> – x – “For all x…” – x, y – “For all x and y…” • Examples – “Everything is beautiful” x Beautiful(x) Equivalent to: i Beautiful(xi) – Beautiful(Joe) Beautiful(Mary) Beautiful(apple) Beautiful(dirt) Beautiful(death) … – “All men are mortal” x Man(x) Mortal(x) – “Everyone in the class is smart” x Enrolled(x, cs165a) Smart (x) – What does this mean: x Enrolled(x, cs165a) Smart (x) “Everything is enrolled in cs165a and is smart” !! 25 Expansion of universal quantifier • x Enrolled(x, cs165a) Smart(x) • This is equivalent to – Enrolled(Tom, cs165a) Smart (Tom) Enrolled(Mary, cs165a) Smart (Mary) Enrolled(Chris, cs165a) Smart (Chris) Enrolled(chair, cs165a) Smart (chair) Enrolled(dirt, cs165a) Smart(dirt) Enrolled(surfboard, cs165a) Smart (surfboard) Enrolled(tooth, cs165a) Smart (tooth) Enrolled(Mars, cs165a) Smart (Mars) … – Everything! • So, x Enrolled(x, cs165a) Smart (x) is equivalent to – Enrolled(Tom, cs165a) Smart(Tom) Enrolled(chair, cs165a) Smart(chair) … 26 Existential Quantifier (“There exists…”) • <variables> <sentence> – x – “There exists an x such that…” – x, y – “There exist x and y such that…” • Examples – “Somebody likes me” x Likes(x, Me) ??? Equivalent to: i Likes(xi, Me) – Likes(Joe, Me) Likes(Mary, Me) Likes(apple, Me) Likes(dirt, Me) Likes(death, Me) … Really “Something likes me” – x Person(x) Likes(x, Me) – x Enrolled(x, cs165a) WillReceiveAnA+(x) 27