GUIDELINES FOR FIELD TRIPS - Duval County Public Schools

EHS Band Program Orientation
This handbook was prepared to give the student as well as
the parent an understanding of the operation of Englewood
High School Band. However, I believe if we use the THREE
everything we do or fail to do can be covered under the
Each member is required to read this handbook to attain a
general understanding of the rules and regulations of the
organization. This handbook will attempt to provide a
general guideline of the expectations of each band member.
However, this handbook will not succeed in its purpose
unless the members strive to work together to reach its goals
of excellence in performance.
We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to the Englewood
High School Band. Realizing that in the age of space travel, music is an
important part of a child’s life and educational experience, the Instrumental
Music Staff will provide every student a well-rounded instrumental music
program which will give him/her numerous of musical experiences. The
Instrumental Music Program will offer each student an opportunity to
develop his/her interest and desires in the field of music; whether it is their
desire to become an intelligent consumer of music or extends his/her
training to become a professional musician ( concert, jazz, etc.) or a music
As a member of the Englewood High School Band, you share a long
tradition of outstanding leadership, excellence, student participation and
services to our school community on a local, state and national level. This
tradition can only be maintained by the hard work and dedication of each
and every band member. This can be achieved through communication of
goals and expectations.
The philosophy of the Band Program is based on the educational need of the youth, and
preparation for capable, qualified, and well-adjusted adulthood. The student is a social being
who must learn to live with others in a changing society that presents many varied problems
and necessary adjustments. The student of today will be the leader of tomorrow. The areas of
culture, services to the community, and leisure time are expanding far beyond the scope of the
past decades, thus necessitating the preparation of each individual to meet the requirement
placed upon him or her by this changing society.
Research indicates that student participation in music offers solutions to social problems:
Drop out prevention
Multi - cultural education
Education of special learners
Bilingual, ESL, ESOL, student learning
Enhancement of per-kindergarten programs
The impact of arts education last a lifetime!
Students enrolled in Florida school music programs have:
Higher Standardized test scores
Higher grade point averages
More self-esteem
Better organization and problem solving skills
Stronger experiences in creative thinking
1. PURPOSE: To provide members with
education and enjoyment. To promote
enthusiasm, self discipline, and musicianship.
To generate pride by sharing experiences in a
creative and satisfying group effort.
2. EDUCATION: To develop competent
performers through teaching the
fundamentals of musicianship. To incorporate
music education into the total educational
The prerequisite for student participation is enrollment in an
instrumental course of study. However, one must conform to the
academic standards set by the Florida Department of Education for
participation in extracurricular activities. In the area of band, this includes
all areas of performance, whether it is during school or after school.
A. To be eligible during a quarter grading period, a student must have
received a 2.0 grade point average on a four (4) point scale.
B. If you are declared to be ineligible to participate, you are still expected
to participate in class and continue to learn fundamentals in the area of
tone, scale, technique, rhythm, music literature, and music theory
Students are required to show their grades to the band director after
each quarter, or will be subject to suspension for failure to follow
The director is the only person authorized to grant an excused
absence or an excused tardy. At the beginning of the school a schedule
of known performances, rehearsals and events will be published. Any
additional changes will be posted at least two weeks in advance,
whenever possible. All students are responsible for watching the
board in the band room for the schedule of the week. Remember if
you are not in your seat on the first note of rehearsal, you are tardy.
 Except for unusual cases, such as personal illness, or real
emergencies, no excuses will be granted for missing rehearsals or
performances. If an excuse is desired, the director should be contacted
by the parent.
 If a student is involved in other school activities, that constantly
conflict with band activities and no resolution to the problem can be
attained by the instructors, then that student must decide which
activity is more important.
A. Preparation:
Students must have a field trip permission form, signed by their parents or guardians.
Students will always assemble in the band room at the designated time.
On all trips, every band member is required to travel to and from the destination with the band on the prescribed
transportation provided. The exception to this is that parents may pick up their child or children after the event is
over, by seeing the director and giving him/her a note stating that they are taking their child. The parents must
realize since the uniform cannot be carried home, they must bring a change of clothes and that band student will
be responsible for getting another band member to turn in their uniform. If a parent wishes his child ride home
with another adult or student, the parent must write a note giving permission. ALL STUDENTS MUST BE
No one is permitted to leave before the event is over. Failure to comply will result to dismissal from the band.
Always be punctual.
Each person is responsible for placing instrument, luggage, etc. in the designated area so that the Equipment
Staff can load buses and truck. Clarinets, oboes, flutes and piccolos will be on buses. Equipment Staff will unload
instruments, and luggage from buses and truck. All students are responsible for picking up his or her instrument
or luggage from designated area. All students are responsible for every item that you need large or small. All
students should check the designated area, prior to getting on the bus, to make sure his instrument/equipment
is aboard.
Look neat and clean when you unload at destination.
Full uniforms, including hats, are usually required
Exceptions will be announced in advance.
“The use of alcohol, tobacco products, or mood altering drugs is strictly prohibited at any band function.”
“Profanity is unacceptable language.”
No one is permitted to leave before the event is over. Failure to comply
will result to dismissal from the band.
Always be punctual.
Each person is responsible for placing instrument, luggage, etc. in the
designated area so that the Equipment Staff can load buses and truck.
Clarinets, oboes, flutes and piccolos will be on buses. Equipment Staff
will unload instruments, and luggage from buses and truck. All students
are responsible for picking up his or her instrument or luggage from
designated area. All students are responsible for every item that you
need large or small. All students should check the designated area, prior
to getting on the bus, to make sure his instrument/equipment is aboard.
Look neat and clean when you unload at destination.
Full uniforms, including hats, are usually required
Exceptions will be announced in advance.
“The use of alcohol, tobacco products, or mood altering drugs is
strictly prohibited at any band function.”
“Profanity is unacceptable language.”
B. General Bus Rules:
Do not extend arms, head, or anything else outside the bus at
Do not stand in the aisle or in front of the bus when the bus is in
Do not play instruments or beat on seats with drum sticks/mallets
Be quiet at all railroad crossings and busy traffic intersections.
Upon arrival at our destination, remain in your seat until you are
told to unload.
Two students per seat, unless specified by band director
Students will sit in own seat and not on someone’s lap.
Other than moving large equipment in and out of the bus, no one
is to enter or leave the bus through back/rear door (emergency
exit only).
No talking during roll call.
A reasonable noise level, as determined by the chaperones, is to be
maintained. If the chaperones says that you are too loud, simply bring
the volume down.
Do not throw anything from the bus window.
There will be no public display of affection: a student should be warned
the first time and if it should occur again, the chaperone should report
students involved to the director.
Stops for refreshments are made at the discretion of the director only. If
uniforms are being worn, coats are zipped up prior to leaving the bus.
Chaperones should make sure students clear tables after eating and
check restrooms for missing students and articles left by them.
C. Local Bus Rule:
Electronic items (radios, tape/compact disc players) are not allowed.
Food wrappers, soda cans, etc., should be placed in trash bags located in
the front of the bus.
All band students are responsible for cleaning designated bus at end of
trip. “ Leave it like you found it.”
A. Guidelines:
Should follow the band handbook and be familiar with the rules
Should be considerate of the students and abide by the no
smoking, alcohol, etc, rules.
Be concerned with students welfare and assist the band director
and report any problems or emergencies to the director.
Students are to obey chaperones.
Chairperson will maintain a first aid kit.
Meet with chairperson prior to leaving for bus assignments and
other pertinent information.
Check roll for bus.
Do not allow students to change buses without permission from
Students do not have permission to use private cars.
B. Local:
Chaperones must be transported with band.
C. Football Games:
Chaperones must sit around the band in an area roped off from the rest of the
 Non-band members are not allowed in the band section without the permission
of the director.
 No one is allowed to take a short cut through the band section
 Band members are not allowed to bring food or drinks into the stands.
 D. Out of Town:
 Chaperones must be transported with band
 E. Hotel Procedure:
 Check rooms prior to check-in and report any prior damages to director.
 Check rooms at curfew and any other specified time.
 Be visible at all times.
 Maintain a two your shift watch (11pm-1am, 1am-3am, 3am-5am & 5-7am)
 Check rooms prior to check-out and report any student damages/problems to
A. Purpose:
The purpose of awards is to give recognition to those students deserving of special mention. It
should be understood that all students do not fall into the above category. Awards are for
students that give 101% in the area of participation, attendance, scholarship, musicianship,
leadership and dependability.
B. Qualifications:
In order to be eligible for any awards, the student must have actively participated in band for the
entire school year.
C. Categories:
Freshman award - One year of participation
Sophomore award - Two years of participation
Junior award - Three years of participation
Senior award - Four years of participation
District marching superior medal - Superior rating at District Marching Festival
District concert superior medal - Superior rating at District Concert Festival
State concert superior medal - Superior Rating at state Concert Festival
High Scholastic Average Award - student with 3.0 or above grade point average for the year
Secretary staff award - member in good standing
Library staff award - member in good standing
Equipment staff award - member in good standing
Quarter master staff award - member in good standing.
Best marching section - a section that exemplifies outstanding marching skills.
Best playing section - a section that exemplifies outstanding musicianship
Most versatile musician - an individual that performs with the band or ensemble on more than
one instrument during the school year. The instruments can not be related like in the clarinet
family or percussion family.
Best rehearsal attendance - any individual that is absent less than five days during the school
Most outstanding section leader - a principal player that stands out as far as going above and
beyond the call of duty to make his or her section better than average in musicianship and in their
overall contribution to the band program
Most band spirit - an individual with band pride and spirit that go beyond the call of duty to keep
up band moral and spirit decor.
Most improved musician - an individual who made the most progress in musicianship during the
school year.
Best marching female - a female student that exemplifies the most outstanding fundamentals of
Best marching male - a male student that exemplifies the most outstanding fundamentals of
Most outstanding freshman - a freshman with outstanding musicianship, leadership, follow ship
and scholarship abilities.
John Phillip Sousa award - a senior with the highest degree of effective band membership, such
as musicianship, leadership, scholarship, loyalty, dedication, dependability, attitude, and pride.
The end of school banquet is held to give
recognition to those students in the band that
are deserving of special mention.
 B. Financial Obligation:
 Every year, band we make every effort to pay for
band students banquet tickets. However, this
can only be done when parents of the above
students meet 100% of the financial
responsibility. Only when this is done can we
fulfill our yearly budget
A. General:
The parent must understand that the financial responsibility for
their son/daughter participation in band includes:
Band Uniform up-keep fee
Uniform accessories: Proper foot wear, gloves, band shirt, socks,
care and maintenance.
Fair share
Private instrument care and maintenance
Percussion supplies to include stick bag and mallets for pitch and
fixed pitch percussion and pitch pipe
Auxiliary supplies to include practice flag, poles/batons and most
used practice equipment.
School owned instrument repair and replacement from misuse
and being irresponsible.
Out of town trip cost for transportation, hotel and meals.
B. Band Fee and Fair Share:
We operate on a “Band fee and Fair share” program. That is every
student/parent contributes a fair amount toward the operational
expenses, or budget of the band. However, it should be noted that
the above does not cover the total amount of the annual budget.
We have members of the parent support group that gives their
time and money to raise the necessary amount of money to fulfill
the rest of the budget not covered by “ Band Fee” for this school
year is $150.00 (Instrumentalist) $300.00 (Auxiliary) and is to be
paid in full by July 26th of each year.
 It is mandatory for each member of the band program to raise an
additional $200.00 for the band program. This is called “Fair
Share.” Everyone is expected to do their part. For example:
Concessions for Jaguar games, selling candy, and sponsors and ad
booklets. Will explain more during the meeting.
C. Turning in Money:
All money collected from students or parents
will be receipted through the Band Director
or designee. ( Cashier’s Check or Money
Orders are accepted). Please make Cashier’s
Check or Money Order payable to:
Englewood High School Band Program.
To give assistance to the band director and school administration
in promoting, supporting and maintaining the Englewood High
School Band.
Meeting date:
Meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month at 6:30pm.
Parent Support:
All parents are asked to support the band program.
We need parents to work the concessions at Englewood Home
Football Games
 There will be rotating shifts for each game.
All parents are required to register as a volunteer at website.
 Make sure all student stay inside the band room after each event.
 There should at least 2 parents per bus.