Should We Take the Bible Literally? Catholic Approaches to Biblical

Catholic Bible Institute of Southern Arizona
Nov. 21, 2015 – Luke's Gospel & Acts
CBISA 2015-18
Catholic Bible Institute of Southern Arizona
Nov. 21, 2015
Luke’s Two-Volume Work
Gospel acc. to Luke & Acts of the Apostles
Catholic Bible Institute of Southern Arizona
Nov. 21, 2015 – Luke's Gospel & Acts
Opening Prayer:
Collect Prayer:
Opening Song: Gather Us In
Scripture: Luke 1:39-56
Catholic Bible Institute of Southern Arizona
Nov. 21, 2015 – Luke's Gospel & Acts
Daily Schedule (Gray HO < Aug.)
[Saturday Mass in OMOS Church – optional]
Gathering; Handouts; Refreshments
Welcome & Opening Prayer
Session 1 (10:30 Q&A and/or Table-Group Discussions)
Session 2 (12:00 Q&A and/or Table-Group Discussions)
Session 3 (2:30 Q&A and/or Table-Group Discussions)
Session 4 (4:00 Q&A and/or Table-Group Discussions)
Final Announcements & Closing Prayer
Clean-up & Departure
Catholic Bible Institute of Southern Arizona
Nov. 21, 2015 – Luke's Gospel & Acts
Year 1 Syllabus (Salmon HO from Aug.)
Reflection Paper, was due to your reader Oct. 31:
• On Matt 7, or Matt 18, or Matt 25
• Follow Guidelines from Lilac Handout from August
Readings for Today: Luke’s Two-Volume Work
• BIBLE: All of LUKE & All of ACTS
• ALAND: Pp. 28-48, 65-71; cf. Index, pp. 342, 344, 347-49
• BROWN: Chapters 9-10; also skim Ch. 4
• RALPH: Chapters 5 & 7
Catholic Bible Institute of Southern Arizona
Nov. 21, 2015 – Luke's Gospel & Acts
National Bible Week (USCCB)
• First time ever in Catholic Church USA!
• Nov. 15-21, 2015
• 50th Anniv. of Dei Verbum (11/18/65)
• Great resources on the USCCB website:
Catholic Bible Institute of Southern Arizona
Nov. 21, 2015 – Luke's Gospel & Acts
• Monthly Missalette
(free sample Dec.)
• Similar to Magnificat,
Living with Christ, etc.
• Daily MP & EP & Mass Readings
• Daily Reflections & “Blessed Among Us”
• Weekly Feature: “Within the Word”
• Extra Front & Back Material
• Regular, Large-Print, Online, APP
Catholic Bible Institute of Southern Arizona
Nov. 21, 2015 – Luke's Gospel & Acts
Calendars from LIS
• Beautiful Photos (mostly Southwest!)
• Inspiring Quotes
• 2015 (not yet 2016)
Catholic Bible Institute of Southern Arizona
Nov. 21, 2015 – Luke's Gospel & Acts
The BOTH / AND Approach
Word of God
(divinely inspired)
Bible contains
both Eternal Truths
Bible must be
Bible should be
both Meditated Prayerfully
and Studied Academically
Bible is
both used by Individuals
and Proclaimed in Communities
Bible contains
both one unified Core Message and diverse Particular Theologies
Christian Bible has
both Old Testament
Read Literally
(as literature)
All four Gospels are both historical/biographical
Authored by Humans
(language limitations)
Bible is
and Contingent Materials
Interpreted Spiritually
(for theology & ethics)
and New Testament
and spiritual/theological
Catholic Bible Institute of Southern Arizona
Nov. 21, 2015 – Luke's Gospel & Acts
Four-fold Role of the Evangelists
Based on Vatican II: Dei Verbum
• Selectors – from among the many things Jesus said and did, they
chose which stories they wanted to include and which to omit.
• Arrangers – they organized materials in a particular sequence,
not necessarily chronologically but often in thematic blocks.
• Shapers – they adapted and edited the individual stories from
their sources so as to emphasize the themes they wanted to stress.
• Proclaimers – they were not objective historians, but preached
the “good news” about Jesus in ways appropriate to their audiences.
Sept. Handout, p. 4 (bottom)
Catholic Bible Institute of Southern Arizona
Nov. 21, 2015 – Luke's Gospel & Acts
Session 1: Luke/Acts Overview
• Lit-Hist Questions: Who? When? Where? For Whom? Why?
• Luke’s Sources, Structural Outline, Unique Materials
• Literary Features & Thematic Emphases of Luke
• Lukan Christology (Who is Jesus?)
• Lukan Discipleship (How do we follow Jesus?)
• Lectionary Readings for Advent & Christmas
• Infancy Narratives of Matthew & Luke
Catholic Bible Institute of Southern Arizona
Nov. 21, 2015 – Luke's Gospel & Acts
4 Gospels: Comparative Charts
• Full-color handout (from Sept.):
• Mark = Yellow
• Matthew = Red
• Luke = Blue
• John = Grey (or Brown)
• Study Vertically and Horizontally
• Vertically: focus on each Gospel separately
• Horizontally: compare features in 4 Gospels
Catholic Bible Institute of Southern Arizona
Nov. 21, 2015 – Luke's Gospel & Acts
Luke: Literary-Historical Issues
• Attributed author: physician & companion of Paul
(Col 4:14; 2Tim 4:11; Phlm 1:24 only)
• Implied author: Gentile Christian convert; well-educated Greek
"historian"; client of Theophilus (1:1-4)?
• Audience: wealthier Gentile Xns, urban, becoming complacent
• Location: prob. Greece; maybe Syria/Antioch (Pauline missions)
• Date: mid to late 80's (incl. "many" earlier written sources)
• Sub-genre: "orderly account" to get "secure knowledge" (1:1-4)
• Purpose: challenge believers to put faith into practice more fully
Catholic Bible Institute of Southern Arizona
Nov. 21, 2015 – Luke's Gospel & Acts
Luke: Structural Outline
(HO, p.2)
Preface & Infancy Narrative: 1:1 – 2:52
Preparation for Ministry: 3:1 – 4:13
Galilean Ministry: 4:14 – 9:50
Journey to Jerusalem: 9:51 – 19:27
Jerusalem Ministry: 19:28 – 21:38
Passion Narrative: 22:1 – 23:56
Resurrection & Ascension: 24:1-53
Catholic Bible Institute of Southern Arizona
Nov. 21, 2015 – Luke's Gospel & Acts
Luke’s Use of Mark
• Brief Summary: HO packet, pp. 2-3
• Detailed Overview: Legal-sized HO
• Full Details: Aland, Index, pp. 341-355
• Retains Overall Itinerary & Chronology
• One-year public ministry; one adult trip to Jerusalem
• Keeps Most of Mark (except Mk 6:45—8:26)
• Adds Material from “Q” (shared with Matthew)
• Adds Lots of Unique Materials (oral or written?)
Catholic Bible Institute of Southern Arizona
Nov. 21, 2015 – Luke's Gospel & Acts
Literary Preface (1:1-4, NRSV)
Since many have undertaken to set down an
orderly account of the events that have been
fulfilled among us, 2 just as they were handed
on to us by those who from the beginning were
eyewitnesses and servants of the word,
3 I too decided, after investigating everything
carefully from the very first, to write an orderly
account for you, most excellent Theophilus,
4 so that you may know the truth concerning the
things about which you have been instructed.
Catholic Bible Institute of Southern Arizona
Nov. 21, 2015 – Luke's Gospel & Acts
Luke Rearranges Two Texts
• Postpones Call of 1st Disciples to 5:1-11
• After some teachings & miracles (Luke 4)
• At end of teaching from the boat & catch of fish
• Chooses a different “Inaugural Event”
• Begins story of Jesus’ public ministry with
incident in the Synagogue at Nazareth (4:16-30)
• Jesus reads Isa 61:1-2; Reactions & Results
• [We’ll come back to this crucial text later!]
Catholic Bible Institute of Southern Arizona
Nov. 21, 2015 – Luke's Gospel & Acts
Literary Features of Luke
• Theological Geography & Contextualized History
• Prominence of Holy Spirit – drives all action in Gospel (& Acts)
• Emphasis on Prayer and Praise, Thanksgiving and Joy,
Mercy and Salvation
• Prominence of Parables – more than in any other Gospel
• Prominence of Women – reflects Luke’s original readers;
cf. women leaders in Pauline churches
• Prominence of Food & Meals – hospitality, community, sharing
• Attention to Poor & Lowly, Sick & Sinners, Women &
Children, Samaritans & Gentiles
• Theme of Reversal – poor/rich, hungry/satisfied, weak/strong…
Catholic Bible Institute of Southern Arizona
Nov. 21, 2015 – Luke's Gospel & Acts
Christology in Luke
• Titles from Mark:
• Christ, Son of God, Son of Man, Son of David, King of Jews
• New emphases in Luke: Jesus is…
• Lord (of Israel, and of all nations)
• Savior (of all, but esp. the poor);
• God’s anointed Prophet (in word and deed)
• How Jesus is portrayed, words & deeds:
• More Jesus healing the sick
• More stories involving foreigners, esp. Samaritans
• “Inaugural Event” of Jesus’ ministry (Luke 4:16-30)
Catholic Bible Institute of Southern Arizona
Nov. 21, 2015 – Luke's Gospel & Acts
Discipleship in Luke
• Jesus’ disciples & others as positive role models:
• Anon. sinful woman anoints Jesus in Galilee (7:36-50)
• Galilean women: earlier than in Matt/Mark (Luke 8:1-3)
• Seventy disciples: also sent on mission (10:1-12)
• Martha & Mary of Bethany (10:38-42)
• Zacchaeus, tax collector in Jericho (19:1-10)
• Explicit teachings about discipleship:
• Sermon on Plain (6:17-49); would-be disciples (9:57-62);
divisions in families (12:49-53); costs of discipleship (14:25-33)
• Parables: Two Debtors (7:41-43); Good Samaritan (10:25-37);
Rich Fool (12:16-21); Lost/Prodigal Son (15:11-32);
Shrewd Steward (16:1-8); Rich Man & Lazarus (16:19-31)
Catholic Bible Institute of Southern Arizona
Nov. 21, 2015 – Luke's Gospel & Acts
Luke in Lectionary (HO, pp. 5-6)
• Sundays, Year C
• Not just Ord. Time (HO, pg. 26)
• but ALL Liturgical Seasons!
• Weekdays, Ord. Time
• Weeks 22-34, each year!
• Advent & Christmas
• Often on Feasts & Weekdays
• Esp. Luke 1–2 (obviously?)
Catholic Bible Institute of Southern Arizona
Nov. 21, 2015 – Luke's Gospel & Acts
Infancy Narratives (pp. 7-8)
• Birth of Jesus in Matthew & Luke
• Little related material in Mark & John
• Apply Both/And Approach to Matt & Luke
• Comparing Matt 1-2 & Luke 1-2
• Common Elements
• Different Contents/Episodes
• Different OT Influences/Parallels
• Different Emphases/Messages
Catholic Bible Institute of Southern Arizona
Nov. 21, 2015 – Luke's Gospel & Acts
Genealogies of Jesus (pg. 9)
• Discrepancies: Matt 1 vs. Luke 3?
• Direction
• Extent
• Specific names
• Differing Purposes: Jesus’ heritage is…
• Matthew: Jewish, Royal (despite rumors!)
• Luke: Universal, Historical (ca. 30 years old)
Catholic Bible Institute of Southern Arizona
Nov. 21, 2015 – Luke's Gospel & Acts
Table-Group Discussions
How is Luke’s Infancy Narrative
a “Gospel in Miniature”?
(i.e. Are the major themes of the
whole Gospel already found in
Luke 1–2?)
Catholic Bible Institute of Southern Arizona
Nov. 21, 2015 – Luke's Gospel & Acts
2: Major Themes of Luke/Acts
• Holy Spirit in Luke/Acts
• Jesus as Prophetic Messiah:
Inaugural Sermon at Nazareth
• Women in Gospels;
esp. Luke’s parallel stories
• Prayer in New Testament, esp. Luke/Acts
• Sermon on Plain: Demands of Discipleship
• Parables of Jesus in Gospels, esp. in Luke
Catholic Bible Institute of Southern Arizona
Nov. 21, 2015 – Luke's Gospel & Acts
Initial Sharing in Pairs
• Turn to ONE neighbor (or at most two),
and briefly share:
• What were your overall impressions as
you read ALL of LUKE’s Gospel?
• What stood out for you or surprised you?
• How did reading this Gospel affect you?
Catholic Bible Institute of Southern Arizona
Nov. 21, 2015 – Luke's Gospel & Acts
Gospel of Luke
Could also be called:
• Gospel of the Holy Spirit
• Gospel of Social Justice
• Gospel of Women
• Gospel of Prayer
• Gospel of Mercy
Catholic Bible Institute of Southern Arizona
Nov. 21, 2015 – Luke's Gospel & Acts
Holy Spirit in Luke/Acts
• Handout, pg. 9
• Also FJ’s website:
• Meaning and Use of PNEUMA
• Wind, Breath, Spirit
• [Holy] Spirit in the New Testament
• In Mark & Matthew
• In Luke & Acts
• In John & Paul & other NT writings
Catholic Bible Institute of Southern Arizona
Nov. 21, 2015 – Luke's Gospel & Acts
Inaugural Event, at Nazareth
• Intro/Setting: Nazareth, Synagogue, Sabbath
• Reading of Isaiah 61:1-2a
• Jesus sits and briefly speaks
• People react: positive or neutral or negative?
• Jesus speaks further: refers to Elijah & Elisha
• People drive Jesus out, but he escapes
Historicity? When? One or more occasions?
Why do people react so strongly?
Catholic Bible Institute of Southern Arizona
Nov. 21, 2015 – Luke's Gospel & Acts
Women in Gospels
• Handout, pp. 11-12
• More details on FJ’s website
• Women in Mark & Matthew; Women in John
• Many More Women in Luke
• Positive stories? Or kept down, in traditional roles?
• Parallel Stories in Luke
• Men & Women in separate/similar stories
• Men & Women together in the same story
Catholic Bible Institute of Southern Arizona
Nov. 21, 2015 – Luke's Gospel & Acts
Prayer in NT, esp. Luke
• Handout, pp. 13-14
• More detail on FJ’s website
• Vocabulary of “Prayer” (bottom of p. 14)
• Prayers spoken by Jesus
• Other occasions when Jesus prays
• Prayers spoken by other NT characters
• Other occasions of praying; also in Acts
• Jesus’ Instructions about Prayer
Catholic Bible Institute of Southern Arizona
Nov. 21, 2015 – Luke's Gospel & Acts
Sermon on the Plain (Luke 6)
• Handout, pg. 15
• More detail on FJ’s website
• Contrasting Matthew 5 – 7 & Luke 6
• Matthew: Jesus teaches even better than Moses
• Luke: shorter here; other teachings later in Luke
• Emphases of the Sermon in Luke
• Beatitudes & Woes
• Love of Enemies
• Relationships with Others
• Discipleship in Action
Catholic Bible Institute of Southern Arizona
Nov. 21, 2015 – Luke's Gospel & Acts
Parables in Gospels, esp. Luke
• Handout, pg. 16
• See also HO from October; and FJ’s website
• Review Definition of “Parable”
• More in Luke are “Example Stories”
• List of All Parables in Luke
• Parables from Mark
• Parables from “Q” (also in Matthew)
• Parables only in Luke (esp. chap. 10–18)
• Parables of MERCY?
Catholic Bible Institute of Southern Arizona
Nov. 21, 2015 – Luke's Gospel & Acts
Table-Group Discussions:
What does Luke’s Gospel
emphasize about Discipleship?
(i.e. How are we Christians to live
out our faith, acc. to Luke?)
Catholic Bible Institute of Southern Arizona
Nov. 21, 2015 – Luke's Gospel & Acts
• Rest, Relaxation
• Conversation
•F O O D !
Catholic Bible Institute of Southern Arizona
Nov. 21, 2015 – Luke's Gospel & Acts
3) Eucharist & Resurrection
• Feeding of the Multitudes; Last Supper;
Lord’s Supper; Eucharist; Breaking Bread
• What is (and is not) “Resurrection”?
• Various Types of Resurrection Stories
• Empty Tomb Narratives
& Resurrection Appearance Stories
• Handout packet, pp. 17-18 & 19-20
Catholic Bible Institute of Southern Arizona
Nov. 21, 2015 – Luke's Gospel & Acts
Meals in NT, esp. Luke & Paul
• Feeding of the Multitudes
• Other meals with Jesus, esp. in Luke
• Last Supper: “Words of Institution”
• Synoptics: Mark 14; Matt 26; Luke 22
• Paul: 1 Cor 11
• John 6
• Early Christian Meals
• Breaking of Bread; Lord’s Supper; Eucharist
• “Body of Christ” in Paul: two meanings!
Catholic Bible Institute of Southern Arizona
Nov. 21, 2015 – Luke's Gospel & Acts
Resurrection in the NT
• Handout, pp. 19-20 (& FJ’s website)
• Definitions:
• “Resurrection of Body” vs. “Immortality of Soul”
• Not just resuscitation, reanimation, reincarnation
• Biblical Background
• Various Types of Resurrection Stories
• Brief Statements of Belief
• Empty Tomb Narratives
• Resurrection Appearance Stories
• Ascension Narratives
Catholic Bible Institute of Southern Arizona
Nov. 21, 2015 – Luke's Gospel & Acts
Resurrection in Luke
• Empty Tomb Story
• More Women (24:1-11); Peter alone (24:12)
• Disciples on Road to Emmaus (24:13-35)
• Who? Where? Why? When?
• Evening Appearance in Jerusalem (24:26-43)
• Disciples’ Reactions; Jesus’ Challenges
• Ascension at Bethany (24:44-53)
• Paralleled in Acts 1:1-14
Catholic Bible Institute of Southern Arizona
Nov. 21, 2015 – Luke's Gospel & Acts
Table/Group Discussions
Analyze the Ascension Stories:
Luke 24 & Acts 1
(see Aland, p. 335)
(briefly compare also Matt 28 & Mark 16)
Catholic Bible Institute of Southern Arizona
Nov. 21, 2015 – Luke's Gospel & Acts
Session 4: Acts of the Apostles
• Structural Outline and Contents of Acts
• Literary Features & Thematic Emphases
• Acts of the Holy Spirit!
• Portrayals of the Apostles: Peter, Paul, et al.
• Conversion of Paul (cf. Acts 9, 22, 26)
• Council of Jerusalem (Acts 15)
•Q & A
Catholic Bible Institute of Southern Arizona
Nov. 21, 2015 – Luke's Gospel & Acts
Outline/Contents of Acts
• Handouts, pp. 21-22
• More on FJ’s website (as usual !)
• “Theological Geography”
• Preview in Acts 1:8 - “But you will receive power
when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you
will be my witnesses in Jerusalem (Acts 1–7), in all
Judea and Samaria (Acts 8–12), and to the ends of
the earth” (Acts 13–28).”
• Itinerary actually from Jerusalem to ROME ?!?
Catholic Bible Institute of Southern Arizona
Nov. 21, 2015 – Luke's Gospel & Acts
“Acts of the Holy Spirit”
• Handouts, back to pg. 9
Catholic Bible Institute of Southern Arizona
Nov. 21, 2015 – Luke's Gospel & Acts
Theology in Speeches/Sermons
• Sermons given by Peter, Paul, others. Overall message:
• Jesus of Nazareth is the Messiah, the Christ, sent by God,
• as promised in the Scriptures, as foretold by the prophets,
• for the forgiveness of sins, for the salvation of the world;
• He was rejected by people, condemned by the authorities;
• he suffered, was crucified, died, and was buried.
• Yet God exalted him on high, raised him up to new life;
• and he will one day return to us in glory.
• In response, people must repent, believe, be baptized,
• receive the Holy Spirit and join the community of believers.
Catholic Bible Institute of Southern Arizona
Nov. 21, 2015 – Luke's Gospel & Acts
Christian Community in Acts
• Acts 2:42-47 – just after Peter’s Pentecost Sermon
• 2:42 – “They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching
and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.”
• 2:43-47 – Expansion on these four themes
• Acts 4:32-35 – another summary, shortly later
• "Now the whole group of those who believed were of one heart and soul, and no one claimed
private ownership of any possessions, but everything they owned was held in common. /
With great power the apostles gave their testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and
great grace was upon them all. / There was not a needy person among them, for as many as
owned lands or houses sold them and brought the proceeds of what was sold. / They laid it
at the apostles' feet, and it was distributed to each as any had need."
• Two particular examples, one positive, one negative:
Barnabas (4:36-37) & Ananias & Sapphira (5:1-11)
Catholic Bible Institute of Southern Arizona
Nov. 21, 2015 – Luke's Gospel & Acts
Portrayal of the Apostles in Acts
Two main points:
1. All the Apostles are just like Jesus
• Words, Actions, Reactions, Results
2. Paul & his companions (2nd half) are
just like Peter & his companions (1st half)
• WHY?
Historicity: Acts vs. Paul’s Letters?
• Example: Peter to Jews vs. Paul to Gentiles?
Or rather, did both preach to both peoples?
Catholic Bible Institute of Southern Arizona
Nov. 21, 2015 – Luke's Gospel & Acts
ACTS in the Lectionary
• Handout, pp. 24-25
• More on FJ’s website (of course!)
• Sundays of Easter Season
• Also Christmas Vigil & Baptism of the Lord
• Weekdays of Easter Season
• Semi-continuous readings; more from 1st half
Catholic Bible Institute of Southern Arizona
Nov. 21, 2015 – Luke's Gospel & Acts
Monthly Assignments (Lilac HO)
• AFTER Session: Writing Assignment
• Monthly ONE-page Reflection Paper
• Email to your “Reader” within TWO weeks
• BEFORE next Session: Reading Assignments
• BIBLE: New Testament itself
• Textbooks:
• M.N. Ralph, A Walk through the NT
• R. Brown, Introduction to the NT
• K. Aland, Synopsis of the Four Gospels
Catholic Bible Institute of Southern Arizona
Nov. 21, 2015 – Luke's Gospel & Acts
Year 1 Syllabus (Salmon HO from Aug.)
Reflection Paper, e-mail to your reader by Dec. 5:
• Choose Luke 10, or Luke 16, or Acts 7, or Acts 19
• Follow Guidelines from Lilac Handout from August
Readings for Dec. 12: Gospel acc. to John
• BIBLE: Gospel according to JOHN (all 21 chaps.)
• ALAND: pp. 21-27, 297-336; cf. Index, pp. 341-42, 353-55
• BROWN: Chapter 11
• RALPH: Chapter 6
Catholic Bible Institute of Southern Arizona
Nov. 21, 2015 – Luke's Gospel & Acts
Monthly Reflection Papers (Lilac)
Levels of
Questions to Consider:
What is the content of this biblical text? What is it literally about?
Also, what is the literary genre or style of this ancient scriptural text?
What message did the author intend to convey to the original readers?
What did the biblical author want these readers to know and/or to do?
What does this text mean to me, here and now, on a personal level?
How can I apply it to my own life today, as an individual believer?
What does this text say to all of us together, as a faith community
How can Christian Churches apply these lessons for the common
Catholic Bible Institute of Southern Arizona
Closing Prayer
• Collect
• Scripture:
• Luke 4:16-21
• Luke 24:44-45
• Silent Reflection
• Closing Prayer
• Song:
• Holy Ground
Nov. 21, 2015 – Luke's Gospel & Acts
Catholic Bible Institute of Southern Arizona
Nov. 21, 2015 – Luke's Gospel & Acts
Closing Song: Holy Ground
1) This is holy ground, We're standing on holy ground,
For the Lord is present, And where He is is holy.
2) These are holy hands, He's given us holy hands,
He works through these hands, And so these hands are holy.
3) These are holy lips, He's given us holy lips,
He speaks through these lips, And so these lips are holy.
Catholic Bible Institute of Southern Arizona
Nov. 21, 2015 – Luke's Gospel & Acts
God Bless You!
See you on Dec. 12
(Gosp. acc. to John)