

Cross-validation, resampling, bootstrapping, bagging, boosting, etc.

Peter Fox

Data Analytics – ITWS-4963/ITWS-6965

Week 12a, April 15, 2014



• Cross-validation is a model validation technique for assessing how the results of a statistical analysis will generalize to an independent data set.

• The goal of cross validation is to define a dataset to "test" the model in the training phase (i.e., the validation dataset), in order to limit problems like overfitting



• Original sample is randomly partitioned into k equal size subsamples.

• Of the k subsamples, a single subsample is retained as the validation data for testing the model, and the remaining k − 1 subsamples are used as training data.

• Repeat cross-validation process k times

(folds), with each of the k subsamples used exactly once as the validation data.

– The k results from the folds can then be averaged (usually) to produce a single estimation.


Leave out subsample

• As the name suggests, leave-one-out crossvalidation (LOOCV) involves using a single observation from the original sample as the validation data, and the remaining observations as the training data.

• i.e. K=n-fold cross-validation

• Leave out > 1 = bootstraping and jackknifing



• Generate replicates of a statistic applied to data (parametric and nonparametric).

– nonparametric bootstrap, possible methods: ordinary bootstrap, the balanced bootstrap, antithetic resampling, and permutation.

• For nonparametric multi-sample problems stratified resampling is used:

– this is specified by including a vector of strata in the call to boot.

– importance resampling weights may be specified.



• Systematically recompute the statistic estimate, leaving out one or more observations at a time from the sample set

• From this new set of replicates of the statistic, an estimate for the bias and an estimate for the variance of the statistic can be calculated.

• Often use log(variance) [instead of variance] especially for non-normal distributions



• Random split of the dataset into training and validation data.

– For each such split, the model is fit to the training data, and predictive accuracy is assessed using the validation data.

• Results are then averaged over the splits.

• Note: for this method can the results will vary if the analysis is repeated with different random splits.



• The advantage of K-fold over repeated random sub-sampling is that all observations are used for both training and validation, and each observation is used for validation exactly once.

– 10-fold cross-validation is commonly used

• The advantage of rep-random over k-fold cross validation is that the proportion of the training/validation split is not dependent on the number of iterations (folds). 8


• The disadvantage of rep-random is that some observations may never be selected in the validation subsample, whereas others may be selected more than once.

– i.e., validation subsets may overlap.



> head(coleman) salaryP fatherWc sstatus teacherSc motherLev Y

1 3.83 28.87 7.20 26.6 6.19 37.01

2 2.89 20.10 -11.71 24.4 5.17 26.51

3 2.86 69.05 12.32 25.7 7.04 36.51

4 2.92 65.40 14.28 25.7 7.10 40.70

5 3.06 29.59 6.31 25.4 6.15 37.10

6 2.07 44.82 6.16 21.6 6.41 33.90



> call <- call("lmrob", formula = Y ~ .)

> # set up folds for cross-validation

> folds <- cvFolds(nrow(coleman), K = 5, R = 10)

> # perform cross-validation

> cvTool(call, data = coleman, y = coleman$Y, cost = rtmspe,

+ folds = folds, costArgs = list(trim = 0.1))


[1,] 0.9880672

[2,] 0.9525881

[3,] 0.8989264

[4,] 1.0177694

[5,] 0.9860661

[6,] 1.8369717

[7,] 0.9550428

[8,] 1.0698466

[9,] 1.3568537

Warning messages:

1: In lmrob.S(x, y, control = control) :

S refinements did not converge (to refine.tol=1e-07) in 200

(= k.max) steps

2: In lmrob.S(x, y, control = control) :

S refinements did not converge (to refine.tol=1e-07) in 200

(= k.max) steps

3: In lmrob.S(x, y, control = control) : find_scale() did not converge in 'maxit.scale' (= 200) iterations

4: In lmrob.S(x, y, control = control) : find_scale() did not converge in 'maxit.scale' (= 200) iterations


[10,] 0.8313474


> cvFits

5-fold CV results:

Fit CV

1 LS 1.674485

2 MM 1.147130

3 LTS 1.291797

Best model:




50 and 75% subsets

fitLts50 <- ltsReg(Y ~ ., data = coleman, alpha = 0.5) cvFitLts50 <- cvLts(fitLts50, cost = rtmspe, folds = folds, fit = "both", trim = 0.1)

# 75% subsets fitLts75 <- ltsReg(Y ~ ., data = coleman, alpha = 0.75) cvFitLts75 <- cvLts(fitLts75, cost = rtmspe, folds = folds, fit = "both", trim = 0.1)

# combine and plot results cvFitsLts <- cvSelect("0.5" = cvFitLts50, "0.75" = cvFitLts75)


cvFitsLts (50/75)

> cvFitsLts

5-fold CV results:

Fit reweighted raw

1 0.5 1.291797 1.640922

2 0.75 1.065495 1.232691

Best model: reweighted raw

"0.75" "0.75"



tuning <- list(tuning.psi=c(3.14, 3.44, 3.88,


# perform cross-validation cvFitsLmrob <- cvTuning(fitLmrob$call, data = coleman, y = coleman$Y, tuning = tuning, cost

= rtmspe, folds = folds, costArgs = list(trim =




5-fold CV results: tuning.psi


1 3.14 1.179620

2 3.44 1.156674

3 3.88 1.169436

4 4.68 1.133975

Optimal tuning parameter: tuning.psi

CV 4.68



mammals.glm <- glm(log(brain) ~ log(body), data = mammals)

(cv.err <- cv.glm(mammals, mammals.glm)$delta)

[1] 0.4918650 0.4916571

> (cv.err.6 <- cv.glm(mammals, mammals.glm, K = 6)$delta)

[1] 0.4967271 0.4938003

# As this is a linear model we could calculate the leave-one-out

# cross-validation estimate without any extra model-fitting.

muhat <- fitted(mammals.glm) mammals.diag <- glm.diag(mammals.glm)

(cv.err <- mean((mammals.glm$y - muhat)^2/(1 mammals.diag$h)^2))

[1] 0.491865



# leave-one-out and 11-fold cross-validation prediction error for

# the nodal data set. Since the response is a binary variable

# an appropriate cost function is

> cost <- function(r, pi = 0) mean(abs(r-pi) > 0.5)

> nodal.glm <- glm(r ~ stage+xray+acid, binomial, data = nodal)

> (cv.err <- cv.glm(nodal, nodal.glm, cost, K = nrow(nodal))$delta)

[1] 0.1886792 0.1886792

> (cv.11.err <- cv.glm(nodal, nodal.glm, cost, K = 11)$delta)

[1] 0.2264151 0.2228551


Cross validation - resampling

• Estimating the precision of sample statistics

(medians, variances, percentiles) by using subsets of available data (jackknifing) or drawing randomly with replacement from a set of data points (bootstrapping)

• Exchanging labels on data points when performing significance tests (permutation tests, also called exact tests, randomization tests, or re-randomization tests)

• Validating models by using random subsets

(bootstrapping, cross validation) 19

Bootstrap aggregation (bagging)

• Improve the stability and accuracy of machine learning algorithms used in statistical classification and regression .

• Also reduces variance and helps to avoid overfitting.

• Usually applied to decision tree methods, but can be used with any type of method.

– Bagging is a special case of the model averaging approach.



10 of 100 bootstrap samples average


• Shows improvements for unstable procedures (Breiman, 1996): e.g. neural nets, classification and regression trees, and subset selection in linear regression

• … can mildly degrade the performance of stable methods such as K-nearest neighbors


Bagging (BreastCancer)

library(mlbench) data(BreastCancer) l <- length(BreastCancer[,1]) sub <- sample(1:l,2*l/3)

BC.bagging <- bagging(Class ~., data=BreastCancer[,-1], mfinal=20, control=rpart.control(maxdepth=3))

BC.bagging.pred <-predict.bagging( BC.bagging, newdata=BreastCancer[-sub,-1])


Observed Class

Predicted Class benign malignant benign 142 2


[1] 0.04291845

malignant 8 81


A little later

> data(BreastCancer)

> l <- length(BreastCancer[,1])

> sub <- sample(1:l,2*l/3)

> BC.bagging <- bagging(Class ~.,data=BreastCancer[,-1],mfinal=20,

+ control=rpart.control(maxdepth=3))

> BC.bagging.pred <- predict.bagging(BC.bagging,newdata=BreastCancer[sub,-1])

> BC.bagging.pred$confusion

Observed Class

Predicted Class benign malignant benign 147 1 malignant 7 78

> BC.bagging.pred$error

[1] 0.03433476


Bagging (Vehicle)

> data(Vehicle)

> l <- length(Vehicle[,1])

> sub <- sample(1:l,2*l/3)

> Vehicle.bagging <- bagging(Class ~.,data=Vehicle[sub, ],mfinal=40,

+ control=rpart.control(maxdepth=5))

> Vehicle.bagging.pred <- predict.bagging(Vehicle.bagging, newdata=Vehicle[-sub, ])

> Vehicle.bagging.pred$confusion

Observed Class

Predicted Class bus opel saab van bus 63 10 8 0 opel saab

1 42 27 0

0 18 30 0 van 5 7 9 62

> Vehicle.bagging.pred$error

[1] 0.3014184


Weak models …

• A weak learner: a classifier which is only slightly correlated with the true classification

(it can label examples better than random guessing)

• A strong learner: a classifier that is arbitrarily well-correlated with the true classification.

• Can a set of weak learners create a single strong learner?



• … reducing bias in supervised learning

• most boosting algorithms consist of iteratively learning weak classifiers with respect to a distribution and adding them to a final strong classifier.

– typically weighted in some way that is usually related to the weak learners' accuracy.

• After a weak learner is added, the data is reweighted: examples that are misclassified gain weight and examples that are classified correctly lose weight

• Thus, future weak learners focus more on the examples that previous weak learners misclassified.



require(ggplot2) # or load package first data(diamonds) head(diamonds) # look at the data!

# ggplot(diamonds, aes(clarity, fill=cut)) + geom_bar() ggplot(diamonds, aes(clarity)) + geom_bar() + facet_wrap(~ cut) ggplot(diamonds) + geom_histogram(aes(x=price)) + geom_vline(xintercept=12000) ggplot(diamonds, aes(clarity)) + geom_freqpoly(aes(group = cut, colour = cut))


ggplot(diamonds, aes(clarity)) + geom_freqpoly(aes(group = cut, colour = cut))



Using diamonds… boost (glm)

> mglmboost<-glmboost(as.factor(Expensive) ~ ., data=diamonds,family=Binomial(link="logit"))

> summary(mglmboost)

Generalized Linear Models Fitted via Gradient Boosting

Call: glmboost.formula(formula = as.factor(Expensive) ~ ., data = diamonds, family = Binomial(link

= "logit"))

Negative Binomial Likelihood

Loss function: { f <- pmin(abs(f), 36) * sign(f) p <- exp(f)/(exp(f) + exp(-f)) y <- (y + 1)/2

-y * log(p) - (1 - y) * log(1 - p)



Using diamonds… boost (glm)

> summary(mglmboost) #continued

Number of boosting iterations: mstop = 100

Step size: 0.1

Offset: -1.339537


NOTE: Coefficients from a Binomial model are half the size of coefficients from a model fitted via glm(... , family = 'binomial').

See Warning section in ?coef.mboost

(Intercept) carat clarity.L

-1.5156330 1.5388715 0.1823241 attr(,"offset")

[1] -1.339537

Selection frequencies: carat (Intercept) clarity.L

0.50 0.42 0.08


example <- blackboost(dist ~ speed, data = cars, control = boost_control(mstop = 50))

### plot fit plot(dist ~ speed, data = cars) lines(cars$speed, predict(, col = "red")


Blackboosting (cf. brown)

Gradient boosting for optimizing arbitrary loss functions where regression trees are utilized as base-learners.


Model-based Boosting

Call: blackboost(formula = dist ~ speed, data = cars, control = boost_control(mstop = 50))

Squared Error (Regression)

Loss function: (y - f)^2

Number of boosting iterations: mstop = 50

Step size: 0.1

Offset: 42.98

Number of baselearners: 1


• Later today

Assignment 7


Admin info (keep/ print this slide)

• Class: ITWS-4963/ITWS 6965

• Hours: 12:00pm-1:50pm Tuesday/ Friday

• Location: SAGE 3101

• Instructor: Peter Fox

• Instructor contact:

, 518.276.4862 (do not leave a msg)

• Contact hours: Monday** 3:00-4:00pm (or by email appt)

• Contact location: Winslow 2120 (sometimes Lally 207A announced by email)

• TA: Lakshmi Chenicheri

• Web site:

– Schedule, lectures, syllabus, reading, assignments, etc.

