• Kennedy vs. Nixon Kennedy- Democrat Young senator from Boston Son of the wealthy Joseph Kennedy Catholic War hero Nixon- Republican Eisenhower’s vice president Great politician Liberals don’t trust him Seen as a “red-baiter” Topics of the election Kennedy’s Catholicism In Houston Kennedy deflects criticism Kennedy seen as too young and not serious Debates give Kennedy’s image a boost US in slight recession Democrats use recession to their advantage Civil Rights Georgia judge sentences MLK to four months in prison JFK campaign contacts judge who releases MLK on bail Assures large African American turnout One of the closest margins in history JFK wins popular vote by 118,000 JFK wins electoral majority of 303 to 219 JFK not seen as having a mandate 1/20/1961 – 11/22/1963 (only served 1,000 days) The new administration seen as young and vibrant JFK appeals to the young to take “the torch” being passed to them JFK White House seen as glamorous JFK a flawed character JFK want to finish the New Deal policies of FDR Federal aid to Space program, education, poor regions, health insurance, housing and higher min. wage Not able to pass most policies Northern Rep. and Southern Dem. work together to block programs Successes Peace Corps Space Program- Must beat Russians –Go to Moon Containment with Flexible response US will respond to threat but not automatically Massive retaliation Missile Gap Dems campaigned on fear of USSR overtaking the US in nuke strength, JFK spends heavily on the military The Bay of Pigs Berlin Crisis JFK mishandling of Cuba leads USSR to challenge him E. Germany builds wall to stop escape to the west The Cuban Missile Crisis JFK goes to Dallas for $$ and to unify Texas Democrats Dallas is seen as hostile to liberals UN ambassador Stevenson hit with a sign and spat upon a month before assassination President advised not to go, JFK goes anyway Kennedy rides in an open limo where he is shot from a building along the route Lyndon Baines Johnson sworn in as president Lee Harvey Oswald is thought to be the killer and is arrested 2 days after his arrest he is killed by Jack Ruby No trial for Oswald or motive found for JFK assassination Warren Report declares Oswald acted alone Conspiracy theories arise Cubans killed JFK Soviets killed JFK The mob killed JFK The CIA killed JFK Magic Bullet http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBXjf8Jce10 Videos in JFK assassination folder Lyndon Johnson Ran against JFK in 1960 for Democratic pres. Nomination Skilled politician who worked both parties Famous for the “Johnson treatment” LBJ uses the assassination of JFK to push through social programs May 22, 1964 Johnson outlines his vision for a “Great Society” in speech LBJ believes that in a rich society no one should be left behind or left out Addresses four areas of concern Economic equality(War on Poverty) Environment Education Health and Welfare Minimum Wage Bill – raises the minimum wage from $1.25 an hour to $1.60 School Breakfast program – provides breakfast to the needy Food Stamp Act – provides food assistance to the poor to help improve diet Revenue Act of 1964 – reduces income tax for poorer Americans Social Security Amendment of 1964 – expands benefits Five areas of concern regarding the environment Air and Water pollution Beautification of the urban environment Waste disposal Use of natural resources Preservation of wildlife, wilderness, natural beauty and historical resources Programs introduced by Johnson Project Head Start – funds preschool programs for the poor Higher Education Act – Supports college tuition scholarships, loans and work-study programs Upward Bound – implement in poor high school students a desire to go to college Adult Basic Education – Educate illiterate adults so they can earn better jobs Job Corps – gives job training to high school dropouts Neighborhood Youth Corps – aimed to help low wage employees improve their education The Work Experience Program – on the job training for people on welfare Medicare – comprehensive health insurance to the elderly through social security Medicaid – provides health and medical assistance to low-income families Many programs are successful while some brought mixed results Backlash over cost and waste Vietnam War ends up taking all of LBJ’s attention and time and hijacks the aims of the Great Society Role of federal government in the daily lives of Americans is expanded