ORVILLE WRIGHT MIDDLE SCHOOL TRANSITION TEAM MEETING MINUTES Attendees: Joy Kabashi, Stephen Rochell, Hina Yousufzai, Kriss Harrigian Location: Title I Office Time: 1:00p.m. – 5:00p.m. August 27, 2008 TOPIC: Principal Hiring Based on the training that was received at LMU on Tuesday, Mrs. Harrigian and Mrs. Yousufzai worked to develop a rubric so that the applications could be reviewed in a fair and standardized process. We took the Principal Job Description flyer and used those qualities in addition to a few others (such as "innovator") for a total of 20 items. All resumes that have been submitted were then reviewed and recorded on this list. The individuals who possessed the most qualities per their resume and letters were then selected to call for an interview. The top two candidates had 15 out of 20 qualities. The other four had 12 out of the 20 qualities. All documentation will be filed and kept for a minimum of two years. Joy will contact Ingrid with who those individuals are in order for her to schedule interviews next week. Since there are 8 candidates that are slated to be interviewed (Mrs. Lamoureaux has already scheduled two interviews from our previous meeting last week - Thank You!) and we decided to plan for 1.5 hours per interview. Suggested dates are July 30th and July 31st, 1:00 – 2:30 p.m. and 2:30 – 4:00 p.m. Spreadsheet listing candidates has been forwarded back to Amy in order for her to send letters of notification that we have received their information and are in the process of review. We will notify potential candidates soon as to interview schedule. TOPIC: Teacher Hiring Mr. Rochell took the Teacher resumes to give to Amy for HR checks and input. TOPIC: Transition Team Meeting Schedule Kriss will request from each team member their summer schedule in order to be aware of who will and will not be attending Wednesday meetings. Meeting adorned Next meeting to be determined (base on interview schedule)